Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
@yuviarora very cool. Ever try silver foil? Just curious given the copper vs silver debates. Regarding your Brystons, photos Ive seen of Duelands, they seem big. Do they make small ones that fit inside the Bryston chassis or am I only thinking of the massive Duelands ala Jeff Day?
The amplifiers only use (2) .1uf signal path capacitors per monoblock. They also (3).1uf capacitors in the power section, they are not that big.. they fit in the chassis pretty easily.
I am using Tinned Copper cast for the signal, and Duelund JDM Copper cast for the power sections.
Also they use 2 main power filter capacitors each, both are Mundorf (Self Healing) Supremes.

I Got to the Tinned Copper after a lot of experimentation, and they are worth the price, and are as good as advertised. Tonality of instruments is very interesting. They sound very live.

I have made cables out of Silver and SilverGold foils, both USB and XLR... and in my system copper was the best. SilverGold USB has a very nice timbre, but the audio image is flatter in comparison, and the treble can become annoying in extended listening sessions.

SilverGold Foil XLR somehow has the deepest stage, but bass is a bit bleached out, it might be a good match in a different setup with sub woofers installed probably. The tonality is cooler compared to pure copper, but just doesn’t have the body. Very easy to spot on the Sax. (Copper has that sex appeal oozing out of it sound here) Girls fainting kind of deal :) 

Pure Silver is not a good match for my system, I have Mundorf Silver in Oil capacitors on my tweeters, and have Silver alloy fuses everywhere, so any other addition of pure silver in the chain goes south pretty quickly.
@yuviarora - getting what for your tweeters from Duelund?
Specific with values you need?

I have a mixture of Duelund and other capacitors, I really like the silver foil bypass caps in conjunction with other high end. The Cast VSF copper in my speakers on my system page are shown.

I’d like to upgrade my amplifier also, but I cannot get a circuit diagram for it, unfortunately.

Hopefully I can get it all done, that is before the zombies take over :)
Well, perhaps the zombies are already running the show?
@rixthetrick I need 10uf on each side.
Now that I have to move from the state that I am in, I will be looking for a house with a dedicated Listening room..... somewhere away from major cities, in nature. So I am probably going to invest into a set of Magnepan 20.7s. Rebuild the crossover with Duelund Inductors and capacitors.
I talked to Duelund, and they are seeing a major crunch on supply, and quoted a year lead time for any new orders. So when I build it I have to go about sourcing these parts efficiently, going to have to do a bit of a mix and match with values that are in stock, ready to be shipped.

And yeah, Zombies have taken over 100%.... when will they hit the streets though? probably sooner than we all think.
The VH Audio ODAM are reportedly up amongst best, not extremely expensive, on top of that relatively small size. I will be trying soon in my phono pre, none of the copper foils fit here.

I'm presently using Audyn True Copper max, Jupiter VT, Miflex copper foils, Duelund VSF, Duelund silver bypass in various equipment. All have their place, each picked for particular flavor.

Speaker crossovers really benefit from the boutique caps, unfortunately, the Duelund Cast so large, hard to fit even with the totally modded outboard crossover of my Klipschorns. Presently using combo of Jupiter VT/Duelund Silver bypass and Audyn True Copper max here. If I were to change out these, would go to ODAMs.
 Audiogon member Grannyring knows his caps, reason I'm going with Odam for next mod.
millercarbon was recently corrected (by a doctor in this thread?) in regards to mRNA not entering the nucleus of the human cells affecting the human genome.

I am watching a video by a research doctor who’s explaining that mRNA goes through a process called Retro Integration, whereby the mRNA is coverted into DNA (reverse transcriptor) which then the genome coalesse with each other. According to this video, millcarbon was correct though perhaps not directly, the mRNA does in fact combine with the nucleus, after retro integration through reverse transcription. As far as I understand it.

If you are able to refute this information, I’d love to hear it.
Fascinating stuff.

