I need a extension cord with

I have a dedicated 20 circuit. The problem is that it’s only a duplex box and since I went back to mono blocks, I need more outlets. 
Does someone sell a high ish end cord with a good duplex box or a good quad box on the end? It’s mostly going to be used for power amps, so I don’t need any conditioning.

Thanks all.


What’s your budget? I have build really, really good ones with very thick aluminum chassis and SR Purple duplexes wired internally with DH Labs Red Wave cable.

If your budget is leaner than $500, you can also consider this from Pangea and get a good 20A cable to go with it. 


Depending on the wall construction of your listening environment, an electrician might be able to give you a quad box or added receptacles for not a ton of money. Maybe an hour or two of labor and minimal parts cost, assuming you use hospital-grade but not "audiophile" receptacles.

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I gave that a serious thought, but this would be in our family room and my wife didn’t think it would look right. She’s probably right, but I don’t want to push my luck.😁


Thanks for the link. I have no idea why a metal cover would sap the air out of the sound, but they have several other options that look good and seem to be made of plastic (?)

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@curiousjim I would hire an electrician to add another duplex which is probably going to be way less than $500.

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I like this one from Parts Connexion.  Also comes in kit form so you can go really nuts with upgrading everything.

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While your at it, for only a couple hundred bucks get power conditioning and surge protection, Amazon has this Furman Power Conditioner, White (PST-8D), I’ve got two and they work great!



Look at the quad box from Parick Cullen. I had one, great quality box for the $.

Look at Panamax products

"Our power management products give your audio/video systems the pure, noise-free power they need for superlative performance, providing longevity to the components connected while protecting them from damage caused by power surges, dirty power, lightning and more."

Used Panamax items can be found on Ebay sometimes



Given some recent recommendations I’d reiterate the OP’s requirements that include no power conditioning and 20 amp compatibility just to avoid future wasted effort/time.

I second @audphile1 and the suggestion to simply a change your duplex box to a quad box.  Use whatever fancy (or not) outlets you want.  Depending on your current draw needs, service box capacity, and access, you could even run two dedicated lines to the two outlets, or not.  Either way, the most practical and least invasive(sonically) solution, IMO. Good luck.

500 for a quad box with a short cord and a plug are you nuts ? And noise and or sound altering from the cover… stupidity ! Please get an electrician put a quad box where the duplex is nobody in their right mind will notice the difference, you’re talking inches of drywall altered. Unless a person is using high draw, high output amplifier’s, there won’t be a problem ! The first question should be what type of equipment and demand is predicted.

@curiousjim   Get yourself over to Home Depot and buy a quad outlet box, a couple good outlets, a few feet of 10 awg wire and a 20 amp plug.  If you're worried about a metal top plate sucking the sound out of the music, buy a plastic one.  The whole thing should cost you less than $20.  Try it out before you spend $500 on something else.  You know how your system sounds now and should be able to tell if it still sounds the same.  Gamble the $20 and report back with your findings.  We are always preaching on this site to "use your ears".  I suggest you follow that advice here.  Cheers

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Here's a video that shows how to convert a single wall outlet to two or more. If you are handy with tools and comfortable with wiring, it's really not that big or difficult of a job for a DIY project.


Emotiva's CMX6+ is made from machined aluminum, has been on the market for years, and gets good reviews. It's about $200 or so directly from Emotiva:


Personally, I think adding a Furman P-1800 PF-R is smart, even if you think you do not need it. Key for me is 45 amps instant reserve.

1 outlet to Furman, everything plugged into Furman (you want the PF-R version)

Furman P-1800 PF R, 45 amps instant reserve.

furman website

Buying from Amazon, try it, keep or return it, I bet you will keep it.


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Can you give me an idea of the price you paid and what male plug and female outlets that were used?

Thanks a lot.


That looks great, but I’ll be using it for a couple of mono blocks and don’t want any conditioner, just a good cord with a duplex or maybe a quad on the end.

@jea48 and everyone who suggested DIY.  I did build one and I can a difference between using it and my AR6 conditioner. That’s why I’m looking for better options.

Thanks for the suggestions!


Hi Frank,

I looked at the Furman Pro and I do like the surge protection and the EVS, so it’s on my list.



I haven’t looked at VH Audio yes( But I will!)

Do you know if they would have a different box? Shiny steel doesn’t go with my decor 😆. You don’t have to answer. I’ll be looking at their website in a minute.

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@curiousjim Just ask @blisshifi he built mine. This is the description:

This one is made from very heavy aluminum, using Synergistic Research Purple Duplex outlets, wired with Red Wave cabling , and a Furutech Rhodium inlet.

@curiousjim I just PM’ed you with details and links for what goes into the distributor I built that Fred recently bought since I no longer needed it for myself. I don’t typically make this a product for sale, but I’m happy to build one for you at a cost if you decide it’s the right way for you to go. 

if you're a woodworker the metal box can be covered in wood, finished in whichever finish keeps the boss happy.

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