Technics MK2 > Pear Audio Blue Integrated Amp

Audiogon Community, 

I'm just wading into the Hi-Fi world and wanted to get some input on my phono set-up.  I'm running a Technics MK2 with a Grado Gold cartridge > Marantz Cinema 70s phono input > Pear Audio Blue (55w p/c) integrated amp (via pure direct Zone 2 output).

I am impressed with the sound stage as it's a dramatic improvement over my previous set up but I am finding that I am really having to crank the volume on the Marantz to get the desired output and appreciate the full spectrum.  Is this normal?  

To me, it doesn't make sense on paper to put another phono stage in line before the Pear as it is integrated but would this be a viable option?  Perhaps wait until I can afford more robust amplification components?  Maybe the Technics is the weak link?

I am using Anti interconnects and Auditorium 23 speaker cables + DeVore Silverback Reference speakers.  Appreciate your takes!



I'm not into vinyl so this may not be correct but it sounds like you have a bad mismatch between the output impedance of your source & input impedance of your PHONO STAGE..

It's common for phono to have lower level than line level sources. It's perfectly fine provided your amplifier can be driven to sufficient output.

So are you using the pre-out on the Marantz to connect to the Pear? Maybe just use one or the other to see how it sounds.

correct— going pre out from the Marantz to line in on the Pear. I guess I mistakenly thought that by using Zone 2 out and Pure Direct mode that I was bypassing all signal processing within the Marantz. I think I will try going directly into the phono stage on the Pear and see what kind of results I get. 

if it’s apples to apples, I might take Cleed’s advice and chalk it up to everything being perfectly fine and the output level gap being normal between phono and other components as it’s nice to have the option to adjust the volume remotely. 

Thanks to all for your input 

Mitaliano, the Pear Audio Blue Integrated amp does not have a built-in phono section. Yes, there are a pair of outputs labeled phono but but there is no phono stage in the box. You will want to use a good tube phono preamp, preferably the Pear Audio RIAA phono or Croft RIAA Phono R phono amps.

that would explain the issue.  I bought the Pear unboxed and assumed as you pointed out that it had an on board phono stage due to the labeled phone inputs. 

as the adage goes...when you assume...  thank you br3098!

You're welcome. But don't write the Pear Audio Integrated amp off. Like all Croft-made gear, it's wonderfully sublime and simple. Pair it with a good outboard phono preamp and you're set. 

Absolutely-- it is quite elegant and I've been impressed with its output despite the Marantz not being the optimal preamp.  I'm psyched to hear the difference when I'm able to integrate a proper preamp.  I went looking for a Croft preamp in the spirit of keeping the engineering consistent but had difficulty finding any second hand.  I may end up going for the Remton V383.  Truly appreciate your insight!

@mitaliano You mean a phono preamp, I assume. No line preamp required with the Pear Audio integrated amp.

If you're planning to run MM you don't necessarily need anything really super elaborate. The Croft (or Pear Audio) would be ideal but as you related they are scarce as hen's teeth. If you can't find a good tube phono preamp at your budget than start with a good budget solid state phono stage. Or head amp, if you will be using a LO cartridge.


Yes, phono pre-amp and I’m running MM.  I think I’m going to pull the trigger on the Remton as I like the idea of having MC functionality if that’s something I wish to explore at a later date.