Integrated amp for Legacy Focus speakers

I started with Peachtree Nova pre & Nova 220 amp class D, it’s ok but out of space on preamp. Have an Emotiva BasX TA2 I’m running now and I like it better than the Peachtree. These speakers have 98% efficiency and 4 ohm, 7 driver but still think I need around 200 watts into 8 ohms (??!!), but with that efficiency maybe not? I listen at moderately loud levels.
I don’t really want separates so looking at integrated amps and class A & A/B only. Not sure what the Mac MA 7200 is on output stage but like this one. Also looking at Galion & Advance Paris integrateds. A used MAC represents where my $$$ stops - around $5-6K.
What other class A & A/B integrateds with full smorgasbord of features should I be looking at and will pair well with the Legacy Focus speakers (Which I love!!)?

thank you - Kevin


Legacy used to have their amps made for them by Coda Technologies and displayed with them for years. The CSiB integrated by Coda should work. Legacy speakers like a lot of current, even though they are pretty efficient. The Coda amps are known for their ability to deliver current. There is a CSiB for sale here and another on USAM right now. TMR has a Legacy Impulse integrated for sale right now as well. That was one of the amps made for Legacy by Coda and a precursor to the current Coda integrated. Pretty reasonable price on that one, although it is older and does not have a remote. You should be able to get a universal remote and program it to the Impulse. I have no affiliation to any of the sellers. My two cents worth. Good luck.

+1 Coda based on my personal experience when I had Focus XD speakers in my home.

Really depends on what improvements you’re looking for and what sound characteristics are most important to you.  Without that info it’s impossible to make an informed recommendation. 

We are a legacy and coda dealer ad we sell many outstanding integrated amplifiers


the naim Uniti star or nova do a superb job the synthesis A100 titan is amazing with the Legacys


Dave and Troy

audio intellect NJ

legacy coda, naim synthesis dealers


I mainly use monoblocks emotiva dr1 xpr 1 michi m8 they all sound good on legacy focus.emotiva dr1 and there pre amp is worth a try you can always send it back if you don't like the combo have fun in the search.enjoy the music.the music room has free shipping this wk

csmgolf - Thanks for the input.  Wondering why the Legacy amps didn't make  your list?  Any thoughts on those?


soix - As long as the int amp was not harsh on highs & mids and bass was handled well (which both of the amps I have now work well with the bass drivers on these speakers).


Legacy does not currently make an integrated amp. Your OP stated integrated amp only. The Impulse I mentioned is a discontinued Legacy integrated amp that was made for them by Coda. 

If I understood your OP, you own the older Focus and not the SE or XD. Is that correct? 

@csmgolf I do want an integrated - true, my bad I thought they did but didn’t go through all their web pages to find out.

I am learning now about current vs watts, gonna have to do a little research on this on my own as electronics is not something I’ve dabbled in just yet. The CSiB seems interesting, wishing it has a digital input section.

@mark200mph Do you use balanced for input on the ?  I am considering Emotiva, looked a little at the XPA-2 Gen 3 for 2 channel, definitely not looking to use monoblocks, just my preference but I do understand the gains that can be made. Still considering the XPA DR2 but heard somewhere that unless you use balanced input one may not hear much of a difference over the XPA Gen 3 two channel.  Not sure I believe this though.

As long as the int amp was not harsh on highs & mids and bass was handled well (which both of the amps I have now work well with the bass drivers on these speakers).

Forget Emotiva.  Here’s a nice Plinius Hautonga well under your price range that would likely sound wonderful and well worth a look.  Best of luck. 

Lots of good suggestions so far. I recently helped a friend get back in the game and he went with a Vincent SV - 237 (hybrid: SS amp with tube preamp), because of his budget limitations. The BAT hybrids were out of his price range; but, BAT has yet to be mentioned. There are currently 1 or 2 available at The Music Room ( website.

I also suggested that my friend consider: Coda - Hegel - Modwright & Plinius; but, I've got to say that the Coda Csib currently listed on USAM @ $3995 is the best price I've seen on that one.  Best of luck in your search! 

@mitchagain I do like the CODA line, sure wish CSiB has more inputs both digital & analog... the search continues, will be looking into the other brands you mentioned.

...gheesh, that $3995 Csib already gone

gheesh, that $3995 Csib already gone

Because it’s really, really good. I have Focus XD’s with Coda S5.5. Stellar!