Who wants the best improvement in their system EVER!

Experience and education is the best way to truly understand and effect huge increases in the musicality
of any existing stereo system.
I have answers.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsoundings
The answer is simple. According to one prominent philosopher, it's "42".

Ah, but what's the real question? Read this before attempting a response!


Ok. I will bite. What's the  answer? The chicken or the egg or the source or the speakers? 

I am interested in hearing. 
I have always found that listening to my mother-in-law for 15 minutes before a music session really makes any system sound worlds better.
Rod Tomson is the owner of Soundings, (not sure if "he" posted this or maybe an employee?) I have known Rod for over 30 years. He is one of the most knowledgeable and experienced dealers I have ever known. To say he is world class would be an understatement.

He is one of the most talented MASTERSET, (speaker placement procedure)  people around.  Maybe that's what is being referred to?

However, this is kind of a weird posting. Maybe whoever posted this would like to clarify?

Worst poster ever.

If he is in fact a dealer, he's dented his reputation in my eyes,
Hopefully you can tell by the name he is a dealer. That’s if it is who I am thinking about. A very respected dealer. I haven’t talked to him in a least three years and not much before that. I dealt with him mostly 20 yrs ago. But he gets results, he truly seems to understand the whole system and how to get the most out of it. I thought I was very good at improving my system by making adjustments but he took it to places I could probably never have,  and he did not encourage purchasing any more equipment. I had been in the high end of things about 20 yrs when I became a customer of his. He treats people very well. He is a great and fun guy also from my dealings with him about 20yrs ago.
Buy the Nordost Odin 2 power cord for a mere $20K and experience SONIC NIRVANA!
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Ulfberht with be tweeters Obsolete’s every thing else including other Tekton speakers.

Ulfberht is all you need.  You don't happen to write copy for Tekton do you?
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