Power Cord for Accuphase Amplifier

I have a new Accuphase P-4600 amplifier and am looking for a power cord to replace the stock. So far I’ve tried the Cullen Crossfire and the IceAge OFC Frankencable. While both cables have worked well on my source components they have not performed better than the stock on the amplifier. So to those who have Accuphase amplifiers what power cable has worked for you?

As I mentioned in other threads Accuphase strongly recommends that you use only the stock cord and so far that has been the best. The. other two have resulted in a darker sound with less soundscape openness. 

I’ve been trying to stay under $500 for the cord but would be willing to go a little higher if it improves the amps performance. 



If you have a decent system you are missing out on what a power cable may do for you. I spent a small amount about $300 per cable for my DAC and Streamer. The change or should I say improvement was Not subtle. Soundstage on my Streamer was clearly much better. Depth of image improved. The DAC offered more refinement in the high frequencies and in general these cables eliminated the power issues I was having that were probably due to noise. Swapping better quality 10 gauge cables for the thin stock did the trick. Try it you might be surprised. 


I’m old. I can’t hear what you’re saying. Sorry but I’m weakened by the nature of living creature!

To anyone:

First of all, can anyone tell how the good power cable is better than not-so-good cable, in terms of scientific description? (rather than "feeling better, ...", "just really better")

If you are not old (younger than 50 years old), then you can tell some subtle sonic differences changing some gears including cables. But, BUT, if you old or older than 50, most of you cannot hear very subtle changes because your hearing sense have become weakened by the nature of living creature!

Please, do not try to think that "this expensive one should improve my system, because it is expensive, I don't know the mechanism, but they must make well."

Many people say "only trust your ear". Both true and not true. Anyway I do not waste my money for the any company who sells unnecessarily expensive stuff. 

Unnecessarily expensive stuff? One example = power cable of $100 or higher price.

I tend to look at it from this point of view. We all know you can’t listen to a power cord, but of course, you can listen to how your system sounds with different power cords. So from now on when I talk about how power cords sound, you should know I’m really talking about how it effects the sound in my system. That said, I’m currently using a full loom of Audio Envy Ocean-Expanded power cords in my modest system.



Yes I agreed with you. The challenge is there are many excellent choices so not sure to start especially if I go all out for example up to 2k. 

“Once the amplifier is broken in I do plan to try a few with the Cable Company which is near me. ”

I suspect a sub $500 power cord will yield a meaningful upgrade. Given your system, you would need to look beyond your budget. I am sure you know the importance of a good PC on Integrated which happens to draw the most current and heart of your system. Either stick with stock cord or go all out…just don’t half-ass it (no pun intended).

Yep - I work with medical devices made in Japan and the USA - things do get lost in translation each way. 

Prohibited… perhaps a translation made by an English is a second language to a Japanese person.


They’ll just have you eat fugu sushi prepared by a trainee.

That's funny.

Fugu restaurants are far less adventurous now because many of the fish are farmed and the liver is not poisonous. Takes all the fun out of it!

Once the amplifier is broken in I do plan to try a few with the Cable Company which is near me. 

You have great and revealing equipment so not surprised your hearing the PC differences.

I've had great experience with Shunyaya power cords. The Gamma is $498, so at your price. TheCableCo.com does 30 day free trials and they're very helpful. They have helped me with good advice and appropriate recommendations.

Once your Accuphase is broken in it might be good to contact them and see what they recommend and do a trial. 

They’ll just have you eat fugu sushi prepared by a trainee. 
So what’s so special and unique about the stock cord. What gauge is it? My Pass Labs X260.8 mono blocks came with stock cords that are 3x14awg stranded conductors (probably decent quality copper with molded connectors), branded Cheng something. The amps are 260w/ch into 8ohm with 35w in Class A, each. The stock cords are adequate. The amps are on the 12awg dedicated circuit. If you haven’t run a dedicated circuit yet that’s your ballpark $500. Run 2 circuits - 1 for amps/analog, another for digital. And keep stock cord then see how it is. 

In another document they state that any replacement cord must meet their specifications. Which I would assume is the same as the provided cord. I thought it odd. But so far their cable does perform well. If they find out I changed the cable I will be asked to perform Sepuku. 


has a Warning that states use of aftermarket power cords are Prohibited. 

