New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.

"In your opinion, what's up with the guy?"

Many things are up, but not much is wrong.

When it comes to threads like this, I am in no camp so I have an opportunity to do critical reading and, allow me to call it that way, thinking. That is why it did seem strange that this particular mat changes things so much. Either the writers were overenthusiastic with their descriptions, their systems were unbelievably bad from the beginning, or this mat is the most impressive thing since invention of fire.

Systems are not likely to be that bad and penicillin and a few more things are a bit more impressive. That leaves me with overenthusiastic writers.


Call me an enthusiastic writer who is conservative in his assessments. If I really told everyone how good these things are, nobody would believe me. 

Here's a better option Glupson.
Buy 2 of them and then report back.
90 day return policy, how can you go wrong.
Then you can put your mouth where your money is......
"90 day return policy, how can you go wrong.
Then you can put your mouth where your money is......"

My curiosity is not that strong that I would risk spending time on packing it for return. Just not worth it for me.

I am not saying people do not perceive differences/improvements with this particular mat, just that it appears too enthusiastically written even for an advertising thread. That is all. I am glad everybody is enjoying their new acquisition, regardless of how unbelievable it seems to be.

OK, the music sounds better to some users, but exactly what distortion is being reduced? ... With no technical information available, this is all speculation.
Not really. When a user reports what he hears, that's observation, not speculation.
These threads are advertisements.
The same few people keep posting over the top endorsements and urging people to buy these products and it’s been going on for a long time now. 
Not that difficult to see it for what it is. 

I’m looking forward to the arrival of my first EMat+. This will be added to my system which employs Total Contact, AC outlet Stopits, and The Gate.
I personally don’t care about measurements. The sound improvement is what matters, and it’s purely subjective and has been profound in my Hifi system. 

I will be reporting, good or bad, in the coming couple weeks. Stay tuned...


This particular thread is an advertisement of sorts and it should be no problem as it is clearly stated in the first few sentences of the original post. Some threads are not that honest.


"Looks like ya got him on the ropes to me."

If you only knew how funny this is.

The same few people keep posting over the top endorsements and urging people to buy these products and it’s been going on for a long time now.
Not that difficult to see it for what it is.
I truly do not believe I have ever "urged" anybody to buy anything here, they are all grown adults ( I hope!) and can make up their own mind on how to relieve themselves of their disposable income.

My prior post to Glupson was just to point out that his constant speculation on these mats could be ended in a heartbeat.

But no alas, he has taken the easy road out with even for him a pretty poor excuse for not doing so.

keep on walking Glupson…….
Glupson, you’re not reading for comprehension---I just told you the systems are quite good, and I asked you to describe your own. If you had done so, I would have said, as good as your system is, it would sound as good as it actually is if you had some Omega mats in place. This is the point we are trying to make about these mats’ effectiveness in rejecting the EMI that masks the signal.

In my opening statement, I said a few of us who have these new mats were asked to introduce them, not because we work for the company, but because we are using them. If you wrote here about how great your new audio component sounds, would you say you are running an ad? No--you would not.

Viber, you said you have been concerned about the ill health effects EMI has on your body. I looked at the products on the lessEMI website. From what you have said, it appears you have purchased EMI-shielding bedding and clothing? Fine--good. Perhaps you have lain under your covers and have tested their effectiveness via a gauss meter--good, I hope they work for you.

Tim Mrock, the developer of PPT products, had devoted decades to his craft. Of course he tested the effectiveness of his products. That he had not revealed physical and test data speaks more to his proprietary rights than to customers’ marketing expectations.

From now on, Glupson, I expect you to act like an adult on here. If you do not, I kindly invite you to leave.


Keep on waltzing. Maybe a mat on the dance floor will improve your rhythm, too.

by the way, it is not speculation saying that this is an advertising thread and that posts praising the product appear to be from the teenage poetry competition. Basically, they do not make this advertising campaign believable. Those are facts.
glupson ...

