What will you not buy?

No brand names please and choices need not have any particular aesthetic or technical justification. 

For me:

No black ash.

Nothing with more than 4 tubes.

Square or rectangle headphones.

Cables with batteries or box like protrusions.

Gobbly gook word salad descriptions. (It can be bs, but needs to be good bs.)



When the "conservatives" on the Supreme Cult ruled against the Chevron doctrine, they seized the powers of the Executive Branch, legally enabled by Congress (you know...us). Manned by experts steeped in their fields, it has served us fairly well for around 50 years. Yes, one can to point to some flawed decisions but the good they’ve done far outweighs any harms.

Now only the judges can decide what’s tolerable for you to breathe, eat and drink. Only they can say if you have any standing to sue. Only they can legislate, which is not in the purview of the judiciary. Justice Gorsuch referred to smog (nitrogen oxide) as nitrous oxide (laughing gas) five times in his decision. He’s highly educated and has the best clerks the Federalist Society can muster. He also referred to the Securities and Exchange Commission as the Security and Exchange Commission in a different decision. That is some pretty sloppy work that wouldn’t pass muster in a Jr. College law level course. I can safely say that the conservatives on the Supreme Cult are nothing more than MTG with a law degree, just a few more rungs up the ladder, but nothing more.

Does anyone here want some partisan hack in a black robe deciding what’s good enough to build and fly an airliner, a nuclear reactor, that dam upstream of you or that bridge over a river? How about what’s safe enough to drink, how much rat and feces is okay in your meat? Let food makers self inspect and allow to go to market?

These hacks are in the pocket of big money donors who’ve always wanted to dismantle the "administrative state" which they’ve bent over backwards convincing the weaker minded that it’s evil when it was set up to keep people safe. Have some here forgotten that some communities could ignite the water coming out of their faucets or when the Cayahoga River caught fire? Anyone here old enough to remember that acid rain actually burned your skin?

They’re taking us back to the Dark Ages where life is nasty, brutish and short, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

All the best,

@fleschler Dude! You have those wooden sculpture thingies I said I wouldn't buy. What gives?

I’m sorry that I mentioned a brand name company that I no longer use (fuses).

As to cable manufacturers, there’s one that was both very expensive and horrible due to the huge magnets placed in-line with their cables. Since its’ bankrupt, I’ll mention it-High Fidelity cables. Heard on many occasions and promptly left those demonstrations. But there are those who may enjoy their sound in their system.  I know one high end audio customer of my friend GroverHuffman cables who had a terrible sounding system which benefitted with my friend's power cables at relatively inexpensive cost.  The customer resold his cables and recaptured I think it was $69,000.  He had Avant Garde Trios with triple basshorns & subs.  

I’ve reposted my audio system in my profile. It’s not beautiful as so many of yours out there but it suits my music requirements, is convenient and is double door locked away from the main living area.

Okay, I’ve been upset that Biden was set up to fail at the "debate." That was the saddest debate since 2020 when Trump couldn’t control himself. This time he was capable of restraining himself and still bloviated (e,g,18 million illegal immigrants in 3.5 years while all the media has it at 8 to 12 million unless got a ways were undercounted by half of the total). Now, Biden will be out and another candidate will take his place. I would prefer another GOP candidate (my preferred choice is DeSantis and not another Bush type RINO/military industrial complex lobbyist who maybe a warmonger). I couldn’t take the lawfare hurled by the Biden/DOJ against me. Maybe only a seasoned TV carnival barker businessman could stand up to fake lawsuits and criminal charges (if the documents case is criminal, so is Biden on taking without ANY authority to do so, 80,000 documents in totally unsecure locations). Many strong Dem. legal analysts deride the 34 count indictment and guilty judgement.

@fleschler do you feel better now?  Were the clouds tired of being yelled at? That was a lot of nonsense on an audio forum.

