patricia barber - diana krall - holly cole

wouldnt that be awesome if they - toured together - tell me it wouldnt be sold out every night they played. 


I think all you defending her are proving my point. Horny old men who care more about that the albums are “generally magnificently recorded“ than the music itself. Top tip. There are lots of albums that are well recorded. 

I like all three of these performers. I liked Barbara Streisand too but heard she is not so nice. To each his own, everyone can listen to whomever they like? No problem.. I don't get the negative comments because of this?? 


to each his own, everyone can listen to whomever they like?

Nope, not on Audiogon. If you don’t hate Diana Krall there is something wrong with you. It has to be that way.  Case closed and period.

I think all you defending her are proving my point. Horny old men who care more about that the albums are “generally magnificently recorded“ than the music itself. Top tip. There are lots of albums that are well recorded.

You are correct, @mayoradamwest , you don’t like her so therefore no one else should like her.


I’d settle for just Holly Cole and Patricia Barber.

Diana Krall concerts are boring AF.

They would probably tear at each other’s clothes, like Lucy & Ethel

I can’t leave this unaddressed. If this refers to the famous wine-making scene, the other woman wasn’t Ethel, it was an Italian woman.

That said, I'd watch it. 


wouldnt that be awesome if they - toured together - tell me it wouldnt be sold out every night they played. 


No thanks.

Being an audiophile - and attending shows/auditioning gear at dealers - completely turned me off that triumvirate of singers. 

I never need to hear them again.  I finally got out of listening to audiophile-approved music "because it is so well recorded" and just listen to music I like.



I completely agree. Not a one of them is interesting to me. Eva Cassidy, obviously not available to hear live, covers songs with more complexity. Krall’s vocal range leaves a lot to be desired. Meh! No thanks.

@2psyop "I don’t understand the negative comments." The OP tossed out a suggestion, implying a request for others opinions. Opinions were given. Why not question the positive replies too?

I don't disparage those three singers/musicians at all.  They are all talented.

Nor would I disparage anyone who enjoys their music!  Not at all!

I just grew out of listening to music based on it's audiophile cred and more because it made my system sound good.  I had to admit to myself I just don't friggin' care for their music.  I'd never play it for actual enjoyment outside listening to it on a high end rig to hear a 'good recording.'   (Though I do like some Holy Cole).

DK’s Live in Paris and Girl in the Other Room are not bad. I also liked her album where she paid a tribute to Nat King Cole. But agree the rest is pretty substandard. 

Sometimes when I’m reading a book and listening to music, whenever I reach for the remote to move to a different song, it’s always Holly Cole. Don’t know what’s about her music but I can’t stand to listen to her for more than 30 seconds.

Sometimes when I’m reading a book and listening to music, whenever I reach for the remote to move to a different song, it’s always Holly Cole. Don’t know what’s about her music but I can’t stand to listen to her for more than 30 seconds.

It's her weird phrasing.  She sometimes gurgles and turns vowels around in her mouth it's almost like she's daring you to like what she's doing.

Sort of an anchovies-on-pizza singer. 


Sometimes when I’m reading a book and listening to music, whenever I reach for the remote to move to a different song, it’s always Holly Cole. Don’t know what’s about her music but I can’t stand to listen to her for more than 30 seconds.

It's her weird phrasing.  She sometimes gurgles and turns vowels around in her mouth it's almost like she's daring you to like what she's doing.

Sort of an anchovies-on-pizza singer. 

I haven't noticed that.  It must not be universal to all her CDs. 

So my Lucy & Ethel comment was about an episode of "I Love Lucy" when they were on stage together singing the song "Friendship", but they both wore the same dress. They both were ripping off pieces of the others dress to make them look different. I just imagined the 3 women doing this, and I got a chuckle, and decided to share it.

Do people actually like Diana Krall cause of her music?  Thought she was for showcasing stereos.  My dream would be Diana Krall covering "Keith Don't Go" recorded direct to disc.

Every one of the Krall and Barber albums I own are recorded extremely well. 

But then, so are every one of my Pink Floyd and Dire Straits albums.

Somehow I never seem to get around to listening to any more DK or PB...

Every one of the Krall and Barber albums I own are recorded extremely well.

But then, so are every one of my Pink Floyd and Dire Straits albums.

Somehow I never seem to get around to listening to any more DK or PB...

@tomcarr , I am totally SACD & red book (meaning no vinyl) and I am sure I am missing something, but I have some fantastic sounding CDs and also some sonic duds. All these room size & speaker placement threads of late got me tweaking my speakers last night & (among others) I had the Patricia Barber "Cafe Blue Unmastered" SACD out last night, and every time I hear it it does something new for me. That is digital done right. Since you mentioned it, MFSL’s crop of Dire Straits SACDs are (for me) mind blowingly good, and the Parlophone Floyd/Dark Side SACD is absolutely no slouch.

Party on. . . .

@immatthewj , me too.

SACD, HDCD, DVD-A, Blu-Ray, and of course CD!

I was making a little fun because I love hearing any well-recorded album, but I still listen most of the time to rock, pop, and classic country.

Have the same Cafe Blue UN-Mastered SACD and love the recorded quality.

