I saw the back of an integrated and it depressed me.

Recently took a look at an ad for a Technics SU-G700M2 integrated amplifier, and honestly it made me a little sad for me, my hobby and the gear I ended up with.

When I "wore a younger man's shoes" I needed inputs! I was going to have a turntable, a Tandberg reel to reel and cassette player, and that new fangled CD player would be there as well. 

This new integrated has 5 digital inputs and 2 analog inputs... and anyway I just want to drink while playing Billy Joel radio on my Roon streamer.


The only ’digital’ component in my system is my Sony HAPZ1ES music server, and it has analog outputs! I don’t stream any music and I don’t use ’clouds’ to store any content. The only other source player in my system is a Technics SL1500C TT.  My audio system is strictly for playing music. I’m an old school audiophile and proud to wear the title.

BTW, there are manufacturers who still believe in analog. Vincent Audio makes excellent audio gear that caters to the analog crowd. The McIntosh C49 preamp blends the best of both worlds by offering an upgradable DAC along with 7 analog and 6 digital inputs. 


The fact that you anticipated this response can only be seen as a validation of its accuracy.


you really have to join the 21st centuryvideo is no different than audio in that getting the highest possible quality is a worthy endeavour.”

Is that so?  

O, thoust eminence, my benefactor tony1954!
But for thy wisdom eternal, and guidance henceforth,
should I be cast to disrepute!

Unfortunately, I anticipated a comment such as yours.  
I opted to post my relevant-to-the-OP anecdote anyway under the (apparently naive) notion that maybe, just maybe, people wouldn’t be so predictably douchey.

Congrats on being “that guy.”




@nonoise ....It's always a slow daze Somewhere....

I just never seem to be There ever....cursing at being apparently cursed....😒


@ Dear Friends.....Yes, there seems to be a dearth of anal IMEAN Analog inputs on the current trends...
If one peruses the back flank of the current AV multi-pound (weight, not currency) deceiver there are more f/m inputs than the Chicken Ranch of TX and ZZT infamy could conceive NO desire....(more to the 'point', yes...).

Precisely Why......I've kept my 6x6 analog matrix switchbox...

...and the more or less semi-sorta-sota digital av digital + analog switcher as well.

I will take them to the Next Unreality with me.

Don't bother digging.

I'm going to be dissolved, and poured into the French Broad River.

In a relative(ly) short time span I Will Be Everywhere on this planet.

You will be able to look to the cloud above you constantly.

Just desserts... Make mine whine with a 'left-handed twist' non-cigar...pulease... ;)

What awaits in the 21st century won't include seafood (other than farm grown...maybe), most current waterfront towns, birds, smokeless air...brain implants? There will be fewer people so there's that.

Soon enough there will be brain implants available that will completely change things. Say warm welcome to 21st century. Can you imagine what awaits in 22nd century? 

I don’t see the issue , buy a better brand and then get the inputs or whatever you 

want , like myself being semi retired you may have to save , or buy separates.

"Our DVD/VHS player is YPbPr & RCA output.
Some stuff is only viewable on DVD and/or VHS."

I'm sorry, but you really have to join the 21st century.

It's not reasonable to expect manufacturers to pander to technology dinosaurs that refuse to adapt. Besides, video is no different than audio in that getting the highest possible quality is a worthy endeavour.


Most people who will buy it won't need those two RCA inputs. Now, why do I think that I cannot possibly be interested in Technics, including their turntables ? Belt drive will always be better, you just need to know how to design and build one.

You can buy a box that converts what your vhs player uses to convert to hdmi for your flatscreen for under $25.00 from Amazon.   

You mentioned a broken screen, and I have a story for you:  my brother broke the screen on his 5 week old Sony  mini led 70 something inch screen.  He paid $2500 for the set.   There was a bat flying around his living room so he tried to catch it with an aluminum pole fishing net.  He whacked the wall mounted TV and shattered the screen.  Warranty didn’t cover it and the screens are built not to be replaced.  He was out the whole $2500. Sony told him to pretty much “pound sand”.

An accident caused a seemingly uber-fragile screen on a flat screen TV to break the other day, necessitating a new TV.
Bought an LG at the store, set it up, realized that it had zero analog inputs.
Our DVD/VHS player is YPbPr & RCA output.
Some stuff is only viewable on DVD and/or VHS.

I’m quite aware that these are problems of privileged people, ultimately trivial, and making too big a deal of them sounds like whining.

Technology is great.
However, when it comes to consumer products, sometimes…not so much.

If you drink a full glass of wine bottom-up and light-up cigar, you will get rid of depression -- guaranteed!

I'm sure the Technics is great , but you are seeing less and less legacy inputs.  It is kind of unusual that it only has two RCA inputs.   

Not all amps are void of inputs. The rear panel of my new Cyrus amp has it all !   And it sounds good too.   Cyrus says it's focus was to have a great analog section foremost .  The fact it has a great sounding  DAC is a bonus.  Four analog inputs plus Phono , 2 Coax, 2 Tos, and USB.  Plus two sets of speaker jacks,  Tape Out, Pre Out ....  Amazing amp , it is literally the size of a shoebox and half the height but sounds like a real big boy full sized component.  A killer little amp 

I have all my digital plugged into the DAC so the output uses one of the analog inputs and that only leaves one more set for the turntable, cassette deck and the reel to reel to share.

 I feel your pain.