I suppose it depends on history…why don’t you do a little look through posts on the site, and I think the conclusion is quite apparent…
Dear friends:The main subject of this thread is start a dialogue to find out the way we almost all think or be sure about the thread question : " true " answer.
Many years ago I started the long Agon MM thread where several audiophiles/Agoners and from other audio net forums participated to confirm or to discover the MM/MI/IM/MF/HOMC world and many of us, me including, was and still are" surprised for what we found out in that " new " cartridge world that as today is dominated by the LOMC cartridges.
Through that long thread I posted several times the superiority of the MM/types of cartridges over the LOMC ones even that I owned top LOMC cartridge samples to compare with and I remember very clearly that I posted that the MM and the like cartridges had lower distortion levels and better frequency range quality performance than the LOMC cartridges.
In those times j.carr ( Lyra designer ) was very active in Agon and in that thread I remember that he was truly emphatic posting that my MM conclusion was not true due that things on distortion cartridge levels in reality is the other way around: LOMC has lower distortion levels.
Well, he is not only a LOMC cartridge designer but an expert audiophile/MUSIC lover with a long long and diverse first hand experiences listening cartridges in top TT, top tonearms and top phono stages and listening not only LOMC cartridges but almost any kind of cartridges in his and other top room/systems.
I never touched again that subject in that thread and years or months latter the MM thread I started again to listening LOMC cartridges where my room/system overall was up-graded/dated to way superior quality performance levels than in the past and I posted somewhere that j.carr was just rigth: LOMC design were and are superior to the other MM type cartridges been vintage or today models.
I'm a MUSIC lover and I'm not " married " with any kind of audio items or audio technologies I'm married just with MUSIC and what can gives me the maximum enjoyment of that ( every kind ) MUSIC, even I'm not married with any of my opinions/ideas/specific way of thinking. Yes, I try hard to stay " always " UNBIASED other than MUSIC.
So, till today I followed listening to almost every kind of cartridges ( including field coil design. ) with almost every kind of tonearms and TTs and in the last 2 years my room/system quality performance levels were and is improved by several " stages " that permits me better MUSIC audio items judgements and different enjoyment levels in my system and other audio systems. Yes, I still usemy test audio items full comparison proccess using almost the same LP tracks every time and as always my true sound reference is Live MUSIC not other sound system reproduction.
I know that the main thread subject is way complicated and complex to achieve an unanimous conclusions due that exist a lot of inherent differences/advantages/unadvantages in cartridges even coming from the same manufacturer.
We all know that when we talk of a cartridge we are in reality talking of its cantilever buil material, stylus shape, tonearm used/TT, compliance, phono stage and the like and my " desire " is that we could concentrate in the cartridges as an " isolated " audio item and that any of our opinions when be posible stay in the premise: " everything the same ".
My take here is to learn from all of you and that all of us try to learn in between each to other and not who is the winner but at the " end " every one of us will be a winner.
So, your posts are all truly appreciated and is a thread where any one can participates even if today is not any more his analog alternative or is a newcomer or heavily experienced gentleman. Be my guest and thank's in advance.
There are so many variables here. But IMO, generally the SQ of a good LOMC is the preferred sound. If one is into RAP and head banging music, on the kind of system one sees at a club, then perhaps a higher tracking force MM would be preferable. To this, we add the newest optical designs and again the variables extend. Purely for listening to classical, jazz and some rock, my preference is for the better LOMC's, with a very very close second being the best optical designs. YMMV. |
OK, let’s try and get back on track and away from the typical nonsense that seems to often creep into these threads. For whatever it may be worth, some thoughts and opinions based on my personal experiences with cartridges of every persuasion (MC, MI, MM) : I agree with @bdp24 about the Decca cantilever-less cartridges and could not have described what I hear from them any better: *** The London (Decca) moving iron pickups make music sound more like live music than anything else I’ve heard. Startling attack, immediacy, presence, full-bodied tonality, dynamics, and imaging. The musician’s touch on keyboard, fretboard, or drumhead, the singer’s lips, throat, and vocal chords---the "life" in music. *** That “life” in music is FOR ME the most important consideration when comparing audio equipment. Assuming no gross tonal problems, even more so than tonality (timbre) issues, That quality is what gives the rhythmic integrity of music meaning and without rhythmic integrity music is pretty meaningless. As some musicians like to say “No one ever got fired for having a bad tone”. An exaggeration