Songs that sound like Dylan

Or others? Not covers.

Voice, melody, lyrics

Biloxi by Hiss Golden Messengers


Jimmy LaFave covered some Dylan songs and wrote some of his own with similar phrasing.

I tried to imagine your question being asked by Bob, but then I couldn't understand what he was saying. 😂


Dylan's discography speaks for itself.




















No parkin' by the sewer sign
Hot dog, my razor's broke
Water drippin' up the spout
But I don't care, let it all hang out

Let it out (let it all hang out)-The Hombres

And no one‘s mentioned Tony bird. I guess he’s too much of a rarity. He was a White African guy who moved to New York City in 1978. He lived there until his death I think three years ago. I had heard that even Bob Dylan dropped into one of his concerts to hear him. Very Dylanesque. Check him out. He was one of my favorites. RIP

"And, there'd be no Joni Mitchell (or any other songwriting greats) without Dylan. Dylan was the pioneer who broke through all the restrictive conventions shackling songwriting up to that point and blasted the genre wide open. This is an enormous accomplishment, whether you care for his music or not. "


Oh boy, what next? He came before the Big Bang? That is a really off the wall statement, and I don't say it with my malice toward you, I enjoy your contributions, but this is just too much. 

Neil Young for on topic.

New to me, Bob Dylan song recently heard and like is "Man in the long black coat".

Yes it is slightly off topic.


"It was annoying to see him receive a Nobel prize for poetry when, in my opinion, Joni Mitchell would have been far more deserving. I think overrated is an understatement when it comes to Dylan."

We all have our own tastes. Joni Mitchell is without question a superb lyricist but Dylan at his best is much wider ranging and thus, I'd argue, more universal. Of course, women might well have a different opinion. And, there'd be no Joni Mitchell (or any other songwriting greats) without Dylan. Dylan was the pioneer who broke through all the restrictive conventions shackling songwriting up to that point and blasted the genre wide open. This is an enormous accomplishment, whether you care for his music or not. 

Early Dylan does lyrics like no other human being...The Highway 61 era was genius!

Another comment about Tom Petty. The first time I heard him I thought, this guy is the next Bob Dylan. Then he started on the whole sing songy whinny thing and I couldn’t listen to him anymore.



You guys beat me to it. DEFINITELY Steeler’s Wheel, Stuck In the Middle With You.

Reservoir Dogs, anyone?

A few of Willy (Mink) DeVille's offerings in his later years remind me of Dylan.

Not a copy, but remind me of such.



The only time I saw Dylan, he sounded nothing like Dylan.

More like Yoko Ono.

Complete waste of money.

the stones' "jigsaw puzzle" is so overtly dylanesque as to veer close to parody. always like it, tho.

Stealer’s Wheel “Stuck In The Middle With You.” Voicing always reminded me of Dylan for some reason. 


I am certainly "of his time" being 67 years old, and I love good lyrics, but I guess that he and I are just from different tribes, because I just never heard what you and many others hear in his lyrics. I understand that others do. 

@ roxy54 '

I couldn't disagree more. Yeah, Joni Mitchell is a fine lyricist. She is able to express human emotions with clarity and power. But at their best, Dylan's lyrics absolutely ring. They explore both the edges of the universe and the edges of the human mind. Even when they don't make sense, they make perfect sense.


You're right, but I really feel that way about him. It was annoying to see him receive a Nobel prize for poetry when, in my opinion, Joni Mitchell would have been far more deserving. I think overrated is an understatement when it comes to Dylan.

Besides Dylan...

JJ Cale and Eric Clapton

The Rutles and The Beatles (yes, parody but still)

Spinal Tap and The Who/Queen - they mashed together several bands at once. 





Despite my clumsy thread title does not have to be Dylan. 

(Did anyone listen to Biloxi?)

How about David Bowie doing his "Song for Bob Dylan"? Then again, back in the 1970's me and my band would go into full wheeze when we'd do something like Desolation Row.

Tom Petty sounded very Dylan - like during his "Mudcrunch" days.One specific song  I'm thinking of is "The Wrong Thing".

Unfortunately, there'll only be one Bob Dylan His unique style is in it by itself.

Joan Baez used to be able to do a great Dylan impression, but her voice has headed south just like Dylan's.  I know that's not what you're looking for but I just thought I'd throw it in for a laugh.

Another example is Dawes'

I Can't Think About It Now

Pretty much dead ringer for Dire Straits.