I grade every album I own D, C, B, A, A+ based purely on sound quality. Less than 5% class D. 40% class C. 35% class B. 15% class A. 5% class A+.

Yeah buddy, party on!

@tomcarr , right on, man. I didn’t take anything you typed before as being negative. Not at all.

You didn’t say what grade you gave the pressing(s?) of Cafe Blue?

As far as Cafe Blue, I bought that back when it came out on redbook (HDCD) (which I didn’t/still don’t have) after I heard her cover of "Ode To Billy Joe" on a public radio station. That was back when my gear was in the living room, and consequently I never listened to that disc much. Since I have moved my gear to The Room, and being a tad obsessive, I have acquired 3 more digital pressings. Now a days it is one of my go-to discs for "analytical/critical evaluation." Plus I’ve got to where I just really enjoy hearing it.

Oh well, my daily rambling is (hopefully) now complete.

Oh, but I must ask, by classic country, do you mean like Waylon and Willie and The Boys? No matter, that is some great stuff.

@immatthewj, It's been a minute, but I think I felt that Cafe Blue is A+.

I mostly listen to 60s, 70s rock, and 80s pop.

Yes, when I listen to country it's Waylon, Willie, Brooks & Dunn, Johnny, etc...

Just listened to a great Clint Black album.

Yessir, great stuff indeed!

I think the SACD UN-Mastered version is class A+, the CD version is class A.

@tomcarr  , I'd put the SACD "Cafe Blue Unmastered" on the best-of-my-best list, for sure.  Have you heard the MFSL SACD of "Cafe Blue"  (not unmastered)?  I go back & forth on those two.  I think I am going to do the MFSL tonight.  (I've already got the CDs picked out in my mind for this evening.)

Did you know that Impex (sort of recently) released a gold reissue of "Cafe Blue" on red-book (not the original HDCD release that I believe you sere referring to)?  I hate to say it, but I haven't even taken the plastic wrapper off of that one yet.

On an aside, is HDCD a pretty noteworthy listening experience?

@immatthewj , I have a few HDCDs and all of them are class B. I don't have the standard CD versions to compare the to. 

With regards to Pink Floyd's DSOTM, there are some good YouTube vids comparing and rating SACD releases. 

@immatthewj , my experience has been there is more difference between redbook CDs than between the other formats, and it's all dependent on the recording/mixing/mastering chain that produced the album. To my ears, the other formats can make an album sound better, but it's definitely not a guarantee.

That's just my opinion, with my ears, my system, my setup, my room.

YMMV...enjoy the music :)

@tomcarr  , just some commentary which is off of OP's original topic, but I do remember reading about HDCD in Stereophile when it (HDCD) was a new thing, and I was intrigued.  I was always thinking I should have ordered my Muse DAC with the HDCD chip which was an option back then.  But I'd say HDCD must have fizzled?  By most standards, I have A LOT of CDs, & HDCD was never a factor that caused me NOT to buy one.  But with all these CDs, I can only off hand think of four that are HDCD and I probably own a few HDCDs that I am not thinking about, but not many.

But SACD, in my opinion, is a different animal.  A good SACD (and admittedly, not all of them are, for example I am most disappointed with the Japanese SACDs I have bought) truly does, to my ears, sound a cut above everything else I have heard in my system.  (But s I previously noted, I don't have vinyl.)  I'd almost go as far as saying that, although some are better than others, I have not (yet) bought any of the MFSL crop of SACDs that have disappointed me. 

@immatthewj Yes, my few HDCDs don't sound better, and some sound worse, than my standard CDs. My SACDs, like yours, do sound better, and some sound phenomenal.

@tomcarr  , I guess since I've already strayed from the OP, I may as well stray a bit further.  As far as classic rock, these days I limit it to buying & listening to certain remasters that I hope will provide a good sonic presentation.  I keep checking MD to see if MFSL's "Hotel California" has progressed from TBA to being a thing.  So far it still hasn't, but when it does I will order it.  I have the DCC red-book reissue, and to my ears it doesn't sound good enough any more that I play it other than on a blue moon; I did buy the Japanese SACD, but to me, it sounds even thinner and less of everything than the DCC red-book does.

To justify that ramble above, back on topic:  do you have Patricia Barber "Companion" original red-book or any of the red-book remasters or the SACD remaster?  If so I am curious as to how you would grade them.

@immatthewj , check out the song Hotel California off the album Hell Freezes Over. It's a live version and I rate it class A.

Not sure about other P Barber albums I have, if any. Will check and let you know.

Thanks, @tomcarr  , I just did a quick search & MD has the LP (which won't fit inside my CDP) and then I took a look on ebay & I saw one by SMH . . . I've found that SHM usually does a pretty good red-book. 

Peyroux’s "Blue Room" is soul through and through.

Once I got my stereo system tuned up it began to do justice to things like "Companion" on 44.1. Downloaded my version off of and did my usual conversion of it from flac to wav before burning a cd copy on my desktop at slow speed. All of my redbook library now sounds quite natural with all the trimmings, but I had to go back and re-burn everything.


Must have missed this.  So sorry to hear. Everything you read says good things about her and her shows. 


Must have missed this.  So sorry to hear. Everything you read says good things about her and her shows. 

@curiousjim   ?