Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Studying is not claiming to be true...

What is the emerging perspective for human kind?

Is big pharma instructing us is saying the truth, only the truth?

It is not necessary to be paranoiac to doubt them...Read about their history.... Dont listen sports events for a month... Dont upgrade your audio system....Dont even embed it, only read what we called books...

Simple questions are asked ...

Who among you are able to deny the new perspective: censorship, vaccinations mandated at the global scale, irationality in the conduct of medecine and epidemiology, veiled threats against reputed scientists, and all the other numerous facts....It is not even necessary to debate micro clotting, or spike toxicity or not, or the number of adverse events....

Denying that is very human....

Ostrich and men are almost alike with their common DNA....

Dinosaurs were denying fire to the last minute...

But relax, love each other, death dont exist....

Only suffering for few instants....

i know suffering could be longer for some tough by the way they create their own hell...

There is no paradise or hell which has not been created by men themselves...

God gives us the keys and walk with us...

In the infinite....

The only judge that cannot be bought is yourself.... You can argue with God and bought it by love like Abraham and some other did .... You cannot argue with your own consciousness...

I apologize for my rant here....

But times are strange and most of my friends are here now .....

@mahgister - if you knew that safe and effective treatments for Ebola exists, and existed before a new Ebola vaccine was introduced.

Would you be more inclined to take the known safe medications (that have been used many millions of times over decades and succeeded with a high level of safety in the world of performance, proven even safe for pregnancy) over a relatively new technology that has reports of being unsafe from many personal, and professional sources?
Good post...

Sometimes clearly asking the right question is also answering it...

It is like thinking out loud...

Ebola ,polio, bubonic plague, are viruses that dont mutate at the same speed than flu and coronavirus...Vaxx dont have the same efficacy here with flu and coronaviruses...

What do we do with flu : we vaccinate the old and we treat early the rest...

Coronavirus is not the flu indeed, a worst disease, but the same cure is there to be pondered: early treatment and risk benefit vaccinations for those which own a compromised immune system that cannot win over the virus  WORLDWIDE not for the rich ONLY...

Is it not simple even me know this....

Then why MANDATED FORCED VACCINATIONS FOR ALL if not, no jab, no job?

Did you not see the results of fear on the economic transmission belt?

Asking the question is answering it...

No need to conspiracy theory here, simple real criminal usual activities will do the job....Read books...

In our history criminal activities benefit always from technological progress...

It is not a conspiracy it is business as usual....

People dont learn swiftly.... After more than a century Edison is always credited and others with the invention of only one man....Open your journals and read...

Where is truth?

No conspiracy here....

 Criminal activity business  as usual....

If you think i am a conspiracy theorist i will agree.... But if this is so you are an ostrich....

I dont mind about the calling, the names....

Truth has no robe....
Ladies and Gentlemen (I know, a diverse group is unlikely but just trying to be respectful in the unlikely event…):

There are a few certainties in this discussion;

1) Sincere people have absolutely inflexible and opposite viewpoints. Person A isnt going to flip to person B’s way of thinking and vice versa.

2) The pandemic (real or imagined) has polarized those who were once capable of being friendlywith one another. Was political division a nasty cause or an effect. Doesn’t really matter. Its here and people can choose to pour fuel on the division or move on. Its an individual choice to get along or not, not a circumstance.

3) Here is something that may upset some, and it absolutely isn’t intended to. Here is an example. During the lockdown, many worked from home….and some didn’t want to return to the office. This was the first moment where employers culled the rolls. Come back to the office or you are gone.

4) And now we find the workplace at an inflection point…get vaccinated or you are gone. Im not going to litigate the morality or whose rights are at stake. The point I want to make is many who lose their job during this time will vehemently believe it is a result of their politics or a matter of freedom or an infringement of their rights as a purported child of a higher being. The reality may be much more troubling.

5) That reality will be hard to stomach by some but in the months to come, the vaccination requirement and those resistent to complying is actually going to be a natural filter in the workplace. In short, it will be used as an absolute point where employers will use this as a moment to identify an overtly inflexible employee. In years past, people would keep certain things to themselves. Now days, many are emboldened to come out of the closet and communicate (to some) their extreme viewpoints, one of which is their stance on the vax.