@grislybutter I wholeheatedly agree that environmental laws have immensely benefitted America. I live in CA where we had 155 2nd stage smog alerts in the 1960s and 1970s. Clean air laws forced car manufacturers to radically change our air quality (plus shutting down the Kaiser steel plant in Fontana, changing from oil based solvents and paints to water soluble products, unfortunately the loss of furniture manufacturing which depended on both cheap labor and solvents).  We have not had one first stage smog alert in decades although the air is still contaminated (formerly known as the Land of Smokes)  The 1940s and 1950s had the worst smog which peaked in 1974 in Fontana with a Stage 3 smog alert.  EVs have also improved the air quality with 55 fewer smoggy days in L.A. from 2020 to 2022 although traffic decline may also have accounted for much of the decrease.  EVs would be great but for their environmental damage in extracting the elements used in their manufacture, disposal problems and lack of adequate charging stations (20 in L.A. under Mayor Bass who touts Class 2 stations which are the overnight/slow variety and $7.5 billion federally funded has built 7 stations so far of the 500,000 promised in 6 years.  I prefer hybrids for less environmental damage, longer lasting batteries and greatly increased mileage/decreased fossil fuel use, until some other type of battery or power generation for vehicles is affordable and implemented (hydrogen power anyone).  

I remember appraising the Sundance hot tub spa facility in Pomona. They were attempting to refinance. I saw horrible manufacturing practices with effluent flows of acrylics and other manufacturing agents flowing into the public sewer system (spraying out in the open on the ground).  I pointed that out to the lender who denied the loan prior to the City shutting down the operation, . They moved to Nevada. I specialized in fraud and environmental commercial appraisals for 28 years.

Now, the current CA laws and proposed legislation is contrary to common sense. Natural gas is both less expensive and cleaner than other fossil fuels. Both CA & Biden want to remove the choice of cooking and heating using natural gas. There is no comparable replacement which will not use even more fossil fuels to (electricity) at this time. CA imports power from adjacent states as the total power available is drained by the closing of nuclear power plants (1 remains), increasing use of electrical power (EVs don’t help), lower yielding/higher cost & maintenance solar and wind energy and using more natural gas to create electrical power. Generation IV technology addresses issues such as safety, fuel efficiency, waste production, and proliferation resistance.  I don't see the U.S. doing what France accomplished (72% power generated by nuclear power) versus dumb Germany which disabled all 17 of their nuclear power, the last 3 last year.

I hate legislators who decide what’s best for society and use lobbyists and unions to decide that in our state. The Covid adventure here has accelerated that contempt.

@deep_333 100% agree with you.  I have been writing posts concerning the legislatures federal and CA state being mostly corrupt and made of professional politicians.  Unfortunately, unlike many great legislators of the past, the current crop for several decades are involved in personal wealth accumulation and power.  Note that major bills can be 1000s of pages, unread but voted on, consisting of lobbyists written bills.  That's how Dodd-Frank (identical to lobbyists requests) and the Affordable Care Act for example were passed.   ACA even has a 3.8% capital gains tax called the Net Investment Income Tax.  What does this tax have in relation to the ACA?  It affects my real estate investments.  

In CA it's even worse since there is a supermajority of Dems for 30 years.  

I remember at UCLA in 1973-6 when a friend of friend decided (like Biden) to become a legislator at 18.  He never worked a job other than that in his life.   Afterwards legislators receive lucrative appointments on corporate boards while receiving ample legislative pensions with all those benefits (e.g health care which tyipcal Americans do not receive).  

More recently, we've seen ardent anti-American legislators in Congress (the Squad  for example) but in CA, at State, County and CIty level in Dem areas, lacking both intelligence/education and besides cowering to union demands, creating laws which destroy businesses and lives in an attempt to remodel society in their image.

Do you believe that extraordinary environmental measures by the U.S. will control the weather/climate control in the future?

I would suggest that you study the subject and enlighten yourself. It’s not that complicated. These vague, provocative and loaded questions don’t lead anywhere. Environmental regulations in the US have a long history of making the planet livable. We would be drinking tar and breathe in industrial smoke and pollution and die left and right if it weren’t for science, R&D and the consequent regulations by the EPA.


Where do you find autocracy in Trump's 4 years as POTUS.

Is this a joke? Do you want me to start listing? Everything he did ignored the way a president should function. Everything he did was about his childish arrogant desire for revenge and to be admired. He treated the entire government, it's inventory the military, etc. as his personal property. Have you lived under a rock?

