Why is it that every time, lately, that I'm interested in a thread...

... a couple days later it gets removed by the moderators? How bad can a thread be to deserve being REMOVED? 

I may have missed something but... I'm confused!


@hilde45 😆

I warned you on the second post of the thread in question to be careful or you may stir the wrath of “      “ (I dare not say the name).

I just got a thread deleted! It was on someone who likes to post about speakers but I dare not say their name lest it doom this thread to extinction.



It's almost as if people can't read or feel so compelled to post their input that they do so despite it having nothing to do with the op. As for this op, I must not spend enough time here because I haven't noticed threads being removed.


I'd be interested if any of you get a pop up saying "This page is not responding" often when on the forum?  My Internet is reasonably fast (Spectrum) and I don't have issues with other sites? I am using Edge, not Chrome.  Does this happen to you and you have to wait maybe a full minute for the pages to finish loading sometimes?  Thanks. 

As far as politics...well, some on here ASK for it, when posting things like "What are people down on gear from the PRC?"  I mean, that is a loaded question that is bound to bring up a discussion of politics, if not warranty fulfillment issues. 

Maybe instead of deleting discussions wherein some useful information might be contained, it would be better if the moderators would more strictly weed out such open posts in the first place. 

There is also the one that goes:

"In my experience with brand X, it  is a very good amp/speaker/cartridge, but might be a better match with Y then Z."

"What? You're an idiot! You're dumb, stupid and ignorant. X sounds great with everything! X is the best thing ever!"

I've learned not to say anything about brand X in a public post. 


"Why is it that every time, lately, that I'm interested in a thread..."



"You all are whistling in the dark. You need to learn to LISTEN. To really pay attention. Here are some photos [inserts link of his system for the 1000th' time] of what a real Einstein can do. Oh, and by the way, you need to get Townshend podiums, Tekton speakers, and Raven Audio tube amps."

Ya gotta admit MC was lots of fun!

I liked the "vibration" thread, where even the tree roots would vibrate.  Ah, the gool ole days......



Someone who gets it finally!!

Does the speaker on the left sound better or the speaker on the right? No they both are corrupt. It’s the shadow DAC that runs everything.


@rolox  Can you send us specific examples to support@audiogon.com?  

The rising incidents of "Thread Removed By Moderator" has also become a huge annoyance to me regarding Audiogon's discussion forum.  With each passing week, it appears more and more to me that Audiogon has relocated to Pyongyang.

Does the speaker on the left sound better or the speaker on the right? No they both are corrupt. It’s the shadow DAC that runs everything.


Honestly, politics should not come into any discussion of audio equipment.

I agree with this, but I'm curious to hear your reasons as to why this is true.

Honestly, politics should not come into any discussion of audio equipment. Lest you be tone- deaf on either left or right ear

Post removed 

@2psyop Nice! I think we have a creative new genre, here: The Ways Audiogon Threads Go Wrong. Or, Threads Gone Wild.

Here's another iteration (from a while back but still in living memory):

OP: I'm looking to get some isolation for some components in my system. Where is the best place to start?

"Isolation is snake oil. Better to spend on a new turntable."
"I like Herbies footers. They really solved my issues."
Then, an old hand steps in:
"You all are whistling in the dark. You need to learn to LISTEN. To really pay attention. Here are some photos [inserts link of his system for the 1000th' time] of what a real Einstein can do. Oh, and by the way, you need to get Townshend podiums, Tekton speakers, and Raven Audio tube amps."
"Shill! Shill! Shill!"

Thread deleted.

yeah often times what hilde45 stated happens.

I would like to add the following additional reason.

Thread topic and question clearly stated:

Original poster

"I am looking for a new CD player in the $1000 range. I have narrowed down my choices to two players, the yankee and zebra. Does anybody have any experience with these players?"

Response 1 "Yeah I have had the Yankee and it’s a great spinner, and you can connect an external DAC to improve the sound."

Response 2 " Have you tried the alpha, it’s a great CD player"

Response 3 " I have the delta deluxe and I would get that one. It’s about $10,000 but you can get it used"

Response 4 " I would suggest the Bravo model dealer, It’s the best one we carry at our store. I can get you a deal for $15,000.00. It will trounce any other CD player".

Response 5 " Turntables are better than CD players. You are in incompetent moron for wanting something digital. And your mother wears combat boots".

Original poster, " All I want is a budget CD player, not trying to start a war, but you guys s**k".

Post and eventually the thread gets deleted somewhere down the line.

It's because nearly any mention of politics in connection with subject matters triggers someone who says something ridiculous and then there's a food fight and then the thread is shut down.

Here's a template:

These speakers are good.

They're made in China.

China policy was wrecked by X party.

No, China was wrecked by Y party.

At least X party didn't do A, B, C.

You're only saying that because you're a moron.