Check this out

cDNA does not present the same obstacles to patentability as naturally occurring, isolated DNA segments. As already explained, creation of a cDNA sequence from mRNA results in an exons-only molecule that is not naturally occurring.8 Petitioners concede that cDNA differs from natural DNA in that “the non-coding regions have

been removed.” Brief for Petitioners 49. They nevertheless argue that cDNA is not patent eligible because “[t]he nucleotide sequence of cDNA is dictated by nature, not by the lab technician.” Id., at 51. That may be so, but the lab technician unquestionably creates something new when cDNA is made. cDNA retains the naturally occurring exons of DNA, but it is distinct from the DNA from which it was derived. As a result, cDNA is not a “product of nature” and is patent eligible under §101, except insofar as very short series of DNA may have no intervening introns to remove when creating cDNA. In that situation, a short strand of cDNA may be indistinguishable from natural DNA.
According to a supreme court decision 2013. DNA altered via an MRNA injection (cDNA) is patentable.
So technically whatever brand of MRNA vaccine you took, that Brand legally owns the rights to whatever DNA alterations are happening inside your body.
Technically, you are their property.

You are now considered TransHuman, according to the US Supreme court. Congratulations!!! woooohoooo
@sns - yeah the cast copper VSF are pretty big, and I have a pair inside my ML2, as shown in photos before glue up. You may be able to see the silver foil bypass caps soldered in photo 3.
@yuviarora - that’s not very nice. According to most in here, were that truly the case, they would simply be victims of fraud.

Fraud, to me, is the most common accusation made by anti-mRNA vaxxers.
Anti-vaxxers is an entirely inaccurate label for those not sold on the mRNA Covid vaccines. And assuming anyone taking any vaccine, are making an effort to be responsible, which seems to be the claim by those who are pro mRNA Covid vaccines. Most people now believe it is their personal and public duty to become completely vaccinated, that is the reported truth.

Of course, there are many times in history where reported or popular truths have fallen by the way side. I grew up in a time where lead was added to paints and fuels, asbestos was commonly used.

We can presume that those who have and are warning us against current Covid vaccines are trying to help us, for our best interest. We can also assume those who do not share those concerns, also, trust their sources and are urging us to see sense and reason to get the shot.

Despite attitudes, accusations and potential bitterness - they are not the enemy. Lies are the enemy, truth is our ally.
In light of this revelation.....
The question of the day is,
Are Natural Human Rights, applicable to the segment of the population that has been altered genetically and is now considered Trans Human?
Pandora's box does not even begin to describe this predicament. 
I just noticed I was called a Marxist that's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time also someone has no idea what Marxism is all about. Thanks for the laugh though!
@rixthetrick I am giving you information straight from the supreme court, link is at an @gov site. There is more happening here than meets the eye. 
People  want to talk about law and  what's legal, this is the law of the United States of America, as it stands today. 
Informed Consent.... is a burden on the party consenting, this is how these corporations do business. 
Trust the science.....NO I say, verify the science. Even if you don't have a degree, if you get injured, you are on your own.  And by the looks of it, that is the least of our problems. 
Marxism fails because of mankind's propensity towards human behavior.
Largely, a lack of integrity as they reach a point where there is no accountability.

As a foreigner, I find the great experiment currently being run in the United States of America a fascinating set of constitutions set against mankind's capacity for selfishness and control over others.

If enough people decide to corrupt and ignore the foundation, like all other empires and civilizations, a lack of integrity to principles that are universal, will cause it's collapse.
I know @jond forget the insult hurled at you. he just relies on the small minded labeling Faux hands him… I ran a $B ( yes a B ) chunk of a big company. I allocated capital. Move on. Fence with people who know more than the zip code they inhabit and the trash media they consume…
Tacos seem to have the ability to bridge all ideologies. Castro loved them, Kennedy loved them, Reagan loved them, Thatcher loved them…..
Dead people love a good taco, they seem to be stacking up…an oh so inconvenient truth…
yes Rick, by what grace do you find yourself this great experiment? How would King Dotard characterize your fitness for entry vs, lets say…somebody from Haiti ?

....on tonight's JabRetort....
Left ='d Booster, Right = Flufight.
Mask never knows 'what' might happen....; 0

Zombies?  Again?! *expletive*...f'n zoombies...😬
and for fun, who has struck big pharma from ALL your holdings ?
All in with MC on the blood diamond that is….wait for it….. Gold ?

I thought so……
So if I buy a bunch of Pfizer stock...... Do I technically also own that hot Blonde sipping on her mocha cappuccino on Melrose Blvd? 
I'm gonna have to call my Lawyer to get this all ironed out.    
(....I suspect it's another one of those UltraXdLeftWingLepers ....)

rixthetrick I am giving you information straight from the supreme court, link is at an @gov site. There is more happening here than meets the eye.

