Who buy PS AUDIO ?

Please share your audio (gears) back ground and how long have you been an audiophile?
What or why do you like PS Audio products? What type of audience?
I’ve been watching Paul McGowan on Youtube, I just gotta to give this man so much credits on such valuable info he’s sharing with us audiophaniatics. I do love the guy to death.
I really want to support his business, I really do, but they aren’t cheap either (BHK-300)
Off you go, share your experience with PS AUDIO.

While your blog is over a year & a half ago, perhaps you've caught up! Let me know! Several months ago, a big sale, I dove in, complete CD system, top player & DAC. Still waiting for Robin Hood speaker cables, some, `tweeks.' I'm sure, excellent `synergy!' Keep in touch - & I'll tell you how mine sounds! In particular, needed a top - notch CD player, because the mastering on CD's varies a lot! Plus, SACD, DSD! Take care! Been working with high quality equipment since about 1970! TV & Radio Stations, too, lots of technology! Back to Pro, 2 channel 10 & 1/2" Reel decks! Heavy, w/ tubes!

hey Krell_fan,  totally agree about the player.  it is glitchy but until they come out with a new one,  there is no where this bad boy is going.   it is fantastic
I own their P10 Power Regenerator, the DMP transport and the DirectStream DAC.  THE DMP player is of exceptional build quality and I am going on year 5 with the DAC, which, IMHO, is the best sounding DAC...  at ANY price!  And free firmware updates provided at least once a year. And words alone cannot describe the wonder of the DMP transport, which sadly for those in pursuit, is no longer available, though soon to see a successor,  I understand. OPPO was providing the drives but of course they closed down their digital division. I’m a big fan of PS Audio. My amplification is Krell and I own Lyngdorf MP-60 SSP and a Bryston BP-17 cubed for context so the PS Audio gear in good company.

I rather suspect that much of the recent “build quality” posts may issue from some disgruntled dealers who’ve been terminated since the company went DTC.  
I'm just a low budget guy, who buys most equipment used, and my two PS Audio products have been hit and miss.

The miss is the 6.1 preamp. It was having some weird electrical problems, and I do believe it blew out the power supply of my tube amp. I did like the funky touch buttons, and the straight wire passive mode was nice (why don't all preamp have this option?!?). I'll sell it to anyone cheap, if they want it.

My main DAC is the Digital Link III. It has a nice, enticing, warm sound, that I can listen to for hours. Digital usually tires me out in an hour. 

My only complaint about the DAC, is that there is a very low hiss in the right channel. I can't hear it when music is playing, but I have to get it sorted because it drives my OCD nuts.

