Responses from lloydc
Speaker Jumper/Link Cables - Best Ones? Nordost Valhalla, Tara Labs Omega Evolution OR.. "Warm" jumpers to ...tweeters? You might want to focus on the frequencies those jumpers are carrying. | |
New Amp Advice The incremental improvement possible over the Mich is very, very small ( unless you move to tubes) and it can control every speaker you might desire - they don't get much better. There is considerable room for improvement to your speakers, turnta... | |
Qualified service technicians disappearing! Recommendations wanted It kind of negates efforts to buy "made in USA" if it's no more easily repaired than that. | |
What contributes most to a change in how an amplifier sounds? All of it contributes. The weight of an amp is its most important spec. | |
In the sand box I had a Bright Star sandbox. It degraded the sound of my tube amp, and did not help the turntable, | |
Accuphase class A amps - going up the food chain from an A-48 to an A-80 or A-300? @Toronto416, thanks for the heads-up! | |
Isolation transformer question @ steakster, you are fortunate. It is my understanding that the larger the iso transformer, the more likely it is to hum. IME, there is always some hum on very large whole-house transformers, but they are located outside or in their own room, fa... | |
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread I too had reliability problems with some 12ax7 Psvanne tubes, which failed quickly, several years ago, so I swore off them, but I might try an improved design. I could use “phono quality” 12ax7’s, for a phono preamp. The only way I know to... | |
Isolation transformer question You need to know that isolation transformers hum. I threw out a 2kv Soundtrapper isolation transformer because the noise of the hum more than counter-acted any perceived benefit to the electronics’ noise floor | |
Check This Out! "The result is truly liberating: the Galle DAC simply exists." That's reassuring. I was thinking "this cannot be real." | |
Do other DACs do this? Auralic Vega I have one, it doesn’t do that. | |
Record cleaning and realistic expectations Some cleaning regimens are obsessed with the rinse cycle, advocating distilled water only. I use a VPI HW-17. The vacuum removes whatever liquid is on the record. Is there any reason to believe ethanol in the rinse would leave a residue? It is... | |
One-stop solution for vacuum record cleaner? @audiodwebe, looking at some of my old threads - I did take your advice and ordered L'Art Du Son. | |
I’m confused. Please explain. I more or less agree with @stuartk, so I should add that no system can fully reproduce the rich tone of fine instruments. But I think sounding “real” is the most basic requirement for a high end system, because I know what real sounds like, and eu... | |
I’m confused. Please explain. I’ve played a classical guitar for a long time, and listened to many. I know what they sound like, and in different rooms and venues. As far as I’m concerned, a system that can’t get a guitar to sound real must be all wrong. If you are familiar... |