I think that behind the covid crisis and the financial and economical crisis, we live a moment in time now where a spiritual crisis of the highest order manifest itself: "Who is human and who is not? " This question already appearing many times  in history is asked for the first time at this clear collective and individual level of consciousness....This question emerge through transhumanism...

All these crisis are linked together in ONE great crisis....Each one of this crisis reflect all the others... Then like you just clearly said:

" There is more happening here than meets the eye."
Yeah....The US Supreme Court in 2013 decided that MRNA vaccines not only change the host DNA, but after that DNA is changed, the new cDNA is a patentable commodity.

This is not a conspiracy theory. It is the law of the land.

@mahgister  A spiritual crisis is exactly what this is. 
Hi, Madg....

"...something is happening, and you don't know....what it is..."

Do we?  Or are we all paying attention the parts and pieces that more directly effect us, personally &/or in our profession?

Lots of moving parts, Moving....
@jond did you read the Supreme Court Decision? Or are you just offering your intuitive insight?
what part of this is crap? Please Elaborate.  Just wishing it to be crap does not work, legally speaking.  

"cDNA does not present the same obstacles to patentability as naturally occurring, isolated DNA segments. As already explained, creation of a cDNA sequence from mRNA results in an exons-only molecule that is not naturally occurring.8 Petitioners concede that cDNA differs from natural DNA in that “the non-coding regions have

been removed.” Brief for Petitioners 49. They nevertheless argue that cDNA is not patent eligible because “[t]he nucleotide sequence of cDNA is dictated by nature, not by the lab technician.” Id., at 51. That may be so, but the lab technician unquestionably creates something new when cDNA is made. cDNA retains the naturally occurring exons of DNA, but it is distinct from the DNA from which it was derived. As a result, cDNA is not a “product of nature” and is patent eligible under §101, except insofar as very short series of DNA may have no intervening introns to remove when creating cDNA. In that situation, a short strand of cDNA may be indistinguishable from natural DNA."
Post removed 
Yeah attack my character. I have a supreme court decision, cited, quoted, linked. And the only thing you guys can do is attack the messenger.
I didn’t write this legal opinion, I don’t agree with it, I didn’t argue it, but this is what your supreme court has decided.
The same Supreme court the lot of you were saying can forcibly inject me with this concoction that I lost my job for refusing.
Again, what part of this decision is not clear to you?
Time for one of the Moderation team of this AUDIO RELATED forum to shut this thread down, It was not methinks in the mind of the OP to create such a divisive , polarising and in parts toxic thread that it has morphed into.  
Someone mentioned economic death.  I find that interesting because I have been thinking on a certain perspective for a number of years since living in Europe.  Consider that the USA was founded by Freemasons based on a philosophy book written sometime in the 1500's, I believe.  This book outlined the ideas of democracy- governance by the people.  The Freemasons used the Roman system but replaced the emperor with an elected official.  The USA is a secular nation.  Note that all Holidays in the USA are purely secular as opposed to Europe where almost, but not  all Holidays are religious.  The USA's founding documents use the word, "God" but this seems to be more to appease the religious colonies at the time to achieve consensus and ratification.  The idea of Freedom is difficult to define.  It's clear that religious freedom was part of the concept.  The freedom to move freely about the country was another- which was much more controlled in Europe.  Freedom of choices for our own lives such as career, marriage and where to live seem to have been a key concept as well.  My point is: one thing for sure is that America got away from the fiefdoms of Europe in the Middle Ages.  These fiefdoms had the Lord or Lords, Earls and Dukes, magistrates, sheriffs and ultimately, the peasants.  Kinda of ironic how corporations stepped in to replace the fiefdoms.  We have the CEO's, directors, managers and on down that play the same politics as in the courts of the middle ages and these corporations have control over the life and death of our careers.  The business world has more to do with our freedoms and culture than we may realize.
No one forced you to take a vaccination. You had the freedom to choose and you made your choice.
@tsushima1 - censor this discussion?
I don't have the time to read every post, but as far as I know, the material and opinions on the virus and disease responsible for the closure of many of the audiophile shows are being contained and discussed primarily in here.

It's at least on topic. Please feel free to not get involved in this thread you disapprove of.

@yuviarora - I am sorry this situation has lost you your job. And millercarbon, and those who've lost friends and family, which are many of us.

