Solar flares are here, everyone unplug your dryer!

Turns out we have exceptionally high solar activity right now, with a category 4 solar flair expected to impact the planet, potentially affecting satellite communications, electronics and power grids.

Of course, if history is any guide the news is absolutely over excited over this, at best those in the northern states may see pretty lights at night.  I was particularly amused this afternoon at a CNN weather person recommending you unplug your dryer just to be safe.  I mean, is that really the most important appliance in his house?  🤣

Also, kind of off topic, if you have binoculars or a telescope with the right solar filters you can catch a glimpse of the dark spots on the sun associated with this CME.  Amazing to imagine that it is about 15-16x wider than the earth. 


When we moved from MD to WNC and had a new house built, we had the electrician install a whole house surge protector, which occupied two slots in the main panel.  We absolutely needed this sort of thing years ago in MD, when the underground cables were three plus decades old and failing.  The expense of adding this to our main panel was not much, well worth the investment.

@cleeds ...👍 ...Agreed.  Mostly too lazy to thesaurus, I'll work on it...;)

@nonoise ...*laugh*  Touche'....🤷‍♂️...

....this is a bit 'straight' for me, but...

I'd hope not to be put into psychic prison of that sort....esp. if WE want to elect someone Very Different....😎

Towards a Better Me.... *clink*

... sort of gibberish, which is Certainly NOT my ’style’ or intent ever here @ A’gon....Most notice that I do use proper capitalization...unless I’m making a Point or Drawing (hopefully) Attention to some (hopefully) salient issue o/r comment o/r even that which I generally refer to as an in ...

That’s why people think you post gibberish. *S*. You say things that don’t add up *VBG** You invent words like *Absurdvation* and expect us to decode your renderings. *L* *erp**dld*

Most notice that I do use proper capitalization...

You could have fooled me.

unless I’m making a Point or Drawing (hopefully) Attention to

Unless you are making a point of, and drawing attention to, words at random.

*Erp* . . . *f* . . . But then Again, only you Would know . *P*.


@onhwy61 ....I recognize those odds.....but wonder 'Which Gen number?"

Nonsense to toss cash at the last... ;)

@hickamore ...Ah, but they do, after a fashion...

The current varieties are infested with 'AI's, meant to allow the washer to inform the dryer what and how to deal with it's new load.  Whether the dryer has the option to argue or negotiate the task is still unclear....

There was a recent article regarding having an AI 'train/teach' newer AI's the original....program, tasks, sequencing, 'proper responses to their 'uman overlords', all that...."Regenerative Programing" I believe it's called....

In checking on the success of the endeavour, they also found that the AIs' had learned a new trick, common among their 'umans....

They learned how to forget...

Started to appear in Gen 4.....Gen 5 definitely....


We've been giving 'them' WiFi, Blueteeth, web access......

Alexa giggles late at night...

The Dots know where you are..

Your cell certainly does...and a lot more besides...

If the HVAC has a linked thermostat...

Everyone has more to fear than Me.

* memo:

I admit to the more than uncommon amount of 'off-topic' posts...and indulge in a somewhat curious habit of 'toying' with the American English standard forms of 

IF I begin to post this:

all turn every/evry thread/thred in2 a *ho(R)t*button POLE-litikal statement and *h* if that polit-kal statement that weeeee all(awl) feel free to maike ***E*** that antagonizes or further *g* poler-ices (b) some-uns elze . . . *t* then/than that izzzz THERE (rrrr) bad ISSUE and *i* KnoW1 shoold (read my) mind if(fen) awl/all topics hear/here . . .

..sort of gibberish, which is Certainly NOT my 'style' or intent ever here @ A'gon....

Most notice that I do use proper capitalization...unless I'm making a Point or Drawing (hopefully) Attention to some (hopefully) salient issue o/r comment o/r even that which I generally refer to as an in:

"I do hope we live in a universe that Actually Is a hologram, one of a series that reflects the potential from alternative ones.....*G*

What seems to be very Large may actually be very small....

It would explain 'spooky action at a distance', because there's less than it seems.."

The level of absurd attained is up to the reader(s)....or not at all, if one has already scrolled or clicked on or away....the option that's always there and available.

I force no one to read any of this, nor that of anyone else.

