Solar flares are here, everyone unplug your dryer!

Turns out we have exceptionally high solar activity right now, with a category 4 solar flair expected to impact the planet, potentially affecting satellite communications, electronics and power grids.

Of course, if history is any guide the news is absolutely over excited over this, at best those in the northern states may see pretty lights at night.  I was particularly amused this afternoon at a CNN weather person recommending you unplug your dryer just to be safe.  I mean, is that really the most important appliance in his house?  🤣

Also, kind of off topic, if you have binoculars or a telescope with the right solar filters you can catch a glimpse of the dark spots on the sun associated with this CME.  Amazing to imagine that it is about 15-16x wider than the earth. 


incredible the numbers of petty hating ego who miss the message and attach the posters... WITHOUT logical arguments...

@mahgister , you turn a thread about solar flares into your own personal soapbox to stand on while you rant and state your polarizing opinions about politics and foreign policy and it’s everybody else’s fault?

If you cannot read my posts which is aimed at all useless wars and take one exemple (Ukraine) as a reason for your blindness to negate the evident fact that money must go in the infrastructures to protect people for cataclysms of Nature not in wars , if you let your hate blind you then dont read my post but dont attack my character...

«Private profit is often hidden under a careful coating of great patriotism. »- Isaac Asimov



incredible the numbers of petty hating ego who missed the message and attack the posters... WITHOUT logical arguments...


By the way i always used arguments in the threads you claimed i destroyed...

Stupidity destruct threads not arguments...

Read in yourself what you project onto others characters...

It seems your hate for me is long term even if i never attacked you, enjoy it ...


By the way OP i contributed positively to this thread unlike the three clowns who came here hating me without any positive content about the matter of the thread...


@mahgister what you are saying about Ukraine, spreading lies and baseless conspiracy theories is absolutely evil. 10s of 1000s of civilians have been tortured and killed by Putin’s thugs and the invasion, which nobody provoked.

There is zero proof for anything that you are saying, you are completely delusional (and/or evil). I came back several times to this thread and stopped short of commenting, but nothing good comes out of letting you spread lies and not refuting them.

You effectively derailed and destroyed this thread like you do most of the time. My apologies to the OP for taking the bait.


A lot of threads take this turn. I have behaved for almost a month and never commented on anything he wrote. But that doesn't excuse my comment here, now

@mahgister what you are saying about Ukraine, spreading lies and baseless conspiracy theories is absolutely evil. 10s of 1000s of civilians have been tortured and killed by Putin’s thugs and the invasion, which nobody provoked.

There is zero proof for anything that you are saying, you are completely delusional (and/or evil). I came back several times to this thread and stopped short of commenting, but nothing good comes out of letting you spread lies and not refuting them.

You effectively derailed and destroyed this thread like you do most of the time. My apologies to the OP for taking the bait.

When a big CME will arrive where will you hope the big money investment could had been allocated by wise leaders : the destruction and wars or maintenance and creation of infrastructure?

I will go to Texas; I understand that they have a good handle on how to handle a power grid.

No you are right

 ...prepare your home for potential power grid meltdown.   People lived in cold climates before electricity.

       I'm all about having a generator/home power source, in the event of a power outage.   However: if what you're dependent on is not hardened against an EMP (Solar or Nuclear) event, your power could potentially still be compromised.

                                  Anything Solid State can/may be fried!

        I won't derail this thread with a discourse on what's been coming across our borders, of late, but (something to consider):

                                     This is no Chicken Little scenario!   




                            Yeah (I know): IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE!

                                               I HOPE you're right!

      Don't know if this has been covered, in all of the above rhetoric, but:

      The closer one lives to the North Pole (for this event), the greater the effect of the electromagnetic disturbances.    ie: Possible blown grid transformers/power outages, etc.

       Our/Earth's magnetic field is weaker at the poles and allows more of the Sun's excretions to react with our atmosphere's gases.   Why what we're now seeing ("Northern Lights") further South, is an anomaly.

        All wiring can, given enough surrounding electromagnetic energy, act as an antenna and absorb whatever's available.

                                          The results are nothing new:  


Figures!  Tonight my DVR won't record, but probably will after a reboot, which will cause me to miss Saturday Night Live.

Post removed 

This article draw my attention  the latitude of quebec being  almost 47 degree...


«Using simple calculations, Tsurutani and Lakhina showed that a Perfect CME would reach Earth in only 12 hours, allowing emergency managers little time to prepare, and slam into our magnetosphere at 45 times the local speed of sound. In response to such a shock, there would be a geomagnetic storm perhaps twice as strong as the Carrington Event of 1859. Power grids, GPS and other high-tech services could experience significant outages.

