
Discussions naimfan has started

Naim introduce a turntable - the Solstice Special Edition530256
Speaker cable - Atlas, Audioquest, or Tellurium Q Black 2?79652
Levinson 27 or Krell KST100?18401
Conrad Johnson PF2-L to . . . what?46233
Parasound A21+ or PS Audio S700 monos?1024640
Wireworld Eclipse, AQ Victoria (etc.), something else?16380
Upgrading from an Exposure 3010S2 CD37122
Upgrade time - PSB, Paradigm, Monitor Audio, or . . . 21635
Thiel 3.6 or KEF 105/322952
Leaving the Naim game . . . 966521
Cambridge CXC or Oppo 103 as new budget CD transport?46933
How much is a Rotel RCD-1072 or RCD-1520 worth?75961
Integrated or receiver or separates advice sought61707
Suggestions for reasonably priced speakers for MBP22348
Linn/Naim user seeks advice on tube pre/ss amp779811