BTW... Paul McGowan's autobiography "99% True" is a fun, fast read and will give you insight into his humanity.  Paul screwed up a lot growing up.  Somehow he always manged to escape very difficult circumstances so he and Terri could be in the successful position they now find themselves.
Resiliency might be an appropriate adjective to describe their life journey.  I would love to travel to Boulder to experience his Infinity IRS V system...one of 50 ever made.  From what Paul has said,  when people leave that room they are overwhelmed with the sheer majesty of that system.  He recently improved it significantly by employing Audioquest Dragon power cords.  Even though PS A makes their own power cords he succumbed to the AQ's charms and is now working with Bill Low of AQ to pair specific AQ cables to PS A gear as recommendations for PS A customers.  As a result PS A is selling those AQ cables should folks want to take him up on his recommendations.
A really good guy making groundbreaking audio gear working hard to connect to the music loving public with daily blog posts and videos on all topics audio.
I purchased a used Perfectwave DAC II here and I've been thrilled with the sound. I find it incredibly life-like. The remote that came with it was used so much the labels on most of the buttons were completely worn off. I contacted them and TJ not only sent me a new one free but it was now a beautiful brushed metal model instead of the original plastic. While I was talking to him I inquired about a Bridge II as the DAC did not come with one. He offered a great discount on new but I had seen lower costs used and ultimately went with that. The PWD has developed a pop/crack through the speakers when it changes functions and TJ was again able to arrange a very reasonable repair cost (well out of warranty) to swap out a board. Very much looking forward to getting it back in my system. I have nothing but good things to say about PSA.
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@tomcy6  My P20 seems to bring great sound all the time, without the mid-day blues.  Every other type of power conditioning I have used didn't seem to counter that.  I think their latest generation of regenerators are bringing something very good!
You will come upon scores and scores of customers who have positive stories about their experiences with PS Audio personnel.  I had to have my GCD serviced/upgraded twice - not instances where something worked for a while and then didn't, but two times where it didn't work like it should have as long as I'd had it.  This was a previously owned unit and they still honored the warranty period and fixed both issues with absolutely no cost to me and no hassles.  Now you may counter with "Well, if it was built right the first time you wouldn't have had to get it repaired" but I can't go there because my unit was used, and how many other companies make it so easy for you to own one of their products?  Out-of-warranty repairs are what they are, especially if you need to send something that weighs as much as a concrete block back to the company, no matter who you deal with; try sending a McIntosh piece back to Binghamton NY and see what it costs just for shipping back and forth and THEN the repair.
@tomcy6   Light is not an issue with me because I have a dedicated basement listening room.  It's always dark down there!  State of mind always plays a role.  If I'm not in the mood to listen, then I don't.
Gshack: I have Zu omen defs; Get a sub or two....Plus, raise your speakers off the floor a little bit more than the CD case height that is suggested as a starting point by Zu. 
Gshack: agree re the remote, big time.  One idea: I don’t know the Zu stuff other than what I’ve read, but try a good subwoofer with a high level input for some additional punch.  Not for thump or shaking the molding, but properly integrated with the speakers so you don’t notice it (except when it matters).  I love what my REL did in a smallish system/smallish room, with Vandersteen Treos, and for $500-700 it’s not a massively risky experiment. 
I use the P-15 and late night still seems/feels better.  I chalk it up to state of mind, focus, and less light — personally. 
ronkent, hifiman5,
Thanks for your observations.  I enjoy my late night listening and it would be nice to get that sound all the time.  I think other factors involved late at night may be a lower overall noise level and my state of mind, though.  Do you think factors like these are minor or major compared to clean power?
My big system is predominately PS Audio.  BHK 300s, BHK pre, DSD DAC, and P-15 regenerator running Wilson Audio Sabrinas, with VPI, Lyra, and ARC REF 3 on the analog side.  I use PASS Labs and Vandersteens in a smaller system, with the DSD DAC and the Stellar phono.  And I’ve owned Prima Luna, Naim, and Triode Corporation power amps in the past.  I’ve also heard D’Agostino’s Progression stereo amp on my speakers in my room.  I put the BHK 300s in a league well above my other current and former amps, and within spitting distance of the Progression (and I actually prefer what the BHK tubes I’ve rolled bring to the “palpability factor” over the Progression’s otherwise perfect sound, but that’s likely a minority view).  I find myself wishing PS Audio would go even bigger with their offerings, like the megabuck phonostage they’re evidently developing, and spend less time in the Sprout market.  I think their stuff is legitimately high end, but admittedly in the same way a top of the line AMG can compete with a bottom of the line Aston.  
I have BHK 300s, BHK Preamp, Direct Stream DAC, and just got a P20 power Regenerator. Couldn’t be happier, sounds great. Great support.
@tomcy6   Yep.  That is, for me, the true value of the PS A regenerators...that I get stellar sound at all times of the day.  That's why they're worth the money.  Life is too short to be limited to a couple good hours of listening time late in the evening!
Just bought their M700's and a Stellar Gain DAC on their sale and it arrived two weeks ago.  I'm using Zu Dirty Weekend's and was hoping to get a "rocking" system but I have to say I do not have that right out of the box.  Loud and clear, yes but able to feel some punch...Not really.  

I'm relatively new to all this but regularly follow here and other sites.  I would not say I have discerning taste but appreciate this level of "clarity" with vocals and instrumentals.  

I feel like I am lacking a lot of bass/punch/hit though for what I have.  I also have a NAD M10 which was powering the Zu's and felt mediocre about that as well for the same reason of lack of bass and fullness.  

So Im on to try and figure out if I need a different speaker, sub, room treatments and so on.  

I chose PSA though bc they are out of Boulder and I too think Paul is a pretty straight guy with a good company, based on his videos.  I WANT to love both of these companies but I can't say I love what I have so far.  Granted it is each companies entry level gear but for around $5k of gear, I feel like I can do better and get much more of a wow factor.   Feel free to DM me with any quick advice for myself, Im happy to listen.    

