Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Ted. Do you think for now I should use my Resolution Reference X2 active digital and my HDMI for home theater movies??? Will it be better than just the HDMI??

Regards Paul
heheheheeeeee. Just got demo T2 and T3 from dealer. Even right out of the box and after having to move some other cables around to get things fitting in the right places they sound so much better than the cardas goldens.

I started with the T2 on the pre and the T3 on the CDP. We'll see how it sounds after a few days of playing. I have a 2nd T3 to try on the pre but there's plenty of warmth and detail with the T2 so it might be too much. We'll see though.

I also tried different footers under the QLS instead of having it strapped directly to the rack. No footers there is amazing detail and layering but things have a somewhat harsh edge and the bass is a tad thin. First I tried some herbie's tenderfeet. Sounded ok at first, lots of bass.. but I noticed the sound was muddied and the bass lacked detail. Next I tried some cardas blocks and things opened up more. The muddiness is gone and so is the original harsh edge, bass is deep, full bodied and detailed... however there is still some loss of the soundstage width and air.

I've ordered some ebony domes to try next.
They are new footers based off the ART system.

I'm going to give them a try when they become available for demo!
I heard a demonstration of the Migs at CES on their Esoteric transport on a StillPoints rack of all things. The Migs made a substantial difference with one up and two down, if I recall correctly. That anything has much of an impact on the StillPoints rack amazes me.
I've tried a Sistrum SP-1 under my power amp with a noticeable difference in quality. I also have a Hifi Pyon sub platform with custom sub feet and resonance controlling feet under the platform with astonishing improvements in bass pitch, control, definition & accuracy. My SVS PB13 Ultra is the best bass I've heard anywhere. What a great combo. I am curious how these migs would work under components or speakers(subs) to fine tune things and are they as asthetically pleasing for a room.

Regards Bacardi

Bacardi, I have heard of the Sistrum stands, but none of the others. The Migs are largely like the cups in the ARTs. They would be little noticed.
Tbg, any idea when they will put them on the S.R website and any pricing???

Regards Bacardi
Could someone let me know the outer dimensions (in milimeters if possible) of PowerCell 10SE conditioner?

I am interested in full dimension including feats and front panel height.

The conditioner looks quite large so dedicated shelf will be necessary but I cannot find information about their

Update: from 1-20-2010 post

Well I have moved the Precision Ref Power cord back to my Preamp and the Hologram A back to my Amp. This is the way I will keep it.
It sounds more natural.

The Precision Ref is a very good power cord, and in my system it should be used on my Preamp. It was much better than the T2 that everyone recommends for Preamps.

So, I guess trial and error is still the best way to see what works best for each component.
We are working on a MASSIVE new website that when live will be updated on a daily to weekly basis. This dynamic format is necessary to cover the rapid state of progress we are making on existing and upcoming technologies like the MIG's, Galileo, and recording industry innovations which will have a significant impact not only on audio playback, but also on how recordings are made.

Stay tuned but if you have questions that need answers now, feel free to contact me at the factory.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Owner Synergistic Research Inc.
Ozzy, do you have a QLS with a T2 on it? If so, switch it with your Precision AC on your pre -amp. I have it that way and noticed a big difference in soundstage and dynamics. I think seeing as though most of my S.R cords are plugged into the QLS9 it does more for the overall sound than the T2. Cleaner, blacker, open soundstage and boosts the sheilding dramatically. It gives a very delicate and intense quality to the sound when needed.

Regards Bacardi
Bacardi, I have a T2 powering a Quattro. The Quattro is powered by my Powercell 10SE. The Powercell has Gallio Mini couplers. My Preamp(Pass Labs XP-10)sounds was better with the Precision power cord than when I used the T2 on it.
Any thoughts on T2 vs a T3 on preamp? mine are plugged into a QLS-9 with a precision on it as well. CDP has a T3 on it as does the Amp, but the amp is plugged direct into the wall.
Adwiegert. My suggestion would be to try a Hologram A(one for sale on Audiogon at moment) on your amp plugged directly to the wall(teslaplex). I had a T3 on my amp and the Hologram A was a huge difference(hence my previous forum conclusions).If you replace it with the T3 then move the T3 to subwoofer if you have one. The T3 will be the best cord in the S.R Tesla line for a sub....Hands down...

Regards Bacardi

I would love love love to do that but I don't have that kind of money (hence the T series cords), especially after picking up that precision.

Right now I have the following

QLS-9 with Precision PC (CDP and Pre along with 4 MPCs plugged into the QLS)
T3 on amp into wall
Both into Teslaplex.