  • "Those are facts."
Nope. The "facts" are that these new mats are the Bee’s Knees ... especially when combined with other PPT products as "gcdrum" has done in his system.

Why not try something that would be a good entry into the PPT realm that would be relatively inexpensive? Order enough Stop-Its to use in every unused electrical outlet in your house. Besides the Total Contact paste, that would be an excellent place to start.

90-day return policy on the Stop-Its as well. No risk and a simple installation.


PS: This is not an advertisement
Sorry Glupson but you really are confused here.

by the way, it is not speculation saying that this is an advertising thread and that posts praising the product appear to be from the teenage poetry competition. Basically, they do not make this advertising campaign believable. Those are facts.
Nope sorry not "facts" at all.
Just your opinion and viewpoint.
Are you off your meds by any chance?
glupson2,975 posts11-21-2019 1:59pm


"Looks like ya got him on the ropes to me."

If you only knew how funny this is.

>>>>I only make funny jokes. When I was in grade school and told people I was going to be a comedian they all laughed at me. Well, nobody’s laughing now!
Credit where credit is due. Damage control has been excellent today. 

Enjoy your mat and understand that others do doubt the seriousness of your claims. In fact, after your last post, it is more obvious that you cannot be taken seriously at all. You may not work for the manufacturer, but it is not my fault that you decided not to get paid for the advertising work you do.

As far as my system goes, if it needed a mat to improve, I would have thrown it away. It does not matter what it consists of.

I kindly request you to stop posting advertisements in a forum.


Unfortunately, those are the facts. Attempt at advertising by using too many poetic descriptions has not attracted even one person to the flock, except a few of you who praise it in circles but you have been there from the beginning. Manufacturer asked "you" to introduce the product (ever heard of term "influencer"?), but I do not see many converts here. oregonpapa actually stayed decent with most points that would make someone try the product.

If the manufacturer is reading this, I suggest next time not to take this route. It gives her product a bad name without actual reason to do so. Hiring more professional, or at least self-controlled, crew would actually spread the word. Like this, who is going to buy a product a person is not allowed to ask a question about and only gets "you buy it, or you are not worth talking"? Good news is, no damage control needed, nobody really read this thread with any seriousness.

I do not take any medication. I do not need any.
Perhaps you can explain how applying a "mat" to a sealed metal enclosure would significantly change the EMI, when the metal enclosure would already do that?  Since the mat has metal on it, it would stick to a steel enclosure which would also have magnetic shielding properties as well and if aluminum, a sheet of mu-metal is about $25.
jafreeman OP506 posts11-21-2019 2:06pmGlupson, you’re not reading for comprehension---I just told you the systems are quite good, and I asked you to describe your own. If you had done so, I would have said, as good as your system is, it would sound as good as it actually is if you had some Omega mats in place. This is the point we are trying to make about these mats’ effectiveness in rejecting the EMI that masks the signal.

If the manufacturer asked you to, and you did it, then yes, that would be an advertisement.

jafreeman OP506 posts11-21-2019 2:06pm
In my opening statement, I said a few of us who have these new mats were asked to introduce them, not because we work for the company, but because we are using them. If you wrote here about how great your new audio component sounds, would you say you are running an ad? No--you would not.

I suppose I advertise every time I write a review on Amazon or give feedback here or on eBay. Well, no this is not advertising. Sometimes we read good and sometimes a bad rating or feedback. The sellers on Amazon, here and on EBay all want ratings and feedback. The fact they want it, and sometimes even use the ratings to support their product, does not me or any of us advertisers. It makes us customers with an experience. Like everything in life if your life perception filter is looking for some kind offense, then you will find it. Seems you found another perceived offense to ruminate on.
Post removed 

nobody really read this thread with any seriousness

New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
7,771 views (so far)
The emphasis was on "seriousness".

I am proud not to have started any of the threads like this. I have a different career, being an influencer is not for me.
It is quite unbelievable to me that folks can raise so much ruckus about products that they have never tried, nor have any intention to try. For the life of me, I can’t imagine why they get their panties in such a tight knot.

