In the middle of a pandemic, Stereophile reviews ~ $30K equipment

While the world is in the middle of a major economic event, the last two pieces of gear posted by Stereophile to their online site average $30K a piece.

If this doesn't make you feel like you belong to their target audience I don't know what will.
Just as I suspected all along,

A scientist who created a dashboard for monitoring Florida’s rising number of COVID-19 cases said she’s been fired for refusing to manipulate the data.

Rebekah Jones was the manager of the Geographic Information System team at Florida’s Department of Health. She helped created a data portal that for months has provided easily accessible and detailed information on COVID-19 cases broken down by ZIP code. The Florida COVID-19 dashboard has been praised by researchers in the state and by Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus task force coordinator.

"d2girls905 posts05-20-2020 4:02amI get the point you're trying to make but what's people's problem with Walmart...."

I don't have a problem with Walmart and apologies if I offended you because you purchased your system there.
I think that this is a bit of "the pot calling the kettle"....I am quite certain that 99% of the American public feel that spending even $1K on a stereo is insane and if you spread the group to a global level, the percentage might be even higher...
No big deal ....
the well-heeled top tier purchasers of luxury goods are unaffected by COVID-19 or any other economic fallout shock.

Since they are are largely similarly marooned at home like the rest of the nation’s plebes, they have the time to actually navelgaze possible new toys.
Mag reviews now of stratosphere priced units are a smart ( and expected ....) tactic targeting / luring in those types
I agree somewhat---it does seem a little insensitive. But, in my opinion, if I was out of a job, I certainly wouldn't be buying a piece of audio equipment--$500 or $30k. That's not a necessity if your jobless and need to pay bills and buy food.
I went in Walmart one time, turned around walked out, Wrong store!!

Retired;  Master HD Mechanic,
IMAW, Teamsters, Operating Engineers.....

Pointless - why should only review equipment for people with no money?

If you want an apple iPod go to CNET reviews.   
A wise man once said to me, Dr Hadland, my exotic sports car is not expensive, you just can’t afford it. I was humbled. 
Waves of coronavirus are rushing over me. Weather forecast partly sunny with clouds of coronavirus.
Reviews are planned in excess of 3-6 months ahead of the publish date, for most paper based publications. It is simply not possible to do things any other way. It is no less a long term planning task than complex manufactured goods. With regard to final delivery dates, that is.

Regardless, it is the job of a magazine of such a nature, to entice people. Not to buy, but to dream. To look at the lurid end of desire in the self. It’s the same for any other product range and type. Automobiles being one of the prime examples. Computers, gaming, now VR, even..has it’s own ’dream and yearning’ publications, where the unavailable or expensive gets reviewed and talked about. Home theater has projectors and processors, boating has it’s yachts, and so on. Guns rags review expensive and exotic weapons. Guitar magazines, the same (in their respective areas). Make up and self care, again, expensive treatments, oddities, experience potentials and upcoming technologies for enhancing health or altering appearances of the given person, all the same.

If mouse keeping and collecting became a thing, a mouse magazine would arise that reviews and talks about expensive mouse associated things. Exotic, rare and perfected $20,000 mice! Thousand dollar hamster wheels! It’s just the way the world is.

Why make notice of Stereophile? Complaining about or making negative notice of Stereophile or any print magazine, would be like complaining abut the world being a thing. The magazine is just fine, it fits in the middle of the norm of expected and extant human reality ~just fine~.

You are stirring the pot for absolutely f-all, Eric... and be aware, it is YOU that has issues.

A health hint for some: Consider not releasing one’s own offal into one’s own meal space. It’s killing the chances of one obtaining one’s own clean functional food. It takes time to pollute one’s own meal space, it takes time for the damage to show, so one is advised to stop doing it. this.. so the accumulated damage, over time, does not remove the possibility for one’s further meals. As the smell and damage wafts about and causes more participants to exit the very area that feeds one's desires and what one covets to actually exist --- in a given potential meal time.
'Not a mask in sight': thousands flock to Yellowstone as park reopens
There are masks on first and second picture.
How insensitive!  I can't believe they had the nerve to publish a review by Art Dudley and not even acknowledge he died.  Or maybe the magazine was put together and completed well in advance of its shipping date.
Hail geoffkait! He just farted and blew them all away. He's getting a free pass to Disney Land China. 

