Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
I just got my Apex speaker cables with Galileo today. After burning them for a few hours, I could not resist listening to my system. In comparison to well broken in Accelerator speaker cables, there was no contest. The Apex cables are still a bit rough, a bit more forward but they throw bigger soundstage, more 3 dimensional body to the instruments, more detail and quite a bit faster. I can't tell how much was from the Apex and how much from the Galileo. I expect the sound to continue to improve over the next several days.
Now I have Apex IC between my DAC and amp, just have to save up more money for my phono to amp and get a few more Galileo :)
Has anyone tried powering the T-2 PC for the Quattro with the Galileo mpc-if so what results?
When I receive my Galileo(dual lead) I am running one lead to my T2 on my Quattro and the other to my Precision AC on my QLS 9. I will post results.

Regards Bacardi
I wonder if somebody has any experience using SR power cord on any battery powered equipment?
I have ASR integrated and phono. The pre amp section and phono are battery powered. They require special cables between battery/power unit to the main unit. Considering that the power is stored in the battery first, would that negate any benefit of using expensive power cords between the wall and battery units. I have 2 T3 power cords to the amp section of ASR but both are 20 amps version so I could not try them on the pre/phono sections. Unfortunately I don't live in the US so I cannot use Cable Company library's loan (althought I get most of my cables from them).
Has anyone done a comparison on the effect of the Galileo MPCs on Tesla power cords vs ICs/speaker cables? Is it worth the $$ to add Galileo MPCs to Tesla power cords?
Okay, since no one bit on my question about the G-MPCs on power cords, I'll give you my two cents on what I am hearing since I got two more today and placed one on my Hologram D. Just as much improvement as when I placed one on my Apex ICs a couple of weeks ago. Man, adding these things just keeps reaping benefits. Five now in my system. The cumulative effect is amazing, akin to adding additional Tesla cables/PCs as noted by many of you. If you doubt this, try switching back to the standard MPCs, even on just one location.

They failed to send me the adapters for the older Tesla cables with these two, so I can't try the other one yet on my Accelerator ICs or T3 UHC/T2 PCs. Will let you know when I get the adapters.

Joeyboynj - after initially comparing the newest G-MPC on the Hologram D with a single lead one still on my REL Spec 2 cable, I removed the single lead unit and plugged the second lead from the new one into the REL Spec (following your recommendation). It sounded the same, so, at least in this combination, mixing a power cord and an analog interconnect on one G-MPC worked out fine. I would, however, heed tbg's warning about combining power cords and digital cables on one MPC.

Dlcockrum, can you explain "gray sound and irritating over time" which you described the Accelerators. I am hoping to go back to SR and can't figure out which IC to get.

I actually had the Accelerators a year ago and wonder how much better the Absolute Ref or Precision Ref is and considering uping my budget for one of those two(if I could ever get a deal around 1k).
Hey Frankk, Go back and read the posts, we answered this question many times. All Synergistic cables are different and are VERY system dependent. The most expensive cable in the line is not always the best fit.

First, what are you going to use the Accelerator I/C for? The Accelerators can be gray and irritating in some systems and other not at all. Or if you use too many of them or in the wrong spot in your system. If you are getting an Accelerator use it from Pre to Amp. Even then it may or may not work. You have to try a full compliment of each cable. Borrow them from The Cable Company and then decide which one is best.
Unfortunately the Cable Company does not allow trials to Canada.

I had a deal to buy a pair of older Resolution Refs when someone else here suggested I might like them if budget was a concern, but the seller backed out last minute with cold feet shipping to Canada.

I put an offer on the Absolute Reference being sold here on Agon by a dealer but got a very strange email back regarding pimping (his wording).

So I guess I will just wait for now until something comes up.

I have read the posts in past and can't really recall that much discussion about the gray inference hence why I asked and started thinking that maybe I would like the Absolutes better. Strangely though not as many owners with comments about the Absolute Refs compared to Accelerator, Precision or Apex.
I had Designers Reference X2 years ago and liked the interconnects but had issues with the forward mid-range and mid-bass hump. They were very holographic (though not as holographic as the Tesla's). Also the highs had a slight "grain" and were not as airy or as extended in the highs as any of the Tesla cables I have used in my system. Like so many people here I fell back into the SR line with Tesla Accelerators and later upgraded to the ultra high end combo of Apex / Precision Reference / Apex (my dealer gave me a 100% trade-in allowance toward the Apex / Precision Reference combo so it was a no brainer).