6) I contend a great many in the workplace who are difficult to manage may have also taken a stand against mandatory vaccinations. This will be a convenient moment to flush that group out of certain organizations. Right or wrong, if someone is hard to work with, it will be a convenient and legal way to get rid of someone they think is a pain in the ass. Right or wrong, if someone critical to the success of an organization refuses the vaccine, you can be certain that the organization will find a way to make it work.

I’m not saying everyone who loses their job over their refusal to vaccinate is a pain but every organization will have to determine the lengths they are willing to go to retain the employee who refuse to vaccinate.
You wrote the most terrifying post i read here because you stay very factual...

But writing clearly about this problem illuminate it...

You just describe Orwellian society cleaning itself...

Are you a conspirationist?

By the way i hate nobody here, i like discussion, and i try to understand everyone...

But we cannot undo seeing....

your post illustrate my point....

We cannot undo seeing...

« Seeing is thinking with the 2 arms and legs»-Anonymus Smith

« Even the blind go where they see»-Groucho Marx 🤓

«What you see is where you will go»-Anonymus Cherokee hunter
I see the same four or five posters pontificating ad nauseam, on endless repeat. You offer up information culled from sources self determined as delivering truth. You never question your sources, any and all opposing sources subjected to character assassination.

And then you continue to whine about the consequence of the choices you've made. On top of that, you want others to feel compassion and empathy for you.

Again, you're only preaching to the choir. I don't understand your intentions with this endless thread. Are you trying to convince the opposition to change sides, or do you still have the need to convince yourselves of the truth of your convictions? Or perhaps you take sustenance from belittling and trashing your opponents?

Those seeking understanding and compassion should bear the consequence of their freely made choices with courage, quit whining about how they're treated so unfairly. People don't like whiners, plenty of much more deserving people and causes in this world use up empathy capacity.

 All this craziness and divisiveness driven by this wonderful innovation we call information technology. Apt name, takes a microscope to locate the knowledge content.

"Dr" Vernon Coleman a GP who lost his license in the 80s and is a newspaper columnist not a scientist, and RFK Jr who is sadly a rabid anti-vaxxer are your "authorities"?
"Dr" Vernon Coleman a GP who lost his license in the 80s and is a newspaper columnist not a scientist, and RFK Jr who is sadly a rabid anti-vaxxer are your "authorities"?


Luc Montagnier A nobel prize winner...On one side...With many other great scientist like Robert Malone creator of the mRNA tech... or Geert vanden Bossche....

On the other side Fauci associate with Robert Gallo the PROVEN  thief against Montagnier in the HIV war...

Now the same players against each other in the covid war...

But think about it:

Fauci command a science budget research of 40 billions dollars, Montagnier, Malone,Vanden Bossche had no money they do research....Now think who is the most powerful? I will not speak about Gates bigger budget and his association with Fauci... It will be too conspirationist for this thread....If you vwant to call Fauci a scientist you are deluded...

Only these name and their history is enough to understand what is at stake...If you read books....Not youtube or google fact chekers.....

The long-term effects of the vaccine aren't known, as there was no testing. Short-term are many deaths and many injuries, numbers are being hidden or played down, but truth is known. Long-term?? We have to wait and see. I pray for the best.
I see the same four or five posters pontificating ad nauseam, on endless repeat.
You are right and i recognize your accusation of "pontification"...I sometimes pontificate.... 😁😊 A bad habit coming from my years with students...I am not without defect...I am glad to say you are right when you are....It is also part of my character...Take note of it....

You offer up information culled from sources self determined as delivering truth. You never question your sources, any and all opposing sources subjected to character assassination.
But here you describe yourself not me...

The one who question his source read not only mainstream information like most people who take the vaxx obligation like it was a natural thing to do, the one who question consensus read ALL possible opinions even Robert Kennedy or Geert vanden Bossche and not only Fauci...

