
Responses from 8th-note

Best ear plugs for both sound quality and reduction
Another vote for the Etymotic ER20. For about a decade I attended a lot of very loud shows and these always did the trick. During that time I had a recording studio in my houses where I recorded local bands and I bought these by the dozen to give ... 
Has anyone tried these products?
Panels such as these have been engineeered for maximum sound absorption per unit of thickness. Their specifications are credible. Nobody is going to plaster these panels on all of their wall space. They are intended to reduce reflections in a liv... 
What do the statistics say about the age of Audiophiles and the replacement rate?
I don't see any evidence that that the audiophile hobby is dying or even shrinking. 1. There are more audiophile brands every week. I see company after company coming onto the scene with new gear at all price levels. Peruse the latest Music Direc... 
comparison between Teac 701t transport vs esoteric p-70 model or alike?
I have the 701T as well as a Jay's Audio CD3 MkIII. Both are hooked up to my Berkeley Reference MKII MQA so it's easy to compare them. I can't say with any confidence that I can hear a difference. They both sound wonderful. The reason I have both... 
What does 90% of the Absolute Best Sound Cost?
Interesting question. For the sake of discussion I'm going to use retail prices for this exercise. Obviously you could do much better by buying used equipment, which, like you, I did, but I'm trying to compare apples to apples. The core of my sys... 
Modular LP record storage suggestions
@inagroove Thanks for the excellent suggestions. I particularly like the pipe insulation.  
MissingCDs and records
I'm in the process of moving to our new house and this would have been an excellent time to get rid of my 4000+ CDs and 1000+ records. I've even ripped all my CDs to FLAC. But I couldn't do it. There is something about spinning the physical media ... 
Outlet Requirements
I'm goingt to assume that you had the electrician install 3 separate circuits (2 @ 20 amps each + 1 @ 30 amps). If this is not the case please let us know. Does the 30 amp circuit have a 30 amp receptacle? That would be an odd choice because it wo... 
Good outlet for amplifiers
I met Caelin Gabriel (principal at Shunyata) at AXPONA several years ago during a slow time, and we talked for quite a while. When outlets came up he told me the following tips: Hospital grade outlets are not appropriate for audio because they ar... 
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
@immatthewj - My parents didn't like long hair, especially when I let my hair grow, but they were pretty tolerant of new music. You mention Dylan and the Beatles and they are a great contrast with most of the popular music of today. The lyrics fro... 
«Today’s Lyrics Are Pathetically Bad» Rick Beato
Disclosure - I'm a 70 year old boomer and I'm becoming crotchety in my old age. Also, I'm a big fan of Beato and I've watched quite a few of his videos. He's a musical expert and he has interviewed many of my favorite musicians. I have SeriusXM i... 
Room is way too bright.
Here is a small trick that can help you in this journey. Stand or sit in the listening position and clap your hands loudly once. Listen for the effect. If you get a jittery echo as the sound fades away that is a problem. It is called "slap echo." ... 
JAYS Audio transport upgrade?
I have a CD3 MKIII but I haven't heard the CD2. I bought the CD3 because I'm in the process of upgrading my components to end-game status and I simply wanted the best I could get. It sounds wonderful and I'm glad that I forked over the dough to g... 
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all?
I'm using an ASUS gaming computer running Windows 7 and Qobuz for streaming. It's going into a Berkeley Alpha USB which is connected to a Berkeley Reference MK II DAC. I also have a Jay's Audio CD3 Mk III transport hooked up to the same DAC. I ha... 
More potential bad news for some big names...
1) High end audio has always been a niche market. I've been buying high end gear for 45 years and I've rarely found any of my friends or acquaintences who were into the hobby like I was. Also, there is no similarity between Apple earbuds and the e...