When the Accelerators where in my system I did not notice the forward mid-range, mid-bass hump, or the grainy highs I had with my old Designers Reference IC's. They did everything I liked about the old active cables with far more finesse and transparency. Unless your system is on the bright side (metal dome tweeters and "bargain" digital components, I can't see going wrong with a full complement of Accelerators.
Whoops, meant Acoustic Ref not Absolute Refs in my post a couple back questioning relatively less opinions on it in comparison to the other Tesla cables.
I compared (source to pre/pre to amp) accelerator/accelerator with acoustic ref/accelerator and went with the acoustic reference/accelerator combo.

two accelerators was nice.. very detailed and fast... but replacing the one IC with an acoustic reference gave all the same detail and 99% of the speed with a more fluid, slightly warmer, musical presentation and slightly better soundstage, better bass and midrange and slightly sweeter highs.

With the Accelerator speaker cables and the Accelerator ICs between my CDP and preamp, female vocals (my favorite music type) had a metallic sheen to them (grayness). Even on really well-recorded female vocals like the XRCD2 CD "Best Audiophile Voices II", there was that metallic sheen and the vocal crescendos were almost ear piercing at higher volumes. Same with Nora Jones, Holly Cole, Linda Ronstadt, Shelby Lynn, etc. However, the soundstaging and dynamics were good and the bass was fast and tight.

When I replaced the Accelerator speaker cables with Precision Reference, the metallic sheen (grayness) went away and the peakiness on crescendos was reduced, although female vocal crescendos still had a glare that made me wince.

Once I swapped the Accelerator from the CDP to preamp position to the preamp to amp position and put the Audioquest between the CDP and preamp, most of this glare was eliminated.

Finally, when I replaced the T2 on the CDP with a Hologram D and the AQ Niagara on the CDP to preamp position with the Apex, the glare disappeared entirely and many other things about the sound got way, way better too.

The Accelerator ICs are working very well for me now in the pre to amp position, with Apex ICs on the front end and Precision Reference speaker cables.

I hope this is helpful to you.

Good luck.
I think that Dlcockrum's observations strongly suggest the strong points of Synergistic Research designs. They do make a difference. But, of course, without the sound advice of SR we are all faced with trial and error in choosing which cables are best for us. Every new devise reopens the issue. I love these cables but nevertheless I am frequently faced with issues of which is best. I just got a Oppo 83 universal player modified by Exemplar. It loves the Apex cables but the issue is still out about the Hologram D. This is all part of the quest.
When you were listening to the Accelerators did you also have AQ cables in your system? From your post it seems you had a combo of AQ and Accelerators and later went all (upper end) Tesla? In my system the existence of cables from other manufacturers had a bearing on my perception of the Accelerators. They worked well enough that I bought two pairs, but I was still dealing with the same trade offs I had always believed to be a part of this hobby. It was not until I went 100% Tesla that I came to realize just how good the Tesla cables can be, and just how incorrect those assumptions are.

The synergy thing does not appear to be cut and dried however I can’t imagine the Hologram D not being the best choice for digital- perhaps the CD player is still breaking in?

I am still surprised by the transformation 4 Galileo MPC’s brought to my system. The highs definitely sound sweeter with more air. In fact the whole system sounds more “relaxed”. I'd say the sound is more correct if that makes any sence. I am more then just a little surprised by the improvement in dynamics and over all sound staging. Has anyone gone 100% Galilleo MPC yet? So far I’ve got them on a PowerCell SE and it’s power cord, Apex IC, P.R. IC, and Apex speaker cable. I’ve yet to experiment with them on the rest of my systems power cords. Last night I reconnected the original MPC's and after one song quickly went back to the Galileo's. I can't bealive that was what I had been listening to so I am curious to try more (God help me:)

Yes I was using the AQ Niagara IC along with the Accelerator IC and, yes, the Accelerator does work much better now that my system is all Tesla. So, as you say, it is possible that the results would have been different had my whole system been Tesla-loomed as it is now.

Regarding your query on the Galileo MPCs, I too have them on the Powercell 10SE/Pr AC, PR speaker cables, Apex ICs but have my fourth on my Hologram D and REL Spec 2 IC and have not had one on the Accelerator ICs between pre and amp.

"The highs definitely sound sweeter with more air. In fact the whole system sounds more “relaxed”."

