Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

Of course you would be shocked. You’re a glorified bus driver. 🚌 Hel-loo!
I told you, before, I’m a Boeing guy, only, type rated in a number of turbines. I’ve never operated a bus or an airbus in my life, nor in about 15,000 hours, mostly IMC. 🐍💩

clearly, you can’t distinguish fantasy from reality, in science or in life. 🙀

Note that I hear what we refer to as cable burn in.  However, I am in the camp that it is our ears adjusting to the new and different sound, not the sound itself changing.

maritime, if you’re pretending to be an ignorant and pompous ass you’re doing an excellent job.
Oh, my, Kitty, I love peaches and hamburgers. I believe someone accused you of projection, and I’ll go with this. 🐍💩
geoffkait only ties up his subjects with wire in one direction - clockwise.
gawdbless said: "My Audioquest speaker cables were purchased used, so i am guessing that they are already broken in. So far, all the responses are in agreement that they do need time to settle down, whereas from what I have read elsewhere there were more nays than yays. I thought I would ask a proper hi-fi community the question. Thanks for all your replies."
Speaker wire burn-in in amplifier specific. So, unless the prior owner used the same make and model amp as you, the cables will act (and sound) like new.
There is only the merest chance he has the same amp as me, but highly unlikely. I will never know.

" is our ears adjusting to the new and different sound, not the sound itself changing."
How are our ears adjusting to a different sound if the sound itself is not changing?
If it sounds wrong the first time, it will continue to sound wrong, unless you’re some kind of nihilist or defeatist, or your name is eeyore.

I'm adding this so as to not confuse anyone: cables do break in and it's not your ears getting used to them.

All the best,
Speaker wire burn-in in amplifier specific. So, unless the prior owner used the same make and model amp as you, the cables will act (and sound) like new.
 Ok, just so I am clear, what if the prior owner did in fact use the same make and model amp but.......different speakers??? 🔇🃏
Glupson,  after all these years....not sure either way...but that was a slam dunk!
Burn in everything for at least 300 continuous hours.
It's that simple - and it does make make a difference...
Burn in for speaker cables:
Don't buy this. A cooper wire with some soldered ends does not eed any burn in. What is it good for?
If a dealer had demonstrated or/and sold a cable, for some US $3,000.- plus, and unfortunately it is not delivering the promised superiority: Waht could that dealer or sales person say?
"It will open up and sound better after a burn in".
Most customers has nothing to say against this argument and they swollow it. The burn in is good for sales not good for customers!
Why playing some music a soft volume for hours would do a better job that use it for a truck's jum start. It will run the same amounthof current in no time.
Second the Audiodharma Cable Cooker.  Paid for itself in a hurry, especially with ICs from tonearms to linestage (I have two TTs), which carry such minuscule signals that in the normal course of playing they never get burned in.  No I wouldn't have believed it either.
Burn in everything for at least 300 continuous hours.
It's that simple - and it does make make a difference...

OK, I’m only going to say this once. Audiophiles, you know, the ones who are constantly getting new electronics, new cables, new tweaks, new capacitors, contact enhancers, fuses, what have you, are in a constant state of flux. In addition, the seasons change the sound, the days change the sound, the sound is affected by the time of day and many other things. I implore you, gentle readers, how can any real audiophile get to the point where everything is broken in? And how can he judge how things performing with so much going on? Keep a log. 
WHY are you all still working on this one?  I already posted the final answer:

I have PERSONALLY spoken to the electrons, and they stated unequivocally that they NEED BURN IN.  It makes it MUCH easier to travel down a wire that is already "slick" from the previous electrons that leave behind a smoother surface.  

