Yanni or Laurel?

Is this why some reviewers/audiophiles hear differences others can't?


I only hear Laurel and my wife only hears Yanni.  
OK, here is my sociobiology explanation.  More women hear Yanny because they have spent years tuning out their male partner's deep voice while listening carefully to their female friend's high voices for emotional support.  Men are just the opposite. 

An alternative is that those of us who only hear Laurel (me included) may have blown our high range hearing listening to too much loud music over the years and now essentially filter everything we hear towards bass and lower mid range tones.  Perhaps why Rudy Van Gelder later remasters all sound super hot in the treble - too many recording sessions in small rooms - he now has to turn the treble up to hear it in balance with the rest.
Or, you say tomato and I say tomato.
jond, the slider is really cool.

As I moved from center to the right toward Yanni the word morphed into something else. Two lines to the right of center I here Lori, three lines to the right of center I hear Yanni and all the way to the right on the word Yanni I hear Jerry. From one line right of center and all the way to the left on Laura I here Laura.  

I'm not sure what's going on with my hearing but maybe I don't want to know. Oh, I my system sounds better than anybody else's! 
OMG.... this is so easy to understand I'm embarrassed that it's befuddled so many people.   Gee... if only audiophiles had tone controls or worse yet, access to an Eeekqualizer in their systems, they could very easily demonstrate that if you boost the low mids (300-600 Hz)... you and everybody would hear Laurel, and if you boost the upper mids (1-4k) you will hear nothing but Yanny.   (And if you go back to 1989... you'll hear nothing but Yanni.... but i digress).   It depends on which partials of sound dominate in your brain...  and that depends BOTH on your hearing, and the playback system.    
On the link above, through a Mac Book Pro, Laurel. On a car radio, Yanni. 

How much longer before someone makes a horror movie from all of this?

LOL...we had Predator versus Alien, now we could have Yanni versus Laurel.  Rob Zombie could direct.
@cleeds   I hear both at the same time. Tested this with clips from different sites.
I think that there is a system reproduction difference.  I listened to it a half dozen through the stock speakers on my flat screen TV, and it is VERY clearly Yanni.  However, if I play the exact same clip through my home theater speakers, it is very clearly Laurel. 
It's not that simple. I've had several people listen to the same file at the same time through the same system; some hear "Yanni," some "Laurel."

Of course, that's not to say that it might not sound different, depending on the system.

All I hear is "Laurel."
I think that there is a system reproduction difference.  I listened to it a half dozen through the stock speakers on my flat screen TV, and it is VERY clearly Yanni.  However, if I play the exact same clip through my home theater speakers, it is very clearly Laurel.  I've tested the room response of my home theater and know it to be very flat.  To me it looks like the clip sounds like Yanni on systems that do not evenly cover the full range of audible frequency...
I've been thinking more about this, and I think it happens all the time with our other senses. What about smell, or taste? There are lots of people who think peas are good, but I think they taste like crap. Now I see it. Peas don't taste like crap to those who like them, as I don't think many people would like crap. What about colors? Tons of evidence on people seeing different colors. So now we have something different with sound. It's not that surprising after all.
My post was hinting about how there is likely going to be a strong correlation in the fuse and cable debate, and where that person stands in the fuse/cable debate..vs whether they hear yanni or laurel.

I suspect that some minimal majority at the least, of the fuse ’non believers’ will be of the laurel type.
That some minimal majority of some sort, that hear yanni, will be of the fuse believing type.

If there isn’t then that will also explain another critical point, one that is slightly deeper in the puzzle vs proofing game..
Ie, if the proposition is wrong than that is just one more excellent data point that is just as useful.
Time for a poll?
It has to be done now, while there are enough people looking.
I have also heard both. Yanni on the very small speakers of my MacBook and Laurel on my car radio. Yanni was higher and thinner sounding so it may be more the acoustical presentation than the differences in how we hear things which is what is creating the fervor over this.
OK, so Laurel seems to be tracking around 60%, and Yanny the other 40%. Here's the thing though. These two words are entirely different!. I am amazed by this, as I have only ever heard Laurel. I have tried different sources, moved to different rooms, but it's always Laruel. The people who hear Yanny, I truly believe can hear OK as it's about 40% of us. If we were comparing 2 words like "witch" and "stich" I would expect such diversity, but Yanny & Laurel? I wonder if there are other things that people hear differently.
I've always heard "Yanni". When I moved the NYT slider to the third tick from the left I started hearing "Laurel". Then as I moved it towards the right I kept hearing "Laurel" all the way to the farthest right tick. It was only after I paused it that I started hearing "Yanni" again. And when I moved it back to the left I started hearing "Laurel" by the middle tick. 
I hear Lsurel but can barely hear Yanni riding on top of it