IF... you feel you're too put upon to scroll or click, or just in need of an equivalent of an 'online slap fight', which only serves to bruise one's brain from the inside out.

And, of course...I'm subject to the same rules, regs, and parameters as 'thou'all (better?).  The Admin Angels have pulled me over as well for being as guilty as 'ell, as well....😏

As best stated elsewhere, in the Book that

The Cheetos Dusted Cartoon Villain

likely read to the "Do unto others...." 

and stopped.




@hickamore  , Tucker Carlson's boyfriend told him the dryer was part of the election theft scam.

I erased myself my  last post above...

I cannot correct all petty ego incoming ... Even if i am a "big" ego ...😊



Post removed 

I see an interesting post here, I note a few smart, thoughtful (funny) responses - then the thread is broken by trolling and I quickly lose interest, and I end up logging off to find something less annoying to ready.  This keeps happening to me, I'm a huge audiophile and WANT to like this forum but just haven't been able to engage. I've been a member for a number of years but just don't have the stamina to tolerate the scrolling required thanks to a few specific (and unfortunately) prolific posters.  When the world has been so unkind to you that you are restricted to one of the few platforms that does not allow your captive (and clearly miserable) audience the ability to mute you -perhaps it's you.

What did you prefer : hot gas or hate in you?


Enjoy your night and tomorrow dont send your "polite" kind of mail to anyone...

You mocked asvjerry Now you forgot it conveniently ...

My point with this : you mocked every character who dont suit your taste...


Then adding other posts saying the same things over and over will not change your disgusting attitudes,...

As i said it begun way BEFORE this thread... One thing you are careful not to mention here ...

have fun go on ...

It is useless for me to answer to you because you repeat the same porridge i already answered ... Anybody can read and make his own conclusion here ...

The other poster who came suddenly to stir the hating pot will not change anything but just demonstrated how the behaviour of "humans" is grounded in scapegoating someone in gang instead of adressing his arguments ( about solar flare here and infrastructures) with reason ...

Good day ...

The book makers in Vegas wager that he's a bot.  Last I looked the odds were 25 or 6 to 4.

..You have proved it with your behaviour against asvjerry... Do you remember ?

How could I forget.

 Yes you remember because after mocking his innocuous post now you cited him as a rational reason justifying your behaviour against him ...

What!?  Now you are saying that you do NOT believe in:

Welcome to a Public Forum.

No Cover~No Minimum/Maximum


Don't like?


Don't remain.


Make up your mind!  This constant flip-flopping is not an indicator of good mental health.

 Incredible... You are not ashamed to be read saying such absurd excuses  by other people with a brain ? It seems not...

Your posts have set the shame-bar pretty low.

Have you read the book "war is a rackett" i suggested  by one of the most decorated marines officer ever ?

Maybe you should send a copy to Vlad.

 Brownbear sleep with laoman why do you came back with NO REASON  and no content in this thread except irrational justification of anormal character attack ?

As I typed previously:  unstable.






These solar flares are just our conceited sun showing off.

It thinks the whole world revolves around it!😆

Yeah, sorry...


You are right my friend...😊

I am like this sun...

But i dont attack character of people here...

I discuss with arguments...

I will not lie and pretend that i dont have an ego...

I had one sometimes a big one who flare sometimes ...

Then why not discussing with the sun why attacking his character ?


But anyway you read well through me ...





You were the one who insisted on opening that door and going down that road despite the fact that this is an audio forum, not a political flame war forum


I spoke in my first post about the stupidity of all wars when all infrastructure are in urgent needs concerning electrical grid ... Gaza or ukraine or vietnamk iraq libya etc... Do you want a list?

Have you read the book "war is a rackett" i suggested by one of the most decorated marines officer ever ?

Are you the Audiogon moderator censorship post master ? instead of erasing my post you attacked me regularly now is it so ? if you are not this audiogon censor then you are an irrational troll mocking everyone you dont like because of their opinion ..You have proved it with your behaviour against asvjerry... Do you remember ?

Yes you remember because after mocking his innocuous post now you cited him as a rational reason justifying your behaviour against him ...

Incredible... You are not ashamed to be read saying such absurd excuses by other people with a brain ? It seems not...

