New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.

Many of Tesla's ideas were proven wrong.

May I suggest getting your fridge serviced? You seen to have a thermostat issue. 

This is not the 1500s, so the church analog was not a good one, but given the many things Tesla believed that were false, that is more appropriate.

Power usage of devices can be measured to about 0.1% inexpensively. If this did save power it could be proved easily.

It may surprise you that the electrical aspects of almost everything in your home are quite efficient. The losses are mainly non electrical. 30% losses on the electrical side does not even exist.
Why are you still posting?
Like the look of your own posts?
Need some cheese with that whine?
You have called myself and other members liars but don't have the nads to step up and try the mats yourself.

Your opinions are worthless IMHO.
Have a good day sir.
t_ramey ...

I'm glad you're enjoying the jazz artists I've recommended. Jazz is a very interesting thing. A friend of mine put it very well. He said that with classical music, the artist tries to play what the composer intended, to the point of perfection. With jazz, you'll be following it along with the music when the musician will make a little excursion off of the beaten path surprising you, and the reaction is ... hey, that was cool, I wasn't expecting him to do that. In other words, the jazz musician/composer plays with your mind a bit. So much of the music is between the notes, and the musician lets you fill it in, in your mind. Miles was great at that. So was Bill Evans. All of the greats were actually. 

And talking about jazz, I threw this one on last night. With the new Omega "Plus" E-mats and the Orange fuses in the system, it was absolutely fantastic both in SQ and performance. Highly recommended.

Please go away you are like a sweat all the wrong places all at the same time. Tom
atdavid ...

Please stay. I would like to put you into the same camp as Slaw and Carpathian, two guys who thought I was a total nut-case. Not that I blame them, of course. *lol*

Yes, let’s rehabilitate Ethan. 🤗 I have a team of trained deprogrammers standing by. 😳 😳 😳

glupson ...

You hit on a good point with your last post.
I am glad to get some credit, after all.

However, my point was that I read many praises, many wishes to help the widow, many warm words about the late inventor, many claims of wonderful uses for products, but nothing that anyone has actually done, or planned to do, to support those wishes and claims.
atdavid ...

Here's a series of videos on Tesla. Interesting man, indeed. It has been said that Edison tried five-thousand different experiments before he got the electric lightbulb to work. So, your claim that Tesla had a lot of failures wouldn't surprise me at all.;_ylt=AwrS_AnXytldAXAAfjBXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEycmkwaWk3BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQTA2MDdfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=tesla+how+we+use+his+inventions+today+show&fr=chr-yo_gc

  I just ordered a 2 pack of the new mat plus version.  Most of you are placing these in or on the fuse box?  Very excited to try this new version out.  RIP Tim
It took Marconi ten long years to achieve trans-oceanic radio communications. Mostly because he wrongly used RF wavelengths that were too long. Hey, that’s the way it goes sometimes.
glupson ...

I'm an old guy, but still sharp as a tack. The problem is, I can't always remember where I left the tack. Please refresh my memory. Do you have any PPT products in your system at this point? 

Thanks ...


I never called anyone a liar. I have no doubt you believe what you say. However if you want the things you say related to audio to be taken seriously you may want to understand the things you claim unrelated to audio don't jive with basic laws of physics and hence put in question everything you claim about anything. It shows you are easily swayed and not objective.
I knew it, uber! You were swayed into thinking there were frozen chunks in your orange juice this morning! I cannot believe you thought they actually existed....
I didn’t claim that Tesla had a lot of failures I claimed a lot of hypotheses he had were plain wrong. He was a smart tinkerer but was often also eminently arrogant and that impacted his ability to learn. He looked down on his contemporaries like Einstein with contempt. While we appreciate the things that Tesla brought to the world like 3 phase power and AC induction motors his knowledge and understanding of fundamental physics was limited and he appeared to make no attempt to change that and looked down on those that did like Einstein.
History makes it clear that people who try new things, pursuing their vision, paying no attention to those who say it can’t possibly work, are the ones who truly move things forward. Those who only criticize and ridicule what they have no actual experience with, are left behind, wondering what happened. Failure has many explanations, success doesn’t need one.
"....also eminently arrogant and that impacted his ability to learn."
Interesting choice of words.
I admit I can get swayed rather easily. Case in point. Earlier today I told my wife I would love to have some grass fed burgers and she replied no we’re having salmon and you’re going to like it, to which I rendered “yes dear”... 

