You own a store, you sell 2 brands, which?

Thought experiment:

You run a store which sells used and new gear from any point in history.  The catch is you can have exactly 2 brands.  One of electronics one of speakers. 

Defunct brands are OK as are those current with long histories. 

What brands are they? 

Grandinote MACH Loudspeakers and Gear and Cables

 A Grandinote system gets you closest to a Live Concert in your house 

Even their lower entry level Grandinote MACH 2P's are some of the world's best standmount speakers at any price


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If my business was meant to provide income, I would pick brands likely to be popular with the area demographic.  If my business is a hobby, I would pick what I like.
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Great thread Eric!  
I’ll carry Jeff Rowland because its local to me, it’s absolutely beautiful and it sounds awesome as well.

For speakers, I’d carry Fritz speakers.  I’d have a whole slew of different models and finishes in a variety of price ranges.  

Wouldn’t sell many due to cost and need for large room(s), but my two [personal listening preferences] - that have both electronics and speakers would be:
TotalDac and Aries Cerat.
@grislybutter  - Rega makes/sells speakers. They are one of the manufacturers that offer everything needed for a complete analog and digital music system. You could actually have just a Rega store and have very good sound across a wide price range.

Fun question; thanks.   The McIntosh / Sonus Faber combo does a lot for me.

SF is a great conventional dynamic speaker with low end up to nice high end models. Mac stuff is a bit pricier but wonderful and can cover all bases. They are a solid pairing in my estimation, like that of other prior posters.

Some others seem to have trouble understanding a great ‘what if’ question that asked very simply for an electronics mfr/brand (not an entire corporate structure) and a speaker mfr/brand. And rather than moan and complain about the question, why not leave and move on to another topic...

For me, it would be Rega and Macintosh.  Rega offers affordable to very good quality.  Also, they have a complete offering.  For the high-end, Macintosh is a complete line as well, maybe minus speakers.  The only thing missing is a very speaker line...
trick question, there is no combination of two brands that cover all bases for amp, pre-amp, turntable, speakers, etc. 
I could start with Cambridge Audio but for speakers, no brand would satisfy more than 30% of audiophiles. Our ears are different.
I guess we're just listing the brands we like. I'll have a go but put it across different subcategories:

NA brands: Snell, Simaudio
UK brands: ATC, Epos (just for the ES14 -- one of the best speakers ever made)
Europe: Diapason, Unison Research
JBL/JBL Synthesis & Yamaha....they both pretty much sell everything...and as far as Home Audio you have Home Audio and Home theater from budget to to uber high end....they both are audio Gods! Whether you like them or not...
In a private e-mail some one asked me to keep up the positive vibe and now I'm angry. 

OK, I forgot a few things.  I am going to redo my 2 brands.

CAT electronics, and everything from Vandersteen, including their amps.

I would go broke, but that's what I'd want to sell. :)
Stores which has been around for a long time ,usually selling most popular brands from boom boxes to hi-fi and hi-end.That is the way to attrack and involve people in audio for lifetime
Too bad the OP didn’t specify a timeframe.

I did! I said from any point in history. :)
+4 Yamaha 
My NS 1000's were pretty awesome...would like to hear the NS 5000's
Otherwise,  Wilson Benesch & Ypsilon
+4 Yamaha 
My NS 1000's were pretty awesome...would like to hear the NS 5000's
Too bad the OP didn’t specify a timeframe.

Storefront 25 years ago would probably be McIntosh and B&W.

Good luck to anyone trying to run a store today.

Bose & Sony was a good pick Duder.   everyone knows the line.  It's people picking the likes of Audio Note.   2000 people looking to buy a 7 k. audio system  would walk right past the Store .  It's like Tidal HiFi  I've asked a lot of
people all ages about it .  No one knows what it is  except people reading audiogon 
 How many read it 
For people who aren't rich Polk and Sony.They both make great stuff and you still have money to take the wife out.
@ MC....(belated post, been Away...everyone lucky....) Was 4 years....8 months of aftershocks....

No particular expectations of stopping.
Building up for a Big One?

Stand By. 😏
If this was the UK in the 1980s it should have been Sony and Technics but it had to be Linn and Naim because it was hopeless to blow against the wind.

Today it would be NAD and Dali.

Virtually all budgets and requirements could be catered to and it would be next to impossible to get a bad result.

Even the £700 NAD C588 turntable is probably better than what’s currently being used by 99% of the population.

Dali, as far as I know, don’t make a truly bad loudspeaker.

In any case I’d simply refuse to sell anything I didn’t personally like or believe in.
Klipsch as that would take care of the Sheeple that want the current rage of vintage, horns, high efficiency and ugly boxes.

Pioneer- a brand with a strong history and affordable for the masses
Magnepan/Audio Research

Remember the old David Beatty quote: "Buy the best and cry once."
This is just a “what if” question.
yet, some say it won’t work, etc, well obviously it won’t, it’s just a question.

    Some people need to relax, and just go with it, and not get so bent or be too serious.

   Would still like another brand to choose from. :)
should have gone for 3 brands,..