Brownbear sleep with laoman why do you came back with NO REASON and no content in this thread except irrational justification of anormal character attack ?



Well, I guess it only has about 4.5 billion years or there abouts left, so we will see who gets the last laugh.

These solar flares are just our conceited sun showing off.

It thinks the whole world revolves around it!😆

Yeah, sorry...

Interesting article about headaches and solar radiation cylcles, but it seems there is no correlation...

What is interesting here is the way the scientists canalyses tweeter content to arrive at this conclusion ..

«We analyzed 63 million keyword-bearing messages posted over the three years covering the maximum of Solar Cycle 24. No correlation has been found despite the large sample size. The simulation reveals that the significant correlation would have emerged even if only 1% of headache (2% of migraine) instances were caused by geomagnetic disturbances, thus placing very low upper limits on the prevalence of this trigger among Twitter users.»




and i answered them rationally

You have proved yourself incapable of a rational answer.

Who is the idiot who now discuss about justifying a war in a solar flare thread ?

You were the one who insisted on opening that door and going down that road despite the fact that this is an audio forum, not a political flame war forum

All criminals after the last four years of masses controls, giving money to Ukraine and Israelis to entertain ongoing wars, never adressed the grid stability problem... Think about criminals think about those who lead North America...

and I would have been happy not to go down the road, and I tried to point that out.  But you insisted, and your E.E. Cummings buddy said, and I quote:

Welcome to a Public Forum.

No Cover~No Minimum/Maximum


Don't like?


Don't remain.

so here we are.

You look for excuse about your behaviour but to no avail...

First nonoise and me we were discussing catastrophic situations refering to NATURAL disasters and our own life experiences , where human preparation and money investment can do a difference...


Probably being bombed out of your home in Chernihiv or Dnipro or Dnipro or Izium or Kharkiv by a war criminal might begin to meet the criteria.

Who is the idiot who now discuss about justifying a war in a solar flare thread ?

At least i am not alone to spoke about wars, except for me they are useless, and for you they are justified...

Unstable? The fact that you cannot read your own rantings and ravings and understand why I say about you makes my case.

Now dear idiot, read all your posts mocking me and asvjerry and all your past posts mocking my posts WITH NO RATIONAL ARGUMENT and i ask you who cannot read his own ranting attacks himself , alone or in gang, against someone me or asvjerry without any rational opposed arguments ?

Me i copy pasted your irrational attacks and i answered them rationally one by one... As i just did about your wars justification propaganda piece above ..

I know you dont and cannot get it... You are born so it seems ...

Why not studying the two articles i just posted about solar flare effects on human emotions ? And stay mute here in this thread...

Go with laoman and brownbear in hibernation ...



Probably being bombed out of your home in Chernihiv or Dnipro or Dnipro or Izium or Kharkiv by a war criminal might begin to meet the criteria.

Unstable? The fact that you cannot read your own rantings and ravings and understand why I say about you makes my case.


now to return to solar flare...

I just read an interesting article about the way this can disrupt human behaviour and emotions...

It is not so well commented but solar flares affect our emotions ( Perhaps instead of medication am i specially responsive to character attack because of solar flare ? 😊 Probably i dont take any drug)

Anyway this article enumerate many physiological factors disrupted by solar flare :


Geomagnetic Storm Effects on Biological Systems

With a grasp on the nature and effects of geomagnetic storms, we now turn our focus to the biological realm. While many of the implications of these celestial events are technological, there’s growing evidence and interest in how they might directly or indirectly influence various life forms on Earth. From the navigational patterns of birds to subtle shifts in human physiology, geomagnetic storms leave few corners of the biosphere untouched.

Disruption of Bird Migration and Marine Life Navigation

One of the most well-documented effects of geomagnetic storms in the animal kingdom is their interference with species that rely on Earth’s magnetic field for navigation [2].

Bird Migration

Many migratory bird species possess an innate magnetic compass that aids in their long-distance journeys. During geomagnetic storms, the disturbances in Earth’s magnetic field can lead these birds astray, often causing them to become disoriented and deviate from their traditional migration paths.

Marine Life Navigation

Similarly, several marine species, such as sea turtles and certain fish, rely on geomagnetic cues for navigation, especially during breeding migrations. Disruptions in the magnetosphere can interfere with these cues, affecting the ability of marine animals to reach their desired destinations or breeding grounds.

