New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.

"...I sat down in a tastefully plaid Lazy Boy recliner..."
Is there such a thing as tasteful Lazy Boy?
The Lazy Boy recliner. Just barely better-sounding than the horrid sounding IKEA POANG chair. Good choice!

"I’m not only the President of Hair Club for Men I’m also a client."
Smells like a conflict of interest.
This place is better than going to a Comedy Club for the evening. Cheaper too.

Glupson ... Hope you don’t mind my asking ... in what part of the world do you live? Are you here in the states somewhere?


"Are you here in the states somewhere?"
Well, U.S.A. is so large that "here" is a very wide area. But, to satisfy your curiosity, I split time between continents. In the U.S.A., I am mostly in the Eastern half. So, yes, I am "here" but the question is which "here".

"This place is better than going to a Comedy Club for the evening. Cheaper too."
Remember when you read it first. And all of you thought I was wrong...

glupson3,034 post

11-20-2019 7:40pm

You guys are joking, aren’t you?
Just hope that your comment does not get the response like mine did...

"Pure trolling at its finest, sorry but have to call it as I see it."

Post removed 

Hey, at least I can read. I practice reading on this thread. It is very interesting read although it is mostly between the lines.

You are not joking about mats? Come on, you must be joking saying that. oregonpapa is right.

From the other side of the screen, it seems that you get overly emotional and agitated in this thread. May I recommend that you stop reading it? It may be detrimental to your health.
From the other side of the screen, it seems that you get overly emotional and agitated in this thread. May I recommend that you stop reading it? It may be detrimental to your health.
If you can't say anything positive, leave.
In the meantime, the new Omega + E-mats continue to impress. Tonight’s listening session included this disc of the great classical guitarist John Williams.

The rendition of Rodrigo’s "Concierto de Aranjuez" is worth the price of entry. The English horn is especially beautiful.

Highly recommended.

I sat up way later than I intended to last night just listening and listening, I was hooked by the music completely.
Quite a mixture, Spyro Gyra, Chuck Mangione, Rush, Men At Work.
All have their strengths but all sounded divine.

Glupson cannot take a hint people so don't waste your time responding to him, hopefully he will just go away sooner or later. Its a free forum so not much we can do otherwise.

I have yet to see one useful positive contributing post by him, but hey I do not read EVERY single post so maybe I blinked and missed one.
A lot of arguementative and condescending posts yes but constructive? Not that I have seen, but I am willing to be illuminated on that score.


"If you can’t say anything positive, leave."

My recommendation was positive and well-intentioned.

jerrybj 33 posts

11-23-2019 3:50pm

The main reason I don’t spend much time here is the negativity on posts.

If you can only see negativity in others’ posts, you may be better off leaving, too.


"Glupson cannot take a hint people so don't waste your time responding to him, hopefully he will just go away sooner or later."
You are right, for once. I left long time ago. I started feeling sad.

Why does he have to be positive? Are critical takes suddenly not allowed? This is a public forum is it not?

jerrybj33 posts11-26-2019 1:14am
From the other side of the screen, it seems that you get overly emotional and agitated in this thread. May I recommend that you stop reading it? It may be detrimental to your health.
If you can't say anything positive, leave.

I do not care personally if posts are positive or negative.
If they have some meaning and are at least relevant and productive to the topic at hand in the thread.
As I already stated, it's a free forum.
Yes indeed, we need to stop engaging the folks who have no idea what these mats do because they have not touched, used, or critically tested them over time in their sound system. It’s like me giving an opinion of a restaurant and dogmatically stating it is no good to hundreds, if not thousands of folks, when I have never even set foot in the establishment. Yes, it is that silly and irresponsible.

These mats are easily the best tweak I have heard in my system and are certainly on par with a multi-thousand dollar upgrade of an amp, preamp or other piece of gear. I have done the gear upgrading and swapping thing for years and these mats offer as much if not more positive sonic impact. This is the type of innovation all music lovers should praise and be thankful for.