Absolutely agree. It seems that adding more G-MPCs is like buying more real-estate in your soundstage as well as more wholeness and integration to the overall sound.

I added my fifth G-MPC today on the Accelerator ICs and they have once again proven to be the exception to the rule. So far, I actually prefer the Accelerator with the standard MPC. The G-MPC on the Accelerator ICs creates a noticeable loss in image focus and transient attack, although the sound is more relaxed with a fuller bass. The effect seems similar to the differences I found with the T3UHC vs Precision AC on my amp.

As I posted before, the G-MPC did make a very positive improvement on the Hologram D. I will try the fifth MPC on the T3UHC to my amp/T2 to my preamp and also on the T2 to my QLS9 and get back to you.
Update on listening impressions with the Galileo MPCs:

Over the past several weeks, I have added G-MPCs to my system one at a time. So far, these are the ones I have added and they have made significant improvements:

1) Powercell 10SE and included Precision AC cord
2) Precision Reference speaker cables
3) Apex ICs from CDP to pre
4) Hologram D power cord and REL Spec 2 sub interconnect

This leaves my Accelerator ICs from pre to amp, T3UHC on my amp, T2 on my preamp, T2 to the QLS9 powering the MPC's without G-MPCs until yesterday.

This morning, I roused my golden-eared wife into my listening room and tried the fifth G-MPC in each of the above locations:

1) On the Accelerator ICs from pre to amp

Nope. Although there was more ambient information with the G-MPC, there was a dulling of transients and a loss of image focus. Perhaps the razor sharp nature of the Accelerator with the standard MPC is providing just the right balance in this postion.

2) On the T3 UHC to my amp

Nope. Same as above but also too much warmth. The T3 UHC is a warm cord to begin with and adding the G-MPC took it too far in that direction. My guess is that a Precision AC with the G-MPC would be a good upgrade in this position at this point.

3) On the T2 to my preamp:

We could instantly tell that something had been inserted. Immediate increase in ambient information, but took things toward a slight congestion in the sound during complex musical passages. This one will definitely depend on personal preference and the overall system balance. We prefer it without the G-MPC in this position in my system.

4) On the T2 to the QLS9 powering all MPCs:

This one had pluses and minuses. Female vocals were spot on with just the right amount of air and texture (superior to the standard MPC), but drums lost macro dynamics and micro dynamics as a whole suffered slightly. There was again a slight congestion in complex passages. Don't like the trade off.

So, for now, the fifth G-MPC will remain unused in my system. The sound is just SO dialed in with the first four G-MPCs in place, I am choosing to leave well enough alone (for now!).

I will be the first to say that all of this is entirely system dependent and that your results may, and likely will, be different.

Don't know if it is just too much of a good thing or that the G-MPC is better for Powercells, speaker cables, and ICs than it is for power cords. I do know that adding the G-MPC to the Hologram D was a great improvement, so I can't really make a blanket statement on this. Just know what I (and my wife) are hearing.

I do feel that I have accumulated enough experience with the G-MPC to say that it could be a mistake to assume that completely G-MPCing your system will yield the best results. Maybe so, but definitely maybe not.
How broken in is that 5th Galileo? How long was it settled in position before listening? before moving it around?

Just curious as I've noticed that mine don't like being messed with or moved around... things kind of fall apart for a bit.
Adwiegert, I find this is true of SR cables as well. Forget them for several hours after you moved them.
Hey all. I have a Galileo(dual Lead) at the moment and another one it's way with adapters. I was informed by the cable company that if you own the older Tesla cords with the older connectors they are incompatible unless you get the adapters. I was really shocked at that. I can't see myself sending all my Tesla cords to get the connectors changed. Does anyone think the adapter will degrade the signal quality of the Galileo mpc?

Regards Bacardi
I needed adapters also. I doubt that it makes any difference, but how would one know?

The adapters are of high quality and are Quantum Tunneled, so they probably are as good as an adapter can be. The alternative is to have SR re-terminate your cables with the new plugs as Bacardi states. Can't say how much impact that the adapter has on the sound. Question for SR?


The 5th Galileo had overnight breakin. Probably not enough, but the first four generated an immediate improvement fresh out of the package. Likely, they have indeed improved in the two weeks or so they have been installed.

