Responses from cincyjim
Trojan Warning? None here on Mac Book Pro, or iPhone15, iPad Air 2, the iPad is blessing for I’m able to load my Music Library on at 128 GB. | |
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore? Yes every weekday mornings on 550 WKRC, Cincinnati, OH 6am - 9am On I Heart Radio or TuneIn App. from my iPad to Stereo System with USB. | |
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report John Melloncamp Rough Harvest, Last night at 10:00pm. | |
What is the science behind audiophile fuses? I wonder if fuses would make a difference in my N- Scale Model Railroad run more efficient. | |
Why do I have to prove I am a human, every time I refresh a page on this site ? Apple says your password can be compromised you need to change your password to something with ten or fifteen letters, numbers or some other stuff. | |
Whats playing on your system today? That Singer and song writer from Seymour, IN who visit my home town Cincinnati, OH John Melloncamp. | |
What were your favorite gear additions in 2024? I used to near live Morrow Audio I also visited the shop couple times a week. | |
1990 Radio Shack catalog We still have 2 Radio Shacks located here in Southwest Florida, One in Cape Coral, FL, The other one I think it’s in Fort Myers, or Naples, FL | |
New Synergistic Master Fuse @grannyring I’ve been thinking about switching to Master or Pink Fuse for my Aragon 8008BB Amplifier which has Orange Fuse, 12.5 amp 1.25 inch. I have a Pink Fuse in Bifrost 2 DAC .500ma .75 inch | |
An audio component you just can't let go My trusty Aragon 8008 BB Amplifier with a bunch of upgrades, Also my Sony CDP 707esd CD player. | |
Any decent hifi shops around Columbus OH? 3 in Cincinnati Area. 1. Audible Elegance 2. Hanson Audio Cincinnati, and Dayton area 3. Morrow Audio Florence, KY | |
Worst Rock Band Ever !!!! Kiss, AC DC, Queensryche, Now comes the solo artist. George Thorogood, and Billy Joel | |
Any audiophile use computer (MacBook) as your audio streaming source? I also stream with Mac Book Pro, but also have some of my CD collection loaded on Mac Book Pro has a CD Drive. | |
JD Souther has passed away R.I.P. JD Souther, He starred in the first two seasons on TV Show Nashville, that Starred Connie Britton, Charles Esteen. | |
Best sounding FM table radio ever made... My Parents had a KHL AM & FM kept it on local AM Station WLW 50000 watt station I recently found out that WLW meant World’s Largest Watts. At night it would broadcast 100000 watts Transmitter located at Voice Of America north of Cincinn... |