Really, the timing doesn't mean much to me. Maybe they can sell that integrated in Denmark but a class D integrated for 39 large here when you could get a pair of JC 1+ and an ARC preamp for less? It will never sell here and I seriously doubt any dealer is going to commit that kind of money to put one on display.

As for the virus, it is a sad day when Americans forfeit their civil rights for a disease two clicks worse than a cold. 
I'm 66. I got myself exposed, had a minor cough and now I am totally immune and can not give the disease to anyone else. 

I am very happy for you to have beat the virus that is “two clicks worse than a cold”.  Could you please tell that to the wives of two of my dear friends who died from the virus with zero underlying conditions?  I’m sure It will be comforting for them to hear that from you.  
He probably just had a cold. Give me a break! Unless there was some projectile vomiting, obviously. 
"I’m 66. I got myself exposed, had a minor cough and now I am totally immune and can not give the disease to anyone else."
A few assumptions too many in one sentence.

Be careful, "totally immune" at your age wanes in some cases.

Have you considered helping in the hospital taking care of infected people now? Rolling them over, deep cleaning the rooms, etc. Well, it is the topic on that other thread ("What can we do to help" or something like that), but just a suggestion.

Of course, that is all if you were referring to Covid-19.
"I seriously doubt any dealer is going to commit that kind of money to put one on display."
Aavik has two dealers in the U.S.A. and one in Canada. It would be interesting to find out if they have one to listen to.

I assume by exposed, you mean you had an actual confirmed Covid19 diagnosis?

Two clicks worse than a cold does not take out 25-50% of the residents in a nursing home. During WW2, I wonder if American's considered it "giving up their civil rights", when certain critical resources had to be allocated?  No doubt, some of them whined then too.

mijostyn2,133 posts05-20-2020 10:38amAs for the virus, it is a sad day when Americans forfeit their civil rights for a disease two clicks worse than a cold.
I'm 66. I got myself exposed, had a minor cough and now I am totally immune and can not give the disease to anyone else.

To teaudio's point, 99.9% of people who read Car and Driver, Motor Trend or Road & Track will every own a Ferrari or a Lamborghini or McClaren, but that is what people want to read about. I am probably never going to own or fly a Mach 2 fighter jet either, but I like reading about them.
I wonder if this firing was truly about refusing to manipulate the data, or the general aversion to a competent government employee .. by other government employees :-). Old Japanese proverb, "The nail that stick up shall be hammered down".

geoffkait21,923 posts05-20-2020 7:32amJust as I suspected all along,

A scientist who created a dashboard for monitoring Florida’s rising number of COVID-19 cases said she’s been fired for refusing to manipulate the data.


Not to beat the same horse for too long, but you can check under "Donor eligibility" a little lower on the page to see if you qualify. Many people with much less luck than you have had are hoping you do.
To be honest, those reviews were probably started (the boxes arrived at the reviewers' houses) late last year.
Follow-up on the Florida data manipulation claim.

Jones now says she's been fired from the state Department of Health. In a statement to CBS12 News in West Palm Beach, Fla., Jones said her dismissal came after she refused to "manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen." 

All of Florida entered the first phase of recovery this week when the two largest counties joined the rest of the state in opening restaurants, retail stores and barber shops. 

At a news conference in Tallahassee, Gov. Ron DeSantis called Jones' departure from the Health Department a "nonissue." He said he'd seen an email she sent her supervisor saying she never intended to suggest the information on the dashboard might be less reliable going forward. DeSantis said he believes from the email that "she was tired and needed a break." 

About 250,000 Ferraris and Lambos ever made, estimate 50% still on road = 125,000 but average owner actually has 2, so perhaps 62,500 current owners.  Total current audience of all those magazine is ~ 20 million. Let's be generous and say 1/2 of owners are regular readers = (1-31,250 / 20,000,000) * 100 = 99.84% .... sorry for my mistake, I will better account for that 0.06% next time :-)

geoffkait21,924 posts05-20-2020 12:43pmYou’re not really good with numbers, are you?

