In the middle of a pandemic, Stereophile reviews ~ $30K equipment

While the world is in the middle of a major economic event, the last two pieces of gear posted by Stereophile to their online site average $30K a piece.

If this doesn't make you feel like you belong to their target audience I don't know what will.
I just spent a bunch on cassettes, a couple grand, which everyone tells me is old technology. Was that wrong? 😳
As long as there’s been life, on this planet; there’s been a food chain.                                                     Whining about it, started with humanity.
"I just spent a bunch on cassettes, a couple grand, which everyone tells me is old technology. Was that wrong? 😳"
No, people collect even older and odder things. Ming vases (not allowed on that other thread, though), Rembrandt paintings, even LPs, believe it or not.

I just spent a bunch on cassettes, a couple grand, which everyone tells me is old technology. Was that wrong? 😳

VHS or Beta?

erik_squires OP
I just spent a bunch on cassettes, a couple grand, which everyone tells me is old technology. Was that wrong? 😳

VHS or Beta?

>>>>>Master Beta
  • I just spent a bunch on cassettes, a couple of grand, which everyone tells me is old technology. Was that wrong?

Not at all. I recently fired up my trusty Nakamichi cassette deck and started to play cassette tapes again. Its been a few years since I last played cassettes, and a lot of improvements have been made to the system, including a judicious effort to clean up the AC power. I have to say ... well recorded cassettes sound really ... really good.

Tape of course is best, just not cassette, though my Nak played almost daily does sound good too.
40 millions officially unemployed, much more in reality. What kind of economy is that ? Zero durability. Do I care ? I don't even know them, hard to care. Zero solidarity too.
Things got to change, this is all no go.

Nearly one third of C19 cases on the planet....leaders in the death stats....cops that kill that have unanswered complaints...a POTUS that can't stand still with the attention span of a child...

...and audio gear that the $ rival cars....

USA...Unabashed Sociopathic Activities...., Inc.
A bit too harsh and terminologically inaccurate, but it's bad, real bad, no doubt.
Are they out of mind?!! Northern Va. is opening today, phase 1, yet yesterday as a huge spike in cases and deaths in Va. most of which are in Fairfax country, where your humble scribe lives. Yet the Governor and state officials say data supports opening. WTF! They’re obviously lying. and Virginia isn’t the only one, not by a long shot. Are they trying to kill us?Help!
USA...Unabashed Sociopathic Activities...., Inc.
That amplifier in question is Danish.

"...huge spike in cases and deaths in Va. most of which are in Fairfax country"
Are those numbers by where test/death occured or by person’s residence? Not that it makes it tremendously different, but it would be interesting.

Keep the mask on, wash your hands, stay in closed public spaces as short as possible regardless of number of people there at the time. Keep the mask on even if there is nobody there.

"Can you include hospital capacity?

The Health Department does not track this information.

The Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association has a COVID-19 dashboard which reports out on hospital capacity data."

Change the county, and state. These guys must be joking. Health department is not interested in healthcare facility capacity in the middle of an epidemics? What the heck?

You might have seen this before, but in case you have not, check this webpage. On the left side there is a little house with a column of dots. Check each dot for different Fairfax county statistics. Not perfect, but somewhat optimistic.

"That’s preposterous, egregious, outrageous! A public humiliation."

Jackie Chiles is IN the building!
"Apparently the US is not the only country with an over abundance of dumbasses."
It is called a pendulum.

Otherwise, almost prefect sentence for an English minor. Overabundance.
I just spent a bunch on cassettes, a couple grand, which everyone tells me is old technology. Was that wrong? 😳
Yes it was VERY wrong!
You should have sent them direct to me!
Apparently the US is not the only country with an over abundance of dumbasses.
Well what can I say about my fellow countrymen..... sounds like it might be time to start packing them all up on ships and sending off to Oz again!
UK and USA both have a Culture where Greed rules .
The "City"in London , Wall Street in US .
The pandemic just shows them up .

S. Korea has a culture that is based on actually making things which shows how things should be ! To an extent , Germany shows that in the west . .
  • "Apparently the US is not the only country with an overabundance of dumbasses."  

Based upon the number of  Maximilien Robespierre wannabes pretending to be Captain America in our city streets over the past 48 hours, we seem to have our share of dumbasses, that's for sure. 

I hope everyone is safe and your property is still standing.

"...the number of Maximilien Robespierre wannabes pretending to be Captain America..."
Captain America is French? That is called globalization. For better or worse.
The answers to this stuff may seem easy when typing posts on Audiogon, but none of it is easy and leading throughout something like this is even more difficult to the point where nobody could possibly measure up to perfection.

While our shelter-in-place orders have provided time for the medical community and PPE suppliers to somewhat catch up, we are nowhere near achieving herd immunity or a vaccine (maybe within a year). However, many are truly suffering because the sheltering in-place has caused them to lose their jobs and they cannot pay their bills, buy food, etc. Businesses are suffering and many that survived month to month have been forced to close their doors forever. We are racking up a huge debt that we cannot pay with "other people’s money." The deeper we get, the harder it will be to restart our economy.....which is how we put food on our tables and pay for our education, health care, etc.

This is truly a dilemma with no completely "right" answer - i.e, between Scylla and Charybdis, or, in the words of Yogi Berra,
"You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there"
It’s the predicament of the sniper. You know someone is out there waiting to kill you but your company commander has his orders from Division and tells you it’s time to move out. You can’t stay in the trenches forever. You’re going to have some losses. C’est la vie! as they say in Brooklyn.
Bad gnus.🐃 🐃

The worldwide number of new cases per day is spiking. That doesn’t bode well for near future New Daily deaths. What’s the fatality percentage these days, 10%?

The devil’s teeth - the topmost charts below,
I suggest we blackmail the rest of the world so they would pay for us. As much as needed. We are so slow and timid. Incredible. Quicken the spirit, step on it and get it movin' !
I like to read about the stuff that’s out of my budget. Sometimes you stumble across trickle-down technology that is in the budget. Hi-fi sleuthing.
With some reviews of high-end equipment, I feel that they're talking to someone else and I'm just in the room.  I remember 20-30 years ago, it ALWAYS seemed that they were talking to someone else, with their reference to music selections that I'd never heard of, reviewing equipment that I was sure I would never see in my group of friends or anywhere else, for that matter.  Today, even with a limited budget for gear, I never would've dreamed that I'd spend so much for equipment as I have so far.  
No, but I’m thinking maybe Canada. Do they still accept draft dodgers? 
I live in Quebec and they already live with me....Am I nut? Yes for sure....Who want to be average in America, Canada included?


But I know for sure that you are not the average guy schubert....I prefer not..... :)
Black lives matter. Question is to whom ? And white lives ? They don't matter either. So what matters, anyway ? $30k equipment maybe.
God save Canada. Even if it is no paradise.
Black lives matter. Question is to whom ? And white lives ? They don’t matter either. So what matters, anyway ? $30k equipment maybe.
God save Canada. Even if it is no paradise.

>>>>Too much TV.
Btw, Geoff, you going to Canada because of the billboard "Drink Canada Dry".... ???