Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables

Now, this is not a advertisement, just a posting sharing my experience on some well made great sounding cables at a very reasonable price. Besides, I don't think Cerious Technologies is set up for a big influx of cable orders.

But, if you get the chance to try these cables, please do.

I have been interested in the newer cables coming out that are using Graphene as a conductor. SR cables seemed interesting, but I always hated the way there cables had all those extra wires (with the active shields and such). I then noticed an ad early in I think November or December from Cerious Technologies for Graphene cables. I investigated how the cables were assembled and it seemed like quite a laborious process.

I ordered (with a 30 day money back guarantee) the balanced Graphene interconnects, and boy did they impress me. Such depth, soundstage, realism, frequency smoothness, effortless sound. I was truly impressed!  I now have a complete loom of the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables. That is; interconnects, speaker cables, digital cables and power cords.

I ended up selling all of my other cables and to those of you who have read my postings know that cables have always been my curiosity.

So, as I began this post, let me again iterate, I have no alliance to the company, my posting is for those of you looking for an great alternate high quality Graphene made cable without spending a fortune.

After attending RMAF for 3 days, Bob's pricing is extremely fair and should be considered a true value. After I write up my coverage of RMAF I'll be contacting Bob for a couple of cables to audition.
Well, if Cerious Technologies is Bob's web site, then it looks like his prices on that site have been out of date for some time.

Yeah Bob does need to update his website. He is still a one man band. His quality is in the finished product not the website.

Bob's daughter needs to find some time to update his website ;-)
Hay, we're all busy...

lak...from your mouth to God's ears...I will do what it takes to get proper prices listed on the website...
Cerious Bob
Hi Bob-rgrost, curious,  what is the total combined conductor mass gauge of graphene  $649.00 8ft speaker cable's?, in other words,  what is the gauge of these speaker cable's?, thankyou 
Each conductor is 1/2" in diameter and has equivalent to 2/0 AWG conductor volume...
And to further clarify that is two conductors per channel or four total, one each for positive and negative on both channels.
Is the website updated ? I don't suppose so . How much is a paid of GE SC 10 ft ? This is the only SC model right ?
I received the SC, PC and Interconnects. I am tempted to put all of them in the system but which one do you suggest to start with ? How long does it take for the cables to burn in ? Are the differences subtle or its very noticeable ?
Put all of them in at the same time and enjoy it. Don't worry about which does what better. Break in time is not extensive on these IME. Still, I can't think of any good reason to spend any more time than is necessary with the break in process.
I agree with csmgolf's comment regarding the addition of all the interconnects (etc.) at the same time.
With that said, if you are the type of person that wants to hear the sonic's of each individual interconnect (etc.), are patient, and have the time, then add one at a time.
If I remember correctly, you are looking at 50 hours for full break-in time, but the GE products really do sound very good right out of the box.
I think the differences you will hear are dependent on your individual system and the quality of the interconnects (etc.) you are replacing.
In my personal case I liked what I heard as soon as I replaced the speaker cables, and power cable. The digital cable and the RCA interconnect sounded as good, but not necessarily better than what I was using however the GE products were a much lower cost thus a real money saver. 

I need to generate a new systems page for my new room that now has 3 power cords and one more on the way, and Bob's speaker cables as well. I have prodigious amounts of bass in this new room and certainly Bob's cables are contributing. I did notice that they respond to upstream cable changes very well. I switched out some Pure Note IC's for some hybrid ribbon Audio Magic IC's and the top end came through better with these but so did the bass.

It also helps that I put in an SR UEF/graphene duplex next to the Cardas AG and Furutech GTX-gold units. You can really change the sound among these 3 differences in metallurgy.