On loan are two T3s and a T2.

One T3 is on the CDP and I'm swapping back and forth between the T2 and T3 on the pre. We'll call this combo A.

Other options I'm considering are the following combos

Combo B

T3 on CDP
T2/T3 on pre
T3 on amp moved from wall to QLS
Precision left on QLS

Combo C

T3 on CDP
T2/T3 on pre
Precision on amp into wall
T3 on QLS

If I had the money I'd just buy a powercell 10se, a Hologram A, Hologram D and put my precision on the preamp with the T3 from the powercell to the QLS for powering the MPCs.

Anyone have suggestions?
No... because I'm using Galileo MPCs. Ted puts the quattro at the bottom sound wise... and the Galileo MPCs on a QLS with precision PC near Enigma sound quality when plugged into a powercell.
Adwiegert is correct, I sold my Quattro and bought all Galileo MPC's for all 10 shields in my system. The Galileo's crush the Quattro in performance. The details have been discussed in previous posts.
The Galileo's may be better than the Quattro in sound performance but I dont like all the mini couplers to deal with.
Besides, with the Powercell using 2 Galileos and the Quattro being plugged into the Powercell, am I really missing that much?
Ozzy, I know what you are saying. It looks like a snake's nest behind my system. But I do suspect you are losing a good deal. I never heard a Quattro, but the Galileo MPCs are exceed the originals.

I would not be surprised were there a new Quattro or Enigma soon.

Bacardi, are you selling your Quattro?
I can't figure out which to go with on the preamp! I've given both 4 days to settle before intensive listening. And now I've rigged them up so I can swap them back and forth without moving them very much.

Today I spent the past 5 hours listening to a song with one cable, swapping to the other and listening again, rinsing and repeating before moving on to another CD or song.

If I had only auditioned the T2 on the preamp I would be perfectly happy with it. But the T3 adds some things I really like... but it also adds some things I'm not sure of. It makes the T2 sound a tad thin in the midrange with a little less body and soundstage width... but the T2 makes the T3 sound overly warm at times... to the point were it's a bit closed in.

I have a headache now.
02-10-10: Adwiegert

"Today I spent the past 5 hours listening to a song with one cable, swapping to the other and listening again, rinsing and repeating before moving on to another CD or song."

Were you washing your hair during all this? I try to rinse and repeat also. (o:
Ozzy, Yes, going all Galileo is a significant improvement over the Quattro. I would not have sold the Quattro if it was not. I have all the MPC's plugged into the bottom outlets on my Powercell 10SE and I neatly coiled all the cables and they hide neatly under my audio rack and neatly snake to the DC plugs on my cables. My setup looks very neat and tidy. Just takes a little planning. Get a rack that has feet on a clearance underneath and neatly hide the wire there like I did.
Joeyboynj , How did you get the Mini Couplers plugged into the bottom outlet on the Powercell ?
Are you using cones?
Ozzy, I was wondering the same thing a few days ago how someone would raise their Powercell in order to connect their MPC's.

I ended up buying a QLS 9 with a T2 (like Ted suggested) connected to my Powercell SE and it works well with all my MPC's. The QLS 9 is anchored on the wall. Although now I'm starting to run out of outlets on my QLS9. Another QLS9 & T2 in my foreseeable future...
Or if it's on a rack, back it up flush with the rear of the shelf and the MPCs can hang off the back.
Someone asked about the Powercell SE's dimensions. I took the measurements and here's what I came up with:

- 451mm (17.75") width
- 362mm (14.25") depth
- 140mm (5.5") height
Joeyboynj, I have all of my SR power cords plugged into the PowerCell leaving room only for the charger of the PC cord and PC and for the T2 that leads to my QLS-9, all of whose outlets are occupied by MPCs. As I have said behind my rack is a rats nest. What neatness I had was lost when I changed to the StillPoints rack. I ardently hope for a new Enigma in the near future.

I hasten to tell everyone that the PowerCell itself greatly improves with isolation feet beneath it. Try Migs there or other feet, such as StillPoints, and you will not go back.
---> Airportsyndrome

Thank you very much for measurements. I have asked about it.
You have done what was impossible for other users and even for famous Synergistic Research customer serviceÂ…
Thank you once again.
01-26-10: Shellie
I was visiting the SR factory today to see and hear the new Galileo cable cells (amazing). While I was there I asked Ted about Bacardi's idea for an Active HDMI cable and learned that Ted already has one at home. Long story short Ted went on to post the basic gist of our conversation to this thread not realizing that I was already logged in on his computer. I apologize for any problems this may cause and hope people will understand.