I have been involved in publicly traded equities wherein there was "supposed" oversight which the Chevron decision could help.  The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) has exclusive jurisdiction over appeals from the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB). The PTAB holds trials, hears appeals from adverse examiner decisions, and makes decisions in interferences. Losing parties in PTAB proceedings often appeal to the CAFC. For example, in one case, the CAFC vacated and remanded the PTAB's determination regarding Alacritech's computer networking patent because the PTAB didn't adequately explain its findings. In another case, the CAFC overturned a PTAB decision that canceled claims of Straight Path IP Group's patent.   

One case involved VirnetX Holding Corporation where the PTAB continually changed the rules in favor of Apple and disapproving of patents which were tried four times with each jury trial ending in nearly double the fine against Apple for stealing the patented proprietary tech for Facetime, etc. which Microsoft and Samsung already agreed/settled for licensing and royalties.  The final act of the PTAB is to invalidate the patents which the CAFC concurred with. 

Another case Virnetx Inc. v. Cisco Systems, Inc in 2020 involved the Appointments Clause.  The PTAB claimed that administrative patent judges (APJs) should be deemed constitutionally appointed officers at least when it comes to their duties reviewing appeals of inter partes reexaminations.  Here, the CAFC rejected that argument.  The fact that an inferior officer on occasion performs duties that may be performed by an employee not subject to the Appointments Clause does not transform his status under the Constitution. Courts should look not only to the authority exercised in the case but to all of the appointee’s duties when assessing an Appointments Clause challenge. An APJs’ duties include both conducting inter partes reviews and reviewing appeals of inter partes reexaminations. Although no discovery is held and no trial conducted in inter partes reexaminations, the proceedings are otherwise similar. The Director’s authority over the Board’s decisions is not meaningfully greater in the context of inter partes reexaminations than in inter partes reviews.  

These are indicative of executive agencies overstepping their authority.  Much like the DOJ appointing Jack Smith unconstitutionally who should have received legislative approval or the DOJ appointed one of it's own attorneys to bring the Trump's various cases to trial.  


When some of you senior citizens visit with a doctor/surgeon to perform a procedure on you, you expect him/her to have gone through 8 years of premed/med school, additional years of residency and specialized experience (for many years performing such a procedure) before you will let him operate on you.

I am a business owner...I own an engineering firm and there are physicists and engineers on my payroll. For some specific roles, i expect him to have an engg or ephyx phd, specific field experience, etc whatever before we can present an offer.

My spouse is a senior corporate attorney and they just don’t hire anyone off the street in her line of work. In any profession, minimum requirements and a level of aptitude is assured.

But, you can become one of the 100 most powerful people on earth (a US senator) with no education or experience whatsoever and you can be hired on to such a role if enough imbeciles get together and vote for you. This country perhaps has the most sophisicated economy, advanced technology, etc that this guy has no aptitude whatsoever to comprehend anything. He sits there, closes his eyes and signs stuff that different lobbying groups (the legal word for bribery, of course) present to him on a daily basis.

When i observed in 2008 that an imbecile like Sarah Palin could become the governor of a state and literally had a pathway to the presidency (in case McCain had won and croaked during his tenure), it became an eye opener.

Such is the quality and confoundance of this democracy...

While the senior citizens drink the kool-aid and argue about freedom, democracy, etc an entire generation of young Ukrainian lads have been sacrificed/killed off (in about a year and a half) in this proxy war orchestrated between the DC warlords and Russia...Why?? I suppose its just another fine day for these DC sociopaths if an entire generation of young Ukrainian men were killed off... so they can try and get their grubby hands on those rare earth minerals. This is only the most recent episode. I suppose you could turn back the pages and it only reeks way worse from there...not even the slightest sign of a conscience could be found...




@dwcda I only agree with you on tariffs.

Given that inflation is one of the biggest issues in the 2024 election that’s a pretty big admission. Your chosen candidate is too stupid to realize that it’s the consumer who pays the tariffs. Or he does understand that and is hoping that the voters are too stupid.

As for Chevron, there are two groups who think overturning it was a good idea. The corporations love it because now they can bypass regulations by simply giving some cash to their local govt. The air quality, water quality & basic quality of life will suffer, as it did pre-Chevron. The other group is the conservative voters such as yourself, who have been told that it’s a good idea. Look forward to future pandemics to be politicized and local govt telling scientists how it will be dealt with. Much like Covid, the red states will suffer the most as they had twice as many deaths per capita as blue states, while the country as a whole suffered far more deaths per capita than other G7 countries.