Case closed.  (Interview the electrons YOURSELF if you doubt this--don't take my word for it.)
If a dealer had demonstrated or/and sold a cable, for some US $3,000.- plus, and unfortunately it is not delivering the promised superiority: What could that dealer or sales person say?
"It will open up and sound better after a burn in".
Only three posts in and you are way too clear-sighted and logical. Stick around, things become murkier over time. 
“I got in my sights, flyboy.” (Sic)

Here, Kitty, Kitty. 🐍💩🙀

Addendum: ole Kitty was quick to amend, and to offend!  🐍💩🙀🙈🙊
Best aged hydrocarbons on the planet, unlike pseudo molecular horse crap. 👍🐍💩💸👀. This is far worse than anything imputed to me:

Thanks for the mention, flyboy. I’m giving serious consideration to promoting you to Associate Shill.
You fly solo, Kitty. 🐍💩🙀

“Thanks for the mention, flyboy. I’m giving serious consideration to promoting you to Associate Shill.”

But, by necessary inference, you’ve admitted wire and mail fraud, eh? I don’t “shill” for you or anyone. But I’ll contact the FTC for you. 💩🤡

Freudian Slip?  Term of art?  

shillSHil/INFORMALNORTH AMERICANnounnoun: shill; plural noun: shills
  1. 1. an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.
    • a person who pretends to give an impartial endorsement of something in which they themselves have an interest."a megamillionaire who makes more money as a shill for corporate products than he does for playing basketball"

Hey, look! I didn’t even have to squeeze his head that time. He must be on auto pilot. Bombs away! 💩 💩 💩 💩

And the clock is ticking. ⏰
Ha, ha! Here, Kitty, Kitty.


“Ultra Signature Version of the Clever Little Clock”. 🐍💩👮‍♂️🔚

This clock? 🙀

Tick, tock, tick, tock, now everything sounds and looks better! 👍👀

“The explanation of the Clever Little Clock now available online The Disintegration of Time - The Real Story of How the Clever Little Clock Works

We now have a Signature Version of the Clever Little Clock. $299. All Clever Little Clocks now come with Energizer brand Ultimate Lithium batteries.”
Action at a distance! It’s like I’ve got a voodoo doll. The old hands off head squeeze. 👨🏻‍✈️ 💩 Bloop!
Hello, Kitty!

You Must Be watching your own clock. I suggest you stop drinking your own koolaid and the ideations will resolve. 


As you can see gawdbless: lots of anecdotes coming your way, but not much in the way of objective, measured evidence showing differences between "burned in" cables and new cables. 

As you can see gawdbless: lots of anecdotes coming your way, but not much in the way of objective, measured evidence showing differences between "burned in" cables and new cables.

Looks like we got ourselves a volunteer, folks. Thanks for stepping up to the plate, Prof. I look forward to your results. 😬

Sure thing!   

I'm afraid the results will be behind a paywall, geoff.  You'll have to sell a few more pebbles to afford it ;-)
I bought an overly expensive RCA interconnect today ($19-20). I replaced a trusted and time-proven skinny one that came with some piece of electronics at some point in the distant past. New one has small arrows on it, or what seems to act as arrows. I tried them in both directions and there was no difference in sound. Not to practice audiophiliac blasphemy, I conducted this experiment with no blinding. I knew what I was changing and in what way. I am still not sure why that is better than single or double-blinded testing in these woods, but so be it.

This thread is about speaker cables and my experiment was about interconnects. Both are, in general, wires.

The conclusion is that wire directionality does not matter when dealing with wires of relatively short length (50 cm). Amen.
The conclusion is that wire directionality does not matter when dealing with wires of relatively short length (50 cm). Amen.

The only conclusion you can draw is that you didn't hear a difference in your system and in your room. 
Hey, glubson, if must post some light hearted jibber jabber would it be asking too much to do it on the right thread?
Post removed 
If someone sneaked  into your listening room and replaced your cables with the exact same cables that were not burned in, how long would it take for you to notice the difference in sound? 
If someone gave you a 10 to 1, $ bet that you could pick out the the direction of your cables with a blind listening test, how much money would you risk? 
For me, the real crime in these discussions is the suggestions that the difference in sound with these tweaks make an obvious difference.
For me, the real crime in these discussions is the suggestions that the difference in sound with these tweaks make an obvious difference.
There’s no crime being committed here. If you don’t care for the tweaks, you’re free to ignore them.