I left the 5th one plugged into the same receptacle in the QLS9 overnight and then through all four trial positions, taking care to minimize the amount of time (less than a minute) that each cable or power cord had the active shielding unplugged when switching between MPCs.

Best I could do with only receiving the adapters on Saturday afternoon and having only Sunday to listen and compare.

I decided to try a Precision Reference IC in place of the Accelerator and a Precision AC and Hologram A in place of the T3UHC. I will provide feedback on this with and without the G-MPC once I get a chance to hear them this weekend.
A few months ago, I had 1/2 my cables upgraded from the miniplugs to the Quantum Tunneled Adaptors. The new adaptors are better as they don’t come undone easily and have a much better connection. I'm currently having all the rest of my cables at Synergistic now and having them all upgraded. Also, waiting to the last 2 Galileo MPC's so my entire system will be powered by them. Review soon.

Finally, getting an ART system as well to try.
Hello Teslaphiles,

I would like to know if any of you have had the
chance to try out the Tesla D3 or D2 digital
cables. I am currently using an Illuminati D60
on a Bel Canto Dac 3. I recently upgraded to
the Hologram D pc and I am blown away. Along
with the powercell se, and T3's my system has
so much air it would be hard to believe that there
is room for any more.

So, if anyone would like to share I would be interested
in your findings.
Bacardi, not true. The Galileo MPC's come in either mini-plugs or DC plugs "adaptors". The only difference is that the mini-plugs are not Quantum Tunneled and the DC plugs are QT'ed
Joeyboynj, I agree that buying a single lead Galileo MPC makes little sense, but in my single experiment I found mixing ics and pcs on a twin lead MPC greatly harmed the sound. I would, of course, agree that experimenting is needed. I should say, however, that SR warned me about a ic and pc mix after I found it.
The DC plugs are also Gold plated and have a slightly warmer and richer balance compared to the old nickel plated mini-plugs. I find the new plugs sound more relaxed and work much better.

Regarding the digital D2 and 3, why not try them in your system? I went 100% Tesla in stages and at each step along the way I could not imagine my system soundIng any better then it did at that time.
Update on G-MPC with Accelerator and Precision Reference ICs:

I left the fifth Galileo MPC plugged up all week and did some extensive listening today with and without the G-MPC on the Accelerator ICs between preamp and amp.

My initial impressions hold true after today's audition. The G-MPC tends to makes the Accelerator too pedestrian in my system, although it does provide more air and bloom around performers and within the soundstage as a whole. With my system balance now just a hair toward the warm side (likely the T3 UHC on my Krell amp with an otherwise very neutral configuration), to my ears the Accelerators provide a better overall balance with the standard MPC.

Accordingly, the G-MPC is awesome with the Precision Reference ICs I have on audition as it takes a bit of the edge off of the fast and aggressive sound of the PR and opens it up. Without the G-MPC, the PR produces a sound that is smaller and less expansive, much like turning off the REL sub with its magical effect on the soundstage and 3-D imaging.

It is a tough call between the Accelerator with standard MPC and the PR with the G-MPC. The sonic difference is certainly easily discernable, it's just a matter of preference. The Accelerator is just as fast, but a bit less razor sharp and a smidgeon more congested than the PR. The PR has better bass taughtness and improved immediacy but is not as musical as the Accelerator. More listening required to make a call.
The difference between the D3 and D2 are much like the differences between a Hologram D and Precision Reference power cords with the D3 having the spooky huge soundstage of the Hologram D and the D2 sounding more pin-point and immediate much like the Precision Reference.

You really should listen to both cables in your system.
Has anyone tried a Galileo MPC on a subwoofers power cord and/or the interconnect rca/balanced? Happy Holidays ALL!!

Regards Bacardi
For the Galileo mpc adapters, is there only one type?? I was under the impression that there was two. One that was siler like the old style connectors and a gold quantum tunneled adapter. I have 4 silver adapters for my 2 dual leads. One is on my T2 to my Quattro and other on my Precision AC to my QLS 9. The other dual is on my T3 on power amp and the other on my T2 to my Pre Processor. I will post my results later.

Regards Bacardi
For the Galileo mpc adapters, is there only one type?? I was under the impression that there was two. One that was siler like the old style connectors and a gold quantum tunneled adapter. I have 4 silver adapters for my 2 dual leads. One is on my T2 to my Quattro and other on my Precision AC to my QLS 9. The other dual is on my T3 on power amp and the other on my T2 to my Pre Processor. I will post my results later.

