
Responses from donquichotte

Innuous Zenith MK3
@bluethinker : Thanks!  
Innuous Zenith MK3
Slightly off-topic: what power cords have you guys found to match with the Zen / Zenith very well? Thanks!  
My Sonus Faber Amatis have weak bass even though I'm running ML 536s--800 w/ch into 4 ohms
@torke : I have recently tried the Amatis’ (somewhat) smaller siblings, the Serafino, at home for almost two weeks. I returned them in the end because of what I perceived as a very colored sound. The highs and upper mids, while truly beautiful in ... 
Anthem ARC and Subwoofers - A quick review
@sebna : ARC was integrated in my powered speakers (and applied only to the dynamic part, not to the electrostatic panel). It never convinced me at all. I've sold my speakers since then. Yes, you could call the sound bright but not in a sense ther... 
Experience up-leveling streaming with USB cables?
@bluethinker: I am sorry to be the one muddying the waters, but... it’s not that simple IME. 1. Price and reputation can be misleading sometimes. Synergy and personal preference, on the other hand, do play a huge role. I have pretty good gear, no... 
Current or Previous Harbeth Owners…
@toddcowles : I have owned the Harbeth M30.2 and the Spendor SP2/3R2 at the same time for about an year before selling the Harbeths. That was a couple of years ago or so. The Spendor Classic 100 was a very recent affair and I ended up returning th... 
Current or Previous Harbeth Owners…
I'm a bit in a similar position trying to upgrade from another BBC speaker, the Spendor SP2/3R2. Admittedly I couldn't test a lot of brands, but I couldn't find the "better" sound, at least not for a decent amount of money. I have recently tested ... 
???Compare-Contrast & Comment???5 Pairs Large Monitors
You can find my take on the Spendor SP2/3R2 against the Harbeth M30.2 Anniversary here: I have found the Spendor Classic 100 (same series as the 3/1 you are inquiring about) to sound even more colorful tha... 
JA Pulsars vs Harbeth 30.2
I am familiar with a friend's B&W 705s and have owned the Harbeth 30.2 for about an year. They are very different to the B&Ws. The bass is not better IMO, just a different take on it (less punchy / tight, different timbre, probably somewha... 
Relaxed/Analog sounding DAC for under $10k (used or new)
1. Leaning more musical/analog sounding, with a focus on laid back sound that is non-fatiguing; 2. wide soundstage and fantastic imaging; 3. Optimized for PCM streaming audio + USB input; 4. Ideally under $10k (new or used); 5. Black chassis opti... 
Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ?
@larryi +1 We two hear the same.  
Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ?
I suppose that tendency for sibilance in the upper mids is another way of describing what I heard in the 30.2’s (and also in some 40.2’s I’ve heard in a friend’s system). But sibilance is too hard a word, I think. A shade of sibilance, No such thi... 
Active Speakers Don't Sound Better
@riie Thanks.I can see you didn’t cheap out on those electronics. Perhaps this is one reason why your passives sound better than the actives? I don’t think the plate amps in the actives can be compared with the much more expensive Mcintosh power... 
Active Speakers Don't Sound Better
@riie  That's very interesting! Are you talking about equivalent models? Which ones? What preamplifier and amplifier, respectively, did you use?  
Free Tip for Jumpers
I have biwire (4 x 13 AWG) OCC copper speaker cables and a pair of Spendor SP2/3R2 biwirable speakers. I have tried all the possible permutations (except for high quality, pricey jumpers) and my preferred method of connecting the speakers is as fo...