New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.

"So why do you continue to post?"

"Long story, I tried explaining multiple times in this thread. I would not recommend you waste time and re-read the thread to figure it out. It is not worth it."

It’s rudimentary. You state your point of view (multiple times), which very few want to hear. And from a position of arrogance (I know better than you, and your observations are wrong).
I suggest you have your say (maybe twice if absolutely necessary) and then leave it alone.
Your position is tedious at best, and detracts from the real purpose of these forums. It turns people away. And without trying any of the products, you have no right to put a negative slant on a product that may have a (dramatic) effect on music reproduction.

Alright @oregonpapa, now you HAVE gone too far, disparaging my blended Johnnie Walker Black like that. :-(

But Geoff came to the rescue, making me laugh out loud for the first time in quite a while (the donkey joke). :-)

Back on topic: Audiogoner folkfreak's Portland Oregon system was (he has packed up and left town) extensively fitted with Synergistic Research grounding products, and the "silence"/"blackness" of the sound that system displayed was really something to hear.

If the PPT products afford that kind of benefit, even I, with a fairly pronounced case of tinnitus (producing an elevated ambient noise floor in my ears), may hear a difference. Mt neighborhood's power station is only a half-mile way from the house, with no industry or other noise-producing sources in the area, and I hear no obvious problems in that regard. But with all the electronic signals flying around in just about all homes these days, who knows what's on the line and in the air to be picked up? Sometimes you aren't aware of pollutants in the sound until they are removed.

If you are in North America, they what is supplied to houses is split-phase 120/240. It is technically not a true two-phase system but usually referred to as such. What it is is a 240V center-tapped transformer on the pole, then 3 wires are run to the breaker panel, two lives, and the neutral. Almost all audio equipment I am aware of in North America is 120V, which means you are only connecting to 1/2 the windings on the pole transformer at at time.

Noise reduction and surge equipment only attached to 1/2 the transformer will have some effect on the other side of the transformer, but the speed/bandwidth of that effect is limited as the bandwidth of that large pole/neighbourhood transformer is low. Power-Factor applied to only one side of the transformer can work, is not as effective, but as was noted above, to achieve power factor correction, it takes more sophistication.

jafreeman OP519 posts11-24-2019 8:22pm"The way it is hooked up is pretty clear. It only connects to one phase. That means the benefit it can have on the other phase is limited. That is simple reality." at david

Atdavid, is you system powered by more than one phase in your box?

Before cars had antenna wires in their windshields--back around 1970--I would pick up a winter beater--or a daily beater--for around $200.  These cars usually lacked antennas---snapped off at the fender long before.  I would stick a coat hanger in there--then got good radio reception---I'm sure many of you did the same.  It seems any piece of wire also makes a good antenna for broadcast, so you can imagine what 300-400 feet of copper wire does in your house, not to mention the wiring in and between your components.  What are your thoughts on this, folks?               
So if you had an AV system at a remote lake house off the grid away from them towers and powered by a generator or even solar and battery I still think the Mat the Card and the Gate will make a big difference. I think there is more to it than RFI/EMI...

Total Contact maybe a surface treatment for contacts but it also serves many passive surfaces well. Speaker frames..tweeter bezels, mechanical fasteners and screws..and some parts of musical instruments. The treated part or device also goes thru a period of breakin until the materials is cured to the surface. Easily heard just by treating the screws on your speaker..make sure you switch to brass at least around and on the tweeter. Frank heard the benefit of treating the screens around his ribbon tweeters with Total Contact just as Tim did. I think I know why and it has nothing to do with RFI..unless string instruments are subject to RFI..Tom
Post removed 

Stop being a jerk and show me where I am wrong. It’s easy to say someone is wrong ... Let see if you can back up your condescension with actual words with meaning.

I clearly said that two phase is not really two phase but split phase of a single transformer winding. 
Yeah, I agree Tom. I thought it reasonable to focus on wiring as a source of unwanted noise in the form of RFI---that much, it seems, is agreed upon. From there, we apply various remedies, such as power conditioners, transformers, shielding, XLR connections---whatever we may try, we are plagued--saturated with--transmissions of all types--anyone care to list them? Unless, as you say, we could get away from it all. Those satellites, though......      