Oh, I have to say I was really disappointed with the remote included with the PSA DAC.  Just flimsy plastic.  I would gladly have paid more for a solid piece of aluminum or better plastic if they offered it.    

Has the P12 provided you with that late night magic all day?  Do you experience power related variations In sound quality any more?

With the number of folks who frequent this site it is not surprising to find that some have had less than positive experiences with PS Audio products. 

What attracted me to PS A  was their idea of and dedication to the regeneration of electricity to feed our systems.  I bought into that concept because, if it could be done efficiently, it would put the vagaries of electric quality at bay and allow us to enjoy our systems at all hours of the day not just at night after many local businesses were off the grid for the night.  My best affirmation of this occurred at a stereo shop where when the business next door closed down, you could hear an immediate improvement to the sound.
PS A has come a  l o n g  way with regeneration.  My P600 improved my system's sound but ran very hot.  When the Premiere Power Plant was released I bought into the promise of improved efficiency and it delivered, but quality control was problematic with a high rate of regenerator failure.  Sure enough, mine failed as well.  Ugh.  But... all it took was a phone call and a new PPP was on its way.  That PPP lasted till the P5 became available.  The big change here was that Paul McGowan saw that the Chinese manufactured PPP was not receiving enough QC and thus failure rates were unacceptably high.
What to do?  Move manufacturing to Boulder, CO where the principals could ensure QC.  What happened to the prices of the new units?   They went up...a lot!  But the new generation units were like tanks!  Finally, Paul and Co. came up with what, in my opinion as one who experienced all of the generations of Power Plants,was the most musically significant innovation.  Creating the regenerated sine wave with DSD processing was a true game changer!  It is a huge sound quality improvement over the otherwise excellent P5.  My entire system runs off my P12 and it has never sounded better.
With all of these changes/upgrades, PS A allowed trade-ins for every step along the way!
Finally, Paul McGowan serves the entire audiophile/music loving community by sending out a new video about audio every day, answering a great variety of questions from audiophiles around the world.  His answers are straight forward and frank.  He does not abuse this time to shamelessly promote PS A products.
The BHK pre is a better build and sound vs the Rogue RP-5 I owned earlier. Noise level very low. I would like to switch to a Mac c2700 eventually. The Pass XP=22 looks interesting as well.
I’m super happy with my DSD Sr. with the Bridge streamer. Pre-purchase it went head to head with a Chord Hugo TT2 which was fantastic but, sans preamp, the DSD had more body and drive. It replaced a Mytek Brookyn DAC+ which wasn’t too shabby. I traded in a Bryston BDP-2 for more than it was worth against list and then they grandfathered a Bridge II discount offer that bettered the trade-in price after the initial sale. I was able to keep the Bryston and sold it myself. Their customer service is great....
Post removed 
when they first went online, prices were lowered 20%, now it seems they're back up again. The big dealers used to sell PS  often at 30-45% off...usually from manufacturer direct we expect much lower prices...
I'll be interested in hearing the reviews of the new M1200 tube/Class D monoblocks when they are released.

I thought I read that Atmasphere is working on a class D tube system as well
hi, i heard they are going , online only, but not reducing their prices, wants his cake and eat it in my view, 
I meant to say that I traded in my PerfectWave Transport for a DirectStream Memory player, and it was the DirectStream that had poor chassis construction.
After years of loving my Audio Research CDT1 Transport ( and having the laser replaced and then the tray mechanism ) , I started looking for something new and stumbled, by accident on Paul McGowan doing his PS Audio YouTube posts. I took a leap of faith and bought a PerfectWave Transport and was exceptionally pleased.  The I2S intrigued me and led me to replace my Classe' DAC with PW DAC MK II w/ Bridge.  Incredible upgrade. 

That led to a P10 regenerator . Musically life changing ! 
After dusting off my Denon DP-3000 and getting back into my vinyl, I replaced my old Parasound phono pre with a PSA NuWave Phono Pre  that let me experiment with its I2S to Dac and analog XLR to PreAmp connects and USB to Laptop rip connect . Wonderful improvement ! 

