Active Speakers Don't Sound Better

I just wanted to settle a debate that has often raged in A’gon about active vs. passive speakers with my own first hand experience. I’ve recently had the chance to complete a 3-way active center channel to match my 2-way passive speakers.

I can absolutely say that the active nature of the speaker did not make it sound better. Or worse. It has merged perfectly with my side speakers.

What I can say is that it was much easier to achieve all of the technical design parameters I had in mind and that the speakers have better off-axis dispersion as a result, so it is measurably slightly better than if I had done this as a passive center. Can I hear it? I don’t think so. I think it sounds the same.

From an absolute point of view, I could have probably achieved similar results with a passive speaker, but at the cost of many more crossover stages and components.  It was super easy to implement LR4 filters with the appropriate time delays, while if I had done this passively it would require not just the extra filter parts but all pass filters as well.  A major growth in part counts and crossover complexity I would never have attempted.  So it's not like the active crossover did any single thing I couldn't do passively, but putting it all together was so much easier using DSP that it made it worthwhile.

I can also state that as a builder it was such a positive experience that I may very well be done with making passive speakers from now on.


All the best,




"Green cars are better than blue cars."

Of course its all relative. There are pluses and minuses to just about everything. Dedicating on-board amplification to each driver is a potential benefit but the quality of those amplifiers must also be considered as well as the specific design.  ATC speakers have been mentioned, and both Grimm Audio and Kii Audio have  done fairly well using Class D amplifiers in their active designs.

@roxy54 of course there are, and my assertion doesnt remove that from the realm of posiibilities or experiences, nor is it incompatible with the reality of high end speakers with built-in amplification.

and still, you dont stick an amp inside a speaker to make it better. you do it so the customer doesnt have to bother with amps.  

Active may have a higher ceiling when implemented well, I don’t know. The Dynaudio Focus xd towers I had for a while didn’t do it for me. 


Now that's baloney! There are very high end speakers in addition to ATC that are active.

as long as they operate properly, active speakers are  a convenience like bluetooth is or a walkman or something like that. theyre not supposed to sound better. theyre not supposee to perform better. you dont stick an amp inside a speaker box for better SQ and performance. you stick it there to get it out of the way. 

Just to clarify a bit, the demonstration that I heard was long ago, and I have no memory of the ancillaries that were being used, and even if I did, I realize that there are countless variables involved. I do not believe that there is an inherent superiority to active speakers.

A major growth in part counts and crossover complexity

If I ever get active speakers, it would be to go in the opposite direction (towards a lower parts count). I bet this is a big motivator for many others who switch.

The question then is, if I get the active version of exactly the same pair of speakers I now use (and like), will it sound even better? Enough to justify the cost and inconvenience of the switch? My speakers are the JansZen Valentina P8s. JansZen does offer an active version, the A8. Or maybe someone can compare the active/passive version of a more popular speaker (such as a Kef product).. But you’d need to constrain the comparison so it’s as close to apples-to-apples as possible (in terms of the component quality etc.)



+1 jpwarren58 … vibration isolation

There are even benefits (in passive speaker design) to having the xover Not in the Box… but separate, isolated and protected from physical vibrations. Biggest surprise/improvement in the evolution from prototype to “finished” unit I have experienced (in my most recent build). (Small sample, not a Universal Statement or Pontification… just sayin’…)


I understand the simplicity, and especially time savings. Passive crossovers can take a long time to evaluate, change, burn in, re-evaluate, etc. ...But...there are pro and cons with every option, and like most things, execution of a given principle is a key factor, as is the objective.

My hill to climb is vibrations. Just on the most simplistic of evaluations placing an amp inside a speaker seems problematic. But seems more and more popular. one who’s applied DSP since the ’80’s and quasi-active monoblocks (L-07 mono-blocks with 1 m. supplied cables...will that ’stand-in’ for active speakers? Getting ’close to concept’ in practice if not ’inboard’ within the cabinet....), I’d be onboard with ’active v. passive’ approach....

...given a more than average amount of ac plugs about your listening space...|
...a uptick in the count of ’improved’ ac cables And IC cables ’twixt pre- and active drivers...which begins to look like ’shaving peaches’ imho.... is relying on the ’amp in the box’, which may/may not to be your tastes....

Even dialing in a self-powered sub can be a bitch....and varies from source to source.....
Micro-management to the point of excess? Perhaps....

...why would I lie?

Ultimately....what we’re searching for is making the means.... do This.

...why should I lie? ;)

Any and all options are open to be applied, per your mind, ears, space, budget, and Intent, me. *S*

Try this......the backing is nice...varied....


That's very interesting! Are you talking about equivalent models? Which ones? What preamplifier and amplifier, respectively, did you use?

I have both active and passive ATC speakers. The passive ones murder the active ones any day of the week.

Well, for one thing the bass amp isn't driving the treble or vice versa, so you can optimize with actives in a way that you can't with passives. Second, you have more options with actives, e.g. Bessell filters. Just try that with passives. Third, you can afford  exotic parts (0.01 caps instead of 10u caps) for actives which might not even exists for passives , e.g. nude Vishay resistors.

So yes, it is possible to create an active x-over which is not better - but why?