to be sure, but the point is that, in performance, rhythmic accuracy and feel trumps everything else. A musician can have a beautiful tone, but if his rhythmic accuracy and feel is not so great there are going to be problems. So, does this mean that I think that MI designs “has better quality performance? Really?” I don’t think so. As much as I have liked some of the qualities of the Grado carts that I have owned, they didn’t come close to having the sense of life that the Decca’s have. I will let the more technically astute postulate as to why this may be so, but to my simple mind it points to the issue of compliance and why MC’s have been FOR ME second best in this regard, some a close second. MC’s tend to also be of low compliance. Coincidence? They also tend to share with the Decca’s tonal attributes that in my experience tend to elude most high compliance MM’s that I have used. Of course, there is more at play besides compliance. To my ears the MM and, to a somewhat lesser extent, MI (not the Decca) designs that I have used seem to rob the music of some of the natural color of the sound of acoustic instruments. “Color” is a maligned term in audiospeak, but live music has tons of natural color. I hear what I can only describe as a “grey” or bleached tonal quality in the sound of even the best MM/MI cartridges in my experience. Some consider this quality to be “neutrality”. I disagree. I think that as much as much as we hate to admit it, when we consider tonal issues in audio systems we are mixing and matching the tonal qualities of the various components to achieve a tonal quality that we like or feel that is closest to the sound of music. Regardless of what specs may tell us, no piece of audio gear is truly “neutral”. We can add or subtract a bit of this or that in the overall frequency spectrum by the choice of certain components, but it seems to me that the sense of “life” cannot be added to the sound if it was not present at the source.
I suppose a more proper imitation of @rauliruegas would be something more like this: WHAT KIND OF STUPID QUESTION IS THIS? DO YOU NOT HAVE A BRAIN? DO YOUR EARS EVEN WORK!?…OBVIOUSLY YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ANYTHING!
(As in life, so on the internet: bullies won’t cease being bullies until you just punch them in the face.) |
@drbond really?! |
Disclosure: this is not my typical response, but I am simply going to channel your personality, and the way that you respond to others in this response, and perhaps you may learn something: What kind of stupid question is this? Do you not have a brain? Do your ears even work!? This is like asking which is better: a Ferrari, a Kia, or a Yugo. Obviously you know nothing about anything! |
@rauliruegas I couldn't relate to what JPM was saying until I started switching between my moving magnet (Shure, A/T), Moving iron (Grado, Stanton) and LOMC (Dynavector Ruby). Then it became more and more apparent. The MC was just more transparent than the others.
Dear @bdp24 : " Startling attack, immediacy, presence, full-bodied tonality, dynamics, and imaging. "
I know very well wat you are talking about due that I not only listened to the London Decca but I owned two other cantileverless cartridge from Ikeda LOMC that were the REX9 and 9C. MUSIC and MUSIC quality levels belongs to Transient Response in a home audio system or live MUSIC. hat Transient Response is what gives us first than all immediacy followed by dynamics. Your other adjectives are good in cantileverless design cartridges but other design cartridges even can have a little advantage. Cantileverless cartridge design is not perfect and one f its trade offs is its tracking abilities due that are not very good to " negociates " high velocity recorded grooves. Can I live with the London? sure I can, is very good performer and good that you appreciated in that way.
R. |
I have yet to experience the Ceramic Cart' as a basic design on my home system. I have purchased a Ceramic Cart' of the same model that I thoroughly enjoyed experiencing in use, I also purchased spare Styli. The idea of a Boron Cantilever and FGS is as strong now as it was when first put forward as a design for it. A Cadenza Blacks Cantilever may prove to be the donor part. When I do eventually get to the place this is to be used, from recollection a small tweak is required to the circuit of an MM Phonostage to get the best from it. Having Cart's stored is not a unusual practice for myself, I have a collection of Cart's awaiting their day to be put back into service. I still have a A&R P77 and AT MLX 150 MM to go head to head at some time. The idea of a Gold Plated Boron Cantilever on a MM, that does get ones pot simmering A&R P77 are to found on offer today where a Boron Cantilever is used, but this does come with a fair price attached to achieve it. It might be cheaper to find a spent AT Cart' with a Gold Boron Cantilever and have the Retipped Cantilever put onto the P77. There is also a Cadenza Black to have a Cactus Cantilever and PC Triple C / EX wire taken directly from the coils, bypassing the Lead Out Pins. This will be the least interrupted signal path I have used on a Cart'. |
Dear @jdougs : Yes, to make this kind of comparisons I agree with you on the crucial importance of phono stage.
Now, your Umami Red is a LOMC cartridge that is a true challenge for LOMC cartridge in the over 10K price range, so you are in good hands.