The fit and finish of Bob's cables is primo and I ordered another power cable. I am waiting for some more break-in and may order a 5th power cable soon after.
@csmgolf, @lak

Thanks. I did put all of them yesterday morning. Will let it break for couple of days before doing serious listening.
Please let us know your thoughts by posting them here on this form.
Hi Jond,, so the conductors in the speaker cable's are graphene?, with carbon dielectric?, no metals in the cable's? 
It would appear rather unlikely that the conductors are (only) Graphene inasmuch as Graphene is by definition one atom thickness. Didn’t the mfgr indicate the backbone is copper with Graphene wrapped around the backbone. One can’t help wonder how the heck you handle one atom thickness Graphene, with teeny tiny tweezers?
I have a pdf Bob sent me once of the making of a GE speaker cable, I posted it here:
Basically its a silver/copper 8 gauge proprietary alloy bundled with carbon fiber that's been impregnated with graphene  and liquid ceramic. There's more so check it out it's an interesting read with photos.
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Bob from Cerious...We have an OEM version of an Oyaide plug made for us in Japan. It is the only way we can afford to sell them for what we do. Using a "true" Oyaide plug would more than double what we can sell them to customers for and we have worked closely with our supplier to get them to be a sonic wash for much less money. Oyaide makes a great connector but it is one we cannot afford to use to keep anything close to our price point...


The backbone conductor is silver coated copper.

Bob, I sent you a question via email.

ozzy 10-18-2016 4:19pm

The backbone conductor is silver coated copper.

Could you please tell me what a "backbone conductor" is? Thx.

I'm looking for a pair of Cerious GE balanced cables and power cords Nano or GE. Please message me. Thanks

Ozzy - Thanks so much for your glowing review of the Cerious Tech cables - I have purchased a full "loom" of power cables, a digital cable and Interconnect at this point.  Speaker cables will probably be next.  I have sold my high priced cables, including a Nordost Valhalla 2, Tara Labs Cobalt power cables and Shindo Silver interconnects.

I "guaranty" that anyone who tries Bob's cables will NOT give them back.  They are that good, and then some!  I have never heard anything better, including Nordost Odin at my local hifi shop. 

The musicality, soundstage width/depth, tone of instruments, detail resolution is outstanding. 

I urge everyone who is looking for a HUGE upgrade that is relatively inexpensive to use Bob's 30 day money back guaranty and buy some of his exceptional cables as soon as possible - I'm telling you, you will NEVER look back!

One more thing - All you Shindo owners out there - for the fun of it, I hooked up one of the Cerious power cords to my Auregies - well guess what, everything became bigger and even more detail. 

There is finally a PC out there that beats that darn gray one!!

Of course I dont know about other Shindo products, but with Bob's money back guaranty, it's worth a shot (of graphene!)

I agree, the Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables have huge bang for the buck quality and sound. Definitely worth a try, and if I was starting out in this hobby, I would purchase a full loom and not second guess my choice. It's hard to believe, but this product betters other manufactured products that cost five times more etc.
Don't take my word for it, let your ears be the judge.
I own a full loom on one of my systems and just ordered a 12' Red Low Current Optimized GE power cord for my Allnic H-2101 phone preamp.


"Could you please tell me what a "backbone conductor" is?"

As jond posted, "Basically its a silver/copper 8 gauge proprietary alloy (wire) bundled with carbon fiber that’s been impregnated with graphene and liquid ceramic".

Anybody knows if Bob is making a GE USB cable as well ? I looked at Cerious website but didn’t find any information.
Please read Bob’s reply from 09-22-2016 7:31pm.  Page 12 of this thread on my browser.
I want to try the GE cables. Which do you think will give me the most bang for my buck? A PC for the Tara Labs Powerscreen all my components are plugged into? Digital cable from CD Transport to DAC? A pair of ICs? I need a biwire pair of SCs, so they are out of my budget, for now.

I asked earlier but didn't get any replies, is anyone using the interconnects as phono cables or know if Bob is considering going down that path?
Tommylion & jsm71,
I would start with the power cable or if it's in your budget the speaker cables. I might add that my statement was made bassed upon the experiences I had in my system, as we all know different systems yeild different results.

