Yanni or Laurel?

Is this why some reviewers/audiophiles hear differences others can't?


I only hear Laurel and my wife only hears Yanni.  

Showing 1 response by knownothing

OK, here is my sociobiology explanation.  More women hear Yanny because they have spent years tuning out their male partner's deep voice while listening carefully to their female friend's high voices for emotional support.  Men are just the opposite. 

An alternative is that those of us who only hear Laurel (me included) may have blown our high range hearing listening to too much loud music over the years and now essentially filter everything we hear towards bass and lower mid range tones.  Perhaps why Rudy Van Gelder later remasters all sound super hot in the treble - too many recording sessions in small rooms - he now has to turn the treble up to hear it in balance with the rest.
Or, you say tomato and I say tomato.