I was also listening last night with two additional mats and the aural and emotional experience I enjoyed was simply unmatched compared to all my previous experiences with my music and space. I am thankful for this product and the minds that created it. First rate innovation!
It wouldn't bother me one iota if a person tried a product (any product) and they said it didn't work for them, or it didn't sound good, or whatever. Especially considering that so much of what we do is system dependent. 

It is criminal to demean a product on these forums without ever trying the product personally.  I've said it many times before, it is akin to arson. Why? Because without any evidence what so ever, the poster is attempting to destroy a business and burn it to the ground.

If that isn't a criminal mindset, then what is it?

And now wait for Gluppy to come back and say he was never talking about the mats but the sales pitch on display....

If the mats work on RF how come they take so long to break in? Do the radio waves have to be beaten into submission? Not to mention there are always new radio waves coming to the rescue. Seems like a perpetual motion machine to me. Agree? Disagree? Talk amongst yourselves. Smoke if ya got em.
"...we need to stop engaging the folks who have no idea what these mats do..."
That would be everybody. It has been stated many times that the way mats work is the well-kept secret.
Now you really are being dense for the sake of an argument Glupson.
That is NOT what that quote you made means at all and you know it!
there is a huge difference between the meaning of what these mats DO, and how these mats work.

Really Glupson, you truly are clutching at straws now and just digging an even bigger hole for yourself here.
I can rent you a JCB if you need to go wider and deeper, very fair rates by the hour...….

"Because without any evidence what so ever..."

"When consumers see or hear an advertisement, whether it’s on the Internet, radio or television, or anywhere else, federal law says that ad must be truthful, not misleading, and, when appropriate, backed by scientific evidence."

"The FTC looks especially closely at advertising claims that can affect consumers’ health or their pocketbooks – claims about...............and on conduct related to high-tech products and the Internet."


What is JCB?

I am not used to renting by the hour, anyway.

This is not an ad, but just for illustration how it can be done on a website.

Eventually, how efficient the product is will be very individual experience. Still, claims about patents are clearly supported as are some of the technical details and measurements. Just a link at the bottom of the page.

Clear, concise, no room left for doubts. No need for an online forum defense.

I have nothing to do with above company, but have ran across the website last night.

Has the FTC ever investigated an audiophile product? I mean, really. How about Better Business Bureau? AES? Better Homes and Gardens? Would a simple sticker DO NOT EAT be sufficient to avoid legal consequences? Yes, I know. That’s a lot of questions. Has any audiophile device ever been found to be a hoax? That’s another question. Not even the Tice Clock? The Intelligent Chip? The Schumann frequency generator? Super expensive power cords or cables? The Teleportation Tweak? Has The James Randi Educational Foundation ever threatened to kick a tweak manufacturer’s a$$? The answer, gentle readers, to the last question is Yes!
Glubson ...

Please state your intent in posting in this thread. Thanks ..



Preventing a few of you making a lady's company a joke by your comments. She asked for help. None of you have done anything about it except made it seem like it is a joke made by bitter men who enjoy bickering on an anonymous Internet forum.

Along the way, I noticed imperfections on the website that, once rectified, will make it all seem more credible. I also followed comments here trying to get an idea how many of the staunch proponents have bought The Gate. That could shed some light on how well the business may do in the future in the North American and English-speaking markets altogether.

I also checked a few Asian websites and looked at the traffic regarding power conditioners there. There are many more names than here. I suggested that the lady focuses on Asia rather than this small group not willing to do much more than fairly disjointed lip service.

And what have you done?

The mats could be working on a couple of levels certainly not RF or just RF as Geoff stated.. Surface treatment on speaker bezels or speaker screens or some devices on acoustic instruments benefit from TC is not RF related. Of course TC is different that the Mat..but they both have a break in period which indicates to me they do not work on RF. Tom


"Has the FTC ever investigated an audiophile product?"

Who cares about audiophile tweaks? You either buy them and enjoy or you pass by and do not care.

I have no interest in anything you say. My money has gone on items a range of audio enthusiasts have recommended, from all around the world. For some, the scientific explanation is sketchy.
I can't put what I really think of what you really think is clever and objective. You need to get off your virtual soapbox. Few are listening. Narcissism defined...


Thanks for the insightful review. It was generous that you shared your opinion. Keep on posting so we can learn.


