
Responses from jrw1971

Reliability of Dan D'Agostino equipment
No issues with my D'Ag gear, or prior versions.  But agree with the car analogy; Ferraris and Astons still need attention, things can happen (I've had very infrequent issues with some other pricey audio stuff and I don't automatically disown the m... 
This place is getting sloooooooweeeerrr......
I’m with the OP.  Slooooowwww.  My Mac is new.  My broadband is strong.  Everything else works great.  A-gon’s site has been a nightmare.  I stopped checking in as often as I’d like.    
Best qobuz records to compare dac upgrades
Blake Mills “Heigh Ho” album.  Unbelievably well-recorded, mastered, etc.  and the bass is a great test for lots of things.    
Dead Box set of Lyceum 1972 3 shows vinyl just released
Just got mine.  Sonics are killer, actually.  I mean, it's not a Chesky recording, but it sounds immediate, natural, no BS EQ that I can hear, tight and textured bass, JG vocals come out of the mix nicely, ... I'm pleasantly surprised.  Clean, but... 
Do you trust your system?
@dain — I love the question you pose.  Here we are, collectively, trying to build/refine/tweak a system that sounds the way we want it to sound.  And the only way to asses your status and progress is by playing recordings.  And those recordings al... 
High end cartridge
Like some above have said, I found success with a Lyra Etna + VPI + FB gimbal.  As others have also said above, the phonostage choice is important.     But if you’re not planning to spend $10k on the cart and another 4-5 digits on the phonostage... 
$100K system build - % breakdown of spend
I assume OP is using MSRP / new prices.  Which is fair.  But I would certainly consider used options for some of the gear.  In any event, I’ve been through a few system builds for two different rooms, and I have thoughts on his suggested speaker a... 
Audio Research Refernce 75se
I own that amp.  Agree with others; there shouldn’t be a buzz/hum.  I’ve had issues with other ARC amps, and it was miserable.  (Brand new 160S that had to get a new PCB after a few months, which took several months).  FWIW, I also ran it with Tre... 
What is the best speaker cable for Wilson Sabrina X?
When I bought my Sabrinas (non-X), I grabbed a pair of Nordost Red Dawns because I needed spades for those speakers.  I was moving into a league (ARC+Wilson) that was arrogant enough to insist on spades.  And those speakers sounded glorious when f... 
More expensive = better?
I’d humbly propose widening the lens.  Assuming legit manufacturers, etc, a $150,000 preamp+amp(s) combo will always sound better than a $5000 integrated.  It just will, even to the most jaded among us.  Sure sure, you could have your quips, but i... 
Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other
No glitches to the air system for me.  Smooth, quiet, idiot-proof.  I see some reference to price in some comments, but your OP suggests you are looking at some pretty expensive options, and the Air Force V is something like $22k, then you have th... 
Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other
To each his own, YMMV, etc etc.  But if you’re asking for ideas:  strongly recommend looking at the TechDAS Air Force 5.  With a Graham Phantom tonearm.  And a very good tonearm cable.     When you get that Yip phono — and you should — you’ll nee... 
Is advice from a constant upgrader to be avoided
If I wanted restaurant recommendations, I'd want to hear from folks who dine out a lot.  Sure, some are flippers or their unrelenting gear changes are driven by some sort of audio ADD (obviously shorthand and not intended as a comment on genuine d... 
Keeping Audiophilia And The Love Of Music Alive & Well!
This is off-topic, with apologies.  Miller's lava lamp has reminded me of a recurring, non-serious thought: Do you think you could determine what kind of sound a person might like based on other preferences?  Like, if you enjoy a red lava lamp, yo... 
Can the need for novelty and change be mitigated by rotation?
OP -- love this thread.  I hear you, big time.  I think rotating cartridges is one way to do it; I have a lot of fun with that.  I do believe there is such a thing as "better," I believe in some degree of objectivity, and I totally reject the noti...