How long do good speakers last?

I just ordered a set of Sonus Faber Olympica Nova Vs, my first foray into nice speakers. I turn 51 this month and am hoping these will be the last speakers I ever buy. But it got me to thinking - how long should I expect these speakers to last? Or any good speakers for that matter? Does the foam eventually break down? Issues with general wear and tear? Appreciate your perspectives!
B&W 801 Model 80 FC lasted all these years. The ferro fluid can dry out in the tweeters of this era. 1980 until now is an impressive run.
Mine are over 62 years old and still doing great.  I did have a friend that had some surround failure on his JBL L-150's.  They highly suggested to keep it out of direct light.  UV is not a friend.  At the very least use your speaker covers. 
Box speakers???

Who knows?

My Magneplaner Tympani I-C speakers have been with me since I owned my shop in 1976.  They are as good if not better than ever.

With box speakers, you have cones and other stuff that degrades.  With Maggies, you have the glue that can go bad.

Other than that, I have no idea how long mine will last--45 years and counting!

I have had a lovely pair of Von Schweikert VR4.5 Silver Edition for over 30 years, and they still perform wonderfully, including several home relocations.  Cosmetically some cat damage to grill cloth, only.....
If there is not much ultraviolet from the sun on the driver's I bet the electrolytes are bad within 10 years... Or go bad. 
Depends on temperatures and hours of playing. Crossover rebuilding can improve and extent the selflife. Another advantage is no a days there are much better electrolytes, improves the sound a lot. 

"Infinity InfiniTesimal RS 0.1. 1978 I have 2 pairs...."

I remember listening to a pair of them and thinking:
 "..these would be spectacular in 2 pairs....and a correctly sized sub..."

Did you?  Do you now?  Just curious...;)
I bought my Tannoy 638’s when I was in the Navy in 1994 on a port visit in Dubai. They are still perfect, though I have replaced a blown tweeter once. 
have a pair of realistic nova 6 speakers dating from 1971. they still work as designed. a pair of magnapans from 1982, they still work as designed. a pair of thiel cs.5 speakers from the late 90s that still work as designed. newest ones are a pair of vandersteen 1ci speakers that are only a few years old. 
My DQ10's still sound wonderful.  All original except a re-foam.  They could be 40 yo......
AllIison CD8s, 1988. Refoamed this year. Will never give them up.
Mirage M290s, 1995, still perfect.
Audio Physic from 2001, perfect. Still think of them as new.
Tannoy near fields from early 90s. Never needed work. Perfect.

If you are 51, the only issue you will ever have is if you want to get something else. Those will last until you are playing dominoes in the old folks home. Where I'll be soon with my Allisons.

I have my great grandmother's mono tube integrated 78 rpm turntable and world radio that has a speaker that looks barely used and ready for anything I can throw at it.  Yet, my 15 yo center channel speaker has a completely rotten surround possibly from being snuggled up to my Pioneer Kuro plasma TV for most of it's life.  The rest of the speaker's surrounds in that system still look perfect despite having lived in the same room playing the same movies.  Replacing surrounds as an easy job, but I wonder if you'll ever have to do that with those speakers.  I think you made a great choice for a life partner!
I have a pair of AR-LST speakers that I bought new in 1975 or 1976. I've had the woofers refoamed twice. The cabinets were recently refinished, and we bought new grills. They look great and still sound wonderful. The refinishing work cost more than the speakers! Should last quite awhile longer.

My Apogee Acoustics Duetta II Signature Series speakers were bought new by my dad in the early 90’s. They still sound great, but the inferior acoustic foam from those days is situated internally to where once it breaks down to where I now have a bass buzz at a very specific frequency on the left speaker (which
 UPS freight also dropped hard and damaged a bit). Plus the remaining acoustic foam can’t be replaced without replacing the ribbons. Due to this, and also wanting to take advantage of the newest Graz designed ribbons, much better crossover caps, binding post, etc. I’m having the speakers totally redone in about a month (waiting in backlog with Music Technology in VA for almost a year, pandemic really stretched this period out). Longer story shortened, many have these speakers from this era still going strong. Just depends on your what you are willing to tolerate and can afford in the long run. That said, conventional speakers are much less prone to these challenges.
The key I think is speakers can last a lifetime when taken care of and not moved (by others) as much as possible! Shipping companies are potentially your worst longevity enemy by far!
Recently bought a pair of used PBN Montana XPS speakers. From the serial #s, they look to be from 2006. They are near flawless in every way and I don't see why they wouldn't last for a few more decades. Of course all speakers are built to different quality standards.
I've had my Dunlavy SC V, IV, III, I and Cantatas for over 20 years. Had to replace 3 or 4 drivers along the way. Outlasted all my electronic upgrades through the years. Have never once had the urge to replace the speakers.

Oh yes, and I should include the subwoofer column in an SC IV enclosure in the two channel system.
The oldest speakers I have are a pair of Polk Model 10 A's. 1979. Excellent speakers for their day. They still sound like they did in 1979. 
I'm skeptical of new technology that promises "better" sound. No one really knows how they'll hold up (or if the new company will survive to service your drivers down the road). There have been countless innovations that have turned into boat anchors. I stick with what is tried and true. 
Humidity plays a big role in how well speakers age.  We have a dehumidifier for the humid 7 months of the year and that keeps relative humidity to around 45%.  Moist enough that the seams don't dry and crack, but dry enough that mold doesn't grow and moisture doesn't destroy the cross-overs.
Years ago, replaced foam in Advents prob. 15 years old. Set of KLHs (very similar, no?) still going after 60 years in brutal conditions (summer home, deep frozen in winter). I did change the capacitors last year, just to do something, but I doubt they needed it. Current Focals sound (to me) exactly as they sounded when I got them a quarter-century ago.

