Audiogon seller's question

It has been a long time since I've sold something on Agon. I still buy quite often here, but usually sell on US Audiomart. That said, I have recently listed a relatively expensive pair of speakers and just received an offer through Agon. The buyer just joined and of course has no feedback. So it will for sure have to be Paypal, but no F&F. What is Audiogons role in protecting either the seller or the buyer these days? I would like to have a phone conversation for such a transaction, but I know that's not going to be allowed.


Regarding phone calls, if I remember correctly, the potential buyers name and address and maybe phone number became available via the A'gon offer/sale process.  I always found a way to contact the buyer.  In fact, they were just as happy to discuss the transaction as I was.

I understand that everyone has to start somewhere to have feedback.  But in my "for sale" ads I spell out that I will not sell to someone without feedback.



You are correct. Once I accepted the offer we both get to view contact phone numbers. I haven't had a response yet from the buyer, so hopefully we can connect and work it out. The "no feedback" part makes me a little nervous, as it should. But a phone call goes a long way to get a better feel.

PayPal, Audiogon and FedEx or UPS offer next to nothing protection to sellers. Your best protection is to document your sale with pictures and videos before the item goes to shipper. For buyers with no feedback, wire or PayPal F&F options only. If they refuse, move on. 

Unless your speakers are packed in wooden crate, do not ship via FedEx or UPS. Use freight, may cost bit more but they will get there unharmed. 

And lastly, find a way to speak to your buyer. If they appear difficult, walk away. 

I believe @lalitk meant to say use PayPal Goods and Services option only, not F&F.

For buyers with no feedback, wire or PayPal F&F options only. 

Just have a friendly talk on the phone. Buyers are not usually scammers as they want cash, not the opposite. I hope it goes well.


I meant F&F option only since goods and services option have fees ranging from 2.89% to 3.49% and categorized as ‘commercial’ transaction. Plus this option offers full protection to the buyers.

“If an eligible item that you’ve bought online doesn’t arrive, or doesn’t match the seller’s description, PayPal’s Buyer Protection may reimburse you for the full amount of the item plus shipping”

PayPal F&F option is as good as cash!



You are absolutely correct; I was looking at it from the wrong angle.

PayPal F&F is the right way to go for the seller.

Just to help a bit here: some people in this thread are confusing seller protection and buyer protection.


Looks like it’s not going to matter. The guy ghosted me after I accepted the offer. 

It used to be easy to sell here, the other audio sites or on eBay. I'm talking 10+ years ago or so. Now it's scammers or unscrupulous buyers galore. I will only sell if the buyer pays via PayPal F&F, Venmo or direct bank transfer. I understand that buyers are often uncomfortable with that. But it's my gear and I've been doing this a long time and maintain a stellar reputation on all the platforms I sell on. I'm no longer interested in accepting all of the risk. I always assure the buyers in writing that I will refund them 100% if the gear arrives damaged or non functional. That hasn't happened in a long time because I know how to pack gear, including creating new boxes and packing if necessary and limiting the shipping carriers I will use. If it sounds a little controlling, it is. Because it works and creates happiness for me and the buyer.

We are at a stalemate because as a buyer I will never do Paypal Friends and Family. I can see all your past sales and believe you are PROBABLY legit but no way am I paying that way. For speakers I generally would like a local sale so I can hear them anyway.

I just sold a vintage receiver to a guy via PayPal f and f. He wanted me to send it to a different address, which gave me pause. He sent the money and I called PayPal to see if he pulled a fast one on me by claiming he didn’t get the product, would he have recourse? They replied that since it’s friends and family, he has no recourse. It’s as good as cash. He was trusting me that I would send him his product. I sent it and he got it 2 days later. Turns out he didn’t want his wife to know so he sent it to his friends house. lol. I told him he should’ve told me that in the beginning. I would definitely understand. 

Many people don’t like these new censorship rules 

if you paid for the % and ad that should be your private space imo

why no email or tel 

both can be enigma coded to use !

Ozzy62 now the new Biden laws all transactions you have to pay tax on ,PayPal  issues IRS statements ,which are a ripoff you pay taxes when it’s new ,

now used more taxes , not good.

@audioman58 you only owe tax in the event you are profitable on the transaction. Its kindof of been the law for a long time. Long before the past several presidents.

@ghasley  You are right. All you have to do is keep your paypal transaction receipt for the item when purchased and the item when sold. It's still a pain in the a&&, but doable.