R. |
Dear @lewm : " if you put a gun to my head, I’d say I prefer MI. " Well. I know which MI cartridges you own because I still own or owned for some years ( including MP500 that's moving permalloy. ) and well rigth now I have mounted two MM cartridges and 1 HOMC that overall performs better ( not day and nigth differences. ) than your MI samples and I own several LOMC cartridges that do the same and of course that your samples could be better that some other kind of designs. God to know your preference.
Dear @jhnnrrs : So, your post means that that is your way of thinking as PM? I have to say that for years I had a suscription at IAR. I respect his opinion but that adjective he used could means several things and in reality for me it's not very clear. Could you explain it in a widest way?. Thank's.
R. |
Dear @mke246 : Well, your kind of audio " fun " is a very specialized for say the least and I could think that almost no one out there " lives " as you. Anyway, is interesting that you experienced lower distortion levels in the SG design and even at inner grooves. I hasd and listened in diffeent top room/systems as 4 times that Srain Gauge you own and against top LOMC cartridges the differences are significant and nit for the better. My first time with was in top system with MBL speakers and I just can't tlerate its distorted high frequency range tonality that is not near my near field seated live MUSIC experiences. No, it's not a bad cartridge design and unfortunatelly we have to listen it through its dedicated phono stage so this is an additional " variable " in any comparison due that it's not the usual with other cartridge designs. Good that work for your dedicated audio world. Maybe in the future you can try your SG with today analog LP's. R. |
As a child, the record player at home had a ceramic cartridge, and when I bought my first amplifier (in 1976), one could select ceramic or magnetic inputs on it. Excuse my ignorance, but I'm assuming there were separate inputs as they have differing output voltages? How do connect your ceramic cartridge these days, @pindac ? I have read (maybe it was here) that someone asked PL why he makes LOMI/MIMC cartridges, and he replied that it was purely because there was a demand for them, but he did not think there was any benefit himself. |
@lewm I have been active in a few forums and over the years met up with more than 300 audio enthusiasts which are owners of dedicated systems. To date I have not shared with or met any who are in possession of identical twin systems. Owned systems by any enthusiast will be in general unique as the system evolves in relation to the system owners developing unique preferences. As stated earlier in a post: " It is impossible to make an individual like anything more than what they like." I'm sure there are many with an interest in producing a Closed - Won as an outcome of a meeting, who spend plenty of their energy attempting to change another's thoughts on 'what they like'. All Audio Enthusiast who put together audio systems, are unique in relation to the end sound they are attempting to create. There is not a ubiquitous approach, apart from Devices capable of generating a Electronic Signal and Electronic Devices to Amplify and produce Sound are the requirements for most who want to experience recorded music. I myself, as a contributor, attempts to remain within the objective to share only on experiences had. I do not deter anybody from increasing their own experiences and gathering extended knowledge, that could be very beneficial to their own interests in this hobby. I do not see having limited experiences in a very small area of a particular type of Cart' design, as a reason to discredit ones overall experiences. Nobody has extensive experience of being in the Company of all options available. All contributors are deficient in their experiences had in this respect. On the subject of knowledge of products available from Past production and Present, there is very easy to access info to assist with research. If one wants to extend their knowledge base about a design intent for a particular product, this info can be found. Specification for a Particular Product will be quite successfully found. This info type being discovered, does not increase or broaden ones experiences of how a product encountered is capable of making an impression at the time of a demo'. A thread such as this, will become a place to share ones own unique preferences, for a Cart' Design. Which will then most likely, and as already seen, extend to individuals expressing where they are different, about where they believe the design is to be found that is most satisfying for their unique preferences. The Group that is very satisfied with LOMC will most likely not have the same Cart' Model from a Brand as their preferential model, or will not have the same Brand as the preference. I myself today has in use a LOMC Cart' that has never been designed by any Manufacturer. As a end design it is Bespoke Built and Unique. It has a Ogura Vital Styli > Beryllium Cantilever, WRD from a upper range Model and never used in the Donor Cart' model when in production. This is a Cart' I really would like to be able to make Old Bones with. The same as said for the LOMC will be seen to be realised for all Cart' designs referred to in the OP: MM/MI/IM/MF/HOMC and Ceramic. I do have experience of Grado Cart's, I have heard a range of Grado's Models in home systems belonging to others and at Commercial events. Where I fall short is not being able to confirm if these were MM or MI, but again, the end result was that not enough impression was left to encourage myself to pursue the use of one to be used in the home system. The Len Gregory design is the one I can confirm is a MI and possibly a Grado by original design taken to the LG level of presentation ? These are now very distant from the past recollections. I hope this Thread becomes very populated with the preferences of others, I am always