Rick, by what grace do you find yourself this great experiment?

@tomic601 - my economic privilege and nationality allowed me to freely travel around many countries of this world, Australasia, Europe, North Americas, and islands of the Pacific. I guess it was a birthright granted me by the predominant race who also took over the US, relieving the natives of the land. I guess the grace of God and the fierceness of my progenitors.

As many of my fellow countrymen do, I will most probably retire in or nearer my land of birth. Having traveled, I am well aware of options to live abroad, which I am doing now.

In which country do you reside? And by what grace are you there also?
Then I suggest that you are selectively disregarding the several diversive posts that are entirely not connected to the affect on Audiophile shows due to the current pandemic.

Time for one of the Moderation team of this AUDIO RELATED forum to shut this thread down, It was not methinks in the mind of the OP to create such a divisive , polarising and in parts toxic thread that it has morphed into.


NO it's time for YOU to move on. If you don't like what's being said move on. 

Shut down the thread. Why would you want to shut down a thread? 

People pick a side, then when thing don't work out, it's time to get rid of ALL the information and start all over on another thread UNTILL things don't work out and on and on and on..

Threads are removed because of selling ED products for men. NOT because you got your feeling hurt or seemed to have had your feeling hurt..

You know it's only a GIFT if you accept it.. You can return the gift to the giver or just not accept it at all. I do it all the time.

Zombie Apocalypse, That's easy peasy.....Will Smith has the antidote, Hollywood Style.

Hmm, very similar to thee Oval Office these days

Go figure
I’d also like to touch on what tomic601 posted regarding “the FENCE” but ghetto style.

What makes a forum any different than the joint? Those of you whom have your head in the gutter, no, not the sticky icky one I’m referring.

We all have but more than one agenda in a discussion such as this. The topic at hand first and foremost, friend or foe, like minded, not like minded, religion and politics.

@oldhvymec, your GIFT wording is spot on

I’ll answer…..BLOODSHED

RELAX…..I come in peace
Time for one of the Moderation team of this AUDIO RELATED forum to shut this thread down, It was not methinks in the mind of the OP to create such a divisive , polarising and in parts toxic thread that it has morphed into.

Newcomers may ignore the fact that we are all friends here, even when we disagree.... Anyway i hate no one here even those with which i disagree most of the times...

Newcomers ignore the fact that many of us dont come here for a precise audio topic only but also to read opinionss of posters friends or acquintances we know already sometimes very well...This fact explain the strong attraction of audiogon with his particular audio expertise distributed among all audiogoners...

Newcomers cannot ask for a thread to be erased when they comes disrespectfully disregarding the people who took time to communicate with one another at the price of not being on the same perspective concerning complex issues here...

Newcomers Are welcome if they respect the 2 sides of an argument and participate without insulting.... It is sometimes difficult to restrain ouselves...

I apologize to all for my excessive passion or " pontificating " tone ( i know myself 😁😊 )...

I only hope that my posts are not always boring and boring for all....After all we entertained ourselves like in a bar or in an audio festival here....

Audiogon is not an audio neutral wikipedia only but a living animated perpetual discussion between strangers who may become friends or at least acquintances....

For us who comes here regularly all people are souls with their own perspectives not anonnymus nick names with strange opinions....This fact only makes the greatest difference in the world when we read a post....

My best to all....
The toughest thing to stomach for all of us, regardless of our ideology or passion, is that the law of large numbers predicts the eventual outcome. Thats frustrating to any individual, especially if the predictable outcome is opposite the individuals desired outcome.

I recall vividly when the air traffic controllers were fired for striking during the Reagan administration. They weren’t wrong, they were just on the wrong side of the outcome.

There will be many, regrettably, during this time who will pay a very high price. That price might be paid by someone who takes the vaccine and has an adverse outcome…it happened during polio….alot of dead kids until they got it worked out. That high price might be paid by someone choosing to not be vaccinated losing their jobs or worse, they get sick and have long term covid side effects or worse, they lose their life or a loved one.

I made my decision and others have made theirs, there should be mutual respect even if we dont always understand or agree with the other person’s decision. Where I think we all get bent out of shape is the criticism, many times harsh and over the top, from the other side.

