Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?


Showing 3 responses by gawdbless

My Audioquest speaker cables were purchased used, so i am guessing that they are already broken in. So far, all the responses are in agreement that they do need time to settle down, whereas from what I have read elsewhere there were more nays than yays. I thought I would ask a proper hi-fi community the question. Thanks for all your replies. 
Inna, are you suggesting I play my music quietly? I compete with low flying aircraft when i play my 'digital' music haha, I do have turntables, one is orf elsewhere (LP12), the other is still its box and not seen the light of day (MF round table), and the final one actually set up is a, wait for it......, a Music Hall USB-1 (stop laughing) for all those Goodwill vinyl purchases, of which I have bought many. lol.........
There is only the merest chance he has the same amp as me, but highly unlikely. I will never know.