I almost pulled the trigger on a new BHK Signature Pre , but I couldn't break up my Pass Pre & Power Amp duo because they just work so well together and "play" well with the PSA equipment.  Pass just got my preamp in for a "tuneup & checkout" and I can't wait to get it back.  ( Note that going from PSA DAC direct Amp without the Pass PreAmp still sounds pretty damn good. ) 

I'll trade in my PW DAC in for a new DSD DAC probably for Christmas because I'm already sold on how it will further my listening experience. 

PS Audio customer service has been second to none and when I call with questions on anything about my system or trade-ups , they never fail to impress. ( As do Pass Labs & Kimber also ) .

I like being treated as "family" ! 

Happy Listening all and ... 

I’m a lifelong “value” shopper, and for my budget that meant PS Audio was too expensive, even if I do think Paul McGowan is just great. But last year I decided to upgrade my DAC, a $300 Musical Fidelity V-90. I had auditioned that puppy against $1,500 DACs and kept it instead. Then PS offered the DirectStream with bridge for $4,000. OK, that’s more than most of the rest of my system combined (Rogue Sphinx, Magnepan .7s, Marantz 5005 CDP, Debut Carbon TT. In other words, if it makes Stereophile’s Recommended list or TAS gives it a great ranking, it’s likely something I’ll consider.)

But PS pays shipping both ways so you can try it out at home, so why not see what the fuss is about. I was really impressed and don’t regret blowing the cash on the DS. With it and Tidal, I can wallow in music all I can stand. And yeah, they release software upgrades every year or so, so I won’t be upgrading any time soon. I just bought the Power Plant 3 at their 20 percent off sale and traded in the V-90 for a $300 credit. I haven’t used customer service yet, but the whole organization seems to be here for the customer. And they seem to manufacture in the U.S. maybe as much as is possible given how much of the components come from overseas. So I’m a supporter.

PS sells only factory direct now...so list prices are down a little, but way higher than what their actual selling prices were before...

I had a PerfectWave CD transport that was quite good which I had purchased used (and wish I would have kept).  I traded it in for a new Perfectwave transport and though the unit functioned normally the aluminum casing did not line up in the corners - something that was noticeable from 10 feet away as one of the panels was slanted.  So I sent it back for another PerfectWave transport and it too had crooked casing.  This is a brand new $6000 unit and two in a row were built very poorly (from a visible standpoint) though they passed inspection.  So my opinion is that the company has poor workmanship, especially given asking price.  I also tried a PS Audio BHK Preamp.  It sounded quite good, with two exceptions that ultimately led to me returning the preamp and moving away from the brand for good.  The first issue was that there was feedback/hum that I could not get rid of and did not exist in my system until I introduced the BHK.  I changed tubes, discussed with PSA, and tried several things, none of which worked.  Ultimately PSA said that they believe the unit was functioning normally and that my 95dB sensitive speakers were the culprit as they were too sensitive.  The other is that the click with volume change was obtrusive.  I had a LTA preamp that made an audible click from the unit with volume changes and this was perfectly acceptable.  On the BHK the audible click come through the speakers, which was not acceptable to me given so many other great options.  There are better companies out there IMO.  Also, never pay full price as there are recurrent sales that will make resale of a full price unit challenging.  That said, Paul's talks are informative.
I bought a PS DirectStream DAC and bridge a few years ago and was so impressed that I ended up selling my McIntosh system and getting a BHK system and P15 power regenerator. It is really excellent gear and sounds terrific. 

I bought all of my gear direct from Kevin Jackson who is terrific. I had the great pleasure of visiting their Boulder factory, listened to the IRS system, and have met Paul, Scott, Kevin, and the brilliant engineers Bascom King (BHK), Darren Myers, and Ted Smith. A truly great team. 

Their trade-in program is a terrific deal. 

Highly recommended.
In the past I would have claimed that PS Audio is one of the best companies out there.
Until, I developed a problem that has lingered on now for a couple years. I conversed with Paul and Ted, and they both assured me the fix would happen in the form of a downloadable upgrade. Well 2 years later and still no fix. All I have received is lip service with no resolution, they even shut me down from posting on their PS Forum site.
Very disappointed. Last PS Audio product for me.