Sounds bad? Turns out it could be worse......


The team found that geomagnetic disturbances in response to a Perfect CME could be 10 times stronger than Tsurutani and Lakhina calculated, particularly at latitudes above 45 to 50 degrees. “[Our results] exceed values observed during many past extreme events, including the March 1989 storm that brought down the Hydro-Quebec power grid in eastern Canada; the May 1921 railroad storm; and the Carrington Event itself,” says Welling.»

Interesting article to read but a bit doom... 😁


This is also interesting:

«"Larger CMEs can reach a size comprising nearly a quarter of the space between Earth and the sun by the time it reaches our planet", said NOAA in a statement. »

I found this interesting :

«Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are episodic eruptions of solar plasma and magnetic flux that travel out through the solar system, driving extreme space weather. Interpretation of CME observations and their interaction with the solar wind typically assumes CMEs are coherent, almost solid-like objects. We show that supersonic radial propagation of CMEs away from the Sun results in geometric expansion of CME plasma parcels at a speed faster than the local wave speed. Thus information cannot propagate across the CME. Comparing our results with observed properties of over 400 CMEs, we show that CMEs cease to be coherent magnetohydrodynamic structures within 0.3 AU of the Sun. This suggests Earth-directed CMEs are less like billiard balls and more like dust clouds, with apparent coherence only due to similar initial conditions and quasi homogeneity of the medium through which they travel. The incoherence of CMEs suggests interpretation of CME observations requires accurate reconstruction of the ambient solar wind with which they interact, and that simple assumptions about the shape of the CMEs are likely to be invalid when significant spatial/temporal gradients in ambient solar wind conditions are present.»




and knowledge of nothing.

If you claim this CORRECT ME with a rational argument or stay mute...

By the way, the harassment was a polite request to keep posts shorter).

Liar you already harassed me with hate instead of arguments in the past like the other troll here and calling someone post "boring" in his private mail box uninvited with no reason is harassment and insulting ...

Stop lying at least if you cannot stop being an idiot...


I just get really frustrated by and tired of one particular loudmouth who has an opinion about everything

Poor little soul who is so tired and so frustrated ...


Are you a character  from a Simpsons comic?

@mahgister instead of relying on others why don’t you prepare your home for potential power grid meltdown. People lived in cold climates before electricity.

I dont give a damn about myself i think about OTHERS younger and with children and no money...

infrastructures are a public affair ....

Not a survival egoistic affair like in apocalypse hollywood movie ....


Probably because it is more enjoyable to turn a solar flare discussion into a rant about foreign policy.  


Dear troll you are here only trailing behind an idiot who harassed me in my private mail box and you joined in hate ...No argument and no content ...

And protecting infrastructure is vital...

And if you dont know how government in Canada and in US dont give a damn  your brain need a tuning ...


 instead of relying on others why don't you prepare your home for potential power grid meltdown.

Probably because it is more enjoyable to turn a solar flare discussion into a rant about foreign policy.  

@mahgister  instead of relying on others why don't you prepare your home for potential power grid meltdown. People lived in cold climates before electricity.

I have 40 years old vintage dryer simply because I don't use it much maybe few times per year. Prefer hanging on the street. I love neighbors to see my underwear flapping on the wind.

I live in Canada. In winter we live through sub zero temperatures for many successive months...

A house is not habitable here without electricity...

This is why this problem make me think a lot....

More perhaps than those who lives in milder condition...

When you live at 25 celsius under zero for many days without electricity. You cannot live long especially older people...

And i cannot have all it takes to survive without electricity...


A CME is a previsible reoccuring regular event... We know it...

Government had the duty to prepare the infrastructure for it. period.

You just couldn’t hold yourself back, could you, @mahgister .

And yourself who harassed me in others thread WITHOUT ANY ARGUMENT from you you just could not hold back yourself ?

No i could not hold back about a very well known fact of history dude well illustrated in the last years: the elite governing the West did not invested in the critical infrastructures necessary for SURVIVAL in case of CME or meteorites impact. They did not even give a damn about the day to day infrastructure maintenance.

When a big CME will arrive where will you hope the big money investment could had been allocated by wise leaders : the destruction and wars or maintenance and creation of infrastructure?

You are not in revolt and angry about this problem concerning the electrical grid fragility easy to repair with less money than the budget invested in wars ?

Or your petty hate against me blind you ?

No you seems not...