I have suggested throughout that the mats project a field to protect against/reject RFI around where they are placed.  I do not know this to a reasonable degree of certainty--I am no more privileged than anyone else on here to know the precise workings of any of the PPT line, but I did want to talk about the Omega mats, and this required a working idea, a plausible hypothesis, around which discussion and interest can be generated.   
at david, the reason I asked is because my system is powered from both buss bars, running into the 240V/120V isolation transformer that sits at the bottom of my component stands. As far as I've heard, this is the way to have balanced power on the 120V side of the transformer.  This was a big key for my system--I recommend it.  
A 240V connection is normally cleaner, i.e. less THD than a 120V connection, but you can run a 120 to 120 center tap transformer and connect the center tap to ground and technically that is balanced but running from the two lives (busbars) is a better implementation.
I tried once to nudge it back on topic but I guess some folks are pretty thick skinned.

>>>>I’m not sure thick skinned is the best choice of words. Here are some words that might fit in better.

My approach to RFI/EMI is four fold.
1. Turn the entire house into a first order Faraday cage. Flying Saucers 🛸 🛸
2. Block RF from entering unused wall outlets. Flying Saucers 🛸 🛸
3. Block RF from entering unused RCA jacks on the back of components.
4. Scatter tiny little bowl acoustic resonators around the room and house. 🍲  🍲 

Pop quiz 1 - What is the frequency of RF that can squeeze through the tiny openings of unused RCA jacks?
>>>>I’m not sure thick skinned is the best choice of words. Here are some words that might fit in better.
I was actually trying to be polite GK, Lol.

3. Block RF from entering unused RCA jacks on the back of components.
PPT do also have that covered...…..
Pop answer ... that would depend on how many db attenuation you expected, and because there are normally multiple RCA jacks close together, you would also need to know the spacing of those jacks.

What if your enclosure is solid metal and your RCA (or other) holes are covered? Then how much RF escapes and what will a mat outside that enclosure do?

geoffkait18,468 posts11-25-2019 6:58am

Pop quiz 1 - What is the frequency of RF that can squeeze through the tiny openings of unused RCA jacks?

uber, are you being thick skinned?
What do you expect from just one cup of coffee...…..
Talking about Omega "Plus" E-Mats, mine are doing fantastic. I'm starting to think that perhaps the only way to get more realism out of the system at this point would be to hire a band.

How's everything else going for you guys?

Why no answer to the PM I sent you? 

Absolutely peachy Frank, thank you for asking!
Second cup of coffee down, now firing on 7 cylinders, one more cuppa and should be all set!

I have found that female vocals and acoustic guitar have really stood out as huge improvements over the old mats which on their own were a large success but these babies?

You could be correct Frank when you say they seem to have MORE than double the effect.

PS, don't mention the orange juice...….. 

Why no answer to the PM I sent you?


>>>>That’s gold, Jerry, gold!! 💰 💰 
@jafreeman     There's balanced power and there's balancing the load on each 120v leg.  Two different processes.  Both are good.   Balancing the load is especially good for safety, if grounding is suspect.   Some isolation transformers create balanced power, some do not. 

So, I take you guys are sticking with your RFI/EMI story for the eMats. Well, here’s another clue for you all, the walrus was Paul, no wait a sec, I mean why is the eMat effective UNDER my CD player. Do you really think it soaks up RF like a sponge? 🧽 Or that it’s a RF magnet? 🧲 I.e., a photon magnet? Do I have to shake out my eMat every so often to get the big clump of photons off it?
Balancing the load is especially good for safety, if grounding is suspect.
That really makes no sense. Poor grounding should be corrected by bringing the ground up to code, or better. Balancing loads has nothing to do with it.
Post removed 


"I suggest you have your say (maybe twice if absolutely necessary) and then leave it alone."

Duly noted. You are right. My bad.

At the same time, note that this thread does not leave an option of discussing the mat. It is disrespectful and not a good taste. All that is left is either accepting the words of others as a gospel, or discussing the actual intent.

"You are so far off base on the construction of The Gate, it is not even funny."

Wasn't The Gate secret, too?

Is Omega Mat now out of production?