keen to be introduced to something quite new to my knowledge base. As to being interested in the comments offered by those being Younger in years Presbycusis ( Age Related Hearing Loss) has plenty of research carried out and info produced to show the impact on the general population. In relation to 60 - 69 years of age, research which is very easy to understand shows statistics that from 250Hz to 8000Hz, there are a substantial amount of Males with hearing impediment not able to detect these frequencies, especially with the impediment impacting on typical audible communication. As the age rises into the 70's and 80's the Men with hearing loss grows in much increased number to the above frequencies. There is the likelihood some who are to report within this thread, even myself, are reporting with a proportion or the full impact of this type of hearing loss being present. Hence, in my own case, why the idea of using owned Cart's has an attraction, in place of investing into Cart's that may never be fully experienced across the entirety of the Bandwidth designed for them. This still does not Wane me from my intention to invest in having a few more bespoke built Cart's produced, especially a Cacti Cantilever on one such build and a Boron Cantilever with FGS on a Ceramic. |
So you have no extensive experience with MI cartridges. OK. Of all types with which I have experience, the HOMC is on the bottom. There are great things about LOMC, MI, and MM, but I have no love for HOMC when any of those other types are available. For me, the HOMC appears to be an MC cartridge developed expressly for those who own MM phono stages and who can be lured to try an MC but don't want to or cannot afford an upgrade to a high gain phono stage suitable for an LOMC. It’s pure marketing. (Please do not conclude that I condemn them all; I am sure some are just fine. And by "HOMC", I mean an MC with greater than 1mV output.) |
@lewm Len Gregory has been synonymous with MI Cart's in the UK. Even though not having owned a Cart' from this producer, I have encountered the design in use many years ago and in use in conjunction with the system and environment the Cart' was being used, there was not enough on offer to get my inquisitiveness going for a further follow up experience. It was either a MM or HOMC that was the Cart' to be used from the result of investigations undertaken from this period of time. I know individuals today with substantial monies that can be spent on their audio hobby, but remain loyal to HOMC Cart's as their choice. It is impossible to make an individual like anything more than what they like. I know there are endless notions why a Ceramic Cart' should not be taken seriously in the world of audio, but I encountered one in use by pure chance, that has a Paratrace Styli fitted. The impression made on myself was profound, I own the Cart' with spare styli. I will state that many may be selling themselves short, by not having a Ceramic Cart experience, to see what is the impression that can be made. As stated, for myself, I am only interested in what is the devices experienced in use, that are capable of encouraging myself to keep them in use for extended periods and are proven to be devices wanted to be maintained as part of the home system. There is not a recommendation for a device, that is able to be a guarantee to the above being realised, following an encounter with any types of audio device. In relation to Cart's and Phono Amplification, I have been demo'd many devices. Which many have been repelled and without any doubt not wanted to be experienced any further. A much smaller quantity of devices experienced in use are ones I have developed an attraction to and there has been something indelible about the encounter. A smaller quantity again, are those that have been very attractive, hence, selected to be maintained for long term use in the home system. I don't run/cycle like I have as a younger person. I don't have stamina like I had as a younger person. I don't have sight like I had as a younger person. I will take a wild punt, the hearing test if done today, will not be as kind as a description as the one given previously. I am willing to 'err on the side of caution' and lean more towards a description on assessment of produced sound from particular Cart' types from the younger of the ears being used to gather info to be described on produced sound. Then there are those who use the math over their ears to determine the sound to be produced, I have no ageism concerns for math being produced, but also no interest in the math only, as the notion the math is the guidance for the choice to be made. |
@rauliruegas well, I think that that comparison to LIVE performance is a very complex issue. Again based on my experience, there are so many factors in live performance sound quality, depending on venue, listening location within the venue and not to mention the PA sound engineering. I had been in quite a few concerts, even by prominent musicians, when the experience was really disappointing sound quality wise. The philharmonic venue, that I had been visiting frequently, was providing me with considerably different sound qualities depending on my seating location. I always picked center of the main floor, the difference in just a few rows was really something. Therefore it comes a conundrum, how one is to know the "correct" sound of an orchestra, a band or an instrument itself? I guess what is the most pleasing at the moment, since there is always the possibility that the liking might change upon hearing it on different system or location, even under different circumstances. This is my take on it. |
Dear @dogberry : Yes in audio and specially in the analog alternative always exist trade-offs.
You said you are very happy with your MI and that's good, I like MI too but everything the same ( pprice no object or mid price high end cartridges or even low prices. ) your choice is MI or it is only the one whci today makes you happy?