Bob from Cerious. I wish your feedback. Any interest in a GE dedicated Phono cable (with 5 pin din connector...)?
@tommylion to me I would rank:

1. Speaker Cables
2. PC's
3. Digital
4. Interconnects
In terms of efficacy and bang for the buck. All are good but to me the SC and PC's are both really special.

Bob, I can only speak for myself and I have to say I only have a basic understanding of why a phono cable needs to be designed differently.  Assuming phono cables do need a different design (I'm using Morrow phono cables today and they sound good to me, but ....) I would be interested in what you would bring to market given that you seem to be providing better performance for the money elsewhere.

I like how you explain why you design your power cords the way you do for example on your web site. That makes sense to me.  Your speaker cable design is again, compelling.

Getting back to your question, I would need RCA connections for my gear, but I understand many could use the din connector at the turntable also. Perhaps that is another cable type where options might be needed.

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Thankyou Jond, ozzy,  Geoffkait,  for the response of the make up of these cable's,  very informative and interesting, I am going to purchase these,  however,  when,  I'm not sure,  but it's a done deal 😀
@jmcgrogan2 first of all sorry dude just calling it as I see it ;) And glad to hear you are recovered and doing well that's great. If you do try the speaker cables let us know what you think of them. And @audiolabyrinth  glad to help and I hope you end up liking them.
I have ordered the blue PC and 2 pairs RCA interconnects. I will be able to compare the CT interconnects to the Morrow Grand Elite Reference interconnects that I have. The CT speaker cables blew away the very expensive Morrows.
Robt...are you currently working on an upgrade to any of your current CT GE cables..?.


I hope not! His Graphene cables have only been out for less than a year.

+1 jond on rating the GE cables, the SC are quite astonishing considering their price point.

John, the GE is way better than the Nano Signature I had in my system, simply no comparison. C'mon, it's just a fraction of the costs of the HFC cables you had....

As IC, I use a mix of GE and HFC CT1-U in my main system.

Bob from Cerious. Everyday you live and do not improve is a lost opportunity. There are just two problems with coming out with something new. [1] Graphene Extremes are really good, so it would have to be a clear performance upgrade of a cable beating $4000 cables. [2] Time...all I do is make cables. I have no time to do R&D. It will happen someday but do not fear the future. I always take current customers into consideration with very generous trade in policies and many customers took advantage of this to go from Nano to GE. Enjoy...now back to "Making the cables..."
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Hi John,
for the record it was not me but jond and jazzonthehudson  who directed their inquiry towards you . Nonetheless I'm sure everyone here most certainly appreciates your informed response.
As I switched in Audio Magic Trinium IC's the Graphene SC's responded to each one. I found that the SC's did not impart their will but stayed neutral for every cable I have had in the system since taking delivery of Bob's power and speaker cables. I have not had any bloom (which means bloat to me) but I have raised my sound to a level never before. Detail, body & soul, deep bass are all there. As I place the Triniums in the system, the detail goes up due to their metallurgy which tells me that the SC's do not trump what I am doing elsewhere. I do also have Trinum SC's but am afraid of too much of a good thing so to speak, so am reluctant to replace Bob's SC's. YMMV

My 4th power cable arrives this week. Thanks Bob!

Check out my new system in the Systems section.
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Bob, thanks for the great cables. My system is really humming these days and the power cables and speaker cables are not going anywhere for the foreseeable future. I am mating them with Audio Magic Trinium IC's right now.
Ozzy I have Andra 2 as well, you got my attention sir, I look at the price of cerious cables they are reasonably price, compare to HF cables they are give away, does this cables sounds more like silver or copper, or solid core or strand, to all cerious cable users how do they compare with the Nordost tyr , heimdall or Valhalla, or audio quest and kimbers, I almost bought HF speaker cables, I feel like this cables as good as the HF cables.thank you