Just Turned 50...

who else? Still have your hearing?
I'm 55 and have excellent hearing. I just heard a gnat fart about 30 steps away.
Ahh 50. I remember when I was fifty. I still had hopes and dreams of a better life...
Tabl10s- That's so sad...snif...I think I'll rosin up my bow and play you a song to ease your pain ;-)
50? HA! I've got underwear older than 50! (and I forget and still wear them sometimes.)
64 and glad every birthday rolls around..be happy your 50, think of the alternative. Happy b-day
50 is the new 30.

Re hearing: As good as ever. Why just the other day my wife saw me hooking up a new amp and she asked me what kind is it? I said 4:30.
57 and better than ever. Listening to music keeps my hearing in shape. Kind of like going to the gym for my ears.
I'm 57, and I probably hear a little less, but appreciate it a lot more.
It's been said that forty is the old age of youth, and fifty is the youth of old age.
Farmdoc....I too have underwear older than 50...but I forget TO wear it (or anything else) sometimes.
I'm 53...none of my senses are as good as they once were.

If you don't have a choice, you don't have a problem.
57 and I also agree with Roxy54.
Listening to Laurie Anderson right now and she still sounds fine.
53 and the quality of my hearing comes and goes depending on my allergies...

still dumb as a box of rocks though...

Didn't I hear it somewhere that one's sense of hearing improves after 50 because relative to the rapid decline in one's virility after that age, hearing declines much less quickly, so hearing becomes one of your better senses to compensate for it... Maybe that's why we older folks enjoy our audio systems a lot more....:-):-):-)
54, going on 55. Burst both eardrums twenty years ago (go flying with a cold), but can still hear well enough to tell the difference between CD players. Stay away from using headphones ... not worth the risk. Day started above ground ... so all is good.

I am 62 and trust my ears ... what I hear ... before I trust my eyes ... what I read

At my last check up my doctor asked me ... Dave at 62 which of your senses do you feel has has diminished the most”

I told him “my sense of decency”
12-10-11: Avguy
Didn't I hear it somewhere that one's sense of hearing improves after 50 because relative to the rapid decline in one's virility after that age, hearing declines much less quickly, so hearing becomes one of your better senses to compensate for it... Maybe that's why we older folks enjoy our audio systems a lot more....:-):-):-)
Use it or lose it, that's a fact Jack !!!!
I'm 57 and think my hearing is still good. I will still play my music low and enjoy it. 50 is nothing! I'd love to be 50 again Tabl10s! Happy Birthday
50? I remember 50! It was just 5 short years ago. I still hear fine, but have honed the selective listening considerably. Put the calendar away and turn up the volume!!
I remember when I was about 12, lying awake in bed worrying aobut getting old. I was getting too old to play wiht toys - what the heck would I do for enjoyment? When I find myself worrying about getting old, I think back to that, and have faith.
Tbromgard, thanks for the belly laugh. I'm no longer in my 50's and I always think that my hearing is quite good. Then I'm at my friends house and we're sittin on her deck. She gets up to answer the phone that I never heard ring. I hate that.
yes, over fifty both my wife & I...the most used word around our house is...."what???!!!"
My hearing is still there and I think a lot of it has to do all these years of listening. My acuity has gotten better even with casual listening with MP3s through my Pod Touch: the mind fills in the rest (or am I actually hearing them since I know where to listen?) There are so many clues that are easily overlooked by the mainstream public.

All of our listening, all these years, has been like going to a gym for the ears. Seriously.

Now as for the rest of my 57 year old body: its showing its age.
This is a refreshing post
Kudos to the guys over 50 you make me feel young again
Just turned 54 myself. I've always had sensitive hearing: can hear trains in the distance long before anyone else can. I can hear the squirrels jaw chomping on acorns at the top of a 60 foot oak. Although I am sure if I had a hearing test 10 years ago and compared to one taken today, there would probably be some clinical decline. But I notice none and my hearing seems as good as it's ever been.
I'll be turning 50 as well in March. My eyes aren't what they used to be but I think my hearing is still pretty good. The only way to enjoy these golden days is by embracing it. Happy Birthday
ar 70, i decided to have my hearing tested. i was told i had "good" hearing by an audiologist. unfortunately, the highest frequency presented was 8000 hz, so i don't have a clue as to hearing beyond 20,000 hz.
Well I will be 59 next month and I still dont know if I crapped my pants...
I'm 61 and hearing fine and still get excited to hear subtle improvements in sound but probably less tolerant of noise. Don't worry about aging - it has its advantages. My Dad when he was ninety still could be moved to tears by a beautiful violin playing and he would say, these 74 years are just pups, they really don't know anything yet! so much of the best is yet to come.
12-11-11: Entrope
56 and looking for senior discounts in audio stores and audio web sites.

I'll be looking for the same!
If you are 50 and still hearing up to 20khz like a kid you are part of a significant minority based on what I have read and understand about how our ears age normally.

Other than loss of ability to hear higher frequencies, your ears are probably better trained for listening to music than ever before.

Listening to wives, relatives, etc? Different story maybe....
Thanks everyone. If it weren't for audio(20 years this month), I'd have bad hearing. Because I was rabid about maintaining my aural health, I didn't hesitate to wear double ear protection around F-16's going through engine runs@80% military power.