You aligned yourself behind a liar who harassed my private mail for sure stirring the pot here ... 😊


By the way as most people you had never lived a 12 hours without electricity at all in winter...

Myself i 1989...

This is why i called criminals those who invested in provoked wars...





I apologize to the OP for sure ...

But hyenas who did not contribute at all to this thread matter attacked me i answered...


All criminals after the last four years of masses controls, giving money to Ukraine and Israelis to entertain ongoing wars, never adressed the grid stability problem... Think about criminals think about those who lead North America...

You just couldn't hold yourself back, could you, @mahgister  .

Well this thread is going nowhere good.  Can we at least get back to astronomy? 

the lack of a blocking feature has been a sore point on this site for a long time.  all you can do is skip over them.

Does anyone know if there is a way to block a poster so their posts are not visible? There is one particular poster who posts meaningless paragraphs about everything under the sun - mostly incorrect. I politely sent that person a pm asking him to keep posts short and the reply was rude and offensive. Thank you in advance.

Thanks for that. I guess I will just keep on not reading these long winded diatribes of nothingness. I am sure we all know about whom I am posting.

laoman going in an email invasion with ONLY the short sentence : "your posts are boring stop it" is not polite nor kind ...You dont invade private mail with this crap  from your behind...

I answered go on with harassing me in my private mail again and i will report you ...

You decided to go public here with this lie you concocted i answered in a straight way..

If my posts are all mostly incorrect most of the times poor liar CORRECT THEM...or stay mute...

Stay out of my private mail and kept your insult for you...

Anybody with a brain can skip posts , everyone here do it without insulting anyone in his private box...

Did you get it ?

I just posted in this thread information about our grid, what was your post : anonymus cowardly slanders with the hope of stirring the pot of hate...

I pity idiots but not haters...


Thanks for that. I guess I will just keep on not reading these long winded diatribes of nothingness. I am sure we all know about whom I am posting.

Yes, @laoman  , unfortunately I do know.

No wander my iPhone 15 was cutting in and out dropping calls

I was thinking our local cell tower was causing the problem 

@laoman I find three kinds of challenging posts here: meaningless, unintelligible and deceitful (aside from trolling). It's especially confusing when it comes from the same person. I can have all the empathy in the world for the first two, but I have a hard time with the third kind - premeditated misinformation.... 


Thanks for that. I guess I will just keep on not reading these long winded diatribes of nothingness. I am sure we all know about whom I am posting.


@laoman  , to the best of my knowledge, this site has no blocking feature.  I suppose that all that you can do if you find the content of a post objectionable (and given the content of the particular post, I can see how that might be) is to report it by clicking on the date and time at the upper RH corner of post and then following the prompts.  

The surge protector thread has made me so paranoid that I have unplugged almost everything except for the TV and the computer and the refrigerator.  

Does anyone know if there is a way to block a poster so their posts are not visible? There is one particular poster who posts meaningless paragraphs about everything under the sun - mostly incorrect. I politely sent that person a pm asking him to keep posts short and the reply was rude and offensive. Thank you in advance.

Post removed 

So, to all of you who plug your amps straight into the wall without using protection like your daddy told you to, let's see how we all fair on the other side of this. :)

@ghdprentice  I'm going to try to put my binoculars and solar filters together tomorrow and take a close look!

You never know what you will hear.


I was just out observing the sun with my solar telescope. Wow. I have never seen the sun so active. Huge prominences, arches of plasm extending high above the surface. Big circular spikes extending from the ubiquitous sunspots. The whole sun is boiling. So different than calm times when it is just a yellow disk.

Let me say that we need electricity...

I dont have anything to make my soup heating...

And in winter here it is really cold at night ...

I will pray for our grid to stay whole and working ...

I remember very well the last time with a CME... 😊

All criminals after the last four years of masses controls, giving money to Ukraine and Israelis to entertain ongoing wars, never adressed the grid stability problem... Think about criminals think about those who lead North America...


«Québec is especially vulnerable. The province sits on an expanse of Precambrian igneous rock that does a poor job conducting electricity. When the March 13th CME arrived, storm currents found a more attractive path in the high-voltage transmission lines of Hydro-Québec. Unusual frequencies (harmonics) began to flow through the lines, transformers overheated and circuit breakers tripped.»


for us in quebec there is a good news , for you Americans i dont know but i doubt it  :

«“We have made lots of progress,” he says. “In fact, if the 1989 storm happened again today, I believe Québec would not lose power. The modern grid is designed to withstand an extreme 1-in-100 year geomagnetic event. To put that in perspective, March 1989 was only a 1-in-40 or 50 year event–well within our design specs.”»