

Responses from rcm1203

Does anyone listen to the radio anymore?
I haven't listened to an actual radio station since satellite radio became a thing. I don't even have any AM/FM presets set up in my current vehicle.  
My Analog Journey - Opinions Sought
In my journey, I finally decided to stop selling gear that I liked but tired of and put back in the box. It costs nothing to keep it, it's properly stored so it doesn't go bad, and when the 'something different' bug bites me, I have gear on hand r... 
Declare the correct value on the Customs form?
During my career with the USPS, I worked a short stint as a window clerk. We made it a practice to inform shippers sending valuable items to certain foreign countries NOT to purchase insurance or send their item Registered. Both services required ... 
??? What Is The MOST Expensive System You Ever Heard ??? What Was Your Opinion ???
I have never been to an audio gear show. I haven't been in an actual audio gear demo salon in many, many years and I don't have any friends who are audiophiles, so my answer would have to be my current system. It's the most I ever spent on gear an... 
Integrated Amplifier Recommendations Needed
Vincent SV-237MK. With it's three tube preamp stage, It handles your preference in music quite well, with the first 10 watts in pure class A and plenty of power for even the most demanding speakers. It should sound great with your JBL's Nice looki... 
Enough is Enough
Ask yourself two simple questions. Did you build your system to please yourself or to please others? Are you happy with the result? If the answers are 'yourself' and 'yes', why would you care what others think of your system, especially someone wh... 
Having a Flashback Friday - Airplane Induced
First thing that popped into my head was King Crimson, "In The Court Of The Crimson King", followed in close second with Iron Butterfly "In A Gadda Da Vida".  
More potential bad news for some big names...
  Watching the trends, I have come to believe that high end audio is dying simply because of the progression of time. Music has changed, and so has the way people listen to it. Very few people today want or need a space hogging, dedicated audio sy... 
Friends hi-fi system not very good, what do you do or say?
I never debut my system for others because I really don't want or need their input. I built it for me, to sound the way I wanted it to sound, and I'm perfectly happy with the result.  
Amplifier used w/ headphones and no speakers connected, can it be damaged?
As others have stated, running a solid state integrated sans the speakers will cause no damage. Most integrated amps with a headphone port automatically disable the speaker output when a headphone is plugged in. If your HL5's stop out putting when... 
HiFi satisfaction and/ or Musical enjoyment
xp200dr Congratulations! You've reached the same place I've been at for quite awhile. It's a great place to be because it means no more feeding the obsession to try new gear. Now you get to sit back and just enjoy the music. As for the party poop... 
Audiophiles in the Wild - They're on to us...
That is absolutely hilarious, and absolutely spot on for any hobby! The (not so secret) secret group within a group, where the fanatical pursuit of perfection overrides rational thinking.  
The Psychology Of Collecting
If your heirs don't share your passion, and they seldom do, your collected treasures eventually end up being somebody else's junk when you pass. Unfortunately, the frivolity of collecting doesn't become apparent until our senior years when mortali... 
Useless Things
That's why I only order new gear from vendors that have 30 day return policies. It only becomes useless when it can't be returned.  
  thecarpathian Lots of 'no longer middle age' readers on this site! Myself included.