I’m just not that concerned that I made the right or wrong decision, the outcome will be what it will be now that its made. Same goes for every time I get behind the wheel of the car, board an airplane, eat food. I stand by my non-judgemental but reasoned assertion that those who lose their jobs in small to mid-size firms it will be because of issues larger than take a shot or not. It will be because the cost to figure out a way to accomodate the individual isn’t worth it to the organization.

If we were forced to require the vaccine of all staff, which we are but of course the rules have yet to be written, we would examine the fallout and adjust accordingly. I have co-workers for whom we would set them up in a sole proprietorship and contract back from them to perform similar work. I have co-workers for whom it is unlikely we would change the thermostat to accomodate. Thats kindof the way it will unfold to varying degrees. Large companies, the law of large numbers kicks in and some good and some less good team members will be lost because its more of a binary decision.

We should always be honest with ourselves, what kind of co-worker are we? Are we constantly railing against the windmill of the day, certain that everyone is out to get us or keep us down? Life will go on and leave us behind or not, depending on the decisions we make. The really perplexing decisions people make that I dont understand arent the ones who take/dont take the vaccine, its the ones who stay behind in their homes when a massive hurricane is barreling toward them. 

Oh well, peace to all and good luck with the outcome, no matter which choice youve made.

“relieve the natives of their land “ Dude that just says it all.

I am here, in the US due a confluence of factors; ambition, restlessness, oppression, the desire to oppress in turn , war, etc. I know my dna and my history, some threads back to 1400. I know the centuries old pogroms that evicted some of them,

One dna donor got here by taking another's place in the Civil war, $50 buys a lot of democracy, land of the free. Now there is a lesson in capitalism.

Lucky to travel the world for work and play.
Thank you mahgister for your very intellectual answer. As well as OTHERS

I’ll roll the dice it’s who I am, even when at a loss. Which one do you prefer, Poker or Chess? I’ll even settle for Checkers ;-)

Unless my wife turns into a ZOMBIE, for me, this chapter is closed. Though I will return for videos on educating myself.

We are created in Gods image
@yuviarora -
Like that?
Oh, and I’m not telling you that your Supreme Court info is wrong, it’s not a nice thing to be bringing up, is all.

Trust the science.....NO I say, verify the science. Even if you don’t have a degree, if you get injured, you are on your own. And by the looks of it, that is the least of our problems.
There are dozens maybe hundreds now? That are in a group to have their voices heard, who claim their lives are damaged from terrible reactions to the Covid vaccines. They claim to have tried to get medical help, and have been left with little or no helpful answers.
My wife who is a dental hygienist is connected through social networks to many healthcare professionals. I’ve learned that oral health has a great deal to do with overall health and Covid 19 as well, through her.

Then I suggest that you are selectively disregarding the several diversive posts that are entirely not connected to the affect on Audiophile shows due to the current pandemic.
Yes, like this one ^.
@yuviarora - Ooops 10.0 not 1.0 micro Farads

This item is temporarily out of stock, please inquire for lead time by sending us your wishlist.
Sorry. Are you after a particular capacitor? Cast VSF CU, or VSF Cu, I can ask around, if I knew what you're looking for.

It’s great to see this debate continuing. Nobody has to agree with anything, but they might owe it to themselves to think a little.


"My wife who is a dental hygienist is connected through social networks to many healthcare professionals. I’ve learned that oral health has a great deal to do with overall health and Covid 19 as well, through her."

Thanks for posting this.

I could not agree more.

Bacteria likes to settle where it can and our noses, mouths and throats are our first lines of defence against airborne germs.

Gum disease is usually feared for the resulting loss of teeth but it seems as if the shedding of the teeth is simply the body’s way of trying to stave off this potentially dangerous infection.

At all costs.

As a precaution some might want to gently brush their entire mouths (tongue and gums) as well as their teeth upon rising and before bed).

Especially after those sugar or acid based drinks that are awfully hard to resist, but also seem to feed all kinds of unpleasant bacteria in our bodies.

At the very least everyone should try rinsing out their mouths regularly with plain water throughout the day in order to keep their saliva flowing clean and healthy.
@cd318 - My wife insists I use CloSYS un-flavored ultra sensative rinse *(for at least 30 seconds) held in the mouth after brushing and flossing each night. I’m sure there’s others that will work, this is the one she’s been directed to.

She told me it’s a good anti-covid practice, and that Xylitol can be used in Covid 19 prevention.

@sns - Canadian rock group formed in 1973 ?
You sir, are an interesting character.