You might feel comfortable with Trump saying that he’ll be a dictator for a day, but the rest of the world knows better. Ultimate power corrupts ultimately. Once taken, the powers of a dictator are hard to give up. The fact that he admitted to a day is enough evidence for most that his "retribution tour" will last much longer. He didn’t concede defeat in 2021, why would he do so in the next election? But conservative voters seem to think, I don’t mind if he’s a dictator as he’s doing things I agree with. Do some research on the leopard face eating party. Or take Trump at his word when he continually tells the story of the snake.



@nonoise Let me ask you, are you voting for Biden, or perhaps Kennedy Jr.?

After the debate between the two leading POTUS candidates, which one is not compos mentis? Would you prefer Harris as president?

Do you believe that extraordinary environmental measures by the U.S. will control the weather/climate control in the future?  What about the greatest polluters increasing rather than decreasing pollution, i.e. China and India? 

@simao Well, the SR fuses change the color/frequency response of the sound which technically should not happen but that tiny thread of a wire somehow affects the sound.  My equipment/cable manufacturing friend heard my/his monoblock tube amps with the SR blue fuse over the 50¢ glass Littlefuses and was able to modify his amps to go one better and installed circuit breakers. 

The boutique fuses can and often give greater density, dynamics and openness to equipment sound.  The Acme fuse tends to NOT influence the frequency response or color the sound, it sounds neutral but better in the ways I described.  At $22/24, I replaced all my SR fuses.  Four of my friends did the same.  

On Whats' Best Audio forum, I'm considered lazy not to change my fuses on my speakers' sub class D 1000 watt amps, on the Poseidon DAC/Pre or my Jay's Audio CDt3/Mk3 transport.  The first two definitely not.  Also the instructions on the aamps specifically state loss of warranty to do so.  The Poseidon states not to use a certain type of fuse.  I'm not messing with great sound on expensive components.  So, I'm lazy but satisfied.  

No, my opinion of you is from A'gon and nowhere else. You're really not all there, are you? This is not the place for free association of your darkest, innermost turmoil. 

On an aside, anyone here ever go to audio saloons to talk politics or divine the opinions of others in such places? I sure as heck don't.  

I understand the need for people like you to vent as it's become all too clear the purpose and intent of one side who puts party over country. Toss in the cheerleaders like yourself and it explains why we're a degenerating democracy (aka a sliding or flawed democracy). 

And narrowed down to worse performing states,

The choices are simple:  vote for democracy or vote for a form of fascist autocracy. This will be the last time I converse with you. Get help.

All the best,

@fleschler Yes - Blue Jean and Beldens are grrreat cables. I've made Belden 8402 ICs for my phono connects based off a Japanese audio blog I read years ago. 

And you know who else made good cables was Paul Ladauti, the man behind Clear Day Cables. Really good stuff there. 

Question: what do the fuses do that's out of the ordinary? 

@simao I agree with you that most tweaks are either too expensive or/both ineffective. I’ve tried a substantial number of tweaks over several decades and have only kept two primary ones, two pair of Shakti Hallographs and Acme fuses (relatively inexpensive). Other tweaks I have found useful but alternatives that are relatively inexpensive (SR duplexes for instance). The vibration treated $22/$24 Acme fuses are neutral sounding and now all my friends use them. SR fuses are successfully marketed with upgrades every two years at ever increasing prices. I’ve used red/black/blue and tried orange/purple. Now there’s white and pink. Gone. No thank you.

Once I established my listening room and high end equipment, I found that I just don’t require additional tweaks (crutches) to implement a great sounding system.

P.S. I have dear departed music loving friends who were so enamored with tweaks that they never met a tweak they wouldn’t try. I occasionally tried some of those tweaks as well and have since eliminated them.  I apologize to Agoners who may have followed my recommendations in the past as they were unnecessary.  As to cabling, I have used GroverHuffman power and speaker cables which are moderately priced, for 26 years.  As to interconnects, I've found that Blue Jean/Belden XLRs and SPIDF cables are really great for very low cost.  

@nonoise Most of my friends are Dems and they ARE NOT ANTISEMITES!!!

