I will come back in a couple of weeks with a more sober performance review .
You are lacking sobriety at 12PM (time stamp above)...Hmm, that's a tad early for the cocktails, huh?.....or.... was it just the Avantgarde's sound that got you high as a kite and took away your ability to articulate? If such an Avantgardean sonic thrill wore off in just 2 weeks, that's not a good thing either. You'd want the high to last a long while (and not suffer short span upgraditis)...
Drop the "I" in Colibrie.
@roxy54 ,
Drop the ’e’, keep the ’i’.
@deep_333 Dude is in Sweden. Yah hay der, day got blackhair by crackie.
The satellites look wonderful and probably sound the same, but when you add them to the subwoofer, it kinda looks a guitar amplifier and a space heater had a baby! The chrome tube rack system that holds the Sub & Satellite, looks like it would vibrate like crazy. I wonder if Advantgarde was going for a 1950’s look.
I went for the black speaker with black tubing .
sorry , I miss spelled the name and i am still a little love drunk 
Drop the love, and keep the drunk.
"It's too early to start drinking.... But too early to stop."- John Barrymore
"Long haired country boy" by Charlie Daniels needs to be played.
Let's hear some DSOTM on that weird speaker system!
you are all most welcome to visit , its about 6 hour flight from NY to Gothenburg from there its a 45 min drive =)
play any songs you want at any level your ears can handle !!
Are they effectively Avantgarde’s “ economy” line? How do they sound & compare to their Unos & Duos which I’m quite familiar with?
Those speakers got a lot of love at hifi Munich. I'm am intrigued by them. Would love to hear a pair locally.
@curiousjim Damn--you made me spit my Irish whiskey all over the living room!
to reply Jon , the sound differs a bit from the other avantgardes since its more like a source point . ( I know its not a source point its a MTM config )
in most parts you they sound very much avantgarde but in a smaller package and
you need to add a subwoofer or 2 .
That’s alcohol, abuse, and for that I am forever sorry,
curiousjim Damn--you made me spit my Irish whiskey all over the living room!
Man, these things look like space heaters- even more so than my beloved QUAD loudspeakers (which I’ve owned since 1974, with sympathetic restoration from Kent McCollum).
I do have a pair of Avantgarde Duos that I bought new back in 2006 or so.
Coupled with the right upstream components the AGs can sound wonderful.
This new model-- given the now high cost of AG in the States- is the company’s effort at a lower priced line?
they are not cheap here in the eu I can only imagine the price point in the states ..
I paid about $8k inc tax here in sweden .
( and yes the look is something you get used to , but the sound and image is superb.)
I spent a lot of time in Stockholm back in the mid-90's for work- really enjoyed the culture, the food, the people. The old town was wonderful and there was also a "hot dog" stand not far from the opera house that had great dogs. Been quite a while, but I still stay in touch with my colleague there. Enjoy the speakers.
I use 15 inch subs, dsp'd with my Duos. Makes a big difference.
I have one 18" sealed sub with DSP and one ported 12" also DSP controlled .
me to have spent much time in Stockholm , lived there between 2002-2007 and I loved it . got a new job and ended up in Gothenburg found a girl (wife since 10 years) and i´m still here .
Looks awesome, have You tried with subs? Read that are non fatiguing or harsh in the top end.
I already had excellent subwoofers so the avantgarde subs wasn't on the chart .
I could tell you that I've updated the crossovers with a marvellous result ( very cheap parts originally) I could post pics of the original and the updated but it's not quite fair to the engineers that probably spend alot of time developing the speaker only to have the economy department debunk the project. So I just changed all parts with the same value to mundorf and audyn parts 🙃. It's astonishing what a couple of hundred bucks do 😁
But how is the sound compared to other horns speakers like my Diesis Ludos or similar? I have 3-4 systems now trying to reduce: Duesis, Voxativ, Harbeth and Heretic’s.
I'm sorry, but I haven't compared them to other horns at least not side by side .
I can tell you that I have compared them to my other speakers dynaudio contour 60 ,martin logan sequel II and colibri are more fun and engaging!