
Responses from andynotadam

Grimm MU2 Experience
I seem to prefer using my Nucleus+ as the Roon Core on the network and fixed-volume to my MU2 as the endpoint...  
12au7 tube?
I've had really good luck with the new-production Apos Ray 12AU7s. They come with a warranty and sound very good compared to the leading NOS 12AU7s I have in my stash...  
Stack Audio Products Review
I've been super happy with the Stack EQs over the Isoacoustic Oreas under my AGD Gran Vivaces, BHK preamp, Innuos PhoenixNET switch and ZENith Mk3 server/streamer. I also replaced Herbies Giant Titanium Gliders under my Fyne F703s with the AUVA 70... 
Stack Audio Auva Isolator
Today I received and installed eight Stack Audio AUVA EQs to replace the Orea Bronze footers I was using under my AGD Production Gran Vivace monoblocks. A pretty stunning improvement in terms of a drastically lowered noise floor and enhanced soun... 
D amps
I absolutely love my AGD Production Gran Vivace GANFET monoblock amps on my Fyne F-703 speakers. I can't imagine that they wouldn't excel on B&W 802s...  
Rays Tubes
These are fantastic tubes. I use them in my BHK preamp (and in my recently sold Primaluna Dialogue Premiums run as monoblocks). I have a large stash of NOS 12AU7s--Brimars, Teles, Radiotechnique, Cifte, Mullards and new production Gold Lions.  T... 
Novum PMR - I am impressed
Hi all. My review just posted in the PS Audio Forums... It’s a beast: Fourteen inches in diameter and over seventeen pounds of sand-cast bronze alloy. I’ve had it for five days now, no break-in required! The instructions say that it can be place... 
Primaluna tube rolling 12AU7 Notes
I have matched pairs of most all of the 12AU7s discussed here, and right now I prefer the new production Apos RAY 12AU7s which come with a warranty and a return period...  
Novum PMR - I am impressed
I have a used MkII arriving tomorrow...  
Which HDMI cable for I2S?
I use Wireworld Platinum Starlight 8 with great results. Better than any of the earlier generation AQ cabels I tried--Mocha/Coffee and Vodka...  
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
I put a graphene sluggo in my Nordost QB-8 Mk2 power distributor replacing a Synergistic Master Fuse, and found it superior to the Master...  
Could Class D really be that good?
Dog help me, but this was simply an incredibly useless, pointless, depressing and endless series of exchanges...   
After 50 years, I have finally found my destination amps... AGD Audions!
I have had the AGD Gran Vivaces here for a week and a half. They are end-game for me too. I will be selling all my other tube and solid state amplifiers...  
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube?
The Apos Ray 12AU7 new production tubes are really terrific and come with a trial and a warranty. They sound better than new production Gold Lion and any of the NOS 12SU7s I have in my stash including Teles, Brimar, Radiotechnique, Mullard and mor... 
Suggested Power Cable for Streamer
Current production Synergistic is the way to go. Foundation SX or, if you can swing it, something in the Atmosphere series. I'm not a shill, just someone who has discovered how good their products are, especially when used together. Can be audit...