Your opinion of me is known from another forum.  We don't agree in any friendly manner.  For me to have stated that someone is an antisemite must have incurred my wrath for espousing something very evil to me such as From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free or some other rhetoric of that nature.  Your low opinion of Ben Shapiro is indicative of your contempt for me as well.  I too speak animatedly and quickly.  I too am the opposite of an incel (do you even know what it means-Ben and I share domestic bliss with highly educated and accomplished wives - we are NOT misogynists nor philanderers).  I don't know of Ben's intimate romantic and physical sexual activities with his wife but mine have been extraordinary.   I certainly do not disprove of men or women with active sexual lives in any relationship other than if they were serially involved (sexual adventurers)  for hedonistic reasons which do not promote stable relationships and do not benefit society as a whole.  Plus there's the factor of disease potential.  I believe the family unit as he does is paramount to a healthy society.  Not everyone can create a family unit which is unfortunate.  Some minorities are especially negatively impacted by the loss of their family unit (Black Americans in particular).  

You are free to believe what you want, but I don't concur.  That's because we live a quasi free country, getting less and less free under foreign and domestic threats, in my opinion, from bad policies promulgated by elitists and executed by our gov't.  George Orwell had it right.  


What else wouldn't I buy? Oh yeah - those wooden sculpture thingies people put in room corners. And just about anything by Machina Dynamica. 

I'm not averse to tweaks. I have a few Synergistic PhTs on my turntable and springs and such beneath components, but the MD copy and claims just reek of snake oil. 

@dwcda I only agree with you on tariffs.  Otherwise, you watch to much mass media like CNN and MSNBC.  220 E.O.s in 4 years and generally helping the economy by reducing costs.  Do you know how terrible the federal gov't. is today and has nothing to do with Trump?  SCOTUS finally provided relief from the autocratic federal bureaucracy in the Chevron decision, partially reestablishing the rule of law.  Federal agencies would promulgate laws, execute them and enforce them as all three branches in one often with dire results.  SCOTUS finally permits judicial review of their decisions.  Want to save federal taxes, eliminate several cabinet depts. starting with Dept. of Education.  Under Covid, look what Weingarten has done to children.  Should be left to the states.  Most legislation should remain in the states.  

I’ve been waiting to watch flescher vomit his alt right talking points, knowing he couldn’t resist the urge to purge his id. When someone equates themselves with Ben Shapiro, a fascist incel who talks like Alvin the Chipmunk on speed, you know there’s no use in debating someone void of reason, sanity and morality.

Notice how he avoided the topic of politics with the "less knowledgeable" around here so succinctly while spouting nothing but BS? 44 lines over 3 posts and I guarantee he has more. (he proved me right as I penned this) Soon he’ll be calling anyone who disagrees with him an anti semite like he did me, a long time ago. It’s the only thing he has to fall back on.

All the best,

 He is unfit for any job, let alone POTUS.

Except that he has proven to be a very good grifter and money talks. 

@2psyop Please, again out of context. Dictator FIRST DAY ONLY. He wasn’t a dictator the first term, he’s not going to be the second either. Know who you are dealing with. Trump is NOT an intellectual and is not savvy to elucidate his policies in a quiet and pleasant manner ala Calvin Coolidge. You are going to get a brash and outspoken leader who in foreign policy, speaks softly and carries a big stick type-Teddy Roosevelt and keep his enemies closer/friends-Godfather as to friendliness with Putin, Kim, Xi. He lies /bloviates all the time and I am continuously shocked at it, such as in the debate that there are 18 million new illegal immigrants under Biden. Why exaggerate, 8 to 12 million has been the range of media reports. He began as POTUS saying he had the largest crowd at his inauguration than anyone else. The opposite was true. So what, he likes to hear himself talk how great he is. Not a dictator.

Where do you find autocracy in Trump’s 4 years as POTUS. The first thing (and continuing to flaunt SCOTUS and legislative domain) Biden did was sign 72 executive orders dismantling most of the positive policies of the prior four years. Trump left office as proscribed by law.

If executive orders are a sign of autocracy, Trump signed 220 of them. Biden revoked 72 of Trump’s executive orders, the bulk of them were harmful to people and the country. You can argue that point, that you don’t feel Federal employees should have collective bargaining, due process, and workplace representation rights or that climate change is not a worldwide threat, but the number of executive orders surely can’t be the hill you want to die on.