I hate to be judgmental but you’re not very good with jokes, either. Tee hee 🤗

To teaudio’s point, 99.9% of people who read Car and Driver, Motor Trend or Road & Track will every own a Ferrari or a Lamborghini or McClaren, but that is what people want to read about.
"I hate to be judgmental but you’re not very good with jokes, either."
I thought he implied he was not good with flying. Where was the joke? I am not good at getting them.
This hobby is not a need. It is an inspirational(albeit that some take to seriously) hobby for sure. And reading about good sound is inspirational to me.
I think of good art(it can be very expensive). We don’t need it but it can be most inspirational in difficult times.
I think I see where Erik is coming from and appreciate there are more important things to attend to. I also think because of that we need more inspiration. A nice word salad on audio gear sounds good to me in these times.
Many criticize the Romans for their decay and use their extravagant spending as a reason for their "fall". Might future historians use the above mentioned article to prove such theories about the fall of our own country? The barbarians are at the gate but my audio system is isolated and so am I. Never felt them coming.
Stereophile has a ''recomended component issue,with a $100,000 turntable(tonearm not included).  Really?
This review was certainly planned well before the crisis unfolded late February in the states.

-If it was not I personally do not read reviews of sub $1,000 gear with much interest.
-No I'm not buying a $30k amp or $32k standmounts either.
But those standmounts happen to be the best sounding speaker
I've ever heard. They were powered by this AAvik Amp

-Learning how Borressen made his Class D amp hold on in high frequencies was also something I was very interested in.
This Class D failing is what is holding back general acceptance.

Borressen is in the running as my "Most Admired" designer.

While at this years Florida Audio Expo; I listened to the class "A" Aavik 300 watt amps driving Borresen speakers.  In my opinion; it was one of the better systems/rooms.  I don't have an issue with magazines pushing unobtanium products. 

As long as there are those that purchase HE equipment (regardless of price), there will be those that manufacture, sell and review, HE equipment (regardless of price).              There's a market, just as for luxury real estate, cars, yachts, jets, etc.               And; there will always exist a multitude, whose idea of, "living", is American cheese, with their boxed whines
"...such theories about the fall of our own country?"
What fall? Producing fine amplifiers, as far as I can read.
Matt 19:24...

+1 Glupson, solid ideas for someone “immune, and insensitive” to Covid.  

@stereo5 , sorry to hear about your friends 😕

I just realized that I don’t really care to read about stereo equipment that is astronomically priced, but I love to research cars that I’ll never be able to afford.  And Doug DeMero’s reviews are crap and his “Doug Score’s” are a joke.  He’s more concerned about cup holders and quirks than ripping down a canyon road at 9,000 rpms.  If you want to watch good car reviews check out Mr. JWW or The Smoking Tire.  The new Konigsegg Jesko and Konigsegg Gemera are 👍.  Ferrari Tributo 👍. New C8 Vette 👍👍
"...or $32k standmounts either."
Which ones are those? I would like to see their picture and, maybe, read about them. Not buying them, though.
@b_limo ,
Check out The Smoking Tire (One Take) by Matt Farah on YouTube who also pens for Road & Track. That should get your motor running.

All the best,
File under Ooops!

Maryland reported its highest number of new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday—just four days after the state began easing public health restrictions aimed at thwarting the spread of disease.

Though state officials note that an increase in testing and a backlog of test results may partly explain the spike, the case counts overall suggest that disease transmission has not declined in the lead-up to re-opening—and transmission could very easily increase as residents begin venturing into public spaces more frequently.

Maryland’s outcome may hold lessons for other states attempting their own reopening. As of today, May 20, all 50 states have begun easing restrictions at some level, according to The Washington Post.

After 24 hours, this thread has received about 100 replies, so what we can say for sure at least is that the subject is hotly contested.


It’s the crowds.

That first reopen rally in Lansing ended with those nuts going back to three major locations, tracked by their cell phones (which has gotten to be a very valuable tool). All three locations reported a 50-200% increase in infections afterwards.

And a Arkansas minister and his wife who insisted on holding services both tested positive and infected 35 members with the virus which so far has killed 3.

The virus still has an R0 of over one so that should tell anyone everything they need to know.

It’s the crowds.

All the best,

"...we can say for sure at least is that the subject is hotly contested."
Browsing through it again, I got an impression it is not that hotly contested. It is hotly commented on, for sure. Not many comments being against these reviews.