
Responses from b4icu

whats the very best sounding cables for realistic money
It's amazing how all the cable dealers jump you over for your wallet.Power cord: Save the money, use a kettle power cord sales for 1-3gbp.Interconnects: Go XLR if you have the interface on your gear. DIY is fine, a nice Audio Technica Mic cable an... 
Need a good biwire cable pair for b&w 802 d3 speakers?
Bad choice, no difference. 1. McIntosh have an output transformer and low DF (40 or less). so speaker cables do not make a difference.2. If you look at a Bi-wire or an equivalent full range cable, that has the same cross section, the  full range ... 
Speaker cable length
If your line magnetic 518 is this:  https://www.stereophile.com/content/line-magnetic-audio-lm-518ia-integrated-amplifier-specificationsThan you should not be worried about the cablelength...just keep it with low C. The nature of Tube Amps is of l... 
Speaker cables
The speaker cables are defined by the Amp's DF and length. The speaker is irrelevant. Tell me what is your Amp's DF and required cable length. 
Speaker cable length
Mr.  simaoSpeaker cable is all about resistance.R = (ro x L) SWhen R is the cable's resistance in ohms.ro is the material's constant conductivity figure.L is the length in meters.S is the cross section in mm2.If we talk abou your system, that for... 
How to select a good Speaker Cable
Mr. bjesienJust for the record, the most ordinary copper wire in the electrical industry, has by standard a purity of 99.98%. So no matter how much of an effort or price is added, it worth only 0.02% in conductivity (resistance). Moving from coppe... 
How to select a good Speaker Cable
HiNo data on Spec sheet. However it's a tube Amp...with low DF.I would guess that the DF is 20 or lower, so a #16 AWG for 6' would do the job. 
*WHITE PAPER* The Sound of Music - How & Why the Speaker Cable Matters
Let's keep snake oil (skin effect) and other BS out of this thread. Tube Amp. because of their nature of low or very low DF, the cable has no significance. This is not the spot (under Tubes light) to look for the missing coin. 
*WHITE PAPER* The Sound of Music - How & Why the Speaker Cable Matters
It's of Audiogon management to decide if those of commercial interests should keep polluting this site, or be stopped and exiled.I do not get how we got from speaker cables theory so far...like on my thread How to select a good Speaker Cableit is ... 
How to select a good Speaker Cable
DavePlaying around with specimens might be fun as playing search and cath blindfolded. This game is fun for kids till a certain age. After, it becomes childish. So is your pathetic say about your ways to get to the right speaker cable. Not to say,... 
*WHITE PAPER* The Sound of Music - How & Why the Speaker Cable Matters
1. Our ear is not a measuring instrument.2. Get yourself an Eq. connect it. Go blind folded, while playing your music. Set the Eq sliders, till you like the sound the most. Remove the eye cover and see what is the EQ setup. This is what you like..... 
How to select a good Speaker Cable
Mr. Dave_bEnjoy the journey. It will never end. However thanks for enlightening the followers, it is "first hand experience" rather some understanding or knowledge. It is sad and disappointing, to find out after so long that you are as ignorant yo... 
How to select a good Speaker Cable
Sorry for your fixed minded and narrow view, that gets you to the conclusion that trying more, gets you somewhere. It can only tell you that all passed attempts failed. Otherwise, how would you explain the rest of your endless trying ?The one who ... 
*WHITE PAPER* The Sound of Music - How & Why the Speaker Cable Matters
Mr. Dave_bNone of the stuff that is teached at technical institutes are based on  meaningful experience. With such attitude, we would still be thinking like Newton, missing Einstein's theory of relativity and more.  meaningful experience can get... 
*WHITE PAPER* The Sound of Music - How & Why the Speaker Cable Matters
Mr.  audio2design On your MIT cable you have a box. All MIT cables does. Inside that box, you will find an LRC filter. That may the one that rolls off your missing highs. Those cables (with some box along the cable) have that property. What els...