Jan 6 was not a small group of rioters, it was an attack on your Capitol. Watch the video, photos, watch how Republicans hid behind benches & fled for their lives. Or just listen to the police officers that were in action that day. Btw Trump has still not conceded defeat. It was not a normal transition of govt.

Weaponization of the DOJ is the very definition of Bill Barr & his actions. Projection is a Republican habit, accuse your opponent of all of the things that you’re doing

Trump is a convicted rapist, an admitted sexual assaulter and a felon. Convicted by a jury of his peers. He honestly believes that tariffs on China will be paid by China & won’t affect inflation in the US. He says he wants the US to drill more, ignoring the fact that US oil production is currently at an all time high. He is unfit for any job, let alone POTUS.

I agree with the OP overall.  For look, comfort and reliability, he is correct.  I just switched to solid state power amps after 50 years of tube power amps after finding the equivalent (but not inexpensive) substitution, even left on continuously and ready to listen to (and no increase in room heat).  Westminster Labs REI amps.

I was perfectly pleased with my D70s Topping DAC until I heard a superior DAC and now own a possible SOTA one (Lampizator Poseidon).  It isn't 50X better at the cost differential but sonically it is worth it to me to deal with longer lived smaller tubes rather big tube amps.  It's not for everyone and several friends are sticking with the Topping DAC.

My concern for boutique equipment is reliability/longevity.  This should be everyone's concern when they pay big bucks for audio equipment unless they are wealthy.  I am willing to put up with a tube DAC/pre-amp (and it's huge-55 lbs behemoth).  So strange after years of solid state DACs.  Having cool, small and powerful solid state amps always ready is a great pleasure though.

For anyone paying attention. Trump told Sean Hannity he would be a dictator on day 1 if he was elected. And if beaten by Biden, he will not accept the results of the election????? Again???

I still have respect for Biden for what he is able to do at his age and despite very disappointing debate performance.

I have never had any respect for Donald Trump at any age.   I always keep an open mind and he always disappoints.

I will never vote for any one I have no respect for.

That’s just me. yMMv.

Disclaimer: I have never been affiliated with either party. I always vote for whoever I deem a better choice. None are perfect.


Most of my friends who are audio retailers are Dems and we don't discuss politics because of their DTS.  A discuss business and economics with a few of them as they are suffering under local taxation and business restrictions/regulations (CA).  My best friends are mostly music lovers who are conservatives and have many types of employment outside of music. 

That politics has to rear it's head here is too bad as I avoid the topic with less knowledgeable people.  Why aggravate perfectly nice people.  

@2psyop Where do you find autocracy in Trump's 4 years as POTUS.  The first thing (and continuing to flaunt SCOTUS and legislative domain) Biden did was sign 72 executive orders dismantling most of the positive policies of the prior four years.  Trump left office as proscribed by law.  Don't start in on Jan.6 because their was NO insurrection despite the small group of rioters among the trespassers compared to BLM/Antifa 550 riots in 2020 damaging and destroying 500 government buildings, killing and injuring 100s, devastating downtown businesses.  

Biden's DOJ lawfare against Trump is a serious and dangerous affront to the Constitution.  A lesser man (me) would have folded.  Maybe it takes a man of his character to survive that and continuing onslaught (plus impeachments, fake statements using out of context speech) of attacks by the media.  His retribution as he stated, is to put America back on a sane path to some type of "normalcy" unseen since Covid.  I prefer other candidates to do that but the media and the White House have made certain that he will win instead.  He made a terrific statement, whether one believes it or not, that he wanted to retire if Biden had been agood president and not the utter failure destroying America today.  I can't imagine Trump retiring entirely, rather maybe another TV show and out of politics.  It didn't happen, Biden has been worse than Obama, Woodrow Wilson and Carter.  There's your autocrat (who really doesn't make the policy or decisions, just does as he is told).  Like the Star Trek episode Patterns of Force.  Ours isn't drugged, he's demented.  

Like Ben Shapiro at The Daily Wire, we are not fans of Trump.  He is a feckless, egotistical narcissist.  It is reported that this time, he intends to win as POTUS not having expected to in 2016.  He was totally unprepared and changed WH administration like daily underwear.  This time he has several committees working on a full WH staff to implement his policies (and basically others such as foreign policy although tariffs were a failed domestic policy that BIden actually kept).  Trump in foreign policy accomplished what no other president has done including getting NATO to act in contributing more to their own welfare instead of the U.S. taxpayer piggybank.  Unfortunately, as a former Dem and a wealthy man, Trump believes in big government like most non-libertarian view politicians (not Libertarian Party who chose their POTUS candidate who is left of Bernie Sanders).  