Wow PROHIBITED by who? Doesn't make sense at all...

It would make sense if there were a warning states use of cheap power cords like 22awg are prohibited since they are dangerous. but we're talking about 10awg aftermarket power cables on amazon. A question for you what's the definition of "aftermarket power cords"?

,,,aftermarket power cords are Prohibited.

Yet you are soliciting advice about aftermarket power cords. Expect a visit from the Japanese electronics police as soon as you plug one in😨

Actually Accuphase documentation is pretty strongly worded. It has a Warning that states use of aftermarket power cords are Prohibited. 

I bought a voodoo black magic PC for $325. Can’t hear a difference. But it looks cool so why not, kept it. 🤷🏻‍♂️

"The most likely reason they recommend staying with the supplied PC is liability. The system has been tested / certified with that PC, and no others."

- That is correct, when I was in the business, years ago I sold high end electronics and after market power cords where only being produced by a couple dozen providers. We had this exact conversation back then. The three electronic companies I represented all provided UL approved cords only. It had to say that on the cord for the companies protection.

The most likely reason they recommend staying with the supplied PC is liability. The system has been tested / certified with that PC, and no others.

The only time I've heard a really noticeable improvement in power cables is adding a used 20 amp Voodoo Infinity to my T+A integrated. Half price at $575. 

Either use thecableco.com or buy used and resell if you don't like it. 


if you have the money the NEOTech rectangular OCC is even better than the round if you go on the NeoTech site just look up rectangular cable they have two the Amazon which is the silver rectangular OCC which is crazy expensive and the Sahara which is the copper rectangular OCC wire I upgraded my whole loom to the rectangular OCC and what a difference, but if you really want to hear the biggest difference put your speakers on Townshend podiums they stop the vibration from going back into the speaker and the improvement was mind-blowing Best upgrade I've ever done.


DM @jfrmusic and ship those AE Cords if he is up for it. They are not doing any good sitting in your garage. BTW, I had no trouble reselling my AE power cords on USAM at 40% off retail. 

@zuesman +1. I am working towards and all OCC loom, currently a mix of Wireworld and Acoustic Zen. Geometry matters too of course, but it makes sense to me that OCC could make a real difference. My experience has been very positive so far, though mostly in the speaker and interconnect space. 


try any cord that is OCC single crystal It's far superior to anything OFC at any price companies like harmonic technology, acoustic Zen, Neotech.


Yes the rest of my system is on a similar level

Aurender N20

MSB Discrete DAC

After my amp is fully burned in I do plan to use the Cable Company lending library to try several cords   They are about an hour from me  




Hi , I’m selling my Luna Mauve 1.5 AC power cord #

650109021  on Canuck. Message me if interested.

If the rest of your system is on the same or higher level as your amp, I don’t think you should start with a price limit. Though I have not used the service, this might be the place to start as they might have some advice based on experience with your amp and system:



If you are trying to stay under $500 -

For the past few years, I have been using ANTICABLES Level-3 Power Chords and am quite pleased with them.  They sound better than stock chords and start at a sensible $330 (more $ for longer lengths).  I have never used their Level 2 Power Chords.

I have no affiliation.  If you want, here is the link:  Level 3 Power Cord (anticables.com)

It pays to experiment and you will find one that works for you as there have been many good suggestions mentioned here and lots info available online.

Just don't listen to: jasonborne71, megabite, mazian, 1971gto455ho, classicrockfan.


@lalitk stated "I will check out Audio Envy and Zavfino."

FYI - I do not have experience with Zafino, but I have owned a couple of Audio Envy power chords.  

IMO, the AE power chords were poorly designed, poorly constructed and actually sounded worse than my black stock chords..  They are in a box in my garage wait for a new home - FREE, but no takers so far... 


Wait until your Amp has surpasses the 300 hours mark. Then, start testing other Power Cords (PC). The stock PC is no slouch.


Happy Listening!


do not ever spend more than $50 for any power cable... you either keep using their stock cable or try this will not make an audible difference but will make you feel good since the cable is thick and beautiful with nice plugs. do not listen to paid-trolls who are here to promote certain ridiculously overpriced power cables from resellers. they don't even manufacture cables but buy and add 10x 20x profit to resell. accuphase produces excellent audio equipment that last decades certainly you get your money's worth. congrats!!!