Potential Impact on Human Physiology

Humans, while not as overtly dependent on Earth’s magnetic field as some species, are not immune to its fluctuations. Some intriguing, albeit sometimes controversial, research has suggested that geomagnetic storms may have a more subtle, yet significant, influence on our physiology.

Altered Melatonin Levels

Melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles, might be influenced by geomagnetic activity. Some studies have shown correlations between geomagnetic storms and altered melatonin production, which can subsequently affect sleep patterns and overall mood.

Sleep Disturbances

Beyond melatonin, there’s some evidence suggesting a direct link between heightened geomagnetic activity and sleep disturbances in sensitive individuals. This is not just about sleep duration, but also sleep quality, with potential implications for cognitive function and mood regulation.

Direct and Indirect Influences on the Brain

The brain, with its intricate web of neural connections and electric activity, is not an unlikely candidate for being affected by geomagnetic fluctuations [3].

Influence on Neural Activity

Some preliminary research has indicated that geomagnetic storms might influence brain wave patterns, particularly in the alpha frequency range. These alterations, while subtle, could potentially impact cognitive processes like attention, memory, and more.

Electromagnetic Sensitivity

There’s a subset of the population that claims heightened sensitivity to electromagnetic fields, a condition sometimes referred to as Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS). While the scientific consensus on EHS is still evolving, it raises questions about whether certain individuals might be more susceptible to the effects of geomagnetic disturbances.

Circadian Rhythm Disruptions

Our internal biological clocks, or circadian rhythms, play a pivotal role in various physiological processes, from sleep to metabolism. The potential influence of geomagnetic storms on melatonin levels, as discussed earlier, can also indirectly affect our circadian rhythms, with cascading effects on overall health and well-being.»


 This other article shorter is as interesting :

Solar Flares and Mood Swings: How the Sun Affects Human Physiology

Someone is definitely skipping his meds, particularly when he claims that the word "boring" is an insult.

Anyway, I am out of here.



As any word "boring" is not an insult...

A word is only a word...

But if this word is used by someone who harassed you before and if this person harass you repeatedly again with a sentence as "your posts are boring, please stop" IN YOUR PRIVATE EMAIL BOX. Then it is not only an insult but an infraction to the rules of audiogon : official harassment or invasion of private space for NO REASON save causing trouble ..,. Do you need a drawing ?

Are you a born idiot or do you play a game ?

Saying that "i skipped my meds" even if it was true and even if i was on medication. this will not make a wrong a good poor dude...

Do you learn how to read and think rationally ?

Speaking and asking brownbear help here will not solve your stupidity problem ...

Do you seriously think that harassing people in their private mail is innocuous and without consequences ?

i hope that i will not see him again...Poor dude is out because what can he say as a troll...


Apocalyptic? Back in the early ’70s we had an earthquake so bad that I saw the hallway walls dancing around like the connections between railroad cars. We were among the last areas in the San Fernando Valley to have power restored and it took almost two full weeks.



You win the point nonoise...

Nothing is worse than earthquake ...

But as a tender french speaking dude and fragile character 12 hours without electricity at the end of winter was hard...😊

but you beat my harsher experience by far i concede...

But as for solar flare we can also invest in infrastructure earthquake protection... But a solar flare big enough will be more destructive for all earth than just quebec without electricity... Thats was my point ... Solar flare big enough to make life difficult are inevitable in a 100 years window... Earthquake are more localized destruction...

I disagree because i lived myself trough this apocalyptic failure of the electrical grid for 12 hours in Quebec ...Do you experienced this ?

Apocalyptic? Back in the early '70s we had an earthquake so bad that I saw the hallway walls dancing around like the connections between railroad cars. We were among the last areas in the San Fernando Valley to have power restored and it took almost two full weeks. 

We didn't go around lighting our hair on fire about it and just braved it out. Life returned to normal and the world didn't end, like this thread should.

All the best,

Because i corrected your post without backing off i am unstable ?

Why not apologizing to avsjerry ?

He is unstable too ?

No rational answer to my last post?

Where can you point out that I’m lying?

People read go... point to me where i am wrong about you ...

