The DA2 card sounds really good for a built in DAC. My Dad has a MA8950 and it sounds great. Avoid Eversolo streamers as they do not recognize some DACs via USB, the DA2 is one of them.
DAC question - is music streamer DAC better than mcintosh DA2?
I am planning to buy a MA12000 or MA9500 or MA8950, all of which have the new DAC (DA2) along with a music streamer. While I perusing the posts here, I see that several of you have suggested not to rely on the mcintosh's DA2 and instead, rely only on the music streamer's DAC. If that is true indeed, then what is the point of spending thousands of $$$$$ on a mcintosh? wouldn't a more reasonable (price-wise) manufacturer suffice?
What are the other considerations for me to understand? Thank you :)
Lots of integrated amps have built in DACs. That is the appeal, that you get all sorts of functionality in one box. Those integrated amps also have phono stages but it’s likely that many folks would tell you to get an external one. Only you can decide if it’s worth the money. I have an MA8900 and use an external DAC but don’t for one minute regret buying the integrated amp or think I over paid for what I got. I could happily live with the DA1 in my 8900 but chose to try something different. The DA2 is a good DAC. Buy a streamer with no internal DAC, which most would suggest you do rather than buying a streamer/DAC combo, hook it up to the DA2 and see what you think. The value proposition of McIntosh is something only you can decide. There are many excellent integrated amplifiers other than McIntosh, but some of the reasons people buy them are: sonic signature, reliability, support, American made, iconic brand with the blue meters, resale value. If you don’t like the idea of paying for an integrated with built in DAC and phono stage then you can buy separates. Those separate units will likely cost you more overall than an integrated but you get to choose instead of the manufacturer doing it for you. You also don’t need to spend $10k on an integrated to get really good performance. |
@oddiofyl i can run mine all day and it barely breaks a sweat. When I put my hand on the heat sinks they’re barely warm. And it sounds outstanding. |
All dacs/phono stages built into an integrated amp or separate preamp are comprises vs a good standalone. I had a newer high budget McIntosh preamp a couple of years ago with a built in dac and phono preamp, which didn’t sound anywhere close to my external dac and phono preamp. Now if you have a couple thousand $$$ external dac, then you should compare the dacs to see which 1 you like better. Other than that, I like the McIntosh integrateds. |
I have a MA 12000 also, with NOS tubes. I like it! The Dac in my Lumin T2 is a touch better than the DA2. But the DA2 beats the heck out of Bluesound Nodes, Cambridge's and the like. Plus... Whenever McIntosh decides to come out with a DA3, it is upgradeable. Buy once, cry once. Another thing I love about the integrated's is fewer power cords and interconnects. Now instead of purchasing many different cables, I can purchase one higher end cable. They add up! |
I started with an MA5300, after 1 year, upgraded to a MA8950. I stream with a Bluesound. Node 2i. I have two set of wonderful bookshelf speakers, Sonus Faber and Dynaudio (I know, crazy but I can’t decide which ones I like better). I am always astounded by the beautiful sound I get out of this system and for quite a while, Ive been thinking of upgrading the streamer but haven’t cause what I got sounds that good. From my research, I trust that the Dac module in the 8950 is perfectly competent. While hard to imagine a big improvement by upgrading the streamer, I know that’s where I should put my money, not in a DAC. |
Do not discount the quality of the DA2 DAC. I have an outboard DAC that retails for $19K, and it sounds glorious. As far as a price-to-performance ratio is concerned, the DA2 blows my expensive DAC away. You will need to spend upwards of $10K for a DAC to be clearly better than the DA2. Also, it is nonsense that we spend uber bucks for streamers; the DAC is the heart of the digital system. |
I recently upgraded my MA8900 to the DA2 module. I run an Aurender N100C as my only digital source and the DA2 performs very well. I think you would have to spend a lot more money on an external DAC to notice big differences over the DA2. I will say that the DA2 is a big improvement over the DA1 module that was originally installed in my amp. It does not have issues with USB inputs from the Aurender which was a little finicky with the DA1 module. You would be very well served with any of the Mac integrated amps and the DA2 DAC. |
