I had a few drinks and bought some speakers

Last night as I was polishing off a few of Texas' finest Balcones Bourbon, I purchased a used pair of Focal Sopra 2's. I current own the Electra 1028's. Can anyone give me some opinions or thoughts of the speaker decision? These have been my end all be all speakers, but I have concerns my room might be a little small being 13x8. Any info is appreciated!
At least you didn’t buy a bridge in Brooklyn or shares in an anti-gravity device... :)

Actually, that one is about the turn the corner. People are now going to be going back and trying to get a hold of the people involved and go over all that stuff they were trying to tell the world, for the past 50 years.

All that gravity, and dimensional science that was ignored as psychotic fluff from nut bars, even if the data had technical details.

Technical details that became more and more relevant and functional as time passed in the cutting edge discoveries of and in science and physics.

You know, all those ones who died strangely, if one bothered to look, and kept looking and stayed abreast.

The limited awareness ignorant masses become informed, just a hair.. and suddenly want to hear from all the heroes they killed though their own weaknesses...

Same ole’ same ole’. Some things never change.

As an example one can wrap their head around about this known human societal effect...A mini-me version of this story, played out in real life, right here on this forum and other forums like it.

The introduction of liquid metal cables. People arguing the science of it, never mind the hearing of it. The crap show that took place when this was introduced, was pretty crazy, especially for us. Obviously.

Over ten years later...in the now... you can’t really find anyone who argues that it is ’the same as wire’, and so on. The reality is... the physics explicitly states that it is entirely different and has almost no relation to how wire works.

Where the science of it is pretty well a purely quantum affair. Impossible to debunk or dismiss yet a large number or forum denizens felt threatened and massed themselves up into a frothing frenzy and attacked, and attacked, mercilessly. Kill the different thing we don’t understand. die die die. With competing technologies, like wire, in the back drop, egging them on. kill our new competition!

Now, rightfully so, no one gives a crap if it is different than wire. It is generally accepted as being exactly that. Verifiably different. Exactly what it was stated as being, right from the get-go. A slow moving sea change in the emotional underwriting aspect of the so the ’logic and reason’ of the given masses involved.

And just that simple thing ---took over a decade. 

Some people., with limited awareness and limited capacities can't accept or cognate/navigatee the idea that wire or even whole components have any affect or differential capacity at all. 

Those are the people one wants to avoid in having any voice in new science, whatsoever. They can and do work as hard as a human possibly can (in their fears and inadequacies) to hold the rest of us back, and they can also be weaponized/enabled by involved and interested parties - to hold everyone back.

One is supposed to be getting drunk on cheap beer and then buying cheap used Class D amps, somehow thinking they are state of the art. It has to be. It fits the budget. (Well it only strips the one Credit Card clean to the bone, at the least)...

Those barstewards, and their big tube/class a/pass//etc/etc amps and how special they think they are. they don’t know anything..they’re all deaf.

Then receive said cheapo Class D amp with much internal cringing and embarrassment, all while hiding it from the wife, as it is the 7th this year....

And then..when drunk, again, on cheap bear, again... get onto the forums and force everyone else to believe it is the best amp ever made....

Until drunken Class D amp purchase number 8 comes along.

Change ’Amp’ in this sad story to a cable or a Dac, and ding! you’ve got a winner winner...one story size fits all....

Could even be some guy buying cheap personal jets, one after another... while all his buddies have intercontinental Bombardiers. (doesn't mean it's any less fun or entertaining at any end of the given gaming of the self...)
I DID wake up next to a girl......but I don’t think it was Nogales.....or was it? Been waking up beside her for 38 years now....BEST DRUNK EVER
”At least you didn't wake up with a girl in Nogales.”

Tell us more 😜😂😂
We have all done things we would have been reluctant to without a substance to drop the inhibitions.

At least you don't have to hide them from your friends when you listen to them
Another 'Real Life' event, involving a Lambo...

Couple in SoCal bought a new one.  Cash.  Well-dressed, perhaps sober.
Within the hour, stuffed it into the center guardrail on the 405.

Got out, walked away, and left it.

There wasn't any follow-up on that story, but I'd bet it wasn't pretty.
At least you didn't buy a bridge in Brooklyn or shares in an anti-gravity device... :)  But the next time you get thrashed, I've got some lake bottom acreage you might consider, an absolute steal....

From you, by me, *teehee*

At least, this 'sounds' like a happy ending.  Beats the 'deal' a friend made years back, bought a TV in a box unviewed...