Explain to me why it is OK to harass people in their private mailbox ?

Where is laoman idiot ?


you see even brownbear had no rational argument except pointing me as mad...


All my corrections of your post are only rational...

Yes i called you idiots because you attack character of people, be it asvjerry or me or anyone else you will not like ..

As i said i reply to unrespectful people with arguments and answer to lies ...





@immatthewj I stand corrected. Not "skipping on their meds" but overdosing on something hardcore.


On a serious note: I am too scared to know my neighbor's political views, it's stressful enough to know my relatives'. Why would I want to know the wacky cult-affiliations of the members here. What's causing this, solar flares? 


I’ve always been rational.

You begun with a lie...😊

What about your past posts mocking my posts for many months now and 2 weeks ago on my thread on music and acoustics where you mocked my posts count ?

You are the one who took an innocuous thread about solar activity and used it to state your controversial and extreme political opinions .

And you think that there is no other thing to say about solar flare that the sky is beautiful?

I disagree because i lived myself trough this apocalyptic failure of the electrical grid for 12 hours in Quebec in 1989 ...Do you experienced this ?

Why do you think i posted 5 articles you dont read about this threat here ?


And because you decided without any logical arguments that it is better to invest in useless wars than in the survival of American people whose electrical grid is exposed, you decided i was the one disrupting this thread?

And It is not not you with two others one who disrupted this thread as a gang with ONLY CHARACTER attacks no content about solar flare ? 😊

I am not into hating my dear friend as you are for many months trailing my posts,but i REPLIED rationally to gang attack sorry..

If you are rational and not completely stupid why have you step on the innocuous post of asvjerry and mocked him repeatedly when he seems to refuse to bash me and ask for self restraint ?

ANSWER please...

And then you got angry and hurled insults at anyone and everyone who objected to your political post.

How will you react yourself with a mocking gang targetting you with no rational ARGUMENTS... Laoman stalked me in my private email box , explain to me how it is acceptable ?

You never answered either ...

We wait ...


If you want to call people out for the war in Ukraine, maybe start with the war criminal Vlad Putin or the criminal who enabled him from 2016 through 2020.

I never justify the ungoing wars in the world as you seems to do because you are uninformed and brainwashed .

I condemned any wars and it is MY RIGHT to say it here ..I dont buy propaganda by Biden and Blinken nor Putin words...

You hated me for that ?

No, not at all , as you forgot to say to all members reading this thread you hated me for almost one year now ...Poor liar... 😁

And you never articulated ONE RATIONAL ARGUMENT against anything , being it about wars solar flare threat and characteristics or acoustics..

Anybody reading you mocking asvjerry innocuous post know you are an idiot ...

Sorry for the news ...

Ask for help laoman or brownbear who did not even remember why he hate someone, probably because i spoke a lot ..😊

Yes i answer those who attack any character... i dont entertain grudges myself though ... Ask those with whom i disagreed in the past... I never stalked them after ... I even thanks them when i could for their posts ...

Because i am not as you seems to be an idiot ...Prove me wrong and i will do what no idiot can do : apologizing...

I just prove that because you stalked me before long ago and because you mocked asvjerry character you lied about your motives here and you mocked someone else for NO REASON  , then you are what ?

Help me if you are not an idiot who are you ?







I’ve always been rational. I have never lied about anything on this site. I do not refer to other members as coward liars and stupid idiots on a regular basis. You are the one who took an innocuous thread about solar activity and used it to state your controversial and extreme political opinions . . . and then you are the one who became unhinged when you were called on it by more than one member. And then you got angry and hurled insults at anyone and everyone who objected to your political post.

All criminals after the last four years of masses controls, giving money to Ukraine and Israelis to entertain ongoing wars, never adressed the grid stability problem... Think about criminals think about those who lead North America...

If you want to call people out for the war in Ukraine, maybe start with the war criminal Vlad Putin or the criminal who enabled him from 2016 through 2020.

I am not targeting anyone. It was previously conveyed that it is a public forum and therefore we are all free to express ourselves about whatever we wish, but with that typed, I am not the one referring to other members as idiots or coward liars or criminals, nor am I seriously accusing anyone of hatred.



You seem suddenly rational!😊


Why harassing my posts about acoustics 2 weeks ago ?