Last year I tried approximately 10 different DAC’s. The DA2 held its own with all of them. Mine is built into a C8. I never had one glitch with the C8 which is more than I can say for all of the other un I tried. There’s something about having the units built by the same manufacturer. also McIntosh owns another DAC manufacture called Weiss, I understand that they are a well respected brand. One last thought, if you buy your unit without the DA2 The dealer can install one for $1500. |
I have had my MA12000 for 3 yrs now. My first dip into audio was the 70s/80s, hence always leaned towards separates. I went to several listening sessions of different amps/preamps and a few integrates before my purchase. One session I had the chance of comparing the McIntosh separates to their integrated MA12000 side-by-side…done deal. They really nailed it…the tube front side with the s.s. backend done in a proprietary pathway is excellent. You will be very happy with the newer McIntosh integrated! |
Integrated Amps with built in DACs get a bad rap. My Cyrus i7XR integrated has the same chip set as the DA2 and sounds phenomenal. I was going to use my RME DAC with the Cyrus but I ended up selling it because the amp sounds so good using it's DAC. The McIntosh removable DAC card helps avoid obsolescence and sounds damn good. |
I recently upgraded my Yamaha AS2100 to a McIntosh MA8950. Although I felt the Yamaha was good for it's price point, it was the weak link in my system, and works really well powering my outdoor speakers. I also use a Node to stream. Upgrading the Node was on my mind. I was running the Node through the external DAC in my Yamaha CD-S2100 SACD. That was an improvement over the Node but the clock in the Yammie DAC was glitchy. I went to the Mac specifically for the DA2 and the audioformer. I have Sonus Faber Cremona Ms, which are 4 ohms, plus 2 KEF subs and felt like the Yammie wasn't doing them justice. Since swithching to the Mac. I've noticed significant improvement in the streaming. The DA2 is far superior to the Yammie DAC and the Mac has opened up the Cremona's. After hours of playing at 50% the Mac barely gets warm. I'm real happy with the choice and glad to hear others share my experience. |
Generally speaking, quality of a DAC greatly affects sonics and often DACs within an integrated is subpar. There are exceptions of course, but quality DACs increase cost while an integrated is for saving costs of casework and cables. Whether or not an integrated DAC is satisfactory is an individual subjective judgment. |
Y'all have given me so much to think about. Sorry about not replying back until now. Been busy as heck. @jastralfu - I think I love that McIntosh sound but asked my dealer if there are cheaper options (sigh). I'd like to fill a few rooms and so, the McIntosh (unexpectedly) is becoming cost-prohibitive. I'd love to see what the dealer can do at my next audition. I have decided on the brand of speakers - Sonus faber and am exploring a couple of floor-standing and stand-mounts with him. Bless him, the guy is very patient with me. @oddiofyl - my dealer says the same - that it can drive the Sonus fabers (4 ohm) and that there won't be any 'fatigue'. The autoformers, I guess, is what makes it the "McIntosh sound". Dealer also suggested as a cheaper option - the MA252. @p05129 the hifi rose - RS150B is what I auditioned with Sonus faber Olympica Nova III and the McIntosh MAC7200 receiver. The DAC in. the hifi rose, he tells me, is way better than the DA1. Better even than the DA2 in MA8950, he tells me. When I auditioned, I guess the RS150B acted as a pre-amp and the MAC7200 was an amp? idk - I am still new to all of this. I really thought he ran the MA7200 integrated amp but when I looked back at the pictures, I realized it was a MAC7200 receiver. I guess my question is: if I don't get the RS150B or any network stream player, when does the internal DA1 come in to play? Is it for CD/DVD/Blu-Ray audio connections then? @cherbib - I am gonna look up your products; didn't even know what "NOS" meant until I read it here first :) Do you by pass the DAC in your Pro-Ject StreamBox Ultra 2 to use the MA12000's DA2? Or