(But, as implied above, even if the physical speaker lasts, the quality of sound relative to what other speakers are available will likely change; those Advents, which I loved, didn't sound so great once I found what might replace them).
Depends on the climate.. here in Hawaii the foam surround lasts about 10 years if you are lucky.
In comparison, the Altec surrounds look brand new even after 50-70 years.
They should last longer than you do. I have a set (7) of 28 year old B&W 805’s. Sound great. On a couple of the subwoofers (I actually owned 4)  I had them “re-taped” after 20 years… that’s the connection of the cones to the frame.

Happily I bought set of new speakers when I was around your age. Then when around 60 I was able to upgrade to Olympica 3 before my retirement… and then in retirement to SF Amati Traditional. May you be as fortunate.

Good to see so many people looking after their gear.

My Walsh 4's were made in 1984 and re-foamed in 1998.
Currently being re-foamed for a 2nd time after 23 years of service.
I was advised by OHM that they're actually in pretty good shape but they're being re-foamed as preventative maintenance and to offset shipping costs.

They get lots of good clean power from my NAK PA-7A MKII amp.
That helps longevity also.
Keep them out of the sun. Should last 20 years or so before you need to replace surrounds if you don't abuse them. Amplifier clipping will damage tweeters.
Tex, they are Italian. Ferraris last a very long time. If you don't drive them.
At any rate it is a little late to worry about this now. They are great sounding speakers. Good luck!
That's a gorgeous speaker, where do you live? Near NJ, USA? Can I invite myself for a listen? Yes, I would expect to keep them until I'm gone.

My drivers and crossovers were all made in 1958 (I was 10 then).

I have replaced the 15" woofer cones 3 times over 63 years (not separate foam surrounds back then). Once by a pro; twice by myself.

horn tweeters and horn midrange impregnated linen, nearly indestructible, UNLESS you over-blast this:

I burnt 2 tweeters, nothing since then.

Crossover is a tar filled can, newer open crossovers can be repaired, upgraded, that won’t be a limiting factor.

I also have L-Pads (speakers in that era were designed with flexibility in mind), I just replaced them, inexpensive and easy to find and do myself.

True Longevity: buy spare drivers at some point before you cannot get them anymore.

Substitute Drivers, i.e. a different tweeter, can be done and possibly be better: reliability, sound, or both. JSE Infinite Slope Model II’s used Dynaudio D21 Tweeters. I got my speakers used, great price ($700/pair) with burnt out tweeters, replaced them with D21’s. All set, except: Every party my teenage son had, they burnt one or both of the tweeters. It cost him $60. each tweeter way back then. After a while, I researched, found some Focals with near identical specs, matching sensitivity, better ferro-fluid cooling, got confirming advice from Madisound, used them, they are still tweeting.
My speakers are 32 and performing well. It depends on the components and materials. Foam surrounds tend to go in about 20 years, depending on humidity and temps...rubber surrounds can last much longer, but I haven’t reached the point yet where I can tell you what it is. Any pots can get oxidized at about any time, but most definitely will grunge up at some point.  Good caps can last a really long time, but after 50 years lots of people replace caps in electronics...not so sure about speakers (they see a lot less heat). I replaced the ferro fluid in my tweeters at about the 30 year mark. All else is near mint on them.

Enjoy your new speakers!
Infinity InfiniTesimal RS 0.1. 1978 I have 2 pairs never touched other than rotating the woofer (4" DVC Watkins) every 5 years or so and cleaning the switch pots. Poly caps will last 100 years and the BR surrounds will last 100 years with just silicone spray every 2-3 years. There are kits for the ribbon tweeters.

45 years old..

Impressive little speakers still fetch a serious price too.. Mag/Aluminum cast speakers cabinets, fitted with hard wood.. and screen diffuser.. 

As others have mentioned, woofers with foam surrounds may eventually need replacement of the surround.  The life of such surround is usually shortened by exposure to sunlight and air pollution (particularly ozone).  Other kinds of drivers should last longer.  These days, tweeters are not built with magnetic fluid in the voicecoil gap; that fluid eventually dries up.  
I’ve heard many systems that use terrific sounding woofers that have never had to have the surround replaced because they do not employ rubber foam (e.g. pleated paper surround); some of these drivers are more than 60 years old.  The midrange compression drivers in my system are around 73 years old. 
So long as they're not damaged electrically, and you keep the cones out of UV light, new, modern drivers will last longer than a lot of us.
I have owned my Apogee Studio Grands full range ribbon system which were made in 1996 and they sound better that the day they were born.  They have never been touched repair wise for any reason. 
 Congrats on the 5’s I have 3’s,1’s and center on the way.

my current Revel F32’s are 18 yrs old and no sign of physical wear.
i am sure climate plays a big part
depends on the speaker and their construction, most last quite a long time if not damaged

as the poster above mentioned, worse come to worse, mids and woofers may need surrounds to be redone
Foam only lasts 15-25 years depending on climate. DIY repair. I did 10 inchers for $35.
I’ve never had any other entropy issues in 50 years.
My speakers are over 40 years old. The surrounds on the woofers have been replaced once. Probably cost $50. Take care of them, they should make it to the end with you... If you want.