Got a TV, alright. Not the one depicted on the box exterior, and it didn't f'n work...at all.  Steve was one of the original 'pieces of work'.

Got pulled over one day.
As the officer walked over to his pickup, S. gets out to chat.
The fresh brew tumbled out onto the pavement, landing sideways.
All discussion at that point was rendered moot.


MC did the same thing, or was it that his speakers were sounding better and better the more he drank. 
I’m pretty comfortable with aged Glenfiiddich. Are you tired of the beer from Fieldwork?
@boxer12 I've got two Klipsch soundbars to listen to when I want real tube sound. These are just for my 2 A.M. low level listening of  Girls Gone Wild and the Shamwow infomercials. 
@mrklas last night was the Rye. Tonight is the Brimstone Whiskey and Texas Pot Still. The most interesting whiskies I've ever had for awesomely affordable pricing. 
Badass set of speakers! I love them and considered a used set myself. They are bright. 
Congrats, this actually turned out well for you! Just saying... it would have been a lot funnier (for all of us) if you would have traded your Electra 1028's for a killer pair of Bose 901's.  
Hey hey… fifty years ago drinking and Realistic speakers went hand in hand. And maybe a visit to the bong a time or two, or three…
Lot of good laughs in there guys! Congrats OP. At least you didn't wake up with a girl in Nogales.
I appreciate all the advice and unregistered regret you all have imparted on me. My justification is I cant afford anything more expensive so I might as well max out on speakers! 

Also, American Whiskey fans, go pick up some Balcones. One of my favorites whiskey makers! Many different varieties for all taste buds. 
I knew a guy at work who was so drunk he bought a Harley. Woke up in the morning and said WTF is this bike doing in the driveway! Ahh alcohol what a wonderful drug🤔
Floor standing speakers are not a good candidate to sneak in the house.

Understatement of the year.


Not at all. I've been a musician since my teens and have had a playback system of some type since 8 or 10 yr old. For me, music is not a hobby. It is a lifestyle. She understands that. I'm very glad for that.
I bought some speakers after a party. They still sound great, won't be selling until my estate sale.
That room is SMALL! You will practically have to sit with your back against a wall! 
@artemus_5 ,
46 years.....👍
With that many years under your belt(s), I'd wager that your hobby was, and is, not one of the make or break it factors in your relationship. 

All the best,
Congrats.. all my big audio purchases are done after a few drinks. It helps lubricate the wallet. 
Floor standing speakers are not a good candidate to sneak in the house. Unless they are the same color...then, maybe. The biggest thing I’ve snuck in was a ScoutMaster TT. Set it up and had it playing when wifey got home. I wanted to see how long it would take her to notice. She didn’t and I forgot. Its when I gave her the credit card bill some weeks better that she asked the question. Oh well. I’m gad she understand my music needs and puts up with me. 46 yrs this year. She didn’t learn to laugh it off as soon as I did (-:
I had a few drinks and bought ..............
That would make an interesting thread.
Most of us have done far worse things under the influence. Speakers don’t require child support or involve lawyers and the police. 
Got drunk and bought some speakers. What I like about this story, the speakers will be a whole lot easier to remove than a tattoo.
Having  listen to   the Sopra 2 , compared to Electra 1038 ,I can say that you are in  another ball game :
For the better.
You may use some room acoustic treatments .
As long as you can get your backside into the room with the speakers there is no such thing as a speaker that is too big, only too small. Remember, the tweeter is really no bigger than the one in an LS3 5A.

I wonder what happens when you get stone?:-))))
Congrats on your beautiful Sopra's.

The Focal sound seems to be a polarizing one. I happen to like to line and had extensive listening time  with them.

I think they're a wonderful upgrade since your in the Focal camp. If you're into tweakery, Gaia's are purportedly the footers to get under them.
I think you've hit on an excuse we can all use.
Thanks! 👍😄👍

All the best,
@tablejockey I was originally going to upgrade my Clearaudio Concept but it looks like I might have it for a few years now. I didn't even plan on how I'm going to get 125lb speakers upstairs by myself, c'est la vie. 

So the consensus is the Sopra 2 are a nice step up from 1028? The new price increase was severe and didn't think I'd ever get them. Guess we'll see how they sound in real life!
Not a bad "under the influence" buy.

The 1028's  are very good speaker. To my ears, not a groundbreaking upgrade, but certainly a move up. Sopra huge upgrade in aesthetics. Great looking speaker. 

Now you're done. Placement/room treatment  and subs are the final frontier.
If the electras work in there I think the Sopras would as well. Congrats on the drunken purchase!😜