there's no DAC at all in your Pro-Ject StreamBox Ultra 2? What speakers do you use? @captaindidactic NOS tubes again? wow. Now I have to really pay attention to this - since both of you invested very heavily via the McIntosh amps/integrateds. Were you able to bypass the DAC in your Lumia T2 to do an A/B test against the DA2 in MA12000? Is the possible to do with the Bluesound Nodes, Cambridge, etc? Agree re: integrated vs separates. I can't imagine handling the cables or even finding the perfect combination for proper synergy. I thought my dealer used the integrated amp but it was a receiver. What speakers do you use? :) @jeffreyw - that's a big data point to consider - that the DA2 is better than your $19K external DAC. I gotta figure out a way to separate the DA2 and the RS150B and see what I like better. I don't even know if my dealer has an integrated amp with DA2 because he only mentioned DA2 while I was stepping out the door "if you want a more updated integrated amp, check out the 8950; it has more controls on it and oh also, a new version of the DAC compared to the 7200". So same question as above - I guess the internal DAC in the 8950/9500/1200 plays a role when we connect to a CD/DVD/Blu-Ray player, no? @john1629 - competition to Sonus faber then - I have to check out the Dynaudio speakers then :) @profoundprorva "It’s almost like comparing Class AB to D amps." - doing the research on these two gave me a headache; I gave up :( I can't even tell which class the McIntosh integrated amps fall under; they have a phone number on their site. I ought to just call them and see what happens @chcumo63 - thank you for the data-point re: upgrade, the comparison and your experience with the Aurender @raysmtb1 - did you try the hifi rose 150B? now that would be a great comparison :-) The hifi rose 150B was totally unexpected - and not even in my budget. But I fell in love with the combination of the components I auditioned. And it plays videos. And ad-free YouTube (forever). And if I choose songs from YouTube, it picks up and plays the best "hifi-resolution" clip. And I can attach it to my TV and the video can play there too. AND my dealer says it's better than the DA2. I tried to do some research on the motherboards and brands and what-not in various DACs but it got too technical for me. @jbuhl alluded to a particular chipset. I'm married to an electrical engineer but talks about electronic components gets way too technical for me way too easily and I have to remind myself that I am doing this for the music that I love - not the components :-) @cat345 - how many hours/days did it take to achieve 'break in'? My worst fear is that I spend all this $$$ and I don't find the heavenly bliss that I found during the audition process and the dealer will just attribute it to "break in" :-) @jmrrobbie1- thank you for a thorough breakdown of your A/B comparison with separates vs integrated amps. I never had the gall to put my dealer through that BUT I also knew I just couldn't deal with finding the perfect synergy between separates + extra cables :) Integrated amps for me, all the way @john1629 - "MSB Discrete" - just looked it up and totally cost-prohibitive for me. Maybe one day, I can audition it and see if I can do an A/B comparison. Interesting that the combo made you go "wow" :) @chasda - great to hear first-hand that the McIntosh integrated amps worked well with Sonus faber. This is my ultimate goal, as well. I have auditioned the Sonetto Vs with a McIntosh MHT300 and then Olympica Nova III with MAC7200 receiver (two separate occasions). I am about to audition the Amati G5 soon but the dealer doesn't deal with McIntosh - he wants me to audition it with Michi X5 series 2. So I'll see how that goes :) @mahler123 - McIntosh sure does make the preamp+amp separates but I'm so not qualified to make the judgement call with the synergy. Integrated amps is the way to go for me :) @jastralfu - my dealer certainly wants me to try the 252 for one of my smaller rooms along with a more affordable streamer (instead of the hifi). I gotta set a date with him for this particular combo @kennyc & @ghdprentice - gotcha re: in-built DACs within integrated amps. I gotta talk to the dealer about being able to "separate" it out without making it too much of a hassle for him so that I can hear it myself. I love that y'all responded and gave me food for thought. Thank you, all.