859 posts

05-22-2019 9:43am

I’m always a bit hesitant when a manufacturer at least does not give some information as to what makes a product function as claimed. Although the Gate must make some difference to ones sure would be nice to know what makes it tick.
If it was a hundred bucks or so...who cares!!! But... at would be nice to know what that much money brings to the table.

Even if I get dinged for having more posts, at least we think as one.

"It seems any piece of wire also makes a good antenna for broadcast..."
It depends on the actual wave. Wire hangers are not that helpful with middle wave, but do good with ultra-short. Talking about car radio application although it can be mimicked elsewhere.
"I mean why is the eMat effective UNDER my CD player."

Uh, because if it was on top, you couldn't use the player?  


  • "All that is left is either accepting the words of others as a gospel, or discussing the actual intent."

There's another option, and that is to order your own mats and try them out for yourself. 90-day return policy.

  • 'Wasn't The Gate secret, too?

Yep, and it still is.  

  • "Is Omega Mat now out of production?" 


Anything else?


I looked back on the old Emat thread and read some of Tim’s comments:
There are no crystals---the Omega mats are solid state.
The mat’s power is not stopped by 2" granite, 1" aluminum or by 1/2" rolled steel.
The effectiveness of the mats does not degrade over time.

Beyond these clues, Tim stated he did not want to give away his intellectual property.

jafreeman OP
524 posts11-25-2019 3:05pm"I mean why is the eMat effective UNDER my CD player."

Uh, because if it was on top, you couldn’t use the player?

>>>>>Didn’t you forget a smiley face? 😀 Be that as it may I’d don’t reckon we’re on the same page yet. 
Solid state. Say, aren’t quantum dots solid state? 😳 You know, like the WA Quantum Power Chip. Like the WA Quantum Chip for Fuses. Like the Intelligent Chip. 🤓
  • Didn’t you forget a smiley face? 😀 GK

"That’s a joke--I say--that’s a JOKE, son." Foghorn Leghorn

Be that as it may I’d don’t reckon we’re on the same page yet. GK

Sure we are---we’re on page 10.......  😄

"There’s another option, and that is to order your own mats and try them out for yourself. 90-day return policy."
That would certainly be an option. However, in recent times, in Western society, people got spoiled into being allowed to know what they are giving money for in advance.

You said you were in real estate sales. How often did you close the sale with "Yes, it is a house. No, it does not leak. No, you cannot know is it brick or wood. It is much more expensive than others on the market. Yes, it is that good. Yes, it can fly. No, it is not exagerration, you have to trust me. Pay, move in, you are allowed to move out in three months. No, it is not inconvenient. You lose nothing." I know nothing about real estate sales tacticts, but I also do not know anyone who would buy a house under such terms.

If only the inventor knew the secret, how is it still being produced?

How come that original post goes into details of action for something that the rest of the thread implies is not known to anyone? It does say "presumed" but it also talks about single mats clearly.
Again, you're just not reading for comprehension, Gluppy.  See my disclaimer toward the top of this page, then see my comment just a few posts up. 
  You came on here, made derisive comments, and then played the victim, claiming you gave free marketing consultations and weren't appreciated for it.  Can you just stand down?
Tony says step off, George! That’s gold, Jerry, gold! Comedy is subjective. I’m not political. I’m just trying to make people laugh. Am I part of the protest? No. No, I don’t believe any of that. I don’t believe in anything. I just thought it’d be good for my act. 
Days ago, I removed the Omega + mats from my breaker box and Alpha cards from my speaker cables. I waited two days and had a listening session. I listened to Joan Jett and then Spyro Gyra on CD. Sounded just fine. Clear, detailed, quite enjoyable. Joan was rockin' at her 80's best, and Spyro Gyra was smooth as a gravy sandwich. I must say my system is treated with TC which helped enhance that enjoyment (obviously did not remove that). I placed the Omega + mats back on the breaker box and Alpha cards back on the amp side speaker cables and waited two days. Just played the same cds. Ahhh! There was that 'more' of everything. More detail, more clarity, more 'smooth'. Joan Jett's voice can sound quite melodic when she slows things down. Anyway, just wanted to verify to myself that the + mats were indeed working to improve my listening experience. And for me personally, they do...
glupson ...

  • "I know nothing about real estate sales..."  


