Many higher end preamps are dated and ugly, why is this?

Conrad Johnson, BAT, VTL are all very good preamplifiers, they are dated and just ugly.  Audio research is a prettier amplifier but it's not very well regarded due to it sounding more like a solid state, ie. Not really a tube preamp despite all those internal lightbulbs.

Cheaper preamps can be more pretty. Schitt makes a pretty preamp for about $1000. People like pretty.

D'Agostino by many is viewed as very attractive but kind of weird. 


Pretty is as pretty does! 


Amps got to sound good to look good and the amp looks marvelous. 


If the manufacturers sell out their production run, why would they change their design?

In my mind, albeit right or wrong line stage with lowest possible noise pre is the only way to go. The harmonic distortion of tubes, although, I understand sounds good to some, for me dulls the accuracy.. maybe that's needed for some speakers. Dunno. I listen to Dunlavy's. Just my personal experience. I'm sure others may beg to differ.

maybe you should open up a design studio fabrication and go into business if it is that easy


Those preamps are nothing special either IMO


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.   One man’s ugly,is another man’s gorgeous.  

Not to mention most power amps……uuggggly! Let there be meters, digital displays, touch screens! Even just a few goshdern LEDs! Now we are talking! Something worth looking at!  Lights camera……action!



Yeah, Schiit to me is very utilitarian… not attractive. But aesthetics change, they are a social / personal construct. I am an old fart, so I like traditional. The stream punk look of Dan d’ Agosino really offends me. As a group the people that can afford high end audio components we dictate through purchases what manufacturers can sell profitably. My violin red Sonus Faber Amati Traditional speakers sound like I want speakers to sound like and look like… to me, speakers should look like a Stradivarius violin. I value a traditional sophisticated look. I / we will die… the next generation decides what to buy.

Dated and ugly?  I think you might mean simplistic with no frills, which I am just fine with.

If Schiit is "pretty" to you, I have to seriously question your taste.

Many higher end preamps are dated and ugly, why is this?

works quite well for dated and ugly customers...

My VTL 7.5iii preamp is perennially modern and classic, sleek and attractive. No one can call it "ugly" unless your aesthetic sensibility is, shall we say, singular! Neal

all very good preamplifiers, they are dated...

If by dated you mean to say no chips, no processors but hard wired with individual component level design. I'll take that every time. 100 years from now, it will be repairable and still sound great.  

Nothing Schiit makes can be considered pretty. They’re inoffensive at best. Not really a great example to drop as your standard of aesthetic, unless you’re saying you like a minimal & simple visual footprint. Any others you like?

And when you mention the "solid state" sound of ARC preamps are you speaking from experience or regurgitating other opinions? From the Ref 6 I would say they truly sound like a hybrid, well done - not the classic tube sound, but not full-bore solid state either.

I think my VAC Master preamp is quite beautiful in person, if perhaps a bit ostentatious with the glossy glossy gold flake clearcoat, big bright logo, and huge faceted chrome knobs.

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I like the appearance of my ARC SP6! Even though the volume pot is on the left!