Was this really your first post on audiogon? You actually joined to post that?

(it was regarding geoffkait, it seems)

jerrybj 34 posts

10-02-2018 10:17pm

Why do you have to be so obnoxious?


I explained.

If it suits you better, I can claim it is a big conspiracy. It is fine with me, as long as you stay happy.

You used up your quote of personal questions with that one about my whereabouts. Sorry, my intents will apparently stay secret and you stay out of my personal information.

It wouldn't bother me one iota if a person tried a product (any product) and they said it didn't work for them, or it didn't sound good, or whatever.

I have added substantial tweaks in the last 18 months, as well as changing my system. Speakers, ICs, DAC are the big additions.
Many smaller. Some are an instant improvement. Some I'm not sure.
With the Shumann Resonators, I have not noticed any difference. Have two of the more expensive ones from EBay. I have them in my listening room (my lounge). Turned on/off, I can't tell what impact it has on the sound. Have a power supply for one of them. 
A few others I would comment on, and say I have not noticed a difference; Audio Prism Ground Control spades as another example.

My approach is to say I did not notice a difference.
Especially considering that so much of what we do is system dependent.
My system may the critical factor in the effect of any additions.

jerrybg, it will be interesting to hear of your impressions of the Emat+, especially after all the changes you have made.  I have said a few times that Omega mats have saved me from expensive upgrading--that's an added value from PPT.   
There is a reason for everything. Take the Schumann resonators, for example. Some people say they don’t work for them. Well, they need to be positioned up at a certain distance above the floor, for one thing. For another, they need to be isolated mechanically. I suspect they also need to be broken in for a few days but am not 100%. Not to mention there are various price points for the Schumann resonators. I trust some resonators work better than others. Most likely Acoustic Revive is at the top of the heap. I use two of the relatively inexpensive BLACK USB Schumann resonators from Hong Kong I got off eBay.
It sounds like maybe we need an Angie’s List for weird audiophile thingamabobs. Or Yelp. Someone you can trust.
I use the cheapest Schumann generators(6 of them) and each one made a difference … But I use stones with them, and I linked them to my stones grid... I use them at varying height...I bought no more of them because the fifth and sixth makes a light difference only...They act more for me on the imaging and improve it...My speakers are not in an ideal location in my audio room then any improvement beyond this impediment is very audible...Like many tweaks or mods. or any useful products, some are more room or system dependent in some way...

I apologize for this by-the side remark in this thread about Omega products...My best to all...
Impacts: Electric field, magnetic field, EM wave (RF), gravity, particles, or purely mechanical. Pick 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, but you don’t get to pick 0.

theaudiotweak1,852 posts11-26-2019 12:54pmThe mats could be working on a couple of levels certainly not RF or just RF as Geoff stated.. Surface treatment on speaker bezels or speaker screens or some devices on acoustic instruments benefit from TC is not RF related. Of course TC is different that the Mat..but they both have a break in period which indicates to me they do not work on RF. Tom

"Impacts: Electric field, magnetic field, EM wave (RF), gravity, or purely mechanical. Pick 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, but you don't get to pick 0."

You can rule out mechanical.  I have mats lying on the floor under my speakers, under my gear not touching anything.  Gravity?  The mats aren't very heavy, man.  🌎
You have no found "anything" I just pointed out the options available to you ... so go through and discuss what the likelihood of any of those and the impacts.
jafreeman OP
"Impacts: Electric field, magnetic field, EM wave (RF), gravity, or purely mechanical. Pick 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, but you don’t get to pick 0."

You can rule out mechanical. I have mats lying on the floor under my speakers, under my gear not touching anything. Gravity? The mats aren’t very heavy, man. 🌎

>>>>>Somebody missed one. No. 6. Sadly it’s the one that’s probably the right one. I’ve already mentioned it. See if you can find it. 🤗 I’m giving somebody an A for effort, though. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “I’ve looked everywhere and those are the only ones I found.” 😀 Coming up next, an angry rant telling us nobody understands.
Post removed 
Is that all ya got! Out of ammo? My promise still holds to let you win one sometime.