Great album reco Frank! Streaming it off Qobuz right now and it sounds like it was recorded yesterday.
t_ramey, does your wife have a long lost sister? Because I think I married her.....
I told my ex-wife that I was feeling much better since I switched from coffee to orange juice in the morning.

She said ... "It is probably the vitamin "C."

I said ... "No, I think its the Vodka."
Post removed 
t_ramey ...

Thanks ... Glad you like it.

There’s a whole series of "Poll Winners" recordings on the Contemporary label. The one above features three of the giants of jazz ... Ray Brown on bass, Shelly Manne on Drums and the great Barney Kessel on guitar.

The recordings produced by Contemporary at the start of the stereo age in the 1950s through the 1960s usually have excellent sound and performances. Also, check out jazz recordings on the Pacific Jazz label.

Check out their mono recording too. They can be superb.

steakster ...

  • "Perhaps, you might consider a future career as a police negotiator."
Try 40 years of selling residential real estate in the brutally competitive Southern California real estate market.  That was fun stuff. Never had a day that I didn't want to go to work.

By the way, I'm hooked on the homicide program "The First 48." Does anyone else here watch that program? Talk about a sales job ... When the detectives get the suspect in the interview room, the detectives become master salespeople in order to get the perp to confess to the crime. Fun to watch.


 "but nothing that anyone has actually done, or planned to do, to support those wishes and claims."   Glupson

Well, Glupson--we are buying and using PPT products.  That tends to help.  
Tesla was a tinkerer. He invented some obviously important things but he actually did nothing to advance our fundamental understanding of the world. He shunned theoretical physics and those who attempted deeper understanding.
He was one of the greatest scientific minds and inventors the world has ever known. Period. Indisputable. To call him merely a 'tinkerer' is asinine.

No, I do not have any PPT products. I am not really that invested in minuscle adjustments to sound I get. I do not have time for that, either.

Before any other thought, and in case you misplaced that tack as all of us sometimes do, I would like to make sure you recognize that my comments here focused solely on the purpose of this thread (...has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat..."). I looked, read, thought, and eventually commented, on the business/marketing aspect of it. The aspect of someone with no emotional investement in it who has to figure out how to improve presentation and final results. I pointed out some of the defficiences I could see in presenters’ approaches and even suggested a few routes that may have more potential than recirculating praises in one small circle of supporters. For some reason, you guys, tasked with presenting a product, took it as a personal offense instead of constructive criticism. If you want to improve, you do not ask for opinion from the one who thinks like you, you ask for it from the one who could trip you. That way, you can fix the holes in your game.

I took all of your claims about it working as "it works" because it is a completely different topic that I do not want to have anything to do with. Still, that aspect is also very important and being unprepared to answer questions about it in a coherent and calm manner can ruin even the best product. You failed miserably on that one. Granted, it may be because the inventor never told details to anyone.

Unfortunately for PPT, even Apple is not basing all of its current bussiness on the memory of one charismatic visionary. It takes more than that to sell the product. And that is what you were asked to do here. This may be difficult time for the family and friends and some of these thoughts may need to wait for a little bit, but challenges will not disappear just because they are inconvenient at this point.


"Well, Glupson--we are buying and using PPT products. That tends to help."
It does not hurt, but it may not be enough to support the business long-term. Your presentation, with a listening session, to audiophiles in Kuala Lumpur may go much further. Try it.

He was an inventor. There is almost nothing in science attributed to Tesla. I get that you want to believe that but he did pretty much nothing to advance fundamental science maybe nothing. He literally shunned theoretical physics, arrogantly assuming he knew it all. That is why he had so many crazy hypotheses that were wrong because he refused to accept that there were things he did not know that others did.

Be was not a great scientific mind, a great mind perhaps, but in many ways he shunned science and those that knew things he did not and could theorize where he could not.

Glupson--PPT Omega mats are not "minuscule adjustments" in anyone’s system---they are game changing, even in highly-invested systems. Thanks for the "free consultation", but you need PPT more than PPT needs you.  