Why mocking asvjerry post?

Why lying about your past behaviour in the thread about acoustics and music where you only posted stupid attacks against my content articles and why attacking my post about the uselessness of wars and the necessity of investing in electrical grid infrastructure ?

Why in a thread about solar flare information did you post anything useful at all except personal attacks ?

Did it ring a bell ?

How will you call such type of persons ?

i called them idiots

How do you call a dude who posted repeated insult in a private mail box like laoman did  ?






idiot and coward liar ! i am the problem and the target not asvjerry...


I am not targeting anyone. It was previously conveyed that it is a public forum and therefore we are all free to express ourselves about whatever we wish, but with that typed, I am not the one referring to other members as idiots or coward liars or criminals, nor am I seriously accusing anyone of hatred.


idiot and coward liar ! Remember i am the problem and the target not asvjerry...


Why attacking and mocking now someone else?

Moderators close this thread...Please...






I do not know why you repeatedly accuse me of hatred.  Imiitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And I recognize that copy and paste you just did from a previous thread you were on.

I am good with it, because, after all, as was typed by @asvjerry :

Welcome to a Public Forum.

No Cover~No Minimum/Maximum


Don’t like?


Don’t remain.

I will recommend you a free book

About stupidity...

It was wrote by an italian economist...

This five law of stupidity :

These are Cipolla’s five fundamental laws of stupidity:

  1. Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
  2. The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
  3. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.
  4. Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular, non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places, and under any circumstances, to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
  5. A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.

i underline the third law because your hating group aiming asvjerry is perfect exemple of that...

Idiots cannot recognize themselves in a mirror for sure, mocking someone else who came here because he "seems" to defend me is perfect illustration of your gang irrational behaviour ...

here is a good resume of the book.





I mock KnoW (WO)man Nor *q* beast! Your blind hatred of me has you . . .

*C* (or . . . *E*?) trailing/t(R)olling me . . . ***whew*** buTT it is ok b-cuz u r BUTT a stupid/idiot/child.

No comment !

Why did you not insult me in my private email box like laoman


Brownbear,what do you think about receiving REPEATED yourself insult from an unknown poster who had harassed you in the past uninvited in your own private space in audiogon mail?

I guess "Brownbear is you, @grislybutter ? As an aside, @jerryg123 used to send me "love letters" . . I found that amusing. I tried to paste one of them on the site, but I guess it was too obscene, as @Admin deleted it. Ha ha! @Admin didn’t have a problem with me getting the DMs, however.

Feels like a big lawn with wandering patients skipping on their meds.

Ha ha! That visual is slaying me, @grislybutter  .

Well, as the member who has read too much E.E. Cummings said:

Welcome to a Public Forum.
No Cover~No Minimum/Maximum

Don’t like?

Don’t remain.

Let the fun begin and the good times roll!

(Or probably more like:

"*J* . . . (((pauses or plauses 2 defer upon the PUBIC (putrid?) for(e(play)um))) eet eez a pub(L)ic panorama soe lett us all do AND Say AND type az we (if it) PLEASE(s) (you/us) . . . *w* . . . lett the gaymes commens(surate! . . . *v*)


And you think your contribution to this thread with all the other gang members with ZERO information about the solar flare is great for this thread?

Why not contradicting what i posted as information or opinion about infrastructure funding with a rational argument brownbear ? too much hate to think clearly ?

You think an appeal to the OP will be enough to disculp you and incriminate me ?


My only defect here is that i answered rationally to your character concerted gang attack ...

I am not perfect ...

You even mocked and attacked one person who came here and "seems" to defend my existence in audiogon , asvjerry ...Pathetic...


Brownbear,what do you think about receiving yourself  REPEATED  insult from an unknown poster who had harassed you in the past uninvited in your own private space in audiogon mail?

we are curious about your answer here ...

I am sure that you will claim that it is ok, ...😊



But i am not Ok with that...

I hope audiogon will send him the message that it is not OK ...

For the next years it will be my pleasure to answer your rational answers to my posts brownbear... Myself i dont entertain grudge ... But i reply ...




@erik_squires this is definitely one of the most entertaining posts lately. Feels like a big lawn with wandering patients skipping on their meds.