The one who insult in his first move those who think differently are the one who laugh with " conspiracy theorist" labelling accusation, not me....

Try to debunk Geert vanden Bossche confront his knowledge with what Fauci say...It is called thinking...


The long term affects of Covid are quite well known. The case of Robert Malone is a curious one here's a good writeup of him in The Atlantic:

And there seems to be a lot of confusion over what Luc Montagnier really said he did not say as is attributed to him:
"Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier has confirmed that there is no chance of survival for people who have received any form of the vaccine," the post says. "In the shocking interview, the world’s top virologist stated blankly: ‘There is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have been vaccinated already. We must be prepared to incinerate the bodies.’ The scientific genius backed claims of other pre-eminent virologists after studying the constituents of the vaccine. ‘They will all die from antibody dependent enhancement. Nothing more can be said.’"

This has been proven false, he did not say it.  What he seems to actually be saying is that mass vaccination is bad because vaccines cause virus's to mutate, that is as far as I know true to a certain extent it's not the same thing as him saying the vaccines don't work.

However his statement that deaths have followed vaccinations in every country is false.
Also I live in a liberal bubble and don't do social media so to those saying it's a waste of time to argue with these guys I find it a bit fascinating I never encounter anti-vaxxers anywhere.
Peanut Gallery: Noun. A group of people who criticize someone, often by focusing on insignificant details.
This has been proven false, he did not say it. What he seems to actually be saying is that mass vaccination is bad because vaccines cause virus’s to mutate, that is as far as I know true to a certain extent it’s not the same thing as him saying the vaccines don’t work.

However his statement that deaths have followed vaccinations in every country is false.
Good post...Malone say the same thing than Montagnier and Vanden Bossche about virus evolutive mutating pressure...Saying that they are anticaxx is a lie by the facts chekers working for google...

By the way for those who loose their job, google need fact chekers...It is very simple to do apply... 😁😊

But the Atlantic piece article distort completely what Malone is and say...Typical desinformation...

You are perfectly right for the rest......
The Gish gallop is a rhetorical technique in which a debater attempts to overwhelm an opponent by excessive number of arguments, without regard for the accuracy or strength of those arguments.
The term was coined by Eugenie Scott, who named it after creationist Duane Gish. 
The Gish gallop is a rhetorical technique in which a debater attempts to overwhelm an opponent by excessive number of arguments, without regard for the accuracy or strength of those arguments.
The term was coined by Eugenie Scott, who named it after creationist Duane Gish.
Sometimes truth only need common sense and a bit of reason...

Why EARLY low cost treatments used worldwide with success has been censored here?

It is not an argument.... It is a question...

But beware, asking it makes of it a possible concrete argument in the fictive narrative of the corporations....

And my point above was that those who chart an intentional course to become martyrs, sincere or stubborn-it doesnt matter which, typically pay a high price.

Korean War era Marine Corp father, when not using their sons to sharpen their pugilistic skills, would often discuss “is this the hill you will die on or is this the hill you are choosing to die on”. I listened carefully to both he and my Medal of Honor Godfather when they discussed decision making. “Make decisions as if the stakes are high so that when the stakes are high you will know how to make decisions.”

Tacos anyone?
I'll add some facts or possible non facts about vaccination. As my wife and I were discussing life this morning, she brought to my attention the vertigo symptoms that put her a$$ in the ER three weeks ago, I DROVE HER. She spent two days undergoing tests.....She's fine, but still feeling odd but lightly reacurring symptoms.

She looks at me, Gene, I do ponder "has the vaccine contributed to my vertigo symptoms." I look back at her and SAY, we discuss further.

Sure, she had a choice on the vaccination but that woman has worked so diligently teaching the middle school young, it was a no brainer. Who am I to tell her NO.

But has she put her HEALTH in jeopardy in the process???

We all make choices, right and wrong

You see, I try and speak from experience. 

Thanks for this moving post...By the way your situatiion with your wife is the same as mine....You thinking about it is the same as mine...