R. |
Dear @knock1 : " but the sonic differences were noticeable to me. "
against live MUSIC? I ask because you posted that's " a personal preference " and I not disagree with you but that preference is against live MUSIC' this is the issue.
This is an easy one for me. The London (Decca) moving iron pickups make music sound more like live music than anything else I’ve heard. Startling attack, immediacy, presence, full-bodied tonality, dynamics, and imaging. The musician’s touch on keyboard, fretboard, or drumhead, the singer’s lips, throat, and vocal chords---the "life" in music.
But Pindac, you did not mention MI (Moving Iron) types. Do you own one? Have you heard one in a familiar system? If you are a mere 60 years old, do not sell your ears short. Unless you have been exposed to very loud noises due to occupation or rock concert going or have had a disease that causes degeneration of hearing acuity, you should still be fine. |
I believe I am at a place in life where the Cart' no longer really matters. Historically, I have been through MM, HOMC and LOMC. I believe I have heard enough Cart' Types to come to a point in time, where I was convinced LOMC was the most desirable option to be maintained in use. Especially when used with Phono Amplification Support, that allows the Cart' design to work at its most attractive as an audible impression. Today and many years on, I am certain, the ears are lesser in their hearing range, so a alternative and more affordable Cart' type should suffice for my basic needs. I have no interest in pretending my most expensive Cart's Types are making myself hear more frequency range than I can actually hear. Approx' 8 years passed at a hearing test, I made it known about my investments in audio and my interest in the hearing test. The nurse said after, I was getting a good return on my investments. I take it I was very simply informed my being able to detect the audible frequency range was reasonably accurate? Now I am getting close to being 60 Years of Age, I see no reason why the Stored MM's, HOMC and Ceramic Cart' that have all at some time very much hit the right note with me, should remain stored. It is time to get them out and attached to some of the Head Shells stored away as well. These models no longer need to be hidden from the main system. As for knowing which is better as a performance? I don't see myself taking the time to be analytical, as along as the presentation of any design is able to listened to for extended periods of time without desiring a change to be put in place, then for me this is the win, as it is a win with all assessments of audio equipment I undertake where devices in use are desirable to be maintained. It would be off interest if contributors stated an approximate age, as the younger ear as is the younger eye, a little more reliable with being accurate.
Raul, I know it’s been a lightning rod in the past and my particular usage case is rather unique to say the least, but I’ve spent the last several months carefully comparing a Soundsmith Strain Gauge with several custom truncated elliptical stylii for 78s with a Shure V15 Vx with the same size and shape truncated elliptical stylii. These tests have been through the same tonearm. Across the board, I’m fairly confident in saying the Strain Gauge picks up less groove noise and traces the groove better with far less distortion. It’s true I have to do a lot of digital EQ adjustments to reverse the RIAA, but I have to do that anyway when I restore my 78s. The original recording equipment was rather crude and variable in terms of bass response and things like microphone distortion. I’ve also found that on loud transients like trumpet and trombone accents, the Strain Gauge is more tonally pure. It also picks up significantly less inner groove distortion. The Shure tends to be harsh, even when I transfer at half speed and double in software. The Strain Gauge is just pleasing to the ear and brings you closer to the recording. The Shure may be relatively flat in terms of frequency response, but that’s irrelevant if it’s flawed in all those other ways. I keep transfers from both cartridges, but I’m increasingly questioning why I keep the Shure ones being that they almost never sound as good as the Strain Gauge transfers. I’ll grant that the Strain Gauge has a bit of its own sonic signature and isn’t ruler-flat in terms of RIAA, but 78s need EQ, anyway, so I’m fine making that minor concession in the pursuit of the best raw transfers with the least distortion. I haven’t tested it with LPs and don’t have a strong opinion in that regard. I think both you and Peter Ledermann have made good points in the past worth considering, although I suspect I might side with Peter if the SG with LPs has the same benefits as with 78s. I wish it was easier to get something like a MC or MI cartridge for 78s at a practical price point. Stylus swappability is not really negotiable. Down the road I may look into getting two or three MC or MI cartrdiges with commonly-used 78 stylii if possible, but I’m currently busy enough as-is, and I’m not sure they would be able to keep up with the Strain Gauge! |
There isn't a definitive answer to this, Raul. Everything is a trade-off. There is likely an aphorism to be made out of "dynamics, details, low cost - pick any two"! For me, I'm very happy to use my MI cartridges that can go up against more expensive LOMCs. I think everyone knows my favourites so I won't repeat myself. I think they provide the best price:quality ratio. |