Regards Bacardi
I have a Galileo on its way. Can anyone tell me
how long they take to fully break in? I plan on
using it on my PowerCell se. If that works out,
I will try one on my Hologram D. So, I would like
to from any one who has tried a G-MPC on a Hologram D
and another PC. Not sure if mixing a digital power
cord and a T3 would be detrimental or not.
Scottmac62, you will immediately know it is better. After a day or so, you will be shocked. After about two weeks, you will just shake your head about now a simple charger of the cable could make such a difference. Then you will wonder whether further improvements could be had! Isn't life at the fringe fun?
Yep, the Galilo MPC's are gping to be a hit for Teslaphils. Its a great enhancement to the whole. I'm using 5 G shields on my entire system and love it.

I'm currently auditioning the Synergistic Research Acoustic ART room treatment system. It is sure more fun than I thought. It so small in size and easy to set up. I know I don’t have it dialed in yet but The Cable Company has been helping my. I'm leaning towards getting a set if I can afford it.

The break in is exactly as Tbg states. I found that, in my system, the Powercell 10SE benefits the most from the G-MPC, followed by the Precision Reference speaker cables, Apex and Precision Reference ICs, REL Spec 2 cable, and Hologram D.

I did not prefer it to the standard MPC on my Accelerator ICs and other Tesla power cords (T3 UHC, T2) or to the T2 powering the QLS9.

Merry Christmas!!
I use the Galileo MPC's on my entire system with great effect. Including my Rel spec sub cable and T3 power cord on the sub. Every shield benefits in my system.
No wires, cables , interconnects, power cords,

Just a """"""MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!""""""and
Happy Holidays
to all....

Best Regards BACARDI
Merry Christmas to you all!!! Happy Holidays!

It was a very Merry Christmas for me... My husband gave me a QLS-9 and another Galileo MPC!

I want to get a different PC for the QLS... actually need more than want.... the cord that comes with it is too short putting the QLS in an awkward position.

Any recommendations? I'd love a Precision, but I'll probably be limited to a T2 or T3 unless I can find one used. I have my Ayre CD and Preamp and two MPCs plugged into the QLS.
Adwiegert, initially I did not hear any improvement in using a T2 rather than the short little, tunneled cord that comes with QLSs, but more recently I tried again and it is much better. I will not go any more expensive on such a cord.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

To answer questions regarding the QLS and which power cords to use, the answer, it depends.

If you are using the QLS primarily as a line strip for MPC's then an Active T2 on either a QLS 6 or 9 will amaze you in it's ability to expand the sound stage and magnify the benefits of an otherwise fully Active SR cabled system. This is especially true when every cable (interconnect, speaker cable, and power cord) is Active. In such a system the activation of the power cord to the QLS will be heard as one of the single greatest benefits of any Active Tesla power cord in the all-active Tesla system.

On the other hand if you are using the QLS as a "line conditioner" (power strip) then either the T3, T3 UHC, or much better (and much more expensive) Precision AC will elevate the QLS to near state of the art performance when powering your entire system. This is very easy to verify through an in-home listening test and should be provided to you by your Synergistic Research dealer for an in home audition between a T3 and a Precision AC. In fact short of an Active Telsa PowerCell, the QLS with a Precision AC is one of the best sounding options available when powering an entire system.

Hope this helps.

Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.

thank you!!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Elliot and everyone else at SR.
Hey Ted,

Thanks! That has been my findings and exactly what I have been recommending.

Best regards,
I finally got a T3 for my subwoofer to replace my old Active Subwoofer AC Master coupler. Can't wait to plug-er-in....All I need now is a Tesla Reference RCA to replace my Active Phase2....then the sub is done.....

Regards Bacardi
I'm going on Friday through to the end. I will be visiting the Synergistic Research room. I haven't heard the Galileo cables yet. I'll be wearing a red carnation standing under the big clock. Might be intersting for a few Audiogonners to meet up?
I am also going and have heard that SR will have the trickle down Galileo tips for use with Apex and other speaker wires and ics. I suspect other things as well.
Tbg.... I can confirm that yes, there will be trickle down Galileo stuff for use with any speaker cable or interconnect. I think the prices were in the 1500 range for ICs and 3000 range for speaker cables. My guess is it gets you the Galileo boxes and cable to hook up to speaker/amp whatever and you run your cable between them.