The only difference is the 2 vaxx did not induce visible secondary effects for my wife...For now....

My best to you and your wife....
And my point above was that those who chart an intentional course to become martyrs, sincere or stubborn-it doesnt matter which, typically pay a high price.
Your perspective are very interesting indeed....

I eat tacos with you ....They are delicious indeed...

And suddenly it seems clear to me that you are right about stubborn or martyr decision makers who pay the price...

But ostrichs in the sand and sheeps walking in pack are other part also of this story...

Sometimes others make decision for us....And we let them doing it mute....

The opposite of martyrdom is not becoming a sheep or an ostrich. Somewhere in between are the ones left who write history.
Mahgister, are you a bot? Are you sure?
i will let you decide....

Asking the question say more about you than about me...

Beware when you ask a question to someone...

And why are you troubled by discussions here?

Instead of saying that i am a bot....Say at least something true...

 Someone above say that sometimes i "pontificate"...

 I give it his credit....

be wise if you can....
Dabel (and everyone else!) you seriously need to watch this video. Not just watch- study! 

There is a tremendous amount of information here, including answers to your questions. I am not going to search through for the exact parts, you need to do the work yourself. These "vaccines" will go down in history as the greatest hysteria and health debacle ever.

Listen closely and don't be afraid to pause and study and repeat certain sections- I did, and I am health care, science informed to the max and know all the terms. Even so he delivers it fast enough I had to stop and go back a few times. There are slides showing exactly how the mRNA vaccines work- how they make deadly spike proteins- and what those deadly spike proteins can do. It is not all gloom and doom, there is a treatment flowchart so good I saved it as a screenshot. 

Hey man this is your wife and your life, do with it what you will. Maybe your heart to heart talk was just that, hearts. But if your brains are involved this talk is the data you need to understand everything that is going on. Yes everything. But he doesn't get to that until the very end.
Somewhere in between are the ones left who write history.
Dont believe the factual small history....

It is a fable....

Most facts are distorted or wrong...

Look at consciousness history at a more high scale... Truth is there without robe...

Those who wrote small history are the victorious it is very well known...Not the best man or the worst.... The victorious...

Go in the street of America and ask them which one invented almost all electrified America by itself?

The answer will no be a Serbo- Croatian immigrate coming from France with the false promises of Edison....

Small history is a pack of half truths....

Many americans think that Robert Gallo is co-discover of the HIV virus with Montagnier because the dispute was resolved diplomatically between France president and US president...The truth proven by inquiry says Gallo is a thief...A friend of Fauci by the way....  Here we are with 2 pandemies and the 2 same arch enemy at 40 years of distance face one another again ....Fascinating story indeed...

Do we solve scientific fact and truth  by politic agreeement or papal decision like in the Montagnier Gallo case?

Asking the question is answeering it...

The greater history reveal truth ....

No conspiracy here, only the same criminal thieves lying....

It is simple to verify about Tesla....

The life of Tesla like Archimedes life, or like Ramanujan life is unbeliveable but true...

People cannot believe extraordinary events man or extraordinary science...

Our room are walls who protect us from the extraordinary....

I just realize that i "pontificate" here ....Sorry for my imperfect character....



If you watch nothing else skip to 5:10 listen and study the slide, it shows exactly how both forms of vaccine (not just mRNA, both) result in the body making the deadly spike protein. Say again, the result of being vaccinated is your body produces a deadly protein. 
Wow, what a relief. After almost 900 posts on this messed up thread we are finally all in agreement on this contentious topic. Now we can relax. Good job everyone.
I dont know if Dr. McCullough is right...

But it is not an armchair bureaucrat doctor here...

If he is wrong it will not be because he lied...

At least...

 Myself i trust him completely...

 Before taking this vaxx or not i read 3 months non stop....

 No need to impose my decision to others...

 But when i see criminal activities  i must speak out...
Here is the problem with anecdotal evidence, I've had bouts of vertigo off and on throughout my life. I've been fully vaccinated since March 22nd, since then not a single bout of vertigo. See how that works?

dabel I am very sorry to hear of your wifes struggles vertigo is seriously debilitating and bless her for being a teacher.
After almost 900 posts on this messed up thread
Messing up a thread is saying something that is not an argument but an untruthful qualification...