This, right next to a message sent by Ted on the same day giving some advice..... under the name and nick of Shellie... You can check a few posts back if you missed.

So now, how many of you think Shellie and Ted are the same person?

Makes me wonder how many other posters could also, potentially be SR staff...

Not saying anything. Just does not look too good. Check Shellie's answers on this site. Not too many interest beyond SR products.... Strange at the very least. So Am I being overly suspicious, or others also think there could be a case of double personality here.
I'd posted this as a seperate thread and didn't get any responses.

Teslaplex and outlet covers? Anyone experimented?

The Oyaide is a bit too expensive for me.... but furutech has a carbon and brass cover and Acme has a really beautiful Ebony wood cover... then there's all the other various plastic, stainless, brass, etc.

Anyone played with these with their teslaplex?

I agree with you, it does not look very good. The day I made that post I was simultaneously working on our new website over several computers all running different versions of Windows and OS X in different browsers (thatÂ’s actually what I am doing today). I was also conducting a demonstration of the new Galileo Universal Cells for a local audiophile (Shellie). Later that day we had a distributor stopping by to hear the Galileo Cells and MiGs so we were preparing for that. The phone was ringing off the hook and I was taking technical calls. Basically a hectic day in a small research based company.

While demonstrating the Galileo Universal Cells, taking them out, playing a track and placing them back in our reference system Shellie mentioned Bacardi's post. In between tracks I sat down at one of the computers in the next room and banged out a response to Bacardi's question not noticing Shellie had logged on to AG using that computer. I don't expect anyone to give me a pass but that in a nutshell is what happened.

As to wondering about the validity of posts on an anonymous Internet discussion group, you should be skeptical- very skeptical. At the end of the day you need to trust your ears and draw your own conclusions.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney III
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
Ted, you are good...

Agreed you need to trust your ears. However there are a lot people, specially non us, who can not possibly hear before buying. Like my case and surely many others. Is for these individuals that forums like this one has a lot of value if carried out right, and credibility of posters and content is key.

Being this forum the most vast source of info regarding SR products on the Web, there needs to be special care taken on these kind of things. Not sure I would buy that story if I was not a customer myself already. I have banned other manufacturers/products I was considering before for posts that looked to be "cooked".

Now not saying that is the case here. Only it looks like it. I have heard your products (actually I own many of them if you see my system) and think they are good. This include HA, HD, P. AC, T2, Powercell, Apex biwire, Apex XLR, PR, Galileo MPCs...

Now I'm considering some phono and digital, but I'm having some problems lately on recently acquired MPC and PR that I would like to comment with you to see how I can get solved, since I'm not getting a solution from SR post sell. I'm confident it is an isolated case and that it will be solved soon.

Will send you a mail with my particular case, not to get people bored.

Does anyone know if S.R will start showing there new stuff from CES 2010 on the web site, or even finnish the site from the Tesla seies???

Regards Bacardi
It's getting there. They are making an entirely new site and then switching over when it's done.
Hi everyone,
Does anyone know if it would be okay to use a dual lead
Galileo mpc on a D2 digital ic. Is it possible that the
spare lead would pick up any interference? Is there a
way to ground the unused lead. I wont to stick with the
dual lead G-mpc so that I have the option to try the G-mpc
on future SR ic's.

Someone mentioned from a previous post not to mix digital and analog signals. I have MPC's powering ic's and sc's with no problems. But my D3 is a lone ranger with a single lead MPC.
Airport, I used a Galileo MPC on my D3 and a power cord, and thought something was seriously wrong with my system. When I put the D3 on its own everything was dramatically improved. Perhaps the D3 is a different animal, but when I asked Ted about this, he told me that I should not mix signal and power cables on the same MPC.
Tbg, you're right. Mixing power and signal or digital and analog on the same MPC's are definite no-no's. Btw, what sonic difference did you hear when you upgraded to Galileo MPC on your D3?
"Is it OK to have two power cords on a single MPC?"

I have a single MPC powering (2) T2 power cords with no sound degradation. But they are on the analog side. T2 on preamp & T2 on QLS-9.

I'm interested on what others have to say if the dual leads will work on a Hologram D combination (e.g., Hologram D & preamp/power amp pc).

I have a fire ext. in my kitchen just in case.
Anyone experience any excessive heat from there Powercell 6,10 or 10SE??

Regards Paul
Anyone experience any excessive heat from there Powercell 6,10 or 10SE??

Regards Paul