If you want politicians who are perfect, live on another planet.  Both of our major parties have mostly politicians who care first about their own wealth and secondarily power.  Trump is divisive but he is a vastly superior candidate than any other Dem. candidate.  We need someone to jumpstart the change back to "normalcy" as America is going down the commode since Covid (and socially since "progressivism/wokeism took over the media and education system creating a lazier and dumber electorate).  

It’s really simple. Do Americans want democracy or autocracy? That’s exactly what you will be voting for. A leader of a struggling democracy or a dictator who will dismantle the institutions that make a democracy.

@deep_333 @irjones What are you talking about? Biden has historically been a racist and idiot. Menachem Begin told him off back in the 80s as again as know, he tells Israel how to fight a war, Biden, the same guy who reignited the Middle East on fire after Trump’s brilliant foreign policy team was making it safer. Biden lifting of oil sanctions turned a nearly bankrupt Iran at $4 billion annual assets into a deluge of $100 billion starting in 2021.

Biden gave the eulogy for Senator Byrd, a former KKK and regularly attended private gatherings of the most racist Congressional legislators. He put more Black Americans in jail than any other Senator.

He flaunts SCOTUS and is destroying not only our country but the free world. Even Obama has stated he is a total failure on foreign policy for 50+ years.

So, 75 million "MAGA" voters are evil and you probably think we are like Biden addresses us in speeches as Nazis. I am a highly educated, religious Jewish intellectual. I have a significant and substantial differences with the Republican party, the morality and character of the leading POTUS candidate but who was a benign president on domestic policy (even a failure to "drain the swamp" and keeping the evil Fauci). Three of four years of prosperity and serenity under Trump until Covid unless followed the mass media obsession with him. Heck, they should love to have him back in office so they and comedians could have a field day and rebuild their business. NO DEI for me. NO drag queen shows for my children. No further reparations for historic victims who have been given ample support since the Civil Rights Act. No wokeism, even other celebrities with DTS hate today’s wokeism and DEI. Equality of Opportunity, not Equity, Meritocracy over DEI. If you don’t act like a victim you can pursue success and fit into society as a productive member, not as a leech. I’m all for social security and medicare; however, the circumstances of social security have vastly changed from greatly increased life longetivity and fewer worker percentage paying into the system. It MUST be altered (and keep all funding separate from the Fed gov’t. raiding it) to survive. This will take intelligent application of actuarial tables with living expenses for seniors versus changes in funding taxation. It’s not let’s just tax the wealthy. The easy way out is not necessarily the most intelligent solution. Look at CA which depends on the wealthy’s capital gains for revenue and one will find huge annual fluctuations from recessions to boom years (currently fighting a huge deficit after an even bigger "reported" boom year).



@bdp24  Your a jokster, correct?  I owned stats for 20+ years.  Sure, I would consider Alysvox or Clarisys large panel ribbon speakers, at $100,000s but I purchased a really big crossover speaker instead, the Von Schweikert VR9 SE Mk2 upgraded.  It's a big speaker that fits into moderate size rooms.  Those big panel speakers I speak of are huge height and width wise compared and prefer LARGE rooms (not their smaller models).  You chose Maggie 30.7s another huge speaker requiring huge power to drive and which still don't compete with my speakers sonically and musically.  Same with SoundLabs which do compete but again are huge for large rooms.  LFTs are very inferior.  The major problems of those speakers you don't address.  1. Power needs 2. Imaging problems (too large)  3. Dispersion (especially small panels) 4. Sub bass support 5. Dynamic range in smaller average size rooms (for the best and biggest panels)  I'm sure there are more problems in choosing panel speakers.  The two I listed as speakers one can comfortably live with sonically also have some of these major issues.


I can reproduce piano in lifelike dynamics and quality in my 2850 cu. ft. room.  Even VS Endeavor speakers at $22,000 are preferable to most panel speakers.