You post mess this thread...

Other posts of people with a different perspective than mine at least presented some arguments...They constituted the thread by participation....

Your post is only your "feeling"...

We dont need to espress  it to mess the thread  if you had no arguments...
At 15:28 Kostoff statistical analysis shows that for every age group one is more likely to die from the vaccine than from the virus! as of Sept 24th the vaccines have killed 16k people.
Here is the problem with anecdotal evidence, I’ve had bouts of vertigo off and on throughout my life. I’ve been fully vaccinated since March 22nd, since then not a single bout of vertigo. See how that works?
Go to VAERS...


rethink about long term "possible" consequences which are unknown...

And anecdote dont count , too much anecdotes draw a story...

my main argument is not anecdotes tough...Not even the mass of anecdotes about adverse events..

My main argument is the evident criminal stupidity of promoting MASS vaccination for a MUTATING AT HIGH SPEED coronavirus and at the same times erasing and censoring low cost effective EARLY treatment that works...

Ponder that, instead of debating about adverse events claculus....

VAXX+ treatment= rationality

Mass forced  vaxx only =  working stupidity if it is a mutating virus
Just watched a little of that video and at the end the “doctor” claims it was planned ahead of time, even getting death charts on CNN. Lotta mentally ill people running around. As the saying goes you’re entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts. This is perhaps  the lowest information thread I’ve read here.  I think I leaned more in a a Kenjit post.
Wait a second, we’re not all in agreement?!? You mean all this contentious blather hasn’t converted a single person to your way of seeing things?? Well surely 900 more comments should do it. But I’m still sticking with copper cables. 
Just watched a little of that video and at the end the “doctor” claims it was planned ahead of time, even getting death charts on CNN. Lotta mentally ill people running around. As the saying goes you’re entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts. This is perhaps the lowest information thread I’ve read here. I think I leaned more in a a Kenjit post.
YOu just throw the baby with the bath waters here...

Planned event or not, the story of this doctor is clear as day....His observations on the front are meaningful...Dont cherry pick some fact here and judge all the video with this...

By the way the event reenactment exercise paid by Gates is verifiable truth...The remdesivir and intubation policy of Fauci in hospital is true...

This did not means there is a conspiracy...This only prove total greed and stupidity....

We need an official criminal inquiry to prove that there was conspiracy....Criminal activities here tough makes no doubt save for sheeps and children...

Dont throw the baby with the bath waters.... Use your brain not your ready made opinion about conspiracies...

Dont mock other poster which are not here by the way, kenjit, me or others...
BTW jond I feel your pain on having a room too small for corner traps. I’m pretty lucky in that I have an upstairs bedroom that’s my stereo cave (stereo lab is more like it.) Integrating sound control devices in a small or multi use living space is tough. I’m not even going to tell you what I’m using for the corner traps on fear of truly being considered this threads title. 
Prove a conspiracy? This has been talked about for many years. People behind this were basically SAYING it for years. Clues are always put out there.

"Anyway, that is the first and last time I'll talk about this on this forum."    

Good. There is too much misinformation about the vaccine already.    


If there is still room at the bar, I'll have a Crown Royal and ginger ale with a slice of lime. Cheers.

The vaccine, if you can even call it that, theoretically puts pressure on the virus, and forces it to mutate. Hence the Delta Variant.
Much like antibiotics do to strains of bacteria and make them resistant.
This is by all accounts a leaky vaccine, it does not sterilize the virus, does not stop transmission, and after a 2 month time period, drops in efficacy as well. (that is if you even trust the numbers being put out,  which I don't)

In all the previous animal testing with MRNA vaccines, animals showed robust antibody response, but after a few months suffered severe reactions to the wild virus after it was introduced to them. The vaccine caused an Anti Body Dependent Enhancement, the vaccine instead of strengthening the immune system did the complete opposite.
ALL THE ANIMALS IN THE TESTING DIED. The vaccine turned off their anti inflammatory macrophage 2 response.
This is not a conspiracy theory....THIS IS PUBLISHED RESEARCH.

