Aidiogon is Da Bomb!

I just wanted to say how lucky I feel to have ventured onto this forum. The other forums have a "ban first, ask questions later" feel to them. That includes AVS, AVNirvana, Audioholics and the failed engineer who started a website so he could use his leftover equipment to measure whatever anyone sent in(no need to go there as that has been well addressed in other threads). Here I can say i love a certain cable and no one lobs a flame grenade yapping how I was "ripped off". I give the "virtual system" member pages 5 stars as it is like audio porn for gear heads who simply love to either show off their rooms or simply lust over systems some other members have curated. The courtesy I have received from some of the members with kilobuck systems is amazing. I an often treated like a VIP even though my system may be humble comparing to some other members here. No one gets in my face about liking Atmos, MQA or whatever. In other forums that is basically a kamikaze mission if you post it. I also like the mods who seem professional in my experience not a pea brained imbecile with authority issues like some of the other dopey sites I have visited (see above).


So, you love a certain cable huh?  And which snake oil one would that be?



Post removed 

Which stereo rack has the best bass?  Looking for colorful midrange and good timbre also.


Aside from a few resident nattering nabobs of negativism, largely accurate. We welcome your positivity @kota1 .

Dear @kota1 Welcome. And I hope you can retain your positive outlook in this forum. Some know everything and are more than willing to "share." Others enjoy audio, learning and helping. I pray you find more of the latter. 

Not quite jaded, 


Welcome to the crew, have a thick skin….many want to derail the conversations, but glad to have you 

Thank you all, much appreciate the kind comments. My system is posted in my profile if you are interested.


Despite some negative comments, the posters on this forum are generally welcoming. Yes, you can have contrary opinions and not be banned, There are some real experts on this site and not just minions like on another site which shall remain nameless.

You haven't been on here long enough. Post a few dozen times and you'll find its the same as every other forum,.. best of luck

You haven't been on here long enough.

I think kota1's 2 years, 29 posts and 2142 responses is long enough to figure it out



@kota1  U made it sound like u just joined. Is this supposed to be your welcome post over 2 yrs later 29 discussions started and 2142 responses? 🙄🤔


I noticed some bitchy little audio karens whining and moaning about stuff in some various threads and it made me ask myself why I like being a member so decided to post.

"nattering nabobs of negativism"; Credit Spiro Agnew for that. Those of us old enough to remember.


"nattering nabobs of negativism"; Credit Spiro Agnew for that.

Pat Buchanan (remember him?) did most of the Agnew's speechwriting, including this gem, which would seem to often apply to this forum:

"A spirit of national masochism prevails, encouraged by an effete corps of impudent snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals ."

Change "effete" to "adipose" and Pat would have been talking about himself.



75 posts


"nattering nabobs of negativism"; Credit Spiro Agnew for that. Those of us old enough to remember.

Except that line was actually written by speechwriter William Safire.

Man, those were the good old days, when corrupt politicians were forced to resign in disgrace, never to be heard from again.

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My favorite threads here aren't about gear or music, its actually about room setup. For example a recent thread asking about where to place a sub or about improving bass response. When you can help a member put $$$ he had budgeted for a new component to improve whatever back in his pocket by making less expensive solutions to get the same result its great.  The room seems to be the lowest risk, least expensive, highest reward "component" to address.




@rel  + 1 - Nice point! I was even tempted to mention that. Most people don't know about speechwriter William Safire and some of the famous lines that he came up with for others to say. 

I miss reading his weekly newspaper article On Language. While politically we were far apart I still respected him and listened to his arguments. His love of language is one I have too.

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