So the guy came through on his offer. I plan to have a phone conversation with him, but I feel a little better after googling his name and finding him on Linkedin with the same city and town as his shipping address. Unless someone's identity has been hacked, he's a pretty legitimate businessman.

There has to be a better way to run a simple sale with a little protection? I lost a purchase early this year due to the a-gon silly no contact rules, the deal was made, everything was good to go but there was no way to contact the seller to arrange for pickup. Both he and I tried but we were not able to make contact except through a-gon and phone numbers, street addresses and email addresses were all filtered out. Does a-gon expect everything to be shipped, it sure seemed like it?

Once the offer was accepted, the buyer's contact information (email and phone) were available to me. As well as my info to him.

OP - You may be wise to disregard encouragement to use Friends & Family - It does NOT offer buyer protection...

From the PayPal website: "

Ineligible Items and Transactions…



FYI - "now the new Biden laws all transactions you have to pay tax on ,PayPal  issues IRS statements ,which are a ripoff you pay taxes when it’s new ,

now used more taxes , not good."

That is a lie (and you should know better).  

This a a simple sales tax on used items, just like selling a used car, used bicycle or used toilet paper ;-).  The new law simply reduces the 'celling' to $600 per annum, under which, items are NOT taxed (I consider the $600 limit a GIFT).  Again, if I sell a couch for $300, for example, I pay sales tax once the limit is exceeded.


This all began in 1913 with the Sixteenth Amendment of the Constitution...

"ARTICLE XVI. The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

I hope everyone realizes that too many uninformed/misinformed folks with political agendas spread their BS on AG and else ware.

My comment should end 'elsewhere' ... sorry, auto-word correction is not always an advantage.


Taxation is theft, plain and simple. But taxing a used item (that has already been taxed before) is theft X 2. And don’t get me started on recurring property taxes on automobiles and other personal vehicles that were taxed heavily when purchased. That is theft X 1000.

Different subject for a different day....



Again, if I sell a couch for $300, for example, I pay sales tax once the limit is exceeded.

Why would YOU pay sales tax on something YOU sold? In all retail, the buyer pays sales tax, not the merchant.




"too many uninformed/misinformed folks with political agendas spread their BS"

Sad but true. 

Calling BS on excessive taxation shouldn't be politically polarizing. It should be common ground for all Americans.

@inagroove + 1

And I have NO common ground with anybody who says taxation is theft, pure and simple. None whatsover. 

yes ozzy it should not be polarizing ,

in 1960 corporations paid 21% of Federal revenues , today it's only 6.5% .

As to taxation, whether in its initial sale or used, merchant or personal, income, etc., etc., .... another consideration is where is the money going?

Last I looked, alot of money is spent on anything but infrastructure, sent outside the country and the nat'l debt now exceeds $35 trillion and growing at an increasing rate.  We can barely service the interest.

If and when this actually impacts our economy in a way it has in previous nations, throughout history, HiFi will be the last thing on your mind.


@vair68robert  why would anyone want a corporation to pay more, that just means the consumer is going to pay more for the product to cover the tax.

As far as I know American corporations are making record profits and paying CEO's exorbitant amounts . 


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For those still following what this thread was initially about…..

I spoke with the buyer on the phone this morning and I have every confidence that all is good. The deal is done, the speakers ship on Monday.

Looks like it’s not going to matter. The guy ghosted me after I accepted the offer. 

I never get tired of hating the Catfishers & tire kickers in this hobby.

I hope everyone realizes that too many uninformed/misinformed folks with political agendas spread their BS on AG and else ware.

Yet, the usual suspects are doing just that, decrying politics where they see fit, thanking the moderators for curtailing it when it suits them, and hypocritically go about spouting political BS, calling it common ground for all Americans.

As for nothing being spent on infrastructure, what rock has one been living under for the last few years? See here, and here.

All the best,



I apologize for going off topic and then answering an invalid response .

Congratulations on getting new speakers .   

Lets say I buy a $2000 pair of speakers Friends & Family...I also pay extra for insurance....but lets say the packing isn't will blame the packaging and deny the claim...

so good luck getting the seller to give back $2000 in this situation. They did F&F to avoid this type of risk and will say they are not responsible for damage by the shipping company.   

....all in all, I’m happy to continue to buy the obscure and relatively inexpensive stuff that most wouldn’t bother to FYO with....

...although, a healthy ’paranoia’ can serve one well.... [] )

Good luck, @ozzy62 

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