@jfrmusic I have tried power cords and other cables at various price points. Unfortunately I haven’t come across any giant killers yet. As with any component or cables you have to hear it in your system to gauge the degree of improvement if any. So best to either buy used or buy new or open box with return policy.
Stock cords don’t kill the musical enjoyment and there’s no shame in using stock cables, but they can be improved upon.

Power to your amplifier and the speaker cables are probably the two most important links in the cabling chain.

I’ll be blunt. With the level of components you have I wouldn’t waste time and money looking for a miracle with $200-$500 cables from boutique manufacturers. Use stock or get the cabling that’s on the same level with the rest of your components.

Accuphase recommends using their stock cord, please cut it up and guess what you’ll find… the proper gauge good old copper simply covered with secured connectors. Seems like a dumb idea trying to better their engineering simply throwing silly money at silly cords ! 


Your description of the Frey sounds like what I would like but that’s a lot more than I wanted to spend on the cable. But maybe I’ll have to. 

@jfrmusic I recommended Nordost Frey 2 to you in one of your threads. The strengths of Frey 2 are clarity, air, extended but sweet top end and fast articulate bass. These cables bring a degree of musical excitement I have not experienced with other power cords.
Keep cooking your amp until you have about 300hrs on it and give the Frey 2 a try. It should compliment your system well with the harbeths. I can’t recommend Audioquest Thunder, Tornado or Hurricane - these were syrupy, thick and bottom heavy in my system. I just don’t think they would be a good match in a system with Harbeth speakers. I would not recommend this level Nordost cables for a system with lesser quality components - the tend to just let everything shine, good or bad. But you have very high quality source. Don’t mask it. Just my opinion.

in other cases with source components I did experience improved soundstage particularly in depth and instrument placement as well as additional refinement of the lower treble. So I’ve been surprised so far not to be able to experience similar improvements replacing the amplifier stock cable. 

My first thought was to try a cryoed silver PC, then I realized Ice Age sells one for under $200.  I’d ask them if they think their Silver-Silver PC might be worth a try given your results with their OFC cable, and if that didn’t yield positive improvements I’d just stick with the stock PC and be happy to save some $$$.  FWIW.

+1 for the stock cord and save money because Accuphase know what they are doing.


I will check out Audio Envy and Zavfino. Thanks

Where Are HIJIRI’s sold?






Thanks for the mention. Given OP budget, I recommend trying Audio Envy or Zavfino power cords. @jfrmusic knows which cords I am using in my system. I don’t freely recommend HIJIRI’s to anyone looking for a power cable upgrade. They are not for everyone but in a well appointed system, they can be very complimentary seductive with their sheer transparency and musicality.

Definitely wait until your amp is broken in before making any changes to anything.

The fact that a manufacturer at the level of Accuphase recommends using the supplied PC would carry weight to my thinking.

But hopefully @lalitk  who runs Accuphase will chime in with his experience.

Good Point. I have about 125 hours on the amplifier so not completely broken in yet  Accuphase recommend 200-300 hours. I should wait until then. 

I don’t have any specific improvement. However in other cases with source components I did experience improved soundstage particularly in depth and instrument placement as well as additional refinement of the lower treble. So I’ve been surprised so far not to be able to experience similar improvements replacing the amplifier stock cable. It may be that Accuphase has provided the best match. 

The key question is what improvements are you looking for? Hard to recommend a PC (or anything for that matter) without that critical info.

Op, yes to your last comments.


How new is your amp? It has several hundred hours on it? Just checking. You want to make sure it is fully broken in. Assuming that.

See if you can find a used high current Audio Quest Hurricane. Then let the sound quality determine if it is worth the cost. I spent a year swapping cables looking for complete neutrality and improved performance. The difference was simply amazing… well worth the cost to me.



……you would need to have a system where any changes can be sonically heard . If you don’t or are getting there then you will understand. Mr Jasonbourne71 from all of his emails on this topic must not be there.

To believe power cords have no effect you either have a system that is not resolving or you are not an experienced listener. I just spent days comparing cords attached to different components and the differences are clearly audible. All I can say to those who deny the possibility of power cords having any effect is that you are missing a key element of improving the performance of your components especially digital source components. Those are the most sensitive to power cords : Streamers and DACs.