Glupson ...

I would love for you to place a PPT Gate into your circuit breaker box, along with two Omega "Plus" E-mats, then liberally use Total Contact throughout your system, then place "Stop-Its" throughout your house in every unused socket, and finally place Omega E-Mats under your electronics,  then see if you still think the results are "minuscule adjustments."

Honestly, you speak of what you know nothing about.     It is akin to you telling someone like me who grew up in the beach towns of Southern California that there is no way that I can surf big waves without using a surfboard. Just give me a good pair of flippers, and watch. :-)

I have no desire to denigrate Glupson but he truly is a lost cause Frank.
We all know by now he has no intention of ever trying any PPT products because he might then have to eat some large slices of Humble Pie.

Now by his own admittance he also really has no interest in whether or not they work.
He only wanted to tell everyone how poor a job of advertising they were doing and present a much better global corporate architecture for PPT to follow.

Not criticising that but not sure as that is of any concerns bar PPT themselves.
I think what glupson was trying to say is that your unbridled idolatry to the point of ignoring reality was perhaps not a great promotional technique beyond a limited and easily influenced crowd. His lesson unfortunately was lost. You started this thread to promote the product. Perhaps you should listen to him.
atdavid ...

  • "I think what glupson was trying to say is that your unbridled idolatry to the point of ignoring reality ..."

So, here's the interesting and confusing part, atdavid ... how do you and glupson know what our "reality" is if you've never experienced it for yourselves?  And could that "idolatry" really be unbridled enthusiasm for a product that has gob-smacked us upside the head to the point where we just want to share the good news? 


PS: Did you check your PMs?
Post removed 
It would certainly seem that they get more enjoyment from stirring the pot on forums, criticizing things they have no experience with, and disparaging others, than actually looking for, and trying, new ways to improve their own music listening experience.
Now you’re getting smart. Build it and they will come.

”You can’t kill kill.” - Charles Manson

I've got to get out of the mindset that every "NO" gets one closer to a "YES." I'm afraid it is burned into the subconscious mind after a half-century in the sales business. Personally, I'm close to giving up on trying to convince these guys of something they refuse to be convinced of, and something they could personally benefit from.

At some point, coming to the realization that one is dealing with someone possessing a mind slammed shut can be a relief. 
Those 2 negative "Elements" should come forth with a positive personal audio experience if they have ever had 1 of their own in their own audio room. Tom
Quick update after installing two EMat+ mats on my electrical panel last night:

My system has The Gate, Stop IT AC plugs, and Total Contact treatment. It already sounded phenomenal before I decided to try the new EMats and I almost couldn’t imagine how it could get any better.  I was mistaken, to say the least.

Three hours after installing the mats I wanted to give a listen to hear the “baseline sound” so I could judge the coming changes as the mats settle in over the coming 2 weeks, or so. I couldn’t believe the change that had already occurred in the short time since installing the mats.
Here’s what changed:
The holographic placement of the instruments seemed even more lifelike as the space between the instruments seemed more “black” or silent. Vocals and acoustic guitar had more vivid and real upper harmonics. Not louder, just more revealing of the information contained in the recording. It was literally jaw-dropping, especially since I was adding the mats to an already well-treated hifi system.

Also, and most importantly, I’ve finally emailed and had phone conversations with Chrissy.  Such a lovely person and a newfound friend! I hope to meet her in person some day when I return to my old stomping ground in New Hampshire!

I will post updates in the coming days. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Best Regards,
At some point, coming to the realization that one is dealing with someone possessing a mind slammed shut can be a relief.
Now you are getting there Frank.
Unfortunately I came to that conclusion long ago.

Great news and very good to hear indeed, enjoy immensely as the majority of the enlightened here are already doing.
comparable skepticism on my EVS 1200 thread.

Ric offers a 30 day money back and yet people there continue to poke holes but never tried it.. I did and I kept it

Is a money back offered for these E Mat+s?
Everything sounds better at night. Time of day is one of those external variables I was talking about. If you like I’ll list them.

Everything is relative. A. Einstein 😛
  • "Everything sounds better at night. Time of day is one of those external variables I was talking about. If you like I’ll list them."
Installing "The Gate" seems to have solved that problem. At least in my system.
