I'm getting that as well on my phone. Started a few days ago. Not getting it on my computer.
Also seeing a 404 error code.
I don't know how to fix it.
I've been getting that for over a year
every time I leave the site and return
Lucky you. I get it on every page loaded, but I've only been on the forum for a couple of weeks, so I assumed it was 'normal' (if paranoid). Fortunately the CAPTCHA works without manual intervention ~90% of the time, and the other 10% it's a 'tick here if you are human' box.
Same here. I get it every time I want to do anything on here.
As AI hacking gets better and better, you may soon have to provide a retinal scan.
I love it when I am logging in on my phone and they want to send a text to my phone to cofirm it is me.
It’s the website that’s requesting it, as after you check the box , it waits for approval from Audiogon.
Just to make sure you are 😂😂🤣😂🤣😉
It's better than having bots answer or starting bogus threads
That just started for me yesterday.
I love it when I am logging in on my phone and they want to send a text to my phone to confirm it is me.
Because it wants to know if you are a human or a dancer.
"....and just What makes you think I'm not human anyway?"
*Shifting position on the chair....tail getting kinked....*
The one minute power failure over the entire planet was finally ascribed to a surprise surge of sunspots on the opposite face of the sun, unseen from human monitoring stations. These stations are being checked to make the potential recurrence of this event unlikely to not be predicted in the future.
( But that was just the 'official version' that Didn't explain why every cell phone everywhere in the regional language displayed:
F all y'all
or words to that effect, later blamed on a glitch....)
In short, don't take it personally...when asked, I usually mark 'Other'....
...nobody's followed up on it.....that left, anyway.... ;)
Plus it doesn't prove you're a human.
It only proves you're something capable of tapping a tiny box.
@thecarpathian :
This method actually does prove that you are human. It's the way you touch the screen or use the mouse. A computer will do it in an exacting way whereas a human will not.
Look look it up, it's actually quite interesting and quicker than captcha.
Albeit, it's still incredibly annoying.
@mesonto ,
I mean it could be a cat, or a parrot, or an ocelot.
My cat can be a real jerk. Who knows what he'll say when he gets on here when I'm at work...
A lot of this stuff seems a little unfair to non humans. Does everybody have to be human? No they don't, but they still have this uphill battle against the so-called humans who think they're so superior. I'm fed up with the whole thing.
I’m with you!
Say a cyborg wanted to join. Technically he/she is capable of doing it, but this place is rife with anti-cyborgites. I can prove it:
Question to any forum member;
When was the last time you invited a cyborg over for dinner, or just drinks and snacks? Didn’t think so...😑
Because there have been too many cats and dogs trying to log on.
Last week gerbil tried to post.
They all hear far better than humans and their participation would make humans feel inadequate.
This has got to stop.
I fully support Audiogon's requirement that only humans post here.
Seems like they fixed the issue .
Apple says your password can be compromised you need to change your password to something with ten or fifteen letters, numbers or some other stuff.
I’ve noticed I’m asked to prove my humanity on Audiogon whenever I’m browsing while outside the United States. It is annoying. Can’t you just set a session cookie after presenting the challenge the first time?
I get it about half the time, and I am in the US.
But, here's something that is just as weird or may weirder...
When I tap the bookmark to come to the site, more times than not, I have to tap it twice as it will not respond to the first tap.
Probably has something to do with Millercarbon or might date way back to the Audiopimp.