  • "If only the inventor knew the secret, how is it still being produced?"

Who said the inventor was the only one who knew "the secret?" Things are still in full production. Stay tuned ...  a new product is forthcoming. 

  • "However, in recent times, in Western society, people got spoiled into being allowed to know what they are giving money for in advance."

Yes, Western Society did get "spoiled." We used to have the mindset that in order to achieve success we had to work for it. Therefore, in order to be "allowed to know," you'll have to learn the secret code.

Now then, you might want to call Krissy via phone, or contact her via eMail. Even though the factory is buzzing, getting ready for the Christmas rush, I'm sure she would be more than delighted to share with you all of the information regarding formulas, materials and the engineering that goes into the products.  

"Anyway, just wanted to verify to myself that the + mats were indeed working to improve my listening experience. And for me personally, they do..."  thecarpathian  

Thanks for running that test.  Your findings are conclusive.  
Not, so fast there, kemo sabe. There are quite a few legitimate reasons why the sound got better, I mean other than the mat. It’s important I think to keep a log to be able to figure the whole “cause and effect” thing out. It’s part and parcel of the scientific method. Weather conditions, time of day, day of week, changes made casually to the system, taking things out of the room. This is a little bit too anecdotal. Any of this sound familiar? 

No single test is conclusive but isn’t it pretty to think so. 🌹 🌹
thecarpathian ...

I have a feeling that if you had left the + mats out of the system for a week or two instead of only two days, you would have noticed a more profound difference when putting them back in. Just a thought.

Just glad I'm not the only one who actually likes Spyro Gyra!
I was somewhat put down when I said I preferred them to Return to Forever and Weather Report .... Lol.

I have to say Morning Dance is one of my test albums.

Luckily for you, you have retired. Although, I still have a hard time believing you approached your sales the way you approach sales of Omega Mat. Unless you were a part of geoffkait's comedy troop.

No, I will not bother the lady at this, or any, moment. It is a bit disturbing that you use her in this argument. I hope she does well with her company. Regardless of the reason people enjoy her products.
"You came on here, made derisive comments, and then played the victim, claiming you gave free marketing consultations..."
Your comprehension is also a bit skewed, just like you claim mine is. Derisive comments were honest, it all seems like you are joking. Ask anyone outside your group.

I played no victim. I really have no horse in this race. I just felt bad for the woman in rough times who resorted to help from what looked like a bunch of sad jokers. Sorry, I do not mean to be derisive but that is how it looks from outside.

I do admit I missed the target. It became obvious that marketing/sales strategy is based on mystery with cult/religion approach and not on some universally accepted standards of behavior. Looking back, it may be the only way to sell products that cannot be explained in any currently accepted way. No questions. Just send money. Do you even see what you are preaching here?
That post was not as funny as I was hoping it would be. For those interested, it’s spelled Geoff Kait’s comedy troupe. But troop is very close, I admit. But a little bit too suggestive of F Troop or the Boy Scouts.
Oh, geez geoff. Let me consult all my notes that I didn’t take-
Took the mats out around 5pm on the 20th. Put them in their wrapping and put them in the attic. System is in the basement. Proceeded to have a nice piece of salmon and sauteed Brussels sprouts for supper. Glass of white from local vineyard. Weather was dark as this is New England in November.
At approximately 6:12 and 23 seconds on November 22, I sat down in a tastefully plaid Lazy Boy recliner for a listen. I declined to recline. Stomach contents were steamed shrimp from Super Stop & Shop, glass of white from same bottle as I am a very light and occasional drinker. Session sounded as previously reported. Weather was a bit darker as it was a bit later. Around 10 pm I did a push up, took my Milk of Magnesia and cried myself to sleep.
Morning of the 23rd I replaced mats. Weather had brightened considerably as it was daytime.
3pm on the 25th, Sat down in same tastefully plaid Lazy Boy for listening session. Session sounded as previously described. Stomach contents were a Rollo and a Tootsie Roll midgie as I didn’t want to spoil my supper. Weather was light with scattered dark appearing. All room contents remained as they were.


I stand corrected, but I thought you may get offended if I associate your act wth a toupee.
I’m not only the President of Hair Club for Men I’m also a client.