@erik_squires wrote:

I just wanted to settle a debate that has often raged in A’gon about active vs. passive speakers with my own first hand experience. I’ve recently had the chance to complete a 3-way active center channel to match my 2-way passive speakers.

I can absolutely say that the active nature of the speaker did not make it sound better. Or worse. It has merged perfectly with my side speakers.

Good thing then you're not in a position to settle anything - for anybody else than yourself, that is, and in a very limited, local context. A context btw. I'd urge you to challenge and broaden, and from the quoted part below it would seem there's an opportunity for you to do so:

I can also state that as a builder it was such a positive experience that I may very well be done with making passive speakers from now on.

That's a good outset, at least.

In your response to poster @roxy54:

I’ll argue that you heard ATC speakers that were better active than passive... and that you are extrapolating a universal truth from that which did not hold up for me.

It was his subjective opinion of a particular active speaker, as he clearly pointed out. He wasn't extrapolating any "universal truth."

Let me clarify my original point somewhat. I’m not backpedaling, but clarifying. Based on my experience, the mere conversion of a speaker from passive to active, or design of a speaker as active does not automatically make it better sounding in a meaningful way.

That is, if I were to take an existing speaker design, map the voltage transfer functions from the passive crossover to the active crossover with precision I’d end up with an equally good or bad sounding speaker.

No, it doesn't automatically make it better sounding converting speakers to active, and that's just it: it depends, but the potential is there for sure in a variety of contexts and to a bunch of peoples ears. 

And here’s the issue. The features available in DSP crossovers are vast and tempting. Even with the exact same box and drivers you almost never design the same crossover from one to the other. The economics of part costs and engineering effort needed upend what a good engineer will see as possible and you almost never get to hear a true apples to apples comparisons.

The point is, I can believe you heard two similar ATC speakers. I also believe the reproduction from the active speaker won you over. What I don’t know is all the differences that wend under the hood. Crossover points, slopes, time alignment, driver equalization, etc could all be different and so for me this is no longer a fair comparison.

It's not about fairness, but what the filter choices of active vs. passive offer respectively. You think ATC makes watered down versions of their passive variants? I can assure you they do not, and what their active iteration offers by comparison that the passive ditto doesn't comes down to the nature of active configuration and its inherent possibilities; if active comes out on top here, it's because this specific design route facilitates it. In any case I would say ATC is as good a ground for comparison here than any.

Speaking of fairness: do you think it's fair to base your findings of active speakers/configuration, as a conclusive statement no less, from class D plate amps and a DSP of unknown and questionable overall quality? From the get-go of your main speaker active endeavor it's been clear you've held the staunch decision to limit your context to these components only, which is fair enough, but going on then to make the bold statement that active speakers don't sound better is just seeing the train unrail. 

I will repeat though that using DSP/active configuration gives me a lot more features available to incorporate in my design, and I can be very happy with the results but also not able to say "active is always going to sound better" because I don’t believe that to be true.

Who makes this claim, that active is always going to sound better? 

I'd be happy to see you exploring active configuration down the road in a variety of permutations that isn't only about plate amps with integrated DSP's, and then let's see where you're standing in all this. 

Well, I know that you like to say provocative things to start a discussion Erik


How rude and completely uncalled for! I’m absolutely shocked they’d allow gambling in this casino.... 🤣


but of course your experience with this one speaker doesn’t make it a universal truth. It was demonstrated for me some years ago at an ATC dealer in Connecticut that their active speakers sound subjectively better than when passively driven.

I’ll argue that you heard ATC speakers that were better active than passive... and that you are extrapolating a universal truth from that which did not hold up for me.

Let me clarify my original point somewhat. I’m not backpedaling, but clarifying. Based on my experience, the mere conversion of a speaker from passive to active, or design of a speaker as active does not automatically make it better sounding in a meaningful way.

That is, if I were to take an existing speaker design, map the voltage transfer functions from the passive crossover to the active crossover with precision I’d end up with an equally good or bad sounding speaker.

I know engineers, they love to change things - Dr. McCoy

And here’s the issue. The features available in DSP crossovers are vast and tempting. Even with the exact same box and drivers you almost never design the same crossover from one to the other. The economics of part costs and engineering effort needed upend what a good engineer will see as possible and you almost never get to hear a true apples to apples comparisons.

The point is, I can believe you heard two similar ATC speakers. I also believe the reproduction from the active speaker won you over. What I don’t know is all the differences that wend under the hood. Crossover points, slopes, time alignment, driver equalization, etc could all be different and so for me this is no longer a fair comparison.

I will repeat though that using DSP/active configuration gives me a lot more features available to incorporate in my design, and I can be very happy with the results but also not able to say "active is always going to sound better" because I don’t believe that to be true.

So how did you go about correcting for non linearity in the drivers? Do you use PEQs in the amps or external software etc. 

Well, I know that you like to say provocative things to start a discussion Erik. but of course your experience with this one speaker doesn't make it a universal truth. It was demonstrated for me some years ago at an ATC dealer in Connecticut that their active speakers sound subjectively better than when passively driven. 

That said, I disagree with reviewers who have said that going active with ATC is the only way to go. They sound great being passively driven as well.