@cat345 - agree. I have auditioned a few speakers since I first asked the question but none of the dealers have DA2. I love what DA1 (MA7200) generates and I’m guessing DA2 will be in the same vein. But in the last two days I heard MA 252 and MA352 and ended up purchasing the latter. The streamer + DAC used for it was the hifi rose 150b. BEAUTIFUL music. Maybe the DA2 will be a purchase in the future for another room. I’m still curious about the source of music for y’all where you’re bypassing all other DACs and use the DA2. |
Sorry to revive an older thread but I wanted to share my experience. I have a C2700 preamp and just tried streaming into the DA2 DAC for the first time. I found the sound quality to really bad. In fact, my Dragonfly Red DAC is dramatically better than the DA2. It’s not even close. I tried a blind A/B comparison with 2 other listeners and both had the same opinion. Have any of you experienced an extended burn-in period with the DA2? Does it get better with time? If so, how long? |
Well, up until @podosound, this love fest for DA2 had me totally convinced. I have a C47 with a non-upgradeable DAC section. Amp is a MC312. I stream from an EverSolo A6. I’ve been looking to upgrade my DAC choice and was thinking of spending $3-4K. The MDA200 is...well, $4K. I love the idea of that nice, clean McIntosh façade in my rack, if the DA2 is a comparable choice at $4K. The upgrade option McIntosh provides is really appealing. Podosound, what is your input to the DA2? Are there compatibility issues with the DA2 with any particular streamers? |
Let me start with… this is only my first hand experience with the equipment I have. There are others on the forum with MUCH more experience than me and could probably share better insight. I.e.just my opinion, your mileage may vary. I compared the streaming Qobuz from my iPhone 15 pro thru a cheap insignia USB C to USB adaptor to my AQ Dargonfly Red DAC to a BlueJeans 3.5 to RCA cable into the unbalanced input on the McIntosh C2700 vs the same Qobuz/iPhone 15 to the DA2 using an Audioquest Cinnamon USB C>B cable. The Dagonfly was better in nearly every way. Better soundstage, musicality, vocals, string instruments. The was most noticeable was the vocals being more forward instead of lost behind the instruments at the back of the stage. The DA2 may have done a slightly better job of creating space between each musician/instrument but failed in all other areas. It was not an enjoyable sound nor did it sound “realistic”. It felt like listening to speakers instead of a performance. I recently got an Audiolab 9000N streamer. I feel its DAC performs even better than the Dragonfly (not surprising given the jump in cost) but the difference is incremental. Surprisingly, the Dragonfly Red is probably 70% of the Audiolab. I also tried streaming digital from Audiolab to the DA2 and got the same results as previous. I am just not happy with the DA2 in my C2700 preamp. It could be this unit, my ears, the room, cables, I don’t know. Regardless, I had much higher expectations for the McIntosh DAC. Before buying the Audiolab streamer, I considered a Silent Angle streamer to stream digital to the DA2 but, based on the initial experience, I chose to get a streamer/DAC unit. I’m glad I did. I have not experienced any compatibility issues with the DA2. |
Thank you for sharing your experience @podosound. i used hifi rose 150b and it’s just next level in terms of sound quality. but i had to return it because it would skip tracks. hifi rose has admitted the faults as well. i received the node icon and it is no where close to the same sound quality and i am bummed out. i will let it break in and see what happens. i also returned the MA352. The MA8950 is coming soon to go with my electa amator 3. @oddiofyl - isn’t this combo what you have and liked? |
I just replaced my C47 with a C53 with the DA2. Both my wife and I agree the DA2 sounds better than the DAC in my EverSolo. But... Sending digital to the DA2 from the A6 I get the silence at the start of new tracks, clipping the first second or so of each track, which is terribly annoying. I get the same thing on coax, optical, and USB. I understand this is to avoid clicking or popping when the sample rate changes, but I don’t get any of that using the EverSolo DAC and outputting analog to the C53. anyone else experience this? any idea how to solve, short of going to Roon and building in a silent signal at the start of every track? |