if that makes sense
Oh futz. People are different and what one hears does not mean that what the other hears is wrong. Haven't you ever looked at a sky with clouds on a nice day out of your left eye and then out of your right? The two eyes are different. Is one right and the other wrong?

There's a lot of judgemental snobbery in this hobby. There always was.Live and let live I always say.
Except for those fuse nuts. Man, go figure...
I can concentrate and move the slider about 95% in other other direction (starting at the one given end) and still hear only the one starting word.

Ie, good discernment an separation skills.

It’s that thing that allows us to hear someone speaking in a crowd of 400 people. To hear the singular voice we are trying to hear, or to expand that to the 4 or 5 people in your group. Even when the ambient noise is only 3-4 db less, or even as high in overall level as the people you are speaking with.

Basically, we can slide our ’world’s finest’ (the human ear/brain) FFT analysis system controls and setting around, on the fly...and then the discernment is almost ’locked in’ and we do not hear the rest.

We, or more specifically.... our hearing is built for this.

So no small wonder some can’t hear something and the rest of the folks are throwing rocks about the given point about what is heard. Or vice versa.

It’s literally in your head, in any given direction. Once heard, it cannot be unheard, a thing we all tend to experience here.


(are you reading this, fuse and cable detractors? You’ve just been handed the truth that the fuse fans -------are as real as it gets)

Just remember, 97% of the population is wrong.


so, if we gave people chance to clearly and silently collate and sort themselves.... and I came back and somehow  looked..100% of the people to read this and see the video...100% of you would be crowded into a spot that in reality, only holds 3% of the general population. We would all give ourselves the condition of being in the 3%.

That's the irony of the human condition.
The real story here is if you can accept the fact that you hear one and someone else hears the other.  COOL!!
If you can't accept that you have issues.
It's funny how, on that NYTs link, that you have to move the slider 3/4 of the way towards "yannii", before it starts to sound like "yanni."
It's funny how, on that NYTs link, that you have to move the slider 3/4 of the way towards "yannii", before it starts to sound like yanni.
Whoa  whooo, audio finally makes the headlines!!!!  Celebration time!   Good times ahead!
I watched two different talk shows today that played the clip for the audience, then polled them.

The majority of the females heard "Yanni" and the majority of the males heard "Laurel".
I don't hear either. All I hear is "kill them, kill them all." But then again, I hear that all the time.
Haha, your right gavinja70.  Bruce Springsteen Blinded by the Light:  for years I thought it was “revved up like a dousch”, (sorry) when its “revved up like a deuce”
A wild light.. oh the story clowned. Such a lust for lice. The circus comes through town. We had a hungry word. On a lightning ray. Just like a river runs like a frog meets flame.... That's what I heard.. And I heard Laurel.
Who cares really?  I sang along to the Def Leopard Hysteria album for 20 years before finally using Google to figure out what the real lyrics were.
I just saw a news clip on TV that showed an audio analysis on a scope of the sound waves.  They suggested there is a high pitch Yanni and a lower pitch Laurel being pronounced at exactly the same time.  The audio analysis suggested that some people have their ears tuned to high pitch and some to low pitch, and that determines which name/voice they hear.
For the life of me,  I don't understand How Yanni could come from this.... 
I hear Laurel,   Not even a hint of sounding like Yanni.  

Laurel...…………… Laurel...…………….Laurel...………… 
Never changes
My 10 year old grandaughter can hear both at the same time.  I’m going to start asking her to evaluation my A-B tweaks and upgrades to my system.
Yes, thanks for the back story.  It is still interesting that while what one hears may vary among speaker source (tv, computer speakers, etc), different people listening to the same source hear something different.
My son and I just listened to that on my computer. I only heard Yanny and my son only heard Laurel. Weird