I'm new to PS Audio, though have been in hifi since the early 1980s.  I've mainly been a Brit-Crit - done the Linn/Naim/Exposure/ProAc thing for a long time. 

I recently got a pair of the M700 monoblocks - with all the stay-at-home orders, experimenting with the stereo was in order.  While I obviously can't offer any definitive opinions, I can say that in my system, in my house, the M700s sound terrific.  I *think* I prefer the Belles 350A Reference amp I bought at about the same time, but it's close overall, even if the amps sound different from each other. 

To expand on the differences in sound, the M700s are airier and slightly brighter sounding than the Belles (note the slightly brighter aspect may be a function of break-in).  The M700s also project a larger soundstage that goes beyond the outside edges of the speakers (Monitor Audio Gold GX300s).  The Belles sounds a bit more substantial, or fleshed-out, if you prefer.  For example, it's easier to hear Lyle Lovett as a complete person with the Belles than with the M700s.  And the Belles seems to have more weight - more sustain on notes - while the M700s seem to define the leading edge of notes slightly better.  Again, please note the caveat that the M700s aren't completely run-in. 

Neither the M700s or the Belles have the feeling of inner drive or liveliness that my Exposure 28 had; on the other hand, both make the Exposure sound relatively band-limited even as the Exposure makes the others sound a bit slower. 

With respect to build quality, I can only comment on the M700s, and I would say they are well-made without being overbuilt.  I don't know how they will fare over the long haul, but from what I think I understand of how the amps operate I'd expect them to be consistent over time and reliable in operation. 

In terms of service, PS Audio has been terrific - good communication both ways, prompt shipping, etc.  And the PS Audio forum is a good one - to echo what others have said, it's great to see people from PS Audio actively and meaningfully participate. 

So I'd say that if someone is in the market for something that PS Audio makes, it's well worth trying.  It's been around a while as a company, is responsive to customers, and makes gear that seems to be both high quality and reliable.  It's gear may not appeal to everyone, but that's OK - part of what makes this an interesting hobby!
I’m currently weighing out purchasing the Stellar Powerplant 3 vs the Synergistic Research Powercell 8 UEF SE. close to the same money. Currently demoing the SR and it is amazing however it has to sit on the floor, not rack worthy
A few have mentioned the PS colors the sound, is this accurate?
I have a bit of PS Audio gear

P15 regenerator
BHK 300s and Pre
Directstream Dac

I think love the sound, wife loves it so much she never complained about cost and now fully supports future changes these days. Wasn’t always this way. Especially like being able to roll tubes.

Anyone that has ever heard my system is wowed. Nobody gets to know what i paid and they range from seasoned audiophiles to folks that just love their sound bars.

I’d take most reviews by individuals here with a bag of salt. When I made the decision to buy the mono blocks one self inflating member wrote paragraphs on how stupid I was and how underwhelming the amps where. Couple of days later same person puts out his list of his top 5 amps of all time. You guessed it, these amps where on his list...

Is there something I might like better out there? Probably so. But then its about the system not the components.

I will be getting a tranport later this year. Won’t be ps audio, but thats due to my needs not the quality of their product

As nice as their designer is in the videos, remember that when compared to other equipment in stores, the company did not do well, and switched to mail order only.
You might want to check your facts. PS Audio has been in business for more than 40 years, and still services some of its oldest products.
I haven’t purchased any PSA components yet, save for a few noise harvesters, but I am becoming a fan of the brand. In particular, the forums there are really outstanding in terms of the collegiality and helpfulness on offer. And the CEO is a regular contributor, along with design engineers and marketing folks. They don’t take themselves too seriously, and are open to hearing suggestions from their customers.

In fact, just today I posted something on their forum that could be considered critical of something they were doing, with a recommended alternative approach, and the CEO posted back publicly within minutes thanking for the suggestion and agreeing it was sound.  Pretty amazing. By following/participating there, you actually kinda feel like an insider.

Those who have purchased tend to become repeat purchasers and work their way up the chain. I’ve never heard one of their amps or preamps, to be honest, and not sure I ever will because they aren’t in US dealerships any longer, which I think is too bad.