And this is what all the doctors, including Dr Robert Malone , Dr. McCullough, Dr Luc Montagnier and tens of thousands of other Doctors are saying.

The side effects of the vaccine are induced in the short term, and the Long term......Variants being one of those side effects. .

40% of wild deer have coronavirus antibodies: study

This pandemic had ended in January, we all have antibodies for this thing, everyone has been exposed. The vaccines have, however, created a situation where this next wave will be by far the most destructive one, and it by all accounts has already started.

And yes, I’ll keep my life over fitting in at the office, any day, all day. Not that I  worked at an office... but yeah. I'll stick to my convictions over going along to get along. I am not built like a drone...

Thanks again to mahgister and yuviarora for this most valuable of all links ever posted on this site, the MD McCullough video not only for being the single most comprehensive source of information on the subject but for leading me to this Guide to Home Based Covid Treatment which I somehow never found before!

One of the many good points he raises is every time the subject comes up we need to be saying the vaccines are unsafe and in fact even more harmful than the virus. I knew they were unsafe, but not that they are more deadly. Did not know they work by making your body manufacture a deadly protein.

This is not anti-vaxx. This is just the facts of these particular vaccines.

Everyone here should be thanking you guys for bringing this to our attention. Thanks again!

People with a PhDs are the most hesitant when it comes to getting the Covid-19 vaccine, according to a paper by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh.

@millercarbon    yeah that video is a doozey, very hard to refute. 
@jond get out out of here with a national enquirer crap.

Very 1st comment on that "Article"

Ok but all this article did is attack that mans character… You didn’t refute or dispute or fact check any of his claims.
Why would I care what a random commenter says? The article is thorough and balanced.
Audio has taken a back burner to this discussion, for I have been super glued. I've maybe contributed to two other thread starts in a weeks time.

I don't have it in ME to give up on humanity, although maybe some had prayed I'd head over and PLAY in the kiddie pool.

A shout out to those whom have contributed greatly. My hats off to you!

And FINALLY some links I will open, instead of only cd318

This Train has Conductors.....and I'm just a passenger

If that is your level or explains a lot. 

You  wanna show me his dik pics, and also tell me how tiny his penis is? 
The data he is citing is publicly available, he is citing 100's of other doctors that are also citing their own  work, CDC's own statistics. 

That "ARTICLE" is a character assassination hit piece, tell me how he beats his  wife  while you are at it. 

They are not refuting anything he is saying, it's all about attacking the messenger. 

And yes, that 1st comment...cuts right to heart of these silly hit pieces,  which are financed by the big Pharma companies. 
Peter McCullough appears to basically have no expertise in infectious diseases and a total self promoter.

It is like wikipedia...

where anybody with  weights at his disposal  adjust balance...

Are you able to think by yourself?

 Did you know the dude who figure out how to solve most problems on earth and which put his money where is his mouth?

Vaccination of the world...

Bill Gates.... Complete ignoramus in science....A geek...

And you trust his vaxopedia media more than a Doctor who himself devise with few others the early treatment response ...

Trust the internet yes. AFTER brain work and BEFORE brain work not INSTEAD of  brainwork...
I predict this thread soon to be authoritative source for solution to defeat covid. Collating so many preeminate authorities within a single thread will certainly enlighten the 'quack' scientific community.  Guys, thank you for your service to humanity.

And so, I too am headed to the bar, drink my sorrows away after being made aware of the devil's poison living within my body from vaccine.
Dr Robert Malone, is the Inventor of the MRNA technology. 
After he spoke out against these vaccines, they scrubbed his  wikipedia page, and deleted his linkedln profile. 
Yesterday......New England Journal of Medicine Blocked his IP Address from accessing their medical papers. 

Everyone that has come out against these vaccines has been publicly destroyed, all paid for by these big Pharmaceutical companies.