My wife hated Martin Logan speakers when we were dating (Monolith IIIs & reQuests).  They lacked textured, deep, dynamic bass, head in a vise lack of dispersion, poor frequency response, insufficient dynamic range, etc. in a 5800 cu. ft. room yet.  Sure, some panel speakers are better than others as I noted but not your choices.  LFT-one person speaker.  Same with Sanders Sound speakers (great sound for ONE person).  A real loser for dispersion.  My speakers are so fantastic in disappearing that mono recordings so often sound like stereo while retaining their imaging that guests including those who are known remastering engineers are surprised at their fidelity qualities over most early stereo recordings.

So, it is possible to enjoy most panel speakers with losses in some area.  Dynamic speakers have faults but I will never go back to stats or ribbons.  I especially want to share music with 4 or 5 other guests in my limited listening space.  Not going to happen with big panels and small ones have atrophied sound for orchestra, rock, big band jazz.  Nope.  


Then Biden was a damn good, and principled man, back in the 80’s. You can do better than that. You have to educate your children, so that the majority of the electeral role are not just plain stupid, and gullable.

The guy’s wife and daughter die in a car accident. Most guys i know wouldn’t resurface from that too well, let alone deal with the senate. Another son dies and the only kid left is being chased around by these maga thugs all day long.

Speaking of the kid, if a dude’s mother, sister and brother are dead, he is most probably going to end up doing some drugs to deal with the mental anguish (probably be a li’l messed up for the rest of his life). I wonder if the lousy low IQ+EQ maga thugs ever think about stuff like that...

And then, of course, it’s a red team vs blue team, a vested vote, not a researched vote as if it were a race between two football teams. If you remove any inkling of the political affiliation of a candidate from the ballot, the sheep will no longer know what to vote for now. It will have to research/read more on the names that show up on a ballot anymore...instead of shading red red red red red..... or blue blue blue blue blue (cos grandpappy and daddy told you so apparently, told you what you are, made you the vested creature that you are).



@fleschler I use the power of goodness and wellbeing found on Audiogon.

Truthfully, I use the stock IEC power cords; however, I do believe that IC and speaker cable CAN make a difference up to a point. 

Boombox! Yes! Fondly remember my Yamaha or Sony or whatever boombox back in the 80's. 

View from over there.

We thought Ronald Reagan was a joke, only to slowly realise that he was a damn good delegater. But now, we are certain that both candidates are just not up to the job. Trump won power, believing he was king of the world. Made friends with folk like Putin. Trusted folk like Kushner, and surounded himself with yes men. We, over here can plainly see that Trump, is a spoilt, school bully who never grew up. Then Biden was a damn good, and principled man, back in the 80's. You can do better than that. You have to educate your children, so that the majority of the electeral role are not just plain stupid, and gullable.

I wish you well, but i'm just so depressed, I can hardly watch.

As for me, My gear cost me as little as $10,000. But the amp is next for the chop.

@simao Well no power cords or cables.  What do you use for your audio system unless it's either what's in the box it came with or is it a one piece unit like a boom box or speaker/amp/pre-amp stage/DSP/DAC/Streamer?

Hmmm. Probably power cords or cables. Anything else I'm willing to try. Except for that brass plate/gong looking thingy that you see at audio shows that apparently makes the sound eight dimensional or something like that. Oh, and I will not buy $4,000 record clamp.

Anyone can tell this is not the place for discussing politics on an adult level. 

Well futureaudiophile got a plug in. Wonder how they vet "worthy" companies?  

@logic I did!

06-25-2024 at 08:47pm 
- No LEDs under tubes.
- No overpriced anything.
- No remastered recordings where the life is ripped from the analog original and replaced with an initially impressive digital mush.
- No politics in audio threads.

Post removed 

Since the most expensive piece of equipment was $3,000 I'll say nothing more than that Unless I win the Lottery .

Nothing that I can't lift .

No Opera , Heavy Metal , Disco or Rap LPs  

No euro LP's that don't pay royalties .

And probably never a streamer . 



Post removed 

This is not the place to do it.

I challenge anyone to argue that my first post was not accurate.


Yep. First post. I came here to learn about audio many years ago. Now I have been pulled from my comfort zone since TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) has taken over. I challenge anyone to argue that my first post was not accurate.

Wow! The liberal political postings sure have stopped since the debate ended. Chuck must be smiling.