But just from a lifestyle, customer-facing profile that the brand maintains, I think a lot of audio companies could learn a lot.
I have been in the audio game since 1975 and used to work in the industry for a few years.
my personal opinion is that if a consumer looks at the many variables of build quality, great sound, fantastic customer service, made in the USA, and attitude towards their "audio family", then PS Audio is at the top of the audio mountain. my system, aside from some very wonderful Thiel 3.7 speakers is comprised of all PS Gear: BHK mono blocks, BHK preamp, DSD DAC, the DMP player (now discontinued and finicky as hell, but well worth owning), and maybe most important of all, the P20 Power Plant. There are a lot of great lines on the market, but when all things are factored in, I think PS Rules. May they Live long and Prosper.
Just a low budget hifi guy here, but I like the old Digital Link III. But I am sure their 6.1 preamp damaged my tube amp. It was a nice sounding preamp, but I'm afraid to plug it in. And I recall the PS guys seeming reticent and worried about that preamp.
So my impression is their products are hit and miss.
I am happy with my Power Plant Premier, but PS Audio needs to do something to rein in their out-of-warranty repair costs. $750 to repair this unit (not including shipping) was a tough pill to swallow. To his credit, Paul replied to my email and agreed that this should be a priority for the company.
Some people are just dissenters. They want to buck the norm and hate everything most people love.  Paul has really put himself out there and opened the curtain to the behind the scenes workings.  I trust PS Audio and their company MUCH more than many.  Paul often times praises other companies and recommends other companies as well.  

As for my experience, I was/am VERY (2x) happy with my Stellar stack.  No I have not tried every brand, but good lord, this stuff is good.

Not only that, keep in mind, sometimes when someone says they hate something, they were in a bad mood the one day they tried it or their speakers just didn't jive. 

Careful when someone says something is better or worse.  All i know is PS Audio is consistently solid and sounds so good to me.
My first PSA piece was a Delta 100 power amp, which for me bested an Adcom and B&K, although a McCormack power amp did put the PSA Delta 100 on the sidelines.

Along the line, I got a couple of PSA power cords, a wall socket, and a used PowerPlay IPC-9000 power conditioner, and with good results.

Fast-forward a bit, and after realizing I needed to incorporate a DAC into my system, I went with the PSA Stellar Gain Cell Pre/DAC.  They had a combo deal initially with the S300, so I got both at the same time, and took advantage of their generous trade-in program.

I immediately loved the sound.  I don't know if it was just the change to Class-D that I was liking, but I liked it.  After a while, I incorporated balanced/XLR connections between the pre and power amps, which raised things up another level.  The quality and fullness of sound at lower volumes is what really impressed me.  I was getting the full frequency spectrum without having to crank it up like I did with A and A/B.  And the noise floor is REALLY low...dead quiet...so much so that I first thought something was wrong, until the music played.  I was used to the low-level hiss from tweeters with A/(B) when you put your ear within a few inches.

Several months ago, I got a deal I couldn't pass up on a new Cary integrated SI-300.2d.  I love all the features it has, and the sound is excellent, but eventually I went back to the (literal) efficiency of the PSA combo.

Next, I replaced the PowerPlay 9000 pc with a new Stellar Power Plant 3 regenerator, and today I should be receiving the Stellar Phono Preamp.  The phono pre will be up against a Rogue Audio Triton that I absolutely love, so we'll see.

As everyone else has mentioned, customer service is outstanding.  Even during this COVID-19 crisis, they have been very responsive and helpful with my recent purchase.  Jake, there at PSA, has been my go-to guy.

Btw, they will be launching their line of loudspeakers very soon, and they also sell AudioQuest interconnects now.
Thanks to all of you who shared your experience with PS audio, this discussion has gone a long way to restoring my confidence in them. I have never owned any of their equipment but have been considering them among the other options for an upgrade path for my personal audio journey. However negative reviews, most memorably at audio science review, begin to make me wonder.
I love their Stellar S300 power amp......oodles of grunt, great dynamics, wonderful timbres. The best amp I've had in my house, ever. The guys who work at PS Audio are really pleasant and personal to deal with.
Their trade-in program is excellent too. Huge fan.
I’m a fan of PS Audio.
I have the DSD DAC and M700 amps.
Listening to Qobuz actually sounds quite good with this setup!
Great customer service too.