Krissy has told me that even with the 90-day return policy, there has not been one item returned. She also keeps an eye on resale activity on the Net, and so far, there hasn’t been one item up for sale on the used market. That has some sway, does it not?


PS: This is not an advertisement. 
Post removed 

"With 2978 posts within less than 2 years, it appears that the only thing you take ’seriously’ is yourself."
It may be. I surely take you as a joke.

Thanks for checking me out, I had no idea how many posts or time it has been. It is nice to know that someone cares about it. Even if it is you.
@oregonpapa  actually US Audio Mart has used E Mats for sale and also after I posted on this thread looking for used Mats several members have reached out offering some for sale. Just wanted to set the record straight.
Nobody is preventing anyone from asking questions about this or any PPT products.
Not sure where you get that from.
The only reason people get shut down is when being pig headed stupid stubborn without any reason.
If you had tried any of the PPT products and you then brought your opinions and views here that would be an entirely different matter.

Just to keep coming here with openly negative and antagonist posts is the sign of either a troll or someone with even less of a life than others here.

Now bring something useful and beneficial to this thread and you may find a different reception indeed.
I tried to tell you that interfacing with glubson would be fun but I didn’t say for who.
Thank you, Grannyring. Modern capitalism takes many forms. 
atdavid and Glubson: while I did introduce this new mat, I am not pressuring others to buy it, rather, I am reporting on my enjoyment and on its effectiveness, which is consistent with the spirit of other threads on PPT products going back two years or so.  The purpose of these threads is to report findings and to inform others who are looking for ways to improve their systems. 
That purpose is found within the larger intent of this entire forum, including seeking help with problems, helping others to solve problems, warning against common mistakes, et al.  For those of you who enjoy criticizing, shaming, citing mass delusion--your fate as an audiophile is that of a smear artist.   
As a very happy user of the contact paste and 4 Omega mats, I'm pretty amazed at the improvement in my system with these products. Substantially reducing  noise I didn't know was there tremendously increased my enjoyment of my music, it's much more clean sounding and 3D.
I'd recommend it to almost anyone interested in maximizing the sound of their system.

My $.02 is if you are the type of person who is frequently insincere and disingenuous you expect that from other people, you think everyone is  wired like you. 
I'll be purchasing 2 of the Omega+ mats when funding allows.

"Just to keep coming here with openly negative and antagonist posts is the sign of either a troll or someone with even less of a life than others here."

I merely noticed, and said, that descriptions seem exagerrated and this was your honorable response...

"C’mon Glupson, you should know better than that with how many of these type of threads you have haunted!.

That was just a way to try and gain a riseout of folks.

Pure trolling at its finest, sorry but have to call it as I see it"
and some more...

"Are you off your meds by any chance?"

"keep on walking Glupson……."
Not openly negative and antagonist? For sure.

Should we call your responses "classy"?
Post removed 
It is sad to see responses to what was not intended to be any confrontation, or attempt to ridicule the product advertised. In fact, it got presented as if I had something against the product itself, which was not the case. My comments were aimed at the wording of posts describing it in terms that are hard to believe.

Well, now I know that insecurities run high in the mat community.

Come on, people. It is just a mat of some sort. You are taking it, and your observations, way too seriously.
 If you can get so riled up about a mat, new hobby may be a solution.

I became aware of PPT when reading about The Gate here on AG. Let me admit that it's $5000 price tag engorged my BS antennae. So testimonials to other PPT products, while much more modestly priced, were ignored by me.

With recent comments about The Mat by two AG members whom I hold in high regard in terms of taste in music and hi-fi components (slaw and uberwaltz), I now am considering auditioning The Mat myself. Just another sucker? ;-)

As far as pricing, I find the doubling of price in the + version to raise the question of whether it costs twice as much to manufacture as the original (doubtful), or whether it's increased effectiveness alone can be used to justify the doubling in price. Of course, no one is forced to buy the + version, are they? Still, who doesn't want the New! Improved! version of any product?

I admit my responses to you are pretty antagonist and negative, yep, guilty as charged.

Wonder why.......
It may be worth auditioning. The option to return it does not allow you to be a sucker. Just a curious one. The price is whatever it is and, who knows, it may even be worth it. As the influencers say, what do you have to lose.
If you don’t like my attitude then there is no need to engage me any further.
Sorry but I don’t mince words or sugar coat anything.
A spade is a spade.

Not ONCE have you EVER seen me post over hyped accolades on ANY product here.
I just report the results as I have seen and heard them.

Pity you can’t say the same now.....

I'm done here as some people you just cannot reach.
I let the music decide for me, not mindless bickering.
Hi, bdp24. The price of the new +mat is the same as the price of the original mat when it first came out. They halved the price of the original mat upon the debut of the +mat.
Hi bdp24, 
PPT pricing has recently been greatly reduced.  One original Omega mat used to cost $600, now it is only $300.  Two Omega+ mats (Emat+) at $900 is now a bargain, especially since the Emat+ is being reported as a doubling of power in rejecting EMI.  Do you have a component surface upon which you can place one, where the field effect will project downward as well as upward? Or, placed over your breaker panel switches is a good place.  For the original Omega mat, I like to place them under a component.  Both versions do project a field upward and downward, though.        
Guyz ...

Personally, I believe that the new Omega + mats are more effective than two of the mats that came before them. No, I haven't measured anything other than going by my ears ... but I know what I'm hearing. I don't believe that doubling up on the original mats will get you what one of the new mats will. 

There occurs a richness in tone that wasn't afforded by the original mats. This should not be taken as a coloration at all. It is just that for some reason, more of the beauty of the instruments and voices are allowed to surface, making the music more involving ... a lot more like one would hear live.

I know another A'goner who is familiar with my system. He has just installed the Omega + mats into his system, and he concurs with what I'm saying here. 
Glupson ...

I don't think you're a bad person. I just don't understand why you are so skeptical, especially with all of the positive reports in these threads concerning these products. I suspect that you are leary about most things in general and that you question almost everything and everyone ... until you trust them.

 My brother is exactly like that. He absolutely hates to be taken advantage of, and he lets it be known too. He's retired now after a long career in law enforcement. He was a good cop, with the personality to match.

Please don't take this as a negative affront, because it is not meant that way at all. You are you, and I am me ... and the twain shall meet. Just different personalities.

That's it in a nutshell. 



In my other life, I am not that skeptical. I am not skeptical even here, but, again, the posts in this particular thread were written in a way that seemed so over the top that it became "this seems strange".

In general, when it comes to reading about tweaks, I find it unexpected that all the tweaks seem to be for better. I do not know if I have ever read a negative tweak story. Some do not believe in tweaks, fine, some do, fine, but those who do do not seem to ever find them detrimental. Isn't that a little strange? Just by luck, statistics, whatever, it needs to happen, and it is not that common at all. I am not talking about this thread, but now, whenyou asked me about being skeptical.
I am not a basher but a seeker of truth via listening and measurements if the latter is possible.  Yes, I have purchased and made shielded clothing which improves my sleep, and this correlates with dramatically lower RF measurements under the clothing.  On, there are advertised specs which I have confirmed by my own measurements using the esi24 meter I bought from them.  So I am seeking someone with more technical expertise than me, to measure these PPT products.  You all think that the improvement in sound is due to reduction of RFI, but you don't know, and maybe most happy users don't care.  Maybe Tim Mrock was a master technician who did these measurements in the development of these products, or he developed them empirically by listening to what sounded good to him.  I still think he (now Krissy) could reveal these measurements without revealing proprietary info about the actual construction and materials used.  This is analogous to amp manufacturers who reveal the specs but don't reveal the actual circuits.
Does anyone know the patent number for "perfect path effect"? Was it patented in the U.S.A.?