Magico's M9

I know everyone is sick of hearing about this, but $750K for a pair of speakers? I suppose I'd have to upgrade my flea watt amp too.


My advice is: always pay your electricity bill first. I mean it. Stop agonizing on stuff you cannot afford without putting yourself in big trouble (I.e debt in this case). If it helps, keep posting on audio forums “proof” why something at 1% if the price sounds just as good. It’s normal nowadays 

Talk about diminishing returns!

But I would be very interested in hearing the M9s in a well set up system.

Believe such a system exists at the Magico factory in Hayward, CA.

Does anyone know the details of this system?

I don’t know of any amp at that price point. But, surely, the entire system, not to mention the room, should add up to more than the speakers.

However, it is also clear that price is only indirectly tied to quality.


How about Trickle down ?  When a manufacturer of Speakers or Amplifiers or Cables they use what they learn from building the ultimate and incorporate that knowledge into equipment that 99.99% of us can afford .  The rich are therefore subsidizing the R & D that ends up reaching us all .   

I don’t know if this 750k Speakers can beat those Austin Acoustic Speakers and the system at Axpona in Westin Holel in Chicago before Axpona was move to Renaissance Hotel ... I go to Axpona I have never heard a system even close to that Austin Acoustic set up total 750k.

+1 @8th-note 

Good point! And as far as "people picking through the trash for food" are concerned, we all pay plenty to feed them with our taxes and charitable contributions, especially people like @mikelavigne 

I don't begrudge rich people spending their money on luxury goods, particularly items that are made in the USA by companies that hire skilled craftsmen, pay them a living wage, and pay US taxes. I would rather they go that than just leave it in the bank.

I’ve been lucky enough to have heard the M9s. 
If I had $750k to spare, I’d consider them. And I’d consider the Pillium monoblocks, too. 
 It was a wonderful experience listening to such a fine system in a dedicated listening room. Having seen how Magico speakers are constructed, the components and care taken to do so, by an army of dedicated, focused people, I was honored to have been invited to the company/factory. 
 Elon is a down to earth, audiophile and gentleman. 

I don’t think anyone need 750k speakers, or even 10k speakers. I am at the point in my life where I could afford $750k speakers with the right electronics, but not without serious sacrifice and that is a choice I am not willing to make since I don’t need these speakers, I am happy with my 50k system.

I'd like to hear them too. hard for me to imagine that speakers could be worth that but money is a relative measure, and if someone has the cash and chooses to spend it this way, good for them. It's not a moral issue. Problem with that point of view is that  a $10,000 set of speakers is far beyond the means of many as well. Most people would never understand why anyone would "need" to spend ten grand on speakers 

it's all relative and a matter of choice for those who have the means. Nothing inherently good or bad about it 

12 Most Expensive Speakers In The World (2023)

Why all the grumbling? I bet they sound pretty good and i'd love to hear them.   

I've never heard anything at that level.  


"They'll probably sell all they can build, likely to people who care more about the price than how they may sound."

@mrskeptic  You chose the right screen name.

I am eagerly awaiting Jay's Audio Lab review! Just the thing to use with his Transparent $80K speaker cables!

They'll probably sell all they can build, likely to people who care more about the price than how they may sound.

Compare the engineering that goes into a $250,000 low volume automobile compared to a loudspeaker.

and there are, in many parts of the World, not excluding some in the US, people with such wealth are neither smart nor hard working. They are just criminals. Totally off-topic or maybe not - since the subject is insane wealth, in a way.

Regarding the topic, if you have a large room (mansion) and the money, and the time, buying expensive audio is for sure better than a zillion other hobbies

I guess you cannot afford them.

Yes you would pair them with appropriate electronics. Likely costing more than the speakers.


There are people that legitimately make a lot of money. I have worked with many of them. CEOs of large corporations. It is a humbling experience to work with folks this smart and driven. They worked incredibly hard to become the people they are and to guide enormous corporations through changing environments. Most I have worked with have been very good people with integrity and charity… and are ferociously intelligent. The  millions they take home a year is completely worth it for the company,  the people that work for the company and the community they exist in. They contribute to charitable organizations. 

While I am compassionate about  people in the street, either they have problems that should be addressed by the government. Like mental health problems, vets… etc.. I was a volunteer at Chicago State Mental Hospital in the ‘60s. These people were turned out to the streets because society decided through voting that this is not the responsibility of government. Or if they are able bodied, they need take. Are of themselves.

I do not criticize folks that have the wherewithal to buy and appreciate top tier audio equipment. I spent on average working 70 hours a week over the last fourth years to create the home and system I own, and I am not going to feel guilty about that. I am not going to criticize those that have achieved greater material wealth, since in doing that they gave up a lot. I have taken off nearly five years to hike, climb, bicycle, raft and travel during my career. We make choices in our lives. 


I read the winner of the Musk/Zukerberg cage fight wins a pair. Or was it grows a pair?  

@mikelavigne It's a slow day, I think it's fun to poke at some expensive beast, probably not classy but better than punching down. My pet peeve is design and I have a lot to say about expensive speakers that are difficult to look at. 

why does price get everyone’s panties in a bunch every single time?

Maybe because there are people in this country picking through the trash for food or cans.


Thank you Mike! What is the point of the pos? There are more expensive speakers out there, and as always, whether it's $10,000 or $1,000,000,  if you can't sfford them, or think that the price is ridiculous, don't buy them!

classic Audiogon clown show stuff. why do i even take the time to look? i know how the posts will read already.

can’t this forum ever consider the performance merits or build quality of an expensive product, why does price get everyone’s panties in a bunch every single time? it’s a hobby site, not the editorial page of the local newspaper. i come here to avoid all that.



Also that particular model did not come with a grill.


That's an appalling lack of customer consideration from Magico.

Absolutely appalling.

I think it was Jay's Audio who once reviewed a pair of Magico speakers and said the tweeter was like $13k... if it blew out and if you crated up one speaker and sent it back to Magico to fix they would email you back when the work was finished and you would have to make arrangements for freight to pick up the speaker at their dock... they don't pay to send it back to you.

Also that particular model did not come with a grill.

Not my kind of brand.

Yeah I can’